Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


David Wilkerson

"But let him ask in faith, without doubting; for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, tossed here and there by the wind. Therefore let no such person think that he will receive anything from the Lord. (James 1:6-7).
Many Christians sit in God's house and whine and complain as if God doesn't hear them. But God hears that complaining - accusations that He doesn't care about us, insinuations that He has abandoned us.
God warned me not to speak up about doubts and fears - not in front of my wife or friends. He told me to bring those doubts to Him and ask Him to heal my unbelief.
Israel spent forty years in turmoil and there was much complaining, jealousy and bitterness. What a deplorable existence for the Israelites, even though they claimed to be children of God.
You must come to the place where you learn to trust Him. When you do, you will deal a death blow to every doubt and unbelief....
Where to begin? First, look in the mirror of God's Word! Reflect on your actions over the past thirty days: Have you complained? You may answer, "Well, yes, I complained a little, but not about God." And that's right! No matter who heard your complaints, they were directed to God.
Everywhere in the Bible I read, "Trust in Me and I will carry you through! Just entrust your ways to Me." What does that mean? Just stand and watch the salvation of the Lord. You may ask, "But if nothing happens?" Just such a response reveals doubt and fear.
Dear ones, turn to God and tell Him that you have decided to trust Him and look forward to His victory. Let God make you a witness to the world, a witness to His faithfulness. Love Him with all your heart and give Him your problems, your faith and all your trust.

Updated: 9 February 2017 — 13:22


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  1. Hos 4:1-3 Hear the word of the LORD, O children of Israel, for the LORD brings a complaint against the inhabitants of the land! There is no faithfulness, no love, no knowledge of God in the land. There is perjury and falsehood, murder and theft, adultery and violence, and there is blood upon blood! Therefore the earth shall be covered with mourning, and all that inhabit it shall become extinct (including the wild beasts and the fowls of the air; and even the fish of the sea shall become extinct). My footnote. In the country every now and then there are new outbreaks of the bird flu (something strangely about the African swine fever is silent), not to mention various contaminations of the Baltic Sea.

  2. On behalf of Jesus, thank you for this text, worthy of reflection.

    1. A foundation without which you cannot say you believe in Almighty God.
      But unfortunately sometimes doubt in that typical human way gets us anyway....

    2. I thank you too, Wilkerson has some good statements 🙂

  3. Could I have a request for those of you who keep the Sabbath holy? I'm already convinced that God wants me to celebrate His holy day, but I'm not quite sure what I'm not allowed to do on that day (other than work for a living). I know that it is a special day for our Lord, so we are supposed to focus mainly on closeness with Him, on relationship, but I would like at least some of you to say what you do and what you categorically do not do on the Sabbath day. I know, also, that this day has received a special blessing from God. I will ask for Scripture quotes on this subject and in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I thank all who will respond.

  4. The one who can lead to doubt or even despair is the family (!...). Strangers are just a small beer (you can simply ignore their comments).

  5. Mal 3:6-12 For I, the Lord of hosts, do not change; but you, the children of Jacob, do not cease. Since the time of your fathers ye have wandered from my commandments, and have not kept them. Repent ye to me, and then I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts. But ye say: "In what respect shall we repent?" Is it lawful for a man to steal from Allah? And ye are stealing from me. You ask: "Of what do we rob thee?"- Of tithes and tributes! A curse is on you, yet ye continue to rob me, all of you, all the people! Bring to the granary the tithe that is unsaved, that there may be no lack of provision in my House. Thus may ye put me to the test, saith the Lord of Hosts, lest I open unto you the floodgates of heaven, and send down blessings in abundance. Then will I subdue the fierce locust, lest it destroy the fruit of the earth, and the vine of the field be left without fruit, saith the Lord of hosts. And all the nations shall call you happy, for your land shall be a land of delights, saith the Lord of hosts.

  6. ok write as you see fit

  7. Hos 12:1-7 Ephraim has surrounded me with lies, the House of Israel with deceit. Judah also continues to commune with idols, and to be faithful to the unrulers of the temples. Ephraim chases after the wind; they chase after the east wind, with every day they multiply falsehood and rape! They make a treaty with Assyria, and carry oil to Egypt. The Lord will bring Jude to judgment; He will punish Jacob for his deeds, and will repay him according to his deeds. And Jacob embraced his brother's heel in his mother's womb, and fought with God in his old age; and he fought with the angel, and was victorious; and he wept, and besought him to have mercy; and he found him at Beth′el, and talked with him there. The Lord, the God of hosts, the Lord ( J.H.W.H.-I am that I am-my name, my footnote) is His name. Thou shalt repent unto thy God, keep thy love and thy law, and put thy hope always in thy God.

  8. Mal 1, 1-5 Prophecy. The word of the Lord to Israel. Through the mediation of Malachi. I have loved you, saith the Lord, and ye say: "Wherein is thy love manifested?" Was not Esau Jacob's brother? The Lord's sentence: yet I loved Jacob, and I hated Esau. I have turned his hills into deserts, his inheritance into barren steppes. If Edom should say: "We are indeed destroyed, but we will rebuild again the ruins," the Lord of Hosts says: Let them build-I will destroy. And the name "land of ignorance" will adhere to them, as well as: "a people on whom the wrath of the Lord rests for ever." You will see it with your own eyes, and then you will say: "The greatness of the Lord extends beyond the borders of Israel."

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