Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. We must be willing to do literally ANYTHING, any sacrifice Jesus Christ asks. The struggle is hard and bitter, but the reward is worth it.

  2. It is very difficult to convert people with advanced brain necrosis caused by television or intoxicated by a materialistic-scientific view of the world. It takes a lot of spiritual strength and self-denial.

  3. Great lecture, praise God!
    My son found that this pastor speaks a little more than I do?
    I recommend watching this lecture,it is really worth the time.

    1. In my opinion, it's impossible for anyone to talk more than you Lenka 😀 .
      Well maybe Mariusz from Poznań 😀
      I'm kidding and don't take offense 🙂 .
      You just have this need to communicate and it is a gift. I prefer to write than to speak. You and Mariusz do the opposite.

      1. And where are we to be offended if it's true?
        Warm regards☺

      2. Thanks, Peter, for putting these lectures in the schedule, so to speak.
        Today I attended Pavel Goi's second lecture and I must say that it is God's blessing to be able to listen to this preacher.

    2. Great lecture, I turned it on for a while to get more or less acquainted with the topic and it was hard to tear myself away even though I wanted to wait to watch it tonight with my wife 🙂 I'd love to.
      W ekumeniczno-katolickim natłoku treści “chrześcijańskich” takie wykłady to prawdziwe perły 😉

  4. Very interesting these lectures 🙂

  5. Ostatnio czytałem a dokładniej to przeleciałem po łebkach artykuł w którym człowiek określający się bodajże jako brat Jezusa opisuje swoją chora koncepcję jakoby modlitwa ta była skierowana wprost do szatana, który jest własnie tytułowym ojcem. Taki człowiek mieni się Chrześcijaninem. Cos jest na rzeczy bo zwiedzenie coraz większe widzę nawet w swoim skromnym otoczeniu poczawszy właśnie od takich ambitnych tekstów, poprzez faryzejskie zachowania niektórych “Chrześcijan”, które objawiają się w wydawać by się mogło nawet mało istotnych dyskusjach, a skończywszy na gloryfikowaniu i dopatrywaniu się wręcz boskiej interwencji w wyborze Trumpa! Zły zintensyfikował swoje działania by zwieść nawet wybranych.

  6. These lectures were interpreted by my brother from the church, recently Goia was in Gdańsk, here you have other lectures concerning prayer, which are interpreted by a sister also from my church in Mszczonów.

    I highly recommend these lectures may God bless you.

    1. Praise God for Paul. Thank you on my behalf for the translation.

    2. Praise God!
      Krav, thank you very much to all those who have contributed to making this material available online.
      God bless you dear ❤.

    3. I fell in love with Paul Goya's lectures, they are so edifying! Praise God for this man and the translation!

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