Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. My kids like to watch these cartoons 🙂
    I want to buy now The Old and New Testament Bible 365 days for children because they do not want to read with their parents.)
    It is difficult to encourage my children with the Gospel to the Word of God
    But when something is nice and colorful it is easier:)

  2. This is a great cartoon.I have watched it with my son several times.

    1. Bravo. I applaud that with your son and not him alone 🙂 .

  3. “Słuchajcie uważnie”
    This is a video that I recommend on YT for viewers of all ages a valuable message of living a life aligned with the Lord Jesus Christ and being born again during your current life.

      1. Może i nadała go tiwirydzyk, ale nawet i oni czasem szarpną się na coś dobrego, raz widziałam w ramówce, że leciało u nich “October baby” (który to film polecam do obejrzenia 🙂 )

        1. To prawda, niejednokrotnie wartość filmu jest ważniejsza niż program który go wyświetla. Natomiast pewien “ojciec X” jest przykładem na to jak olbrzymie pieniądze potrzebne są do życia w ubóstwie.
          Thank you for the new video to watch, I will be checking it out soon.

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