Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

You, therefore, gird up your loins, stand up, and speak to them all that I command you; do not be afraid of them, lest I fill you with fear of them!

” Ty więc przepasz swoje biodra, wstań i mów do nich wszystko, co Ja ci każę, nie lękaj się ich, abym Ja nie napełnił cię lękiem przed nimi!” Jeremiasza 1


Every time I read the Bible I feel this fascination arising from the eternal Word. As it was in the past so it is today.

Po pierwsze o przepasaniu bioder mówi również Paweł, kiedy sugeruje nam założyć zbroję Bożą. Jednak najważniejszym przesłaniem wynikającym z tego cytatu Jeremiasza jest wsparcie Boga podczas przemowy i zwracania się przeciw całemu systemowi. W skali mikro Bóg nam mówi “nie lękaj się kiedy mówisz o moim Słowie”. Mów to, co inni powinni usłyszeć.

In Matthew, God speaks to us similarly:


“Co mówię wam w ciemności, powtarzajcie na świetle, a co słyszycie na ucho, rozgłaszajcie na dachach! 28 Nie bójcie się tych, którzy zabijają ciało, lecz duszy zabić nie mogą. Bójcie się raczej Tego, który duszę i ciało może zatracić w piekle:”


Especially the newly awakened are especially afraid. And I have gone through this. How many people can oppose this Roman system? Many don't like the Church of Rome, but those same people celebrate Sol Invictus and celebrate New Year's Eve.

Teenagers watch occult videos, but you're not interested. This is just music. You don't have to talk about the dangers at all. You don't need to warn others about the demon world at all. You have salvation by grace once and for all.


Today hardly anyone speaks out against the world. It is hard to find Hussies and Tyndals. Today's pastors are politically correct. Not so long ago, Znaki Czasu publishing house from AD7 hosted President Duda. The state is in debt, the Poles are taxed at about 80%, two million Poles abroad, the demon Astarte as queen of Poland, forced vaccination, the treasury destroys entrepreneurship, ZUS robs small businesses in the majesty of the law, the elderly people are dying in queues for treatments, but some pastors shine in the salons. The godless state, the godless people and the pastors who are in charge of it.


Isaiah said:


“Biada ustawodawcom ustaw bezbożnych”.


But we show the connection between the system of this world and the Bible. All of God's prophets spoke out against unrighteous rulers and priests. In one church I heard: don't be interested in politics, this is the world. They mentally already live in the clouds. What ignorance. Society is falling morally, you can smoke cigarettes that cause cancer, but you can't use marijuana that cures cancer, but you don't care.

In Słupsk a homosexual became the mayor of the city, but you don't care, you are already saved. Never mind that others are not.

God in Jeremiah gives us courage:


Behold, I make thee this day a fortified city, and a pillar of iron, and a wall of bronze against the whole country, against the kings of Judah, its princes, its priests, and its common people. (19) I będą cię zwalczać, lecz cię nie przemogą, bo Ja jestem z tobą, aby cię ratować – mówi Pan. Jeremiasza.



God pits His people against politicians, rulers, priests and pastors. It is the voice of those crying out in the wilderness.





Updated: 8 February 2017 — 11:41


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  1. Nowe Jeruzalem – Święte Miasto – większe niż myślałeś!
    After watching it, it occurred to me whether the picture of the new Jerusalem described in Scripture is not the crowning proof that we live on a flat Earth?

    1. Book of Joshua 10
      “W dniu, w którym Pan podał Amorytów w moc Izraelitów, rzekł Jozue w obecności Izraelitów: «Stań słońce, nad Gibeonem! I ty, księżycu, nad doliną Ajjalonu!» I zatrzymało się słońce, i stanął księżyc, aż pomścił się lud nad wrogami swymi. Czyż nie jest to napisane w Księdze Sprawiedliwego: «Zatrzymało się słońce na środku nieba i prawie cały dzień nie spieszyło do zachodu?”

      It may not prove the flatness of the earth, but it implies that it is the sun that circles the earth and not the other way around (if I understand it correctly) and this in turn (to me) more solidifies the possibility of a flat earth and then there's this:

      1 Book of Samuel 2
      “Do Pana należą filary ziemi:na nich świat położył”

  2. It was very nice to read this 😉

    1. I agree 🙂 I agree

  3. The ideal way to fight the world is simply to mentally disconnect from it. And if God gives, such an example will be an inflammatory spark for others to do the same.

  4. The worst part of it all is the overwhelming loneliness, especially for someone who has recently learned the truth. I myself have turned away from almost all of my friends who are only into mindless living this world and following it. And I was basically left alone 🙁 Don't you know of any worthwhile churches in Krakow or Kielce that keep the true teachings of Christ? I heard that the administrator used to do such meetings in Kielce, is it still valid? I'm afraid to search myself, I don't know who I will come across, I'm afraid that I will be deceived, and I see that you guys have more experience 🙂 Praise Jesus for showing me the right way.

    1. And where do you live Victor :)?

        1. We (me and Asia) live in Kraków 🙂 .

          1. My właściwie nie mamy tu żadnego sprawdzonego zboru/kościoła…możemy zawsze …wspólnie stworzyć taki 😉

            1. Well you can somehow arrange and meet 🙂 Just when 😛

              1. My post: There we can establish something 🙂 Write, greetings.

                1. Oczywiście adres bez tej kropki po “pl” 🙂

                2. Wojtek check your email 😉

              2. I authorize Peter to give you an email or phone to me or Wojtek and feel free to write/call 🙂 Greetings!!!

  5. Hos 5:1-7 Hearken unto this, O ye priests, and hearken, O house of Israel: hearken also, ye of the king's court, for judgment is come upon you. Ye have become a snare for Mitzpah, and a snare spread over Tabor: They have dug a deep hole in Shittim, and I will punish them all. I know Ephraim, and Israel has no knowledge of Me, and thou art still fornicating, Ephraim, and Israel is in disgrace. Their deeds do not let them turn to their God, for the spirit of debauchery is among them, and they know not the Lord. And the pride of Israel doth testify against him: the iniquity of Israel and of Ephraim shall cause him to fall, and Judah also shall fall with him. With their flocks and their cattle they will go in search of the Lord, but they will not find Him; He has departed from them. They have disobeyed their Lord, they have produced illegitimate offspring; therefore the hot wind will dry up their fields.

  6. we have plenty of evidence that the earth is as if you turned the globe inside out and enclosed the moon and sun in the center. the description of the movement of the moon and sun is described in the book of Henoch.

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