Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. Unmasking Polish history. There are two possibilities: either this is bullshit or this is the truth.

  2. Ja też się bardzo cieszę, że od początku miałam takie zrozumienie. Wystarczyły właściwie słowa Jezusa “Nie przyszedłem znieść prawa…” Bo jeśli nie zniósł Prawa, to znaczy, że ono funkcjonuje i należy go przestrzegać w całości. Częściowe przestrzeganie Prawa Bożego jest jak igranie z Bogiem. Znam Biblię, ale wybiorę sobie to, co jest dla mnie oczywiste i wygodne i to będę czynić, a jeśli chodzi o pozostałe przykazania to jestem pod łaską. Grzech niesie za sobą kolejny grzech. I usłyszeć mogą na końcu “Idźcie ode mnie Wy, którzy czynicie bezprawie.”

  3. That is, the or jezusbezreligi channels are not preaching a lying gospel just misrepresenting it.

    1. No.

      In their case it is a lying gospel. The pastoring of women, epilepsy as the work of a drowsy spirit, the blowing away of the entire Decalogue and Torah as a burden, etc. etc.

      1. A female pastor?
        Jeśli WY będziecie milczeć, to kobiety zaczną mówić… 🙂
        Simple as nail design!

  4. “Prawa Twego zawsze strzec będę,
    forever and ever.
    I want to walk the path of freedom,
    for I seek your commandments.

    Walking in God's Law is Freedom from Sin
    Psalm 119 🙂

  5. Musimy zgrywać sobie takie filmiki. Mam swoje playlisty i widzę, że ciągle coś wartościowego znika z youtube’a.

    1. I recommend you addon for maxthon, it's called YouTube Center DB and there you can set up services to download videos from youtube, I do not know how to deal with other sites, but on youtube it works, sometimes it just fails, because you have to enter several of these services, not just one, sometimes unhook the page, I already download videos for more than a year

      1. Shalom 🙂
        Important Quotes :
        “Możliwe że szatan napuści wielu rdzennych mieszkańców Europy na imigrantów, a wielu imigrantów na rdzennych mieszkańców Europy, aby później zdelegalizować tak islam, koran jak i chrześcijaństwo i Biblię. Jak pisałem to jedna z możliwości moim zdaniem. Powie że religie są winne tej nienawiści, że Księgi są winne i że trzeba sprawiedliwie zakazać wszystkich, a nie tylko jednej. I tak pod płaszczykiem pokoju będzie walczył z chrześcijanami i natchnioną Biblią. Oczywiście uczniowie Chrystusa i Biblia są jedynym jego celem, ale potrzebuje jakichś argumentów dla mas, więc wprowadzi muzułmanów, zrobi kocioł i zrzuci winę również na uczniów Chrystusa. Nie mówię że tak będzie, ale na pewno uczniowie Chrystusa są i będą celem szatana, i on nakręci świat tak że będziemy znienawidzeni przez wszystkich z powodu osoby Zmartwychwstałego Jezusa – Tego Jezusa który jest jedyną, wyłączną drogą i nie ma żadnej innej. Tego Jezusa który jedynie żył bezgrzesznie i oddał swoje życie na krzyżu za grzechy. Dla jakiegoś ekumenicznego Jezusa, czy islamskiego Jezusa – Isa nie będzie prześladowania. Ale dla Jezusa który jest jedynym Synem i : “DROGĄ, PRAWDĄ, ŻYCIEM” i jedyną drogą do OJCA już będzie nienawiść ze strony wszystkich. ”

        The Apocalypse is being fulfilled more and more clearly before our eyes. For Western civilizations, God's great punishment is coming.

        Revelation 14:

        I wyszedł inny anioł ze świątyni, która jest w niebie, i on miał ostry sierp. I wyszedł inny anioł od ołtarza, mający władzę nad ogniem, i donośnie zawołał do mającego ostry sierp: «Zapuść twój ostry sierp i poobcinaj grona winorośli ziemi, bo jagody jej dojrzały!» I rzucił anioł swój sierp na ziemię, i obrał z gron winorośl ziemi, i wrzucił je do tłoczni Bożego gniewu – ogromnej. I wydeptano tłocznię poza miastem, a z tłoczni krew wytrysnęła aż po wędzidła koni, na tysiąc i sześćset stadiów”


        1. Jesus who is the only God.


        To download videos, not only from YT

        If the movie is subtitled, you can download the subtitles AND ONLY the subtitles from this link. Of course, sometimes the subtitles are built into the movie, so there's no need to download the subtitles separately.

        If you have any questions post on fey, I may not see the comments.

    2. Peace to you Martha 🙂 🙂
      Most often there is text below the video. I highly recommend printing out and keeping useful materials, mostly in paper form. Why?
      In Am 8 it is said of the hunger for the Word of God.
      It seems to me, and observation of the signs of the times seems to confirm it, that the Bible will be banned. The materials to understand it properly will also be unavailable. All of our smart phones, computers, tablets, and all of their content, could cease to exist in one second. Really. All it takes is one electromagnetic pulse. The paper form has a chance to survive. That's why I prefer it and recommend it to the whole congregation.
      Shalom 🙂

  6. So are we supposed to keep the Decalogue or the 613 commandments because I don't know anymore? 😉 I was going to ask, do you celebrate any of the Old Testament holidays? Because Shabbat is known, but any other?

    1. The 613 commandments are contained in the decalogue, and the whole decalogue is contained in the two most important
      Mt 22:34 When the Pharisees learned that He had shut His mouth to the Sadducees, they gathered together, 35 and one of them, a scholar of the Law, asked Him, putting Him to the test: 36 "Teacher, which commandment in the Law is the greatest?" 37 He answered him: "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 The second is similar to it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments the whole Law and the Prophets are based."

      So the moral of the story is that we are to love others, whether they are bad or not, God is the first to be worshipped through prayer.

  7. The Holy Spirit will always bring us to Jesus, to His Law, to the Torah.
    I encourage our whole congregation to check out Paul's Paradox series in Polish (not everything has been translated yet, but new episodes are gradually appearing).
    There are 4 parts already translated plus part 5 Epistle to the Ephesians. Part 5 will examine Paul's letters, with a different section devoted to each.
    Links :
    1.Paul's Paradox - Part 1 - Can the majority be wrong?

    2.The Paul Paradox - Part 2 - The Paul You Didn't Know

    3.Paul's Paradox - Part 3 - Why is Paul so difficult to understand?

    4.Paul's Paradox - Part 4 - What Law, Paul?

    5.Paul's Paradox - Letter to the Ephesians

    I encourage the entire congregation to read this material, to learn the Truth, and to grow in their faith.
    God bless you.

    Shalom ?

    1. Those who were so scrupulously observant of the Torah were so obsessed with it that they did not notice that their God Jesus Christ had come to earth to save them. But they so loved their law that they declared him a heretic and crucified him according to the law. To this day they seek an explanation for this act in an attempt to discredit the divinity of Jesus.
      But just as they wanted His blood on them and on their children.

      1. Ale spokojnie za nich też Pan Jezus umarł i zmartwychwstał. Niemniej na ich miejscu schowałbym Torę głęboko do szuflady żeby znowu czegoś nie przeoczyli…

      2. Peace to you, Martin 🙂 🙂 I'll make it up to you.
        Martin wrote :
        “Ci właśnie co tak skrupulatnie wypełniali Torę tak byli w nią zapatrzeni ze nie zauważyli ze ich Bóg Jezus Chrystus przyszedł na ziemię aby ich zbawić.”
        But they so loved their law that they declared Him a heretic and crucified Him according to the law. To this day they seek an explanation for this act in an attempt to discredit the divinity of Jesus.
        Ale tak jak chcieli Jego krew na nich i na ich dzieci.”
        Answer :
        Martin, to examine why Jesus' Jewish contemporaries rejected him, we need to examine the 1st century context and rely on the Bible.
        The leaders of Israel, the Scribes (Tanakh - Old Testament) and the Pharisees, were primarily fulfilling the Oral Law, later written down in the Talmud. In doing so, they invalidated God's commandments, the Torah:
        1.They were adding to the Torah, and it is forbidden to do so,

        5 Genesis 4:2
        “Niczego nie dodacie do tego, co ja wam nakazuję, i niczego z tego nie ujmiecie, lecz przestrzegajcie przykazań Jahwe, waszego Boga, które ja wam daję.”

        5 Genesis 12:32
        “Wszystko, co ja wam powiedziałem, starannie wypełniajcie. Nic do tego nie będziesz dodawał ani niczego od tego nie ujmiesz.”

        Isaiah 24:5
        “Gdyż ta ziemia została skażoną pod jej mieszkańcami;
        because they have transgressed the Laws,
        they changed the commandments,
        naruszyli wieczne przymierze.”

        Adding to the Torah is rebellion against God's Law.
        They did not love the Torah, they loved their Tradition-Oral Law and elevated their Tradition above God's Law-Torah :

        In the Talmud we can show how the rabbis elevated their decrees above God's commandments, which originated in the Jewish oral law (Mishna).

        “Mój synu! Zważaj na dekrety rabinów nawet bardziej niż na Torę…Tora zawiera zakazy…
        Ale każdy kto łamie dekrety rabinów, godzien jest śmierci”
        I również…
        “Jeśli by było 1000 proroków i wszyscy byli rangi Eliasza i Elizeusza,
        And they would give some kind of interpretation,
        and there would also be 1001 rabbis disagreeing with this 1000 prophets,
        then Elohim (God) does not allow us to learn from the prophets,
        lecz tylko od rabinów, którzy są ludźmi logiki i rozumu.”

        In their system, people followed human law ( the traditions of the elders) rather than the Law of God.

        2.They nullified the commandments of the Torah
        Mark 7:6-13
        “…I tak lekceważycie sobie Słowo Boże wskutek zwyczajów, które przekazaliście sami sobie. Czynicie zresztą wiele innych, podobnych rzeczy.

        MORE IN SCIENCE A test for the Messiah :

        3.They built a wall of enmity between the Gentiles and the Jews ( after divorcing the 10 tribes-the House of Israel, Israel was only the Jews-the House of Judah). This wall was a mental wall-Jewish nationalism and a physical wall in the courtyard of the Gentiles-Proselytes, in the Temple.
        They did not apply the Law of Love from the Torah to the Gentiles
        WIĘCEJ W NAUCZANIU : Paradoks Pawła – List do Efezjan

        They fell into pride, calling themselves the Chosen People and part of God. In the Talmud, they teach that the Gentiles-Gods-are in fact not people, but cattle who have human form so as not to be an abomination to the Jews. These nationalistic attitudes and the desire to reign over the world led them to expect a political Messiah who would graze other nations with a rod of iron and secure their kingship.
        W Pismach znajdowali proroctwa Tysiącletniego Królestwa i mimo, że sami wiedzieli, że może przyjść Mesjasz- Syn Józefa (Sługa Pański z Izajasza) i Mesjasz – Syn Dawida ( Król-Lew z pokolenia Judy), odrzucali dwa przyjścia Mesjasza i oczekiwali od razu Mesjasza-Króla z całą jego fizyczną,militarną, manifestacją wobec Rzymian. Pokorny, cichy i absolutnie apolityczny Jezus, który odrzucał bogactwa i wzywał do nawrócenia, zupełnie nie odpowiadał ich oczekiwaniom. Prosty lud uznał w Nim Mesjasza..
        “Jezus zaś widząc, że chcą przyjść i porwać Go, aby obwołać Go królem, sam jeden odszedł znowu na górę”
        J 6,15

        Faryzeusze wypełniali po części Torę (a nawet ją czytali z fotela Mojżesza), ale nie sercem, wypełniali z przymusu, aby się nadymać i chlubić przed ludźmi…
        “Czyż to nie Mojżesz dał wam Prawo? A NIKT Z WAS NIE POSTĘPUJE WEDŁUG PRAWA ! Dlaczego chcecie Mnie zabić ?”
        J 7,19

        The simple people, not knowing the Scriptures, had in deep contempt
        “A ten tłum, który nie zna Prawa, niech będzie przeklęty”
        J 7,49

        And they taught the people primarily the Oral Law.
        Jesus forbade us to imitate them.

        “Wtedy Jezus przemówił do ludu i do uczniów swoich tymi słowy: Na mównicy Mojżeszowej zasiedli uczeni w Piśmie i faryzeusze. Wszystko więc cokolwiek by wam powiedzieli, czyńcie i zachowujcie, ale według uczynków ich nie postępujcie; mówią bowiem, ale nie czynią.”
        Matt 23:1-3

        MORE IN TEACHING : The Great Message

        That would be in a nutshell because I'm swamped with responses and emails.
        God bless you
        Shalom !

    2. The same Track you are talking about as the one in the link below ?

      1. To się nie nadaje nawet do komentowania…
        Od razu ogień z nieba…

      2. Pooj Tobie,
        Modern Israel is a Secular State, with money from the Zionists ( Rotschild et al).They adhere to a rather atheistic worldview, or they adhere to the Talmud and Kabbalah.
        Oral traditions were very much rebuked by Our Lord Yahshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ). Kabbalah is tantamount to adherence to the occult-Satanism and Luciferianism.
        Orthodox Jews who follow the Torah and teach it in rabbinical schools oppose the state of Israel.
        See : The gigantic protest by American Jews against Israel. You won't find this in the Zionist mainstream media.

        I have to respond: I understand your outrage, I'm moved to pain myself, but research the topic more deeply before sowing misinformation.
        Shalom 🙂

        1. Errata :
          Pokój Tobie…
          …za pieniądze syjonistów…
          Sorry for the typos

          1. I must further clarify that to confuse the situation and understanding regarding Orthodox Jews, the nationalist, fascist Jewish organization Chabad Lubavitch, also claims to be Orthodox Jews, supports and endorses the state of Israel, and seeks the NWO (see Protocols of the Meditators of Zion). You can read a lot about it on
            By orthodox Jews, I mean
            Those Jews who oppose the state of Israel and rely on the Torah.
            Shalom 🙂

            1. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY !
              They flaunt their exaggerated religiosity to obscure the picture. They are Freemasons, illuminati, Satanists.



              Szalom …

              1. Only the Jews are able to confuse the truth so much that in the end nothing is known. This is because they are the sons of lies and were born of the father of lies.

                1. Are Poles different?
                  Spotkałem się w mediach głównego nurtu, że KOD to polscy patrioci…
                  As for the Jews. Some (i.e. Khazars) are able to confuse the matter so much and claim to be Jews that Our Lord Jesus Christ ( as you prefer) himself warns against them :
                  Rev 2:9 bt4
                  “Znam twój ucisk i ubóstwo – ale ty jesteś bogaty – i [znam] obelgę wyrządzoną przez tych, co samych siebie zowią Żydami, a nie są nimi, lecz synagogą szatana.”
                  Rev 3:9 bt4
                  “Oto Ja ci daję [ludzi] z synagogi szatana, spośród tych, którzy mówią o sobie, że są Żydami – a nie są nimi, lecz kłamią. Oto sprawię, iż przyjdą i padną na twarz przed twymi stopami, a poznają, że Ja cię umiłowałem.”
                  Shalom 🙂

                2. Marcinku, Bóg przez Żydów objawił nam Ewangelię….

                3. Aren't the Jews an artificially created nation (claim of Professor Shlomo Sanda of Jacobite descent from Tel Aviv University)? Judeans and Benjaminites inhabited the Holy Land during the time of Jesus Christ. The rest of the generations disappeared from the pages of historical records.

                4. Israel (in its full generational composition, except for the generation of Dan) will be exalted again when the Lord of Hosts makes the final judgment. The present Israel is a miserable Zionist/Masonic/illuminati counterfeit/false.

  8. Zakon to jest tylko cień rzeczy przyszłych, cień prawdziwej światłości. Mamy prawdziwą światłość i mamy soczewkę, która skupia sobą ową światłość a jest nią Pan Jezus Chrystus. Owszem możemy skupiać się na cieniu i próbować rozumować, co on sobą przedstawia ale nie możemy kończyć na samym cieniu…
    Cień jest za nami. Teraz znajdujemy się w etapie soczewki skupiającej sobą światłość, czyli w Panu a przed nami dopiero najlepsze…

    (…)Potem powiada: Oto przychodzę, aby wypełnić wolę twoją. Znosi więc pierwsze, aby ustanowić drugie;
    Mocą tej woli jesteśmy uświęceni przez ofiarowanie ciała Jezusa Chrystusa raz na zawsze(…) – List do Hebrajczyków.

    1. Peace to You.
      Yeshua the Messiah abhors the Law.
      Sam said:
      “Nie przyszedłem znieść Prawa…”
      “Idźcie precz ode Mnie, wszyscy przekraczający Prawo..”

      Paraphrase :All that is read from Moses' chair ( Torah = Law) keep.

      Idźcie na cały świat i czyńcie uczniami wszystkie narody, ucząc je wszystkiego co Wam powiedziałem…włącznie z tym ,że wszystko co jest czytane z fotelu Mojżesza ( Torę = Prawo) zachowujcie..

      He establishes a New Covenant in His Blood, but the Law is still in effect. The New Covenant is based on the Law, like every Covenant, and on better promises 🙂 .

      “Kto chce iść za Mną, niech weźmie swój krzyż i mnie naśladuje” Naśladuje w czynieniu i wypełnianiu Tory – w niej Bóg zawarł Prawo Miłości.

      If it seems to you that any of the authors of the Epistles and Acts deny this, deny what Jesus said, then you have misunderstood the quote. The most important and undeniable are the Words of Our Lord Jesus the Messiah. They are the Truth and the Life.
      Much will be explained by teaching :
      “Wielkie Posłannictwo ”

      oraz “Co nowego wprowadza Nowe Przymierze” :

      God bless you
      Shalom 🙂

      1. If a Gentile (like me) who has been grafted into the tree of Israel by the law of grace would keep e.g. the commandments because of the Law/Church, then he is making a mistake because he is going back to the works of the Law. We know perfectly well that no one can fulfill the Law. If I, for example, give a ritual circumcision and fail to keep even one Sabbath then I become a transgressor of the entire Law and that's it.

        If such a Gentile who has experienced the so-called new birth becomes a new man. He is baptized in Christ first and then possibly followed by water baptism, then the Law does not apply to him because he becomes a new man and comes under the Law of grace, which is written in his heart, his new heart.

        Such a Christian does not go back to the Law, he does not keep the commandments of the Law. Such a Christian obeys the Laws that come by grace because he is positioned very differently.
        Why if someone accepts the Lord would they position themselves in the Order ?

        Doskonale jest to wyjaśnione w liście do Galacjan gdzie Paweł przestrzega nowo nawracających się pogan przed tzw. judaizującymi na Torę. Owi judaizujący tylko mieszali i wprowadzali zamęt w stylu: “owszem wiara wiarą ale i tak musisz dać się obrzezać”. Właśnie z nimi ciągle walczył Paweł.

        (…)Chrystus wyzwolił nas, abyśmy w tej wolności żyli. Stójcie więc niezachwianie i nie poddawajcie się znowu pod jarzmo niewoli
        Oto ja, Paweł, powiadam wam: jeśli się dacie obrzezać, Chrystus wam nic nie pomoże(…)A oświadczam raz jeszcze każdemu człowiekowi,
        who gives himself to circumcision, that he should fulfill the whole law. You who seek justification in the law have separated yourselves from Christ;
        wypadliście z łaski(…)

        And what now, I, a pagan, should return to the Torah. Become a Torah enthusiast, get circumcised for example, and what will be the result ? A falling away.
        Nie. Ja poganin ma w sercu inne Prawo, Prawo nadane mi przez Pana w momencie chrztu duchem: (…)Będziesz miłował Pana Boga swego(…)a bliźniego swego jak siebie samego(…).

        I tyle mam do powiedzenia w kwestii Twojej Tory…

        Powtórzę raz jeszcze. Nie przestrzegam Prawa ze względu na Zakon,który jest tylko cieniem rzeczy przyszłych. Przestrzegam Prawa bo przyjąłem Pana i pozycjonuje się w Nim i tylko w Nim…

        1. I am in the Lord and I am positioning myself in the Lord. If you wish, please feel free to return to your Torah and fulfill it in its entirety.

          1. Peace to you Fxx.dll
            If you love the Lord, you will be fulfilling the Torah to show Him your Love, not to sin, because a passionate Love for the Lord will demand that you hate sin. Sin is the transgression of the Torah.
            You do not fulfill the Torah in order to be saved by your works, but as a result of salvation, a fervent desire not to sin.
            God bless you in understanding this.

            1. Ayala, when you celebrate Shabbat, do you not turn on the gas to heat the food at all?
              Do you believe that we are saved by grace and not by works?

            2. Bo Pan dał mi nowe serce abym mógł Go kochać. Bo Pan dał mi nowe serce abym mógł tęsknić za Nim. Bo Pan dał mi nowego ducha abym opierał się grzechom. Niestety nie dał mi nowego umysłu i cielesności czyli tam gdzie często upadałem. Ale teraz już wiem, że dzięki temu na myśl mi nie przejdzie grzeszyć tak jak niegdyś grzeszyłem. Kompletnie nie interesuje mnie Tora ponieważ bez tego ducha nie mógłby jej wypełniać. A teraz nie ma mowy żebym porzucił coś co działa w moim życiu (na rzecz Tory), coś co przynosi owoce nie tylko mi ale również osobą, które znajdują się w otoczeniu. Tak, teraz dopiero obserwuje w końcu efekty modlitw. Więc zgodnie z Pawłem nie ma takiej możliwości powrotu do uczynków z Tory. A co do samych uczynków to teraz wynikają one dla mnie z faktu przyjęcia Pana a od mojego chcenia albo nie chcenia. Teraz jak ktoś mówi do mnie jaki to jestem “dobry”, mówię jasno i wyraźnie, że to nie i pokazuje palcem ku niebu.
              Without a new heart, man is unable to fulfill the Law, he simply cannot.
              Dla mnie istnieje teraz tylko jedno Prawo, Prawo związane z Nowym (Biblia używa lepszego słowa – Nowego) Przymierzem…
              Greetings in the Lord.

            3. But on all those who rely on the works of the Law there is a curse. For it is written, 'Cursed is everyone who does not persevere in doing all that the Book of the Law requires.11 And since in the Law no one is justified before God, it follows that the just man will live by faith. 

              1. Marcin
                ” A że w Prawie nikt nie osiąga usprawiedliwienia przed Bogiem, wynika stąd, że sprawiedliwy z wiary żyć będzie.”

                Which in light of the above quote
                you have a problem with the sentence :

                We fulfill the Law not for salvation, but as a result of Salvation, as a result of our faith :
                “…aby każdy w Niego wierzy, miał życie Wieczne” J3,16
                Do you read anything I recommend?
                Shalom 🙂

        2. Bravo brother. This is exactly my point of view.

      2. My God's name is Jesus Christ, not Yeshua the Messiah .
        Peace to You.

        1. Bo prawdziwy Chrześcijanin, który ma nowe serce i nowego ducha przestrzega Prawa ponieważ Pan wpisuje mu je bezpośrednio w serce. Jego Prawo ma inny autorytet – nie jest oparte na autorytecie Tory, tylko na autorytecie Pana…
          And with that, I end the topic

          1. Did the Torah guarantee eternal life ?
            Did the fulfillment of the Torah give eternal life. ?
            No. Yes there was some concept of the Lord's resurrection and eternal life.
            But not in the form that eternal life comes from fulfilling the Law (as a kind of reward).
            In those days we had the so-called Pharisees and Sadducees. And the former are primarily responsible for the very concept of fulfilling the Law = salvation as reward.
            The Sadducees, on the other hand, did not even recognize the resurrection because their authority was only the Torah.

            1. I think it is worth writing a text about it:

              Badacie Pisma, bo sądzicie, że macie w nich żywot wieczny; a one składają świadectwo o mnie.”

          2. The Jews answered him, "We have the Law, and according to the Law he should die, because he made himself the Son of God."
            I also conclude my greetings in Jesus our Lord.

        2. Peace be with you 🙂 🙂
          Jesus Christ is a spelling from the Greek. It means Jesus the Anointed.

          Let's look at what meaning the Name Jesus Christ has in the original Hebrew.
          In Hebrew, the full Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ is Yahshua Ha Mashiach.
          In the shortened form Jahshua.
          Yahshua means Yahweh saves.
          Just thinking of Our Lord's Name in this way gives us evidence that Jesus is the Son of God.
          Let's take a look at :
          1 John 4:2 bt4
          “Po tym poznajecie Ducha Bożego: każdy duch, który uznaje, że Jezus Chrystus przyszedł w ciele, jest z Boga.”
          Now let's read it this way :
          “Po tym poznajecie Ducha Bożego: każdy duch, który uznaje, że JAHWE ZBAWIA MESJASZ przyszedł w ciele, jest z Boga.”
          1 John 4:3 bw
          “Wszelki zaś duch, który nie wyznaje, że JAHWE ZBAWIA (jako)Chrystus przyszedł w ciele, nie jest z Boga. Jest to duch antychrysta, o którym słyszeliście, że ma przyjść, i teraz już jest na świecie.”

          Let us now look at the full Hebrew Name of the Lord :
          Yahshua Ha Mashiach
          It means : The One Anointed by Yahweh, that Yahweh may save.
          Yahweh is the Father and Yahweh is the Son.
          Let us remember that Jesus Christ is one with the Father :

          1. in Hebrew Elohim means God :

          Yahshua (יהושע), the Messiah is one with Father Yahweh (יהוה).
          Yahshua (יהושע) himself said: He who has seen me has seen the Father, which testifies to the unity of the Elohim. And although, according to John 4:24, Elohim is Spirit, according to 5 Moses 6:4 it is a United Unity.

          5 Moses 6:4 Hear O Israel, Yahweh (יהוה), our Elohim, Yahweh (יהוה) is one (אחד) (one).

          The Hebrew word used for one (one) is Echad (אחד). It is possible to take the meaning of this word in 5 Moses 6:4 as United Unity, since the same word is used to describe marriage between a man and a woman in 1 Moses 2:24.

          1 Genesis 2:24
          Therefore shall a husband leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one (אחד) flesh.

          When Yahshua (יהושע), the Messiah was asked in Mark 12:28-34 what the greatest commandment was, the first words out of His mouth were that Israel must understand that according to 5 Genesis 6:4 Yahweh (יהוה) is the Unified One.

          Marek 12:28-34 I przystąpił jeden z uczonych w Piśmie, który słyszał, jak oni rozprawiali, a wiedząc, że dobrze im odpowiedział, zapytał go: Które przykazanie jest pierwsze ze wszystkich? Jahszua (יהושע) odpowiedział: Pierwsze przykazanie jest to: Słuchaj Izraelu, Jahwe (יהוה), nasz Elohim, Jahwe (יהוה) jest jeden (אחד) (jedno). Będziesz tedy miłował Jahwe (יהוה), swego Elohim, z całego serca swego i z całej duszy swojej, i z całej myśli swojej, i z całej siły swojej. A drugie jest to: Będziesz miłował bliźniego swego jak siebie samego. Innego przykazania, większego ponad te, nie masz. I rzekł do niego uczony w Piśmie: Dobrze, Nauczycielu! Prawdę powiedziałeś, że Elohim jest jeden i że nie masz innego oprócz niego; i że jego miłować z całego serca i z całej myśli, i z całej siły, a bliźniego miłować jak siebie samego”

          Therefore, I like to use the Hebrew Name of Our Lord Yahshua Ha Mashiach, short for Yahshua Messiah.
          Shalom 🙂

          1. It is high time to move to Israel.

            1. Israel is a secular state, founded by Kabbalah-worshipping Zionists, as you can read above in a post.
              The Zionist-Satanists have given their state the name Israel to blaspheme God and Jesus Christ because they are absolutely not Israel.
              When we are saved Marcinek, we will be in the congregation of the Lord, the congregation of God's people. They will call us Israel, which consists of converted Jews and saved Gentiles, or more precisely, the Fullness of the Gentiles)
              Romans 11:25
              Nie chcę bowiem, bracia, abyście byli nieświadomi tej tajemnicy – żebyście nie mieli zbyt wysokiego mniemania o sobie,
              That the hardening in part came upon Israel ( by Paul's time Israel was already made up of only Jews) until the fullness of the Gentiles came in.
              And so all Israel (Jews+Dom of Israel=Ephraim=Full of the Gentiles) will be saved, as it is written:
              A deliverer will come from Zion and turn away ungodliness from Jacob-Israel.
              A to będzie moje przymierze z nimi, gdy zgładzę ich grzechy.”
              See teaching : Lost sheep.
              I would love to share in the first resurrection, which is what I wish for you too.
              Believe me, these are the best wishes, there are none better.
              Then in the Millennial Kingdom we would be in Jerusalem. Sound familiar?

              Shalom 🙂

  9. Thank you for posting this material, it was really interesting!!! 🙂

  10. Here is a video from this channel hm How to recognize wolves very related to God's Law I am already lost in it. So false teachers are those who do not follow God's Law.
    I know you celebrate the Sabbath or what it's all about.

    1. Peace to you lukas 🙂 🙂 Peace to you
      What are the fruits of wolf predation? What are their characteristics?
      - they pull students along
      - they twist the truth
      - do not do the will of YAHWEH
      - do many things in the name of YAHWE
      - conspire against YAHWE
      - claim that the unclean is now clean
      - they profane YAHWEH by NOT observing the Sabbaths
      - do these sins, whitewashing them with smooth words
      - they say that YAHWEH said these things about His law, when He said no such thing
      In detail, the wolf teaches that there is no distinction between clean and unclean. The wolf teaches others not to observe the Lord's Sabbath. The wolf twists the truth and teaches things that God never said as His word. Wolf takes what Scripture defines as sin and says it is not sin.
      Wolves are those teachers who say that all of God's Law, or Torah, is already in force.
      Patrz co powiedział Nasz Pan Jezus Chrystus – mój dzisiejszy post z godz 10:04 -powyżej. Słowa Jezusa są Prawdą i są Życiem.Pomogą Tobie linki do nauczań zawartych w tym poście.
      Clearly the wolf is teaching untruth.
      When someone says that the Law now is the 10 Commandments, clearly you are dealing with a wolf, or a false teacher.
      May the Spirit of Jesus give you understanding and lead you to the WHOLE TRUTH.

      1. “Wilki to Ci nauczyciele co mówią, że całe Boże Prawo, czyli Tora już obowiązuje”

        I don't think it applies

        1. Yes Admin obvious typo. Apologies to all.

          Wilki to Ci nauczyciele co mówią, że całe Boże Prawo, czyli Tora już nie obowiązuje, albo że obowiązuje nas już tylko mała część Tory – np. dekalog.

          1. Some even go so far as to cut the decalogue, i.e. the Sabbath and the prohibition of idolatry. And other heretics and the decalogue are knocked out.

            By the way, can those who say that only the Decalogue is valid for us, including the Sabbath, be counted among the wolves? I think that this is going too far

            1. Not that I count myself among such, but such teaching does not cross the line that runs between doctrinal differences and preaching heresy.

      2. @AYALA63
        I would like to talk to you by email.
        Get back to me, please, at

  11. I took the liberty of copying my post from an earlier topic here. Because here there is a better chance for an answer.

    From the film it seems that Paul in his letter to the Romans speaks of coming out from under the law ... sin and death - which is, as the context suggests, equal to coming under God's Law. - This is of course a simplification - just answer me the question - so where in this perception is the place for the grace of Jesus (by grace you are saved) - and what is the role of faith in death and resurrection and salvation by grace?

    I will present my point of view - I am hoping for a correction.

    Because the logical conclusion after watching the film is that the Grace we have received is the opportunity to come "back" under God's Law - and only then to obtain salvation.

    In other words - without Jesus and his sacrifice - all previous generations had no way out from under the law of sin - and were going to damnation???

    or in other words - Without Jesus' sacrifice the law was unfulfillable? (man was under the law of sin and not under the law of God)? and after Jesus' sacrifice - we can fulfill it? But in summation We not Jesus?

    I don't know - it comes off absurd somehow....

    Among other things, the author of the film makes this conclusion:
    1) Grace is accepting forgiveness for breaking God's Law

    hmm - so the sacrifice of the lamb in the temple was what? Grace? Or payment for sins? Because it had exactly the same effect.
    So what was the point of sending us a Savior? Who did what, exactly the same thing? Absurdity squared.

    1) If there were no Divine Law - there would be no sin.
    2) If there were no such thing as sin - we wouldn't need grace at all.

    I think the whole point of this is to put the truth in the viewers' heads and to confuse them.
    Someone has confused cause with effect - and is using that as an argument.

    So let's look at

    Adam incurs a debt of disobedience to God (debt = sin)
    the debt falls on the children - his children's children and on all generations (it is unpayable) - all sin
    The flood comes - no debtors - Noah is left with his family - and the debt (sin) of the whole world
    The debt (sin) is still in the world because Israel does not want to pay (they leave God and the interest increases)
    Moses is offered a settlement - work off the debt (fulfill the LAW - don't sin - pay in rams, etc.).
    Israel can't pay the debt (they sin all the time)

    Jesus comes and ....

    a) He pays our debt (overcomes the sin - which no longer hangs over us = GRACE) - we no longer have a debt - provided we sign the act of repayment (we are born again and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior) - and we do not sin - because new sin means new debt - and new sins already Jesus doesn't overcome (He doesn't pay for new credit) - He only overcame those up to our new birth - the rest of the debt we have to deal with ourselves (we are after all under the Law - by prior GRACE) - so we are bound by the contract Adam made - we just annexed it as his descendant.

    So we will stand in judgment and Jesus will veil us until let's say new birth e.g. at age 30 - and after that time he will say - now defend yourself with your works? Because I took away your sins until your 30 years of life?
    Hmm perfect sacrifice...?

    b) He pays our debt TOTALLY - takes away ALL our sins - for the rest of our lives. - we are no longer in debt - provided we sign the act of repayment (we are born again and receive Jesus as Lord and Savior) - and even though we remain still in the sinful flesh - we are not bound by the LAW - because the LAW OF GOD gives conviction of sin - but Jesus' sacrifice is perfect and has overcome sin - as the video shows - since there is no more sin (then there is no breaking of God's Law).

    We will stand in judgment - and Jesus on our behalf will stand and say - Righteous - Believer - this one is not subject to judgment because for his ALL sins - I have made a sacrifice.

    Lastly, is it a license to do wrong? Can Jesus' sacrifice justify one's wrongdoing - knowing God's Word? Maybe this is the kind of people we read about in God's Word "and on that day many will say to me, Lord of lords..." Or perhaps as we read of the unforgivable sin (against the Holy Spirit) These are the kind of people we are talking about?
    Or perhaps as we read in Rev Jeremiah 31 :33
    But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put my law within them and write it on their heart. I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

    And a man receiving the FULLNESS of grace - will he receive the law written on his heart? What does that mean? For me - it means that the law of God will be a part of me like an arm or a leg - and I will not want to get rid of it (or not use it) On the contrary.

    I have not been convinced by this video in any way - I have been analyzing with Scripture in hand and will still sit on it - but maybe I will hear something concrete from you on this issue that will lead me out of error.

    1. Jeśli nie obowiązuje nas prawo…To na jakiej podstawie będziemy sądzeni? Nie da się przeprowadzić sądu, bez prawa..tzn. da się, ale będzie to sfingowany i niesprawiedliwy sąd.

  12. A follower of Jesus Christ-Christian is to be a good man in the sight of God by fulfilling the commandment of love of Creator and neighbor, not to pretend to be a pious, ancient Israelite.

  13. People need to be told clearly (not groped in the head) what is allowed and what is not according to the biblical law of God. This is our task, disciples of Jesus Christ.

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