Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A comparison of versions of translations of Scripture. ( Peter) made the comparison as in the title to show the changed whole meaning of the sentences. Some are removed altogether. The whole thing gives a clear picture of what is the purpose and validity of this kind of procedure in translations.





(e.g., the Millennium Bible) approved for use by the Catholic Church

It should be

(e.g. the New Gdansk Bible) I encourage you to compare it with the original Hebrew/Greek texts available online

2 Samuel 21:19 killed Goliath killed Goliath's brother
2 Samuel 23:5 Is it not so with my home with God? And though this is not my house before God
Job 19:26 Freed from my flesh I will behold God. And then, when this skin of mine has come full circle, yet as a living being I will see God. (the skin will make a circle, so it will be in the body)
Job 26:5 The dead tremble in the underworld, the ocean and its inhabitants. And dead things are born under the waters, and citizens of them.
Proverbs 8:22 The Lord created me, his masterpiece, as the beginning of his power The Eternal had me in the firstfruits, before the first of His works
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: Behold, the Virgin will conceive and bear a Son, and will call his name Emmanuel. Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call his name Emmanuel.
Hosea 12:1 Judah does not yet know God and calls itself the people of the Holy One Judah reigned with God and was faithful with the saints
Matthew 1:25 until she gave birth to a Son until she gave birth to her firstborn son
Matthew 5:44 And I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you; And I say to you, Love your enemies; bless those who curse you; do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who do you wrong and persecute you;
Matthew 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil And lead us not into experience, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Matthew 13:51 Have you understood all this? They answered Him, Yes, sir. Jesus said to them, Have you understood all this? They said to him, Yes, Lord.
Matthew 16:22 And Peter took him aside and began to reproach him: Lord, may God protect you! And Peter, taking him aside, began to reprove him, saying, Have mercy on yourself, O Lord!
Matthew 17:21 removed For this kind (of spirit) does not come out only in prayer and fasting.
Matthew 18:3  Unless you change and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Unless you are converted and become like children, by no means will you enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:11 removed For the Son of Man came to save that which was lost.
Matthew 19:16 Teacher, what good must I do ... Why do you ask me about good? There is only one who is good. (If Jesus is good, he is God) Good Teacher! What good shall I do ... Why do you call me good? No one is good but One, God.
Matthew 20:16 Yes the last will be first and the first will be last. So the last will be first and the first last, for many are called but few are chosen.
Matthew 20:22 Can you drink the cup that I am about to drink? Can ye drink the cup that I am to drink? And with the baptism with which I baptize, be baptized?
Matthew 20:23 You shall drink of my cup. You shall drink of my cup, and with the baptism with which I baptize you shall be baptized;
Matthew 23:14 removed Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, that you devour widows' houses, and that under the pretense of long prayers; therefore you will receive a heavier judgment.
Matthew 25:13 Watch therefore, for you do not know the day or the hour. Watch therefore, for you do not know the day nor the hour when the Son of Man will come.
Matthew 24:36 And of that day and hour no one knows; neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father Himself. And of that day and hour no one knows; nor the angels in heaven, but the Father Himself.
Matthew 27:35 They divided His garments among themselves, casting lots for them. They have parted his garments, casting lots; that it might be fulfilled which was said by the prophet, They have parted my garments to themselves, and cast lots about my cloak.
Mark 2:17  I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners. I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinful to repentance.
Mark 6:11 If in any place they will not receive you or listen to you, shake the dust off your feet as a testimony to them when you go out. If they will not receive you in any place, and will not listen to you, go out from there and shake the dust from your feet as a witness for them; verily I say to you, It will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for this city.
Mark 7:19 for it does not enter into his heart, but into his stomach and outwardly excretes itself. This is how he considered all foods clean. for it enters not into his heart, but into his belly, and into his mouth goes out; cleansing all food.
Mark 9:44 removed Where their worm does not die, and their fire does not go out.
Mark 9:46 removed Where their worm does not die, and their fire does not go out.
Mark 10:21 Then come and follow Me. Come, take up your cross and follow Me.
Mark 10:24 Children, how difficult it is to enter the kingdom of God. Children, how difficult it is for those who trust in wealth to enter the kingdom of God.
Mark 11:26 removed For if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in the heavens forgive your false steps.
Mark 13:14 Tell us, when will this happen? And what will be the sign when it all begins to come true?

A gdy ujrzycie ohydę spustoszenia, zalegającą tam, gdzie być nie powinna – kto czyta, niech rozumie.

Tell us, when will this happen? And what will be the sign when it all begins to come true?

A gdy ujrzycie ohydę spustoszenia, opowiedzianą w proroctwie Daniela, stojącą tam, gdzie być nie powinna – kto czyta, niech rozumie.

Mark 15:3 And the chief priests accused Him of many things. And the chief priests accused him much; but he said nothing.
Mark 16:9-20 removed And Jesus, when He arose from the dead, ... (Until His ascension)
Luke 1:72 That he will show mercy to our fathers (may refer to the dead) That he may do mercy with our fathers
Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men in whom he is well pleased. Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth, good pleasure in men.
Luke 2:33 And His Father and Mother were astonished at what was said about Him. And his mother and Joseph were full of awe at the things that they told about him
Luke 4:4 Man does not live by bread alone. Not by bread alone does man live, but by every word of God.
Luke 4:8 It is written: To the Lord your God you shall worship and to Him alone you shall serve. (This term appears in Matthew 16:23 and refers to Peter, it must have been removed here). Go away from me, Satan; for it is written: To the Lord thy God shalt thou worship, and to Him shalt thou serve.
Luke 9:55 But he turned away and forbade them, and they went to another town. And he turned and rebuked them and said: Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are. For the Son of Man did not come to perish the souls of men, but to save them. And they went to another village.
Luke 11:2 removed Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Luke 11:4 removed (...) but deliver us from evil
Luke 17:36 removed Two shall be in the field; one shall be taken and the other left.
Luke 22:43 removed And an angel from heaven appeared to him, strengthening him. And he prayed still more earnestly in mortal combat; and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.
Luke 23:17 removed And Pilate had to let them have one at the feast
Luke 24:51 And it came to pass, when he had blessed them, that he parted with them And when he had blessed them, he parted from them and was lifted up to heaven.
John 1:1 (...) and god was the Word (...) and God was the Word
John 2:11 This is the beginning of the signs Jesus did This is the beginning of the miracles Jesus did
John 3:13 I nikt nie wstąpił do nieba, oprócz Tego, który z nieba zstąpił – Syna Człowieczego. Also no one has entered the heavens, but only He who came down from the heavens; the Son of Man who is in Heaven.
John 5:39 You study the Scriptures because you think that eternal life is contained in them: it is they that bear witness of Me. Study the Scriptures, because you think that eternal life is contained in them: it is they which bear witness of Me.
John 6:47 Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes has eternal life. Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me has eternal life.
John 8:1-11 removed Mercy on the adulteress
John 9:4 We need to do the works of him who sent me I must do the works of Him who sent me
John 16:16 Another moment and you will not see Me, and again another moment and you will see Me. Few, and ye shall not see me, and again few, and ye shall see me; for I go away to the Father.
John 16:23 Whatever you ask the Father for, He will give you in My name. if you ask anything in my name the Father will give you
Acts 2:30 God swore to him solemnly that his Descendant would sit on his throne (he who denies that Jesus came in the flesh is the antichrist) God confirmed to him by an oath that, according to the fleshly nature, from the fruit of his loins he would bring forth and set on his throne Christ.
Acts 8:37 removed Philip answered, You may, if you believe with all your heart. He answered him, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
Acts 9:5 I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. I am Jesus whom you persecute; it is difficult for you to will according to the sting.
Acts 9:29 He also spoke and dealt with the Hellenists who were trying to exterminate him. But he also spoke boldly in the Name of the Lord Jesus, talking and disputing with the Hellenists; and they sought to put him to death.
Acts 13:42 When they left, they were asked to speak to them about the same thing on the next Sabbath. (Jews and Sabbath points to Saturday). And when they came out of the synagogue of the Jews, the Gentiles asked them that these things might be made known to them until the next Sabbath.
Acts 15:23 Apostles and elder brothers (introducing the apostolate as a separate, select group) Apostles and elders and brethren
Acts 15:34 But Silas chose to remain there; Judah therefore returned to Jerusalem alone. But Silas thought it right to stay there
Acts 16:7 Having come to Myzia, they tried to cross over to Bithynia, but the Spirit would not let them. Having come to Myzia, they tried to cross over into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not let them.
Acts 22:16  Get baptized and washed of your sins by calling on His name! Arise, be baptized and, calling on the Name of the Lord, wash away your sins.
Acts 24:6 He even tried to desecrate the temple, so we captured him. who even tried to profane the Temple. They captured him and wanted to judge him according to our Law.
Acts 28:28 removed And when he had said this, the Jews went away, leading a great dispute among themselves.
Romans 8:1 But now, for those who are in Christ Jesus, there is no longer condemnation. So now no more condemnation for those in Jesus Christ who walk not according to the carnal nature but according to the Spirit.
Romans 11:6 And if by grace, it is no longer because of works, otherwise grace would no longer be grace. And if by grace, then it is no longer grace, for grace would not be grace. And if by works, then it is no longer grace, for a deed would not be a deed.
Romans 14:10 After all, we will all stand before the tribunal of God We will all stand at Christ's stand
Romans 16:24 removed The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
1 Corinthians 5:7 For Christ was sacrificed as our Passover. (for whom) Christ was killed as a sacrifice for us.
1 Corinthians 7:5 Do not avoid one another, except for a time, by mutual consent, to devote yourselves to prayer, then return to each other again Do not deprive yourselves of one another; except by agreement, until you have given yourselves to prayer and fasting, and then come together again
1 Corinthians 10:28 To było złożone na ofiarę – nie jedzcie przez wzgląd na tego, który was ostrzegł, i z uwagi na sumienie. This is offered to the images do not eat because of him who declared it and your conscience; because of the Lord is the earth and its contents.
1 Corinthians 11:24 This is my body [given up] for you. Take, eat, this is my body broken for you
1 Corinthians 11:29 For whoever eats and drinks without regard to the body [of the Lord], judgment to himself eats and drinks. (dies the word of the Lord and unworthily) For by eating and drinking unworthily, he eats and drinks damnation to himself, not distinguishing the body of the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:4 on the third day he was raised from the dead  rose from the dead on the third day
1 Corinthians 15:47 Pierwszy człowiek z ziemi – ziemski, drugi Człowiek – z nieba. The first man is of the earth, clay; the second man is the Lord from Heaven.
Galatians 3:1 O ye foolish Galatians! Who captivated you, you before whose eyes the image of Jesus Christ crucified was drawn? O unreasonable Galatians, who has so bewitched you that you should not obey the truth? Ye to whom, before your eyes, Jesus Christ was first announced, and with you was crucified?
Galatians 4:7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son. And if a son, then also an heir by the will of God. So that you are no longer a slave but a child; and since a child, an heir of God through Christ.
Ephesians 3:9 God, Creator of all things God who created all things through Jesus Christ
Ephesians 3:14 Therefore I bend my knees before the Father, Therefore I bow my knees before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Colossians 1:2  Grace to you and peace from God our Father! Grace to you and peace be from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Colossians 1:14 w którym mamy odkupienie – odpuszczenie grzechów In whom we have redemption through his blood, that is, the forgiveness of sins
Colossians 1:16 for in Him all things were created for through Him all things were created
2 Thess 2:2  as if the day of the Lord had already dawned  as if the day of the Lord is coming
1 Tim 2:7  I tell the truth, I don't lie I speak the truth in Christ, I do not lie
1 Tim 3:16 He who was manifested in the flesh  God is revealed in the flesh
2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is inspired of God and is useful for teaching, for persuasion, for correction, for training in righteousness. All Scripture is inspired by God and helpful for study, for proof, for revision, for bringing up children in righteousness.
2 Tim 4:1 I adjure you before God and Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and at His appearing, and at His kingdom (on/about) So I, testify before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who is to judge the living and the dead, of his coming and of his kingdom.
2 Tim 4:22 The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you The Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. God's grace be with you
Titus 2:13 Looking forward to the blessed hope and revelation of glory Looking forward to the blessed hope and glorious coming
Heb 7:21 It is by the oath of Him who said to Him, The Lord has sworn, and He will not repent: Thou art a priest for ever. For those who have become priests are priests without an oath; but this one is according to an oath, because of God speaking to him: The Lord hath sworn, and shall not repent: thou art a priest for ever according to the order of Melchisedec.
Heb 9:27 And how decided people are to die once and then judgment (judgment is to be immediately after death, not at Jesus' coming, and there may be a purgatory) And as it is decreed for men to die once, and then there shall be judgment
Heb 10:21 the great priest who is over the house of God (introduction of multiple priests and their classes) a great priest over the house of God
1 Peter 1:22 Since you have sanctified your souls by obeying the truth (another way of sanctification, your own power or God) Purifying your souls in obedience to the truth by the Holy Spirit
1 Peter 4:14 Blessed [are you] if they malign you because of the name of Christ, for the Spirit of glory, God's Spirit rests upon you. You have become rich if you are reviled for the Name of Christ, for the Spirit of God and of glory rests upon you. Because of them, indeed slandered, but through you glorified.
1 John 4:3 And every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not of God And every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ came in the fleshly nature is not of God
1 John 5:7 For three bear witness: the Spirit, the water, and the blood, and these three are joined together in one. For there are three who testify in heaven: The Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one. And three are they that testify on earth: The Spirit, and the water, and the blood; and these three to one are one.
Revelation 1:7 Behold, He is coming with the clouds. And all the tribes of the earth shall mourn for him Behold, he is coming with clouds, and all the tribes of the earth shall strike their breasts against him.
Revelation 1:11 What you see, write in the book I am the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last. And what you see, write on a scroll
Revelation 5:14 And the old men fell down and worshiped. Also the twenty-four elders fell down and bowed down to the living One for ever and ever.
Revelation 13:8 whose name has not been written since the foundation of the world in the book of life of the slain Lamb. whose names are not written in the books of the life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Revelation 14:5 And in their mouths no lie is found: they are blameless. No guile has been found in their mouths; they are blameless before the throne of God.
Revelation 22:14 Blessed are they who wash their robes, that the authority over the tree of life may belong to them, and that by the gates they may enter the City. Rich are those who do his bidding, that their strength may be through the Tree of Life, and that through the gates they may enter the city.
Updated: 16 September 2016 — 11:22


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  1. In my opinion, in the case of 1 John 5:7, the Gdansk Bible is misleading by including a passage that is not in the original text. To understand it one has to read the whole context. In the Warsaw Bible we have:

    5:6 He is the one who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ; not in water only, but in water and blood, and the Spirit bears witness, for the Spirit is truth.
    5:7 For there are three witnesses:
    5:8 Spirit, and water, and blood, and these three are agreed.
    The Warsaw Bible

    The text is symbolic because water and blood are not persons, so they cannot be compared to the person of God.

    Cały fragment dotyczy uwierzenia w to, że Pan Jezus jest Mesjaszem – Synem Bożym, którego tożsamość została potwierdzona przez Ducha Świętego, chrzest w wodzie, i przelanie niewinnej krwi.

    On the other hand, the added excerpt, which is located here:

    “Albowiem trzej są, którzy świadczą na niebie: Ojciec, Słowo i Duch Święty, a ci trzej jedno są. A trzej są, którzy świadczą na ziemi: Duch i woda, i krew, a ci trzej ku jednemu są.” John 5:7 (Dan.)

    It does not appear until the fourth century, and this information is found in many Bible translations. Probably to prove the dogma of the trinity in the theological disputes that took place at that time. The dogma of the Trinity was not approved until the 4th century when the church began to imbibe paganism.
    Erasmus of Rotterdam, yielding to the accusation of favouring Arianism, placed this additional fragment in his subsequent editions of the modern edition of the textus receptus, from which the Gdansk and King James Bibles were translated, stipulating, however, in the notes that it is not an authentic text and in the first edition of the translation did not include it at all !!!
    I don't endorse the Millennial translation, but even they have pointed this out despite the KRK standing firmly behind the trinity dogma.

    1. Why is your blog no longer there?

    2. Hey Cupak, if you don't mind and have somewhere a copy of your deleted from the blog article The Word is God (you counted it mathematically) then please send me an email:

        1. Muszę też powiedzieć że trochę źle zinterpretowałem wtedy te obliczenia. Bo to Słowo(Logos) to Boża – Myśl, Rozum – matryca stworzenia w pełni oddająca charakter i widzialny obraz samego Boga w Jego stworzeniu (tu oddana w Jana 1:1 przez liczbę e – 2,718281…)
          The Logos existed from eternity always in God as God's thought, reason.

          Ucieleśnieniem Bożej mądrości (Logosa) w człowieku jest Jezus Chrystus – Syn Człowieczy. Dlatego Pan Jezus powiedział:

          “Słowa, które do was mówię, nie od siebie mówię, ale Ojciec, który jest we mnie, wykonuje dzieła swoje.”

          The pastor in this video explains the issue very well (first 10 min), but the whole video is highly recommended. It sheds new light on certain issues.

          1. Thank you. If I understand correctly, at that time you thought the Lord Jesus was God, but now you are no longer sure?
            I am exactly why I am withdrawing from the online community, more and more people who used to consider the Lord Jesus to be God have started to consider him to be King, Son (but human), lesser than God, etc. It started to bother me that neither of us really have the same views as the other, we read the same Bible and we see different things.
            I already understand what people mean when they say that deception lurks at every turn. It is possible that I will never know the TRUTH of the TRUTH, because my head is messed up.
            Sorry admin, I was supposed to not post anymore, but then I didn't give the exact reason for my planned departure. Now you know.
            I don't know who is a sister or brother to me (whether anti-Pavlovians, anti-Trinitarians, anti-Baptists, etc. are, aren't, I have no idea), so I salute you all and will really be silent for amen now.

            1. You don't have to keep quiet.
              You just have to choose a community that is closer to your heart and intellect...
              Yes, we believe that God the Father and Jesus Christ are one and the same person. It's hard to dispute that:


              I do my own thing and am not only above the denominations, but at a distance from other Christian sites so that I don't mess up myself.
              I read the Scriptures, analyze them myself. If anything, it's with the Holy Spirit.

              You see what fruit is here and what fruit is elsewhere. Compare the fruits.

              1. Peter. I was referring to Cupak with whether he considers P.Jesus to be God.
                Owoce ciężko stwierdzić tak naprawdę. Nie wiem co robi mój zbór poza spotkaniami tak, jak nie wiem co robicie Wy. Każdy zresztą może pięknie “wyglądać” a nienawidzieć w myślach. To są sprawy trudne. Osądzać nie mamy, więc jak oceniać i to jeszcze z miłością?
                I wrote such a text, I'm inconsistent at all with the silence, and I don't like it that way. Maybe it's not too long and will go into the comments:
                The main question that has been occupying my mind is, are people who deny the divinity of Jesus brothers/sisters to me?
                Ecumenism or not? Almost everyone can confess with their mouth (except perhaps the demonized), but as we know faith without works is dead.
                Are the JEWs who believe Jesus was an archangel brothers? And the team from (King not God)? Are antitrinitarians (I don't know what they think about P.Jesus, I don't understand the translation that he is the Son of God, which is what? God, demigod, man with magical powers?).
                And the Catholics? Jesus is their Lord along with a battery of saints, with Mary and the Pope.

                Law. Yes, of course, I don't understand.
                For me, the Lord Jesus did not perfectly fulfill the Law of Moses but FULFILLED it. If He had fulfilled it perfectly He would not have healed on the Sabbath, He would not have made the blind man carry his bed, He would not have simply been Lord of the Sabbath. God alone is the Lord of the Sabbath. For God, time does not exist. A thousand years is like one day. The Lord Jesus improved the law. Why is the Sabbath the only commandment in the Decalogue that is not repeated in the New Testament? Is it because of the fact that we are to have the Sabbath every day. Not to sacrifice one day a week for intimacy with God (we don't leave the house, we don't travel, etc, Jews can't even use electricity...). We are to sacrifice all of them. We in the New Covenant have a DA and we have a daily Sabbath. The Jews didn't. The Holy Spirit was on the elect, the anointed in the ST. Now anyone can have salvation, there is no priest, there is a veil torn in the temple. There is grace. I don't know anything anymore.

                The Lord Jesus did not condemn the adulteress, He could have stoned her even if the Pharisees had not thrown a stone because they had sin, but He did not. He could have done it if He had fulfilled the law. But He showed mercy. This is where mercy comes into play. This is the basis of the second commandment to love your neighbor, and on it (and the first) the law and the prophets. The first, it is known, is not in dispute at all. What do people who have the Lord Jesus as king think? When will circumcision of the foreskin etc. return? Because the selectivity of the Law will eventually start to get bad. It is a mystery to me.

                Języki, kolejny ciężki temat. Właściwie najprościej odrzucić Dzieje, Pawła, wtedy języki same znikają. Boże osoby, z dobrymi owocami mówią językami, lecz inne Boże osoby z dobrymi owocami negują je. Wiemy, że u Pana Boga nie ma szarości, albo jest się z Boga albo z diabła. Więc… Czy to nie jest jeden z wielu powodów by usiąść i płakać nad sobą i swoim marnym poznaniem? Studiowanie Pism oprócz pięknej wiary i jeszcze głębszej miłości do Boga może przynieść też owoc jak u BrainBreakera.. Wielu jest siedzących dniami i nocami nad Biblią i dokąd zaszli? Niestudiowanie z kolei nie zwalnia z niczego, bo Pan może powiedzieć “Miałeś PŚ i nic z tym nie zrobiłeś, nie zgłębiłeś”. Ale które Pismo? W jednym mamy “Mówię Ci: dziś będziesz ze mną w raju” w innym “Mówię Ci dziś: będziesz ze mną w raju”. To tylko przykład jak przecinek zmienia sens rzeczy. Ile tego jest? Czy każda Biblia gwarantuje zbawienie?

                I want to remember that I can do nothing on my own. I can only choose the Lord Jesus as my personal Savior or reject Him. I will not ask for any grace on my own behalf even if my deeds are impeccable and I fulfill the 99% Law, only the LORD JESUS and HIS NAME can do anything with God. This is my faith for today. He is my God and Lord. Maybe I will be annihilated because of it, maybe hell awaits me (because I don't know that for sure from the Bible either), maybe others are right.

                I don't want to go into verses because we all know them, I don't want to negate your knowledge because I am not sitting in your mind, heart, soul. I just want to put into words the confusion that I am experiencing.

                1. It remains for you to ask the Spirit of the Lord Jesus. He will surely make it clear to you sooner or later.

            2. Emilka dear, give yourself more time.
              Even if you don't know who your sister or brother is, it's nothing, because we should treat our neighbor as we treat ourselves.
              Of course, deception is great, which is why we have received the Spirit of truth, who introduces us to everything, shows us sin and comforts us.
              If you feel the need to withdraw from the internet for a while then ok, read the Bible and ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, He will show you everything.
              As Peter wrote above, choose a community, or better yet, ask the Lord Jesus for one.
              Believe and trust in God, He will not let you down.
              Ferment and confusion arises when we do not check the content with the word of God.
              So read up, dear, so you can behave yourself.
              Greetings and God bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ ❤

              1. To NN Understanding:
                Beloved stick to Jesus and His Word. Read in the Holy Spirit and you will find the answer to every question.
                Who is a brother? Luke 10:30-37 the simile about the merciful Samaritan gives the answer.

            3. Nie napisałem że Pan Jezus nie jest Bogiem, jest Bogiem, który stał się człowiekiem – Synem Człowieczym – Synem Bożym. Pan Jezus nie mógł powiedzieć o sobie że jest Ojcem bo jako Chrystus zaistniał jako człowiek. Chodziło mi o to że nie istniał Syn Boży jako Duch przed narodzeniem się na ziemi. Syn Boży istniał od zawsze w Bożym planie stworzenia świata tak jak i my. Nie istniał od zawsze z Ojcem tak jak głoszą to inne doktryny np. Trójca.

              1. He did not exist in the sense of preexistence. In the ST Daniel had visions of the Son of Man taking power from the Father's hands, but this did not happen at that exact moment, it was an illustration of God's plan to be fulfilled in the future when world power is transferred to the Son of God.

                Abraham saw it the same way:

                “Abraham, ojciec wasz, cieszył się, że miał oglądać dzień mój, i oglądał, i radował się.”

                The Jews misunderstood Jesus because it was not Jesus who met Abraham, but Abraham who saw part of the plan shown to him by God for the coming of Jesus and the salvation of the world. God's plans are so certain that they can be spoken of as if they had happened.

              2. In my opinion Emilka you are floating around the blogs too much. It is natural to feel confused in this situation.
                It's like me going to Lutheran, Charismatic, Adventist blogs.
                Of course it makes sense in the initial stages, but not at all in the long run.

          2. How glad I am that Cupaku has a similar understanding of the nature of God.

            What you wrote above just captures the Scripture.
            I would put it a little differently:

            Słowo to zmaterializowny przekaz woli Boga – Ducha.
            God, who is Spirit, is unlimited, unnameable, overpowering, present everywhere. Through his Word he makes all things.

            The Word is the audible, visible form of God the Spirit.
            It is the fulfillment of the will of God the Spirit, who is invisible and has a power that man is not able to experience when confronted with it.
            Through the audible Word the world was created.
            It is the Word that reaches people, communicates to people the will of the Father Spirit.
            It is coupled to Him and inseparable.

            Under no circumstances can the Spirit-Father be separated from the Word.

            Let me give an earthly example so that you can imagine it more.
            When a parent wants their child to do something, they say the word.
            The word is not a separate person; it comes from the parent.
            In the same way, God the Father, who embraces the whole universe and is invisible, when He wants to do something for us does it through His Word, which is audible and visible to us.
            God the Spirit can only reach us humans in this way.
            If it were not for His Word, He would have to program us like robots, and we would operate exactly like puppets.

            Dodam jeszcze, że własnie Pan Jezus doskonale wykłada nam tą zależność między Ojcem, a Synem – Słowem w ewangelii.
            Therefore, it is important to understand what it means when Jesus says that the Father is greater than Him, that Jesus does everything by the power of the Father, that God the Father has not been seen by anyone.

            Understanding this relationship, there is no way anyone can say that Scripture contradicts itself, etc.
            Misunderstanding the essence of God leads to conclusions that amount, at worst, to undermining the Lord Jesus.

            May the merciful God pour out his Holy Spirit upon all flesh, that those who have lost faith or have not yet believed may be converted to our Lord Jesus Christ.

            Let it happen 🙂


            1. you've made an interesting point, Basia

        2. Jeszcze dodam wszystko zostało stworzone w Logosie, ale nie jest to równoznaczne z tym że wszystko zostało stworzone w Chrystusie jako Synu Człowieczym bo to niemożliwe. Dlatego Jan nie napisał, na początku był Chrystus – Syn Boży, tylko Na początku było Słowo. Pan Jezus narodził się 2000 lat temu. To Słowo (Logos), które jest odpowiedzialne za stworzenie świata sprawiło że się narodził i zamieszkało cieleśnie w Synu Człowieczym.

          “Ponieważ upodobał sobie Bóg, żeby w nim zamieszkała cała pełnia boskości i żeby przez niego wszystko, co jest na ziemi i na niebie, pojednało się z nim dzięki przywróceniu pokoju przez krew krzyża jego.”

          “Baczcie, aby was kto nie sprowadził na manowce filozofią i czczym urojeniem, opartym na podaniach ludzkich i na żywiołach świata, a nie na Chrystusie; because in him dwells bodily all the fullness of divinity i macie pełnię w nim; On jest głową wszelkiej nadziemskiej władzy i zwierzchności”

          The Lord Jesus is the reason why the world was created, so that the Creator's love for creation would be revealed through Him. It is God's eternal plan at the center of which is Jesus Christ, and anyone who wants to be saved must exalt the Son of Man, then he will please the Father and receive grace.

          Many times and in many ways did God speak to the fathers of old through the prophets; lately, at the end of these days, he has spoken to us through his Son, whom he made heir of all things, through whom also he created the universe.

          The Son of God has always existed in God's plan as well as all of creation, which is why the book of Revelation speaks of the Lamb being slain from the foundation of the world, even though this did not occur until about 33 AD.

          “których imiona nie są napisane w księgach żywota The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."

          It is the same style of expressing God's plan as here:

          For in him he chose us before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him; in love
          He predestined us to Himself for sonship through Jesus Christ according to the good pleasure of His will
          Ephesians 1:4-5

          God chose the saved in Christ before the foundation of the world does not mean that we already existed then.

          “Którzy wybrani zostali według tego, co przewidział Bóg Ojciec, aby w Duchu zostali uświęceni, skłonili się do posłuszeństwa i pokropieni zostali krwią Jezusa Chrystusa.”

          “On był wprawdzie przewidziany przed stworzeniem świata, dopiero jednak w ostatnich czasach się objawił ze względu na was.” 1 Peter 1:20

          Syn Boży narodził się dopiero 2000 lat temu, dlatego w Niebie wcześniej nie było Syna Bożego – Człowieczego (He did not preexist because he was not yet born). The Son of Man existed in God's plan just as we and everything else in that plan exist only because of Christ.

          “Potem nastanie koniec, gdy odda władzę królewską Bogu Ojcu, gdy zniszczy wszelką zwierzchność oraz wszelką władzę i moc. Bo On musi królować, dopóki nie położy wszystkich nieprzyjaciół pod stopy swoje. 1 Corinthians 15:24-25

          Only for 2000 years has the Son of God been seated at the right hand of the Father, whom God raised from the dead and appointed heir of all things for what he has done, and who will reign until he has defeated all enemies.

          1. To claim that Jesus did not exist in the sense of preexistence is rather risky. The Bible seems to leave rather little doubt about it, though of course there are Christians who believe so. If, then, there was no preexistence of the Lord Jesus, and he existed only in God's plan, as do we, then one can logically make the claim that we too are pre-existent, that is, possess one of the attributes of God.
            “On też jest przed wszystkimi rzeczami i wszystko na nim jest ugruntowane” Kol 1:17
            “Kto wstąpił na niebiosa i zstąpił? Kto zebrał wiatr w swoje dłonie? Kto owinął wody płaszczem? Kto stworzył wszystkie krańce ziemi? Jakie jest jego imię? Jakie jest imię jego syna? Czy wiesz”? Przyp 30:4
            “W roku śmierci króla Uzjasza widziałem Pana siedzącego na tronie wysokim i wyniosłym, a kraj jego szaty wypełniał świątynię. (2) Jego orszak stanowiły serafy, z których każdy miał po sześć skrzydeł, dwoma zakrywał swoją twarz, dwoma zakrywał swoje nogi i na dwóch latał. (3) I wołał jeden do drugiego: Święty, Święty, Święty jest Pan Zastępów! Pełna jest wszystka ziemia chwały jego. (4) I zatrzęsły się progi w posadach od tego potężnego głosu, a przybytek napełnił się dymem. (5) I rzekłem: Biada mi! Zginąłem, bo jestem człowiekiem nieczystych warg i mieszkam pośród ludu nieczystych warg, gdyż moje oczy widziały Króla, Pana Zastępów. (6) Wtedy przyleciał do mnie jeden z serafów, mając w ręku rozżarzony węgielek, który szczypcami wziął z ołtarza, (7) I dotknął moich ust, i rzekł: Oto dotknęło to twoich warg i usunięta jest twoja wina, a twój grzech odpuszczony. (8) Potem usłyszałem głos Pana, który rzekł: Kogo poślę? I kto tam pójdzie? Tedy odpowiedziałem: Oto jestem, poślij mnie! (9) A On rzekł: Idź i mów do tego ludu: Słuchajcie bacznie, lecz nie rozumiejcie, i patrzcie uważnie, lecz nie poznawajcie! (10) Znieczul serce tego ludu i dotknij jego uszy głuchotą, a jego oczy ślepotą, aby nie widział swoimi oczyma i nie słyszał swoimi uszyma, i nie rozumiał swoim sercem, żeby się nie nawrócił i nie ozdrowiał” Iz. 6:1-10

            Comparison with John

            “A chociaż tyle cudów dokonał wobec nich, nie wierzyli w niego, (38) aby się wypełniło słowo proroka Izajasza, jakie wypowiedział: Panie, któż uwierzył wieści naszej, a komu objawiło się ramię Pana? (39) Dlatego nie mogli uwierzyć, że znowu rzekł Izajasz: (40) Zaślepił oczy ich i zatwardził serce ich, aby nie widzieli oczami swymi i nie rozumieli sercem swym, i żeby się nie nawrócili, i żebym ich nie uzdrowił. (41) To powiedział Izajasz, gdyż ujrzał chwałę jego i mówił o nim. J 12:37-41

            “Odpowiedział im Jezus: Zaprawdę, zaprawdę, powiadam wam, pierwej niż Abraham był, Jam jest” J 8:58
            Before the Lord Jesus spoke these words, the Jews were mocking Him for not even being 50 years old and claiming to have seen Abraham.

          2. Jesus Christ is the creator. God who took on the form of man or a creature to atone for our sins by dying on the cross. To show us his love. He was no different from us. He felt the same fear, doubt, fear, joy, happiness, etc. He was there to make it fair so that no human could accuse Him of being unequal. He could have stopped His suffering at any point, but He didn't. He loved us so much that He wants us to love each other with that unconditional pure love that conquers death.

  2. gorąco polecam ten artykuł, jak i całą stronę – autor wszystko bada i dokumentuje 🙂

  3. Bart Ehrman – Przeinaczanie Jezusa – kto i dlaczego zmieniał biblię
    Uta ranke heinemann – nie i amen
    Karl Dreshner – i znow zapiał kur

    Maybe not all of these titles speak the language of love, but the conclusions are very interesting.

  4. Biblia poznańska, Wydawnictwo (sw) Wojciech publishing house, is the version, which removes verses as in Biblia 1000lecia,

    1. Personally, I value Poznanianska even though it is Catholic

      1. Peter, it makes absolutely no difference what denomination the biblicists are.
        I have at home the latest evabgelical translation entitled Old and New Covenant. It is disappointing because it is a literary translation. A good one for comparison.
        In terms of content, in my opinion the Poznan Bible is currently the best Polish translation.

        1. but nowhere did I write about the denomination

            1. yes, but I wrote that I appreciated it, so I'm supenominational in my approach to releases. don't you 🙂 🙂

      2. The 1,000-year-old can also surprise you in a positive way.

        1. Mnie zaskoczyła jedynie tym “nie pozwól abyśmy ulegli pokusie” zamiast “nie wódź nas na pokuszenie” 🙂
          Natomiast Piotr tłumaczy jako skała, skoro Petros to kamień, skała to Petra. No i Bóg nie buduje Kościoła, tylko ekklesia – zgromadzenie.
          A political and religious power was founded on this one mistranslated sentence.
          That's reason enough for me not to reach for it 🙂 .
          “A ja ci także powiadam, że ty jesteś Piotr, a na owej opoce zbuduję moje zgromadzenie wybranych” (Mt 16:18 NBG)

          1. Oczywiście “opoką” jest tutaj Bóg, o którym Jezus wspomina zdanie wcześniej “Szczęśliwy jesteś, Szymonie Barjona, bo nie objawiły ci tego ciało wewnętrzne i krew, ale mój Ojciec, który jest w niebiosach.” 😉

  5. However, I think the message of John 5:7 is entirely true.
    I 100 percent agree with this :
    ” Albowiem trzej są, którzy świadczą na niebie:
    Father, Word, and Holy Spirit, and these three are one.

    And I think it looks like this, and perhaps the order of the words was swapped on purpose, because

    Ojciec – Duch
    Słowo – Krew
    Duch Św. – Woda

    Looking sideways at the content of Scripture is clear from beginning to end in all the stories of the Bible:

    Ojca – Ducha potężną, niewysłowioną Moc,
    The Word who is on earth and speaks to the chosen men of God
    The Holy Spirit-who works in people who are committed to God.

    Of course, I will not argue with anyone on this subject, but I myself stand by the statement that
    The Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit bear witness to God and are One.

    After reading Scripture, there is no denying that it speaks of the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit.

    Greetings in our Lord 🙂 .

  6. Please note, the NBG info;
    They use the BG translation from 1632, and Cylkow, who for over 30 years translated into Polish the Jewish books of the Old Testament. The first translation of Psalms was published in 1883, and in 1895, the Torah (the so-called Five Books of Moses, the first five books of the Old Testament) was published.

    The Silesian Bible Society presents a new translation of the Holy Scriptures (Bible); first of all, thanking the Lord Jesus for allowing us to do this task.
    Przekład ten nie jest jednak oderwany od tłumaczeń dokonanych w przeszłości. Jako punkt wyjścia przyjęliśmy tak zwaną Biblię Gdańską, wydaną przed 360 laty. Stąd nazwa niniejszego przekładu – Nowa Biblia Gdańska.
    Stary Testament opracowaliśmy na bazie hebrajsko – polskiego przekładu Tanach – dokonanego przez Izaaka Cylkowa, greckiego tekstu Septuaginty oraz Biblii Gdańskiej; zaś Nowy Testament tłumaczyliśmy ze zbioru greckich manuskryptów, znanych jako “Textus Receptus”.
    Differences, or references, are indicated by symbols: TR Textus Receptus, C Cylkov, S Septuagint, BG Gdansk Bible.

    In red print are line numbering, asterisks *, cross-reference symbols, and added words; in blue print are references to other Books.
    In footnotes we usually give the expanded meaning of Hebrew or Greek words. Because not always one Polish word conveys the essential elements of the semantic structure of the original word, and sometimes, in order to understand it more deeply, one has to use several words.

    The Thousand Years, is a translation from 1965, which is after the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls:

    Qumran Manuscripts (some other names used: Dead Sea Scrolls, Dead Sea Manuscripts, and Dead Sea Manuscripts), a collection of documents written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek found between 1947 and 1956 in 11 caves near the ruins of Qumran in the West Bank.
    In Thousand Years (per wiki):
    For the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, in addition to the Masoretic text contained in the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, different textual lessons discovered in the Qumran manuscripts were used.

    Truly, one must be extremely knowledgeable to proclaim with authority which translation is reliable.
    The sources that the translation uses are significant.

    1. Jest jedno podstawowe kryterium oceny autentyczności. Ponieważ oryginały zaginęły ale… ktoś kiedyś tłumaczył z tych zaginionych oryginałów na języki ojczyste. Jeśli zaczniemy porównywać te kopie to tylko te kopiowane z oryginału powinny się ze sobą całkowicie zgadzać, bo pochodziły z jednej “matrycy”.
      This version is KJB and the Polish version BG/NBG.
      Polecam dwa filmy Waltera Veitha – Zmieniając Słowo, oraz Walka o Biblię. Na ich podstawie stworzyłem to porównanie.

      1. Sorry, but I think you're wrong.
        I would really advise you to study biblical archaeology and translation history very carefully before making authoritative statements.
        BG has nothing to do with the King James Bible. We do not have a translation of the BJakub into Polish.
        Furthermore, the BibleKJ is 1611, before the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, which contain the oldest copies.

        1. I don't know about the other passages, but the vast majority posted here coming from the NBG fully overlap with the KJV.
          Wiem, bo sprawdzałem na bieżąco każdy przytoczony w filmie “Zmieniając Słowo” fragment z NBG oraz Tysiąclatką. Autor filmu posługiwał się wersją KJV.
          Poza tym rodzaj tych różnic jest raczej jasny i wskazujący na jeden cel – radykalne umniejszenie roli oraz osoby Jezusa Chrystusa, co jest w pewnych miejscach tak dobitne, że aż zdania tracą zupełnie sens 🙂

          1. They may overlap because they come from the same sources available at the time.

            1. So if we, they, and many other languages have versions that are identical, that proves one source whatever it may be.
              The question is why do the other versions differ so significantly and do not coincide with the languages of other nationalities? Which proves that they had no common source 🙂

              1. Let me remind you once again of the Dead Sea Scrolls. This is the 20th century.

              2. Bóg trzymał je w tajemnicy tyle czasu? 🙂 No nie wiem czy by nie natchnął kogoś aby się tam “przespacerował” 😉 Ale nie jestem żadnym ekspertem, mówię tylko to co fragmentarycznie wiem i to co “czuję nosem” 🙂

              3. Here is some interesting information about textus receptus, scroll down

  7. GOOD JOB. May the magical power of Christ be with you!

    1. Thank you 🙂 All solely for the glory of Jesus Christ.

      1. Piotr I have a question, is the old Gdansk similar to the New Gdansk?

        1. It certainly differs significantly in language. The Gdansk Bible is written in old Polish, in my opinion, it would be hard to read 🙂
          Moim zdaniem jest to przekład najbardziej rzetelny (Piotr tłumaczony jest poprawnie – jako kamień – “Petros”, a nie “Petra” czyli skała, i wiele, wiele innych kluczowych “pomyłek”) Chociaż może stylistycznie mniej przyjazny niż Warszawska, czy Poznańska, ale musimy zdecydować, czy chodzi nam o sens czy poetyckie brzmienie) 🙂
          On this page you have a comparison:

          At the top of the page you can check the list of translations. If you check both boxes, you will have verse by verse both translations 🙂
          Jeśli chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej ciekawostek o samym tłumaczeniu NBG polecam YouTube – “Czytając Nową Biblie Gdańską – Krok po kroku”.

        2. Of course when I wrote that it is the most reliable translation I meant the New Gdansk Bible 🙂 The Gdansk Bible is because of the language difficult to read today 😉 .

    2. Magiczna? No co ty…

      “Czarownicy żyć nie dopuścisz” (Księga Wyjścia 22:18, BG).

      1. Dla mnie bóg poprzez swoje dzieła jest Czarodziejem. To tylko taka metafora. No ludzie kochani…Ja czarów nie uprawiam jednak cenie sobie fantazję naszego Pana Jezusa. Pozdrawiam.

        1. Ciekawe jak byś sie zachowal widząc kogos zamieniajacego wode w wino (nie wiedzac przy tym że to Bóg) – wlasnie wiekszosci koajrzyloby sie to z czyms magicznym- nei w sensie sztuczki cyrkowej, ale takiej magicznej mocy

          1. There would immediately be a question on my part: by what power do you do this?

            1. A house not built with hands 🙂 Give me a break because even here I have to be nervous?

  8. Thank you Peter i.e. stone,not rock? for your work that you put in to show the clear purpose of the Thousand Year Edition.
    It can be argued or debated, but it is obvious why and for what purpose the verses were removed or changed.
    Praise God

    1. “Cokolwiek czynicie, wszystko czyńcie ku chwale Boga” (1Kor 10:31 NBG) 😉
      Powiem Ci Leno, że miałem dokładnie takie samo wrażenie kiedy porównywałem te fragmenty, nikt pewnie nigdy w 100% nie potwierdzi która wersja jest czerpana z tego pierwotnego oryginału ale myślę, że można “poznać ją po owocach” 🙂

  9. Dziękuję Piotrze 🙂 wyraźnie widać na tle Nowej Biblii Gdańskiej jak Tysiąclatka jest bardzo okrojona z ważnych słów…sprawdziłam też te wersety w UBG, bardzo podobne tłumaczenie do NBG – są brakujące całe wersety i okrojone w tysiąclatce słowa z wersetów. Poznańska wypada niestety na tle tego porównania prawie tak blado jak tysiąclatka, choć bardzo lubię ten przekład.

    1. Let us pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will direct us by His Spirit to the very source of His Word, which has mighty power.
      To, że ludzie zadają sobie tyle trudu żeby je zniekształcić jest tylko kolejnym dowodem na to, że jest to bezcenny dar Boga dla człowieka, oraz że pomimo setek lat zaciekłej walki szatana i jego ludzi ze Słowem Bożym, Bóg nie pozwolił aby ono zaginęło: “Niebo i ziemia przeminą, ale moje słowa nie przeminą.”(Mt 24:35).
      Praise be to Jesus 🙂 🙂

  10. I have a question...
    Then if I wanted to buy a particular Bible translation, it would be best to buy the NBG/UBG, yes?
    Thank you in advance for your reply

    1. The UBG is better, the NBG sometimes has too many fancy translations and yet it was not as well received in evangelical circles as the Amplified version
      PS Supposedly this year they will finish modernising the Old Testament of the Gdansk Bible

    2. Buy the UBG for yourself, then buy the entire Bible once it's translated.

    3. I don't want to sound like a marketer, but if you are looking for a New Danzig Bible, I recommend this bookstore:—oprawa-ekoskora-granat
      It's a lot cheaper than on Allegro, cheap shipping and super friendly service.
      Powiem Wam pewną ciekawostkę, że początkowo (gdy nie znałem tych zmian w tłumaczeniach) zamówiłem Tysiąclatkę i przyszła z przerwaną stroną, a tego samego dnia trafiłem na film Veitha “Zmieniając Słowo”. Oczywiście Tysiąclatkę odesłałem ze względu na uszkodzenie, i w tej samej księgarni znalazłem NBG którą to aktualnie czytam 🙂
      I'm sure God wanted to tell me something through this 😉 .

  11. There are no perfect translations, Gdanska and translations based on it are supposedly better because they are based on textus receptus, hence the difference

  12. In the King James Bible, 2 Tim 3:16 reads:
    “Całe pismo dane jest przez natchnienie Boga…”
    There is a huge difference.

  13. If anyone would like to download a pdf version, such as for printing:

  14. Mt 6:13
    A w jakiej to wersji BT wystepuje sformulowanie: ,,nie wódź nas na pokuszenie…” ?

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