Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"The difference between a Catholic and a Christian"

The material comes from a church flyer from Lodz. Jacek found the content important and thus transcribed it, for which I thank you.



"All Scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for education in righteousness" 2 Timothy 3:16

At the outset, we would like to point out that we are not Jehovah's Witnesses, only Christians. However, since we are often asked about the differences between our faith and the Roman Catholic faith, we give you a brief description of some of the differences. Please do not take this as an attack, but as a time for reflection, for the Scriptures say: "Examine yourselves, whether you are in the faith, experience yourselves" (2 Corinthians 13:5)

The Roman Catholic is taught from childhood to accept the tradition of the Church without discussion. He accepts the words of the Pope and priests without comparing them with Scripture. Even if he reads the Bible, he does not read to find truth in it. Because if there is a contradiction between tradition and the Bible, he claims that the Church always has the right interpretation and instead of submitting to the Word of God, he clings to tradition. "You completely abolish the commandment of God to preserve your tradition" (Mark 7:9)

The true Christian, on the other hand, recognizes Scripture as the highest authority. He reads the Bible, studies it, and examines it. He compares every doctrine preached with the Bible and rejects teaching that does not agree with the Bible (John 5:39, Acts 17:11, 2 Tim 3:16, Gal 1:6-8).

A Roman Catholic is taught that at least once a year one must confess to a priest in order to receive forgiveness of sins.

The true Christian, on the other hand, understands that since Jesus died for the sins of the world, He is the only mediator between God and men. He recognizes that only God can forgive sins and that He has promised to save those who come to Him through Jesus (through Him). (1 John 2:1, Heb 7:25, John 6:37, Mark 2:7).

"For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all" (1 Tim 2:5)

"Jesus answered him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" (J 14:6)

A Roman Catholic believes that through his merits (good deeds, pilgrimages, attendance at Mass, confession, etc.) he can achieve forgiveness of his sins.

The true Christian, on the other hand, realizes that his sins are an offense to God. He knows that salvation is by grace (unmerited goodness) so he understands that no good deed can help him obtain salvation. He recognizes that the only merit by which he can be forgiven is the very sacrifice of Jesus Christ. (Gal 2:21, Rom 3:19-25, Rom 4:4-6).

"For by grace you are saved through faith; and this is not of you, it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest anyone should boast" (Eph 2:8-9)'



Updated: 5 June 2016 — 12:18


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  1. ?dear admin you don't even know how you help me. I see the Lord Jesus leading me, teaching me, experiencing me, and calling me. Every time when I fall he shouts "get up and follow me and nothing will break you". Nothing but thanks to GOD for people like you, I will say again, you will be well in paradise ❤️

    I love you, brothers and sisters. Not as the world loves you, but as man loves you in Christ Jesus our Lord?

    1. I texted Peter the same thing: I love you guys!

    2. 🙁 - with reciprocity 🙂 It is the Holy Spirit who pours love into our hearts and the desire to follow God. To HIM be the glory forever 🙂 .

  2. But the faith of the fathers, the Christmas Eve supper, the sense of ( false ) community, etc. that's generally the most honest arguments of "folk Catholics" ( the Catholic intelligentsia supposedly someone has heard exists but no one has seen 😉 ).

    1. And how to debate with such emotional arguments?

      1. detmold 🙂 Maybe you should stop debating with Catholics, atheists and others (trying to convert and convince them). You might want to focus more on your personal relationship with the Savior. I think this will bring more tangible benefits to you and the environment you are in. May the Holy Spirit lead you into a closer relationship with your DAD and SON 🙂 .
        It's not worth getting too worked up about the things of this world.

        1. Magdalena,
          We cannot stop discussing with Catholics, atheists and other people who do not know God. We should talk to them. Even if we succeed in converting one soul, it is one converted soul! Very important for Allah. An atheist said: You must really hate other people so much because you know the way to Heaven but you don't tell them! Christ said to his apostles: "go into the world and preach my Gospel!" All Christians have this task.


    "The signatories of the document took the position that there should be no 'repatriation of victimized aliens' without their consent[.

  4. I know Catholics who live by these principles, so don't compare them to lukewarm Catholics. And then there's the question of confession. There's a passage in the Bible that talks about the apostles forgiving sins. The bullshit here is

    1. And since when are priests apostles?

    2. , "I am not condemning the Roman Catholics, remember I am not talking about the people, I am talking about the system. This system represents them. I believe that there are many priests in Roman Catholicism who serve God to the best of their conscience and God recognizes them as his children. I believe that. I have met many such. But when they hear the truth, Come out of it, out of Babylon, my people. Then they will come out. You cannot serve both Baal and another God at the same time. You cannot serve both good and evil at the same time; you cannot serve both masters. There is a necessary choice here. If we know that this system does not represent Jesus Christ but represents another light-bearer whose occult name is Lucifer, then in that case we must make a decision." - Former Catholic Prof. Dr. Walter Veith

    3. Roman Catholic
      Living the Bible
      Pick one.
      My dear, if someone says they know the Bible and are Catholic then something is wrong here. The first Bible I read was a thousand years old and that was enough for me to see the lies of the Catholic Church, and the farther into the forest the more and more evidence of the falsity of the Catholic Church, and now Francis is only helping in this (despite appearances he is doing a good job, many people are turning away from the Catholic Church, not necessarily to atheism but also to Protestantism, which is nevertheless a much better choice than the Catholic Church).

      As far as confession by ear is concerned, nowhere is it written to fly to a confessor with every little fuck, say an idolatrous Hail Mary and be done with it, go on sinning for another week. The following verse explains the meaning perfectly.

      (15): If your brother sins against you, go, reprove him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. (16): But if he will not listen to you, take with you another one or two, that every word may be based on the testimony of two or three witnesses. (17) If he will not listen to them, tell the church. And if the church will not listen, let it be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. [Modernised Gdansk Bible, Matthew 18].

      Ps. In the original there is no word church, but congregation. ekklēsia.

      ps2. To whom are believers to confess if every believer is a priest? Before a high priest. The question of who that is, you answer for yourself.εκκλησια

      A church is just a building.

  5. A Pole is as attached to Rome as a drunkard is to liquor... It is time to end this addiction once and for all! Otherwise God will end us.

    1. It's not. What are you attached to?
      To critical comments?
      you better read the word of God

      1. If Poles were hostile to Rome, the unmasking activities of our church would make as much sense as hauling wood to the forest. But alas, this is not the case, and we must be porters carrying the torch of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that illuminates this ever-present Babylonian darkness.

        1. Detmold

          He gives you a month's grounding for reading Jeremiah's trains, the book of Job, and other "sad" books.
          You can read the psalms, or the Gospel of John 😀.
          Maybe then the sadness will pass.

          (3) Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort, (4) Who rejoices over us in every trouble, that we also may be able to rejoice over them which are in any trouble, with that comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. [Gdansk Bible, 2 Corinthians 1].

          (1), Praise the Lord: for it is a good thing to sing unto our God: for this is a thankful and a goodly praise. (2), The Lord buildeth Jerusalem, and gathereth scattered Israel. (3): Who healeth the contrite in heart, and bindeth up their sorrows. [Gdansk Bible, Ps 147]

          (6): Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in his time; (7): Cast all your care upon him, for he hath care for you. [Gdansk Bible, 1p 5]

          So cast it upon Him and walk in joy.


  6. My Dears I am a reader of the blog I was even supposed to meet with you once but as they say it didn't work out lately I lack steadfastness in God's word a little bit I kind of went off the road and into the world you know friends weed I know it's bad but I need renewal support prayers for me and my girlfriend Lidie. I know I can rely on God I know what a loving fool I am that I rejected this because I feel like I'm dying day by day I don't want this I ask for your prayers with all my heart. May the good Lord guide you always

    1. (35: Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. (36: For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. (37) For it is yet very, very small, but, behold, he that is to come will come, and will not fail. [Gdansk Bible, Hebrews 10].

      (8): It is better to finish a thing, than to begin it: better is the man of a patient spirit, than of a haughty spirit. (9): Be not impetuous in thine spirit to wrath: for wrath in the pit of the foolish resteth. [Gdansk Bible, Koh 7]

      (7) "Therefore, brethren, be patient until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the plowman waiteth for the dear use of the earth, waiting patiently for it, until he shall receive the morning and evening rain. (8) Be ye also patient, and harden your hearts: for the coming of the Lord is near. [Gdansk Bible, James 5].

      (1) He that dwelleth in the protection of the Most High, and in the shadow of the Almighty shall dwell; (2) He shall say unto the LORD, My hope and my castle, my God, in him will I hope. (3) He shall deliver thee from the snare of the hunter, and from the poisonous air. (4) He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou be safe; his truth shall be a shield and a bulwark. (5): Thou shalt not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor of the arrow that flieth by day; (6): Nor of the pestilence that passeth by in darkness, nor of the air that fleeth by noonday. (7): A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but they shall not come near thee. [Gdansk Bible, Ps 91]

      God is the God of the living, not the dead. Go to Him. Go, and though you may die, you shall live.

  7. admin needs prayer
    let us intercede to the Lord Jesus!!!

    1. And what happened to the admin, if I may ask?

    2. I prayed for Peter. I ask that everyone do this and ask God for strength and peace for our Peter. This is very important!

      1. Let us pray earnestly for our beloved brother Peter, that the peace of God will reign in his heart. Immediately after wonderful moments of reunion with his brothers and sisters in the faith, a storm blew in on his sea. Probably the biggest one to date. So let us fight for him spiritually!

        1. Dear God do not forsake your servant Peter in his time of need!

        2. May it be so in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

          1. Amen!!!

    3. I also prayed. May the good God in Jesus Christ give Peter peace, may He give him strength. May it be so. Glory to you Jesus.

  8. WELCOME Of course faith is obvious and so are works, because faith without works is dead, both are necessary in the life of man on this earth

    1. No.

      All that is needed is faith.
      Deeds are the confirmation of whether faith is sincere or not sincere.
      Like with a tree.
      A tree that does not bear fruit is good for nothing, but fruit without a tree will not appear.

      1. Nonsense, I'm just like a 2 student sitting next to a 5 student. Not only does he give me hints, but I'm also taking things from him.
        And I also have a very good textbook 😀

    1. The other day I saw 3 planes spraying at the same time, on Thursday if I remember correctly, today the sky was sprayed too.

      1. They treat people worse than vermin... Jesus help me!

  9. Admin has iron nerves for pineapples like me though 😉 . Thank you. Godspeed.

  10. The lifestyle of our compatriots 😉

  11. If you like screenings of the parables, I recommend them on YT (don't mind the logo in the upper right corner of the screen, the material belongs to the International Media Ministry, and Lux Veritatis only produced the Polish version... Anyway, on TVTrwam you can often find interesting films, which are devoid of any Catholic, negative influences):
    Good Samaritan:
    The unmerciful servant:
    Prodigal Son:
    Unannounced Guest:
    Revolving Management:
    Treasure and Pearl:

  12. Does our church notice the fact of existence of indifferent/religiously indifferent (not atheists/agnostics)? People who don't care what they believe (the vast majority of the population), as long as it's good, nice and cool?

  13. I could put a book on the NCR.
    I was a Catholic.
    A believer-who spends several hours in church on Sunday and less on weekdays.
    My dream was to become a priest and serve God.
    Unfortunately - the behavior of my "promoters" deviated from the teachings of the Bible.
    I'm over 60 years old but I've never met a priest of the stature of St. Francis of Assisi.
    My goal was to help the poor, disadvantaged and needy.
    Neither JPII nor Francis will stop the greed of the KRK.
    Breaking all the commandments and tenets of the faith (which they themselves have established) is the domain of the CRC.
    I believe in the HOLY TRINITY AND I PRAY TO THEM (although like every Pole I also say Hail Mary), I do not go to church and I do not pray there.
    I talk to them all the time.On the way home,eating a meal,at work and lying in bed - speaking my own words and not some patted beads.

    1. I also have this dilemma and have for years.I didn't like what priests were doing,meddling in politics,pedophilia and hiding it,breaking their vow of celibacy and etc.But I didn't stop believing in God and Jesus Christ,I pray every day.I didn't understand why such a sinful priest should teach and instruct me - he is a bigger sinner than me.Thank you for the comparison.

  14. Christian is sufficient. "True" is redundant and even gives a pejorative tinge.

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