Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


David Wilkerson

Even in your sinful bonds the cry of your heart reached Jesus and His great mercy found you. He opened your eyes, changed you, and filled you with His Holy Spirit. Then He made you a vessel of honor, to preach His gospel.

Make no mistake: the mercy you have received is costly. We preach that God's mercy is free, that it is undeserved, and that its price has been paid in full by the shed blood of Christ. And indeed this is true. God is fully satisfied with the price Jesus paid to bring us His mercy, to give us the inheritance of heaven, and to assure us that we have eternal life.

But there is also a price on the human side - our side - of God's mercy. What is the cost to us? It is the high cost of being a true witness to the power and mercy we have received. The fact is that offering the same mercy that has been shown to us will cost us dearly here on earth. It is a cost we can expect in our daily lives.


See, Jesus gives us the command, "Be merciful, as your Father is also merciful" (see Luke 5:36). And what Christ has shown us by example, to be merciful as the Father is merciful, is very costly. The more Christ is exalted in our lives, the more we will experience from the world:

-Total rejection
-Rejection of our words
-Mocking and rejecting God's mercy

Jesus paid the price of mercy in His body and you and I can expect to pay the price as well.

Updated: 2 September 2016 — 13:08


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  1. The world is such a creature that can reject, grind and spit you out even if you don't preach the Gospel.
    Dlatego bez względu na “świat” warto mieć za przyjaciela samego Jezusa.
    And then let the world reject us, but for that we have some consolation 🙂

    1. From myself I would add the feeling of suffering caused by the deeds of this world. I'm thinking that if we are suffering and God doesn't want anyone to suffer, then aren't we sometimes doing unconscious penance, though I don't know yet for what, maybe for the evils of this system, or God wants to sort of cleanse us without our conscious interference, just like the heart pumps blood automatically and we don't control it. These are my thoughts 🙂 .

      1. Pokuty za to, że idziemy za spaczonym, materialistycznym, bezlitosnym światem i efekty mamy – choroby cywilizacyjne, nerwice i samobójstwa.
        Mnie z kolei przyszedł jeszcze taki cytat do głowy “It’s better to die for something, than live for nothing” (Lepiej jest umrzeć w imię czegoś, niż żyć bez celu.)
        It's good to approach our few moments in this world in this way 🙂

  2. also a little bit about cost, and maybe even business.
    but it's worth putting on the translator

    In a country with a bible lives 5% of the world's population
    but this country has a quarter of the people locked up around the world behind bars.
    Lub inaczej Co czwarty wieziony (slusznie lub nie) na ziemi wlasnie w tym kraju….podziwa go zza murow i krat

    "It's a stark fact that the Uni. ..ates has less than 5 percent of the world's population, yet we have almost 25 percent of the world's total prison population. The numbers today are much higher than they were 30, 40 years ago despite the fact that crime is at historic lows."

    It is hard to imagine, knowing the existence of overpopulated regions like undemocratic China, India or even Indonesia

    Business is whether they actually have so many bad people?
    a moze ktos podpowie jakas inna opcje…
    thank you
    because understanding is important... whoever has ears to hear

  3. I have a question for you, maybe someone can give me some advice because I've lost 10 kg and I eat normally, I don't stress about anything, I went to the doctor of contagious diseases and in a month I will have the results of some blood tests for parasites, etc. and cal, do you think it's a parasite or something else?

    1. In my opinion you are eaten up by the fear of war conspiracies.

    2. In a way I think the same, i.e. you can be sick with something, but the biggest and most deadly factor is stress. I know what it is to live with constant anxiety, tension, nerves, I struggle with it myself (or rather I entrust it to the Lord) and it causes a whole range of somatic diseases. Turn off YT, oil the Priest politics and try to calm down, go out of the house to walk in the woods or at least in the park, don't think about the negatives. Otherwise neurosis will finish you and you will get really sick. Ask the Lord to take away your addiction to news about the war. I will pray for you too.

  4. Thank you because there is a small problem I have already had all the tests, all diseases have been ruled out, and I am still losing weight, throwing my legs sometimes without my will, muscle twitching, the latest suspicion is that there is an infectious disease, or a parasite if that rules out I read the Bible every night and always sleep well afterwards 🙂 , but I fear that I am sick the medicine I feel because I lose weight and these symptoms are hard on the stomach and the thrusting legs, leg twitching I ask you for help! I read the news but not as much as I used to, I try to focus more on God etc.

    1. Sorry zax my nickname is once this and once that. This one is final 🙂 I'm winding you up. Priest! Don't drink coffee less smoke if you smoke and have a melissa. I have the same thing. You feel fear simply and yo great. Do what I wrote to you and you will calm down.

      1. Dziękuję wszystkim, którzy się pomodlili. Jestem od nocy wczorajszej duchowo mocniejszy o jakies 30 procent. Z Bogiem kochani i tylko z nim chocby w ciemnosci i juz bez ”niby” zadnych szans. 🙂

        1. There is oppression. And it's being done by Russia with Germany.

  5. Ludzie zdemonizowani dowolnego rodzaju wolą tkwić w błędzie i utracić zbawienie miast przyznać się do winy i je uzyskać… Przesyłam Wam pozdrowienia ze słonecznej i gościnnej Chorwacji.

  6. Croats are fascists murdered Serbs, read 400 thousand Serbs in the same way as Ukrainians murdered us in Wolyn, etc., servants of the Germans, and when the Serbs took them in the 90s or when the Germans lost the war in 44 and the Serbian partisans retook Yugoslavia they ran away with their tail tucked cowards! they only knew how to murder children, women and the elderly, bandits, I will never go there until they apologize to Serbia and give them back their lands, in the 90s if it was not for their breaking away there would not have been a war, they let themselves be incited by the Germans as usual.

    1. See brother what you live by,how are you not supposed to have health problems when you feed on hate.
      Where is your love from our Lord Jesus Christ that forgives and covers everything.
      They did not let the Germans tease them, but listened to the evil one and began to covet what did not belong to them.
      Please let go of worldly news, because it is slowly eating you up, ask for the peace of our Lord and the love that will give you the strength to follow the Lord Jesus.
      Grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ with you.

  7. Type in ustashi . Pavelic you will find out what kind of degenerates they were .

  8. I don't drink coffee I smoke a little bit of lemon balm I drink , I think I dehydrated my body now I drink a lot of water and I am fine .

  9. I don't have to ask, Lenka, because I've been walking with Jesus Christ for a long time now. I sometimes say that, but don't judge me by one post. I may be closer to God than you are. How do you know that because I criticized the Croatians historically?

    1. I am not judging you based on one post, but on what you post on Detective.
      You may be closer to our Lord Jesus Christ,but the comments don't show it.
      My intention was not to criticize you just to show in Who we have hope,escape,growth.
      Who gives peace and love.
      If my post offended you then I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that.
      I wanted you to trust the Lord Jesus in everything.
      God bless you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ

  10. And with you Lenka God be with you !

    1. Thank you very much ?

  11. You can examine everything but take to heart what is good. Fear enslaves people. They say that fear has big eyes and this is true. We have no control over the course of events, many things are lies. There is no point in being afraid that something will happen, because it probably won't happen in the way we imagined. You can learn to stop being afraid, you can learn to trust God, you just have to stop thinking about yourself.

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