Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

And don't get me started on you or you'll get kicked by my Daddy, which is the Word for 04/08/2016.

Recently while reading the Bible with my brother Robert, I stopped at this quote:


” Aby zaś udowodnić, że jesteście synami, Bóg zesłał do naszych serc Ducha Syna swego, który woła: Abba, Ojcze! Nie jesteś już więc niewolnikiem, lecz synem. A jeśli jesteś synem, to i spadkobiercą – z łaski Boga.”


Shown here is our relationship to God, the degree of relationship. Abba Father and sons.

Both the father's and son's roles obligate in life. The father is to be supportive and the son has the right to expect help from his father.

I remember my then 8-year-old son complaining to me about how a peer of his had punched him in the stomach with his fist. He had already experienced abuse from this boy. This time it got to the point. I went to the principal and the teacher. I told the boy's teacher that if his parents couldn't help bringing him up, I'd take him on because I wouldn't allow him to constantly humiliate and hurt my son, whom I incidentally teach culture and not to take revenge. My son went to karate with me so he could have given back, but the Christian values I instill in him made him not do it. He told me, though: Dad, you said Christians don't take revenge and don't hit others. I was a little stunned because I felt powerless, knowing that the next time it might not be his belly but, for example, my son's face that was the target of this little bully. I went to the headmistress. I said that I would go to the school board if the school did not deal with it. There was a huge scandal at school. The teachers, seeing me angry, invited me for a calming talk.

The result? Since then the attacker has been walking like a coffin, avoiding his son for several meters. Once when asked by his son what he was afraid of he said: Your dad.


Of course, the title of this article is a bit of a tease, but it captures the point of the text's message.

I emphasize here that I did not want to show the attitude and the right of defense, but to emphasize the role of the son's intercession to the Father.

They had references to the Bible in the above situation:


  1. Nie oddawaj złem za zło ani złorzeczeniem za złorzeczenie. Przeciwnie – błogosław. Powołany jesteś, abyś odziedziczył błogosławieństwo, a leave vengeance to God.(cf. Romans 12:14-21).
    Do good! Be zealous for good, and no one will harm you. Do good even in suffering. You will be blessed if you suffer anything for holiness. (cf. 1 Peter 3:13-14).
    The son did not retaliate.


2 Whoever touches you touches the pupil of my eye. Już prawica             moja nad nimi wyciągnięta” Zach 2

3. “Ojcze! Nie jesteś już więc niewolnikiem, lecz synem. A jeśli       jesteś synem, to i spadkobiercą – z łaski Boga.”

But if anyone loves God, to this God admits. Corinthians 8 3

(3) And if anyone loves God, God recognizes him as his own. Poznan


God can only be loved through obedience to His Law.

As we are no longer slaves to the world of darkness, we are sons of God. We are sons of the one and only God Almighty. We pray the Our Father.

Jeśli my ludzie troszczymy się o nasze dzieci, to o ile bardziej Bóg Ojciec troszczy się o nas…Czy on ze spokojem spogląda na naszych oprawców? NIE.

I watch people and see them suffer punishment for the wrong they have done.

It is not good to touch the pupil of God.

Many Christians live in survival mode, dreading each day. It is as if they have forgotten that our God is God. all-powerful. This attitude reduces faith to religion, repetitive rituals that strip away true faith.


So reading with Robert this quote:

“Aby zaś udowodnić, że jesteście synami, Bóg zesłał do naszych serc Ducha Syna swego, który woła: Abba, Ojcze”

I told him half-jokingly half-seriously that if anyone wanted to do me harm next time, I would tell them straight up: don't mess with me, because I have a powerful Dad, and that is God Himself!!!

As I mentioned earlier, the condition of intercession is obedience:


” „Nie sądźcie, że możecie żyć jak wam się podoba, a ja będę po prostu wciąż wam błogosławił”.


Leave vengeance to God.

Praise God the Father for our sonship!



Updated: 4 August 2016 — 10:44


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  1. This morning, as usual, I prayed the words of a psalm and it was the 119th longest one because the author wrote all about it 🙂 Everyone can check what he is talking about. I jump on the blog and here:
    “Boga można miłować tylko poprzez posłuszeństwo Jego Prawu.”
    Let someone tell me there are coincidences 🙂 Maybe there are for the unborn anew. For us, there is a plan 🙂

  2. Glory be to God the Father! For what our Lord Jesus Christ has accomplished.Thanks to this we are children of the Living God.This is an amazing gift,glory to you Jesus Christ!
    Thanks ? for the text,greetings warmly ? in the love of the Lord Jesus Christ .

  3. Thank you in the name of Jesus Christ

  4. Thank you for this text, I remember how for a long time, my Mom always told me, when someone hurt me a lot, disappointed, used and I was angry: never marry, son, leave it, one day he (she) will pay for it, God sees it.
    That's why I left, even though I had a lot going on inside me.
    I am thankful to her and to God my Father for guiding my life in this way. Now I don't even think for a second about any kind of retaliation, etc. Jesus is my Lord and God is my wonderful Father!

  5. What is the difference between REVENGE and DEFENSE or self-defense?

    1. Kesjo’kochana siostrzyczko w wierze obrona jest wtedy gdy podejmuje czynnosci majace na celu obrone w czasie terazniejszym a zemsta polega na odwecie w przyszlosci .

      1. So, if so, a Christian MAY DEFEND (now) but (later) NOT Vengeance.There is no prohibition of defense, there is a prohibition of revenge.Do I understand correctly - also dear brother (in faith)?
        so don't give evil away is clearly about revenge?
        Jeśli nieprzyjaciel łaknie ,nakarm go…a nie mscij sie..(por. Rz 12, 14-21)
        It seems that the enemy is in my hands and he is hungry, I can do what I want with him but I feed him.
        but he's defeated, he's in my hands, otherwise as the enemy he'd continue to destroy me and so I
        I decide it and I take it but I don't take revenge.??????!

  6. Praise be to God our Father!
    Great text ❤

  7. “Dokładajcie wszelkich starań, aby, o ile to od was zależy, z wszystkimi żyć w zgodzie. Najmilsi, nie dopuszczajcie się żadnej zemsty; niech Bóg sam okaże swoje zagniewanie zgodnie z tym, co napisane: Do Mnie należy dokonywanie pomsty, Ja będę udzielał zapłaty mówi Pan. Jeżeli nieprzyjaciel twój jest głodny, daj mu jeść; jeżeli jest spragniony, daj mu pić. Postępując w ten sposób będziesz gromadził rozżarzone węgle [skruchy] na głowie twego nieprzyjaciela. Nie daj się pokonać złu, lecz sam dobrem zwyciężaj zło.”_Rz12

    1. Thank you brother for the words I needed.

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