Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"The New World Order has established its first world headquarters in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan"

I wrote a lot about Astana on the old blog.

Astana (sAtana) is the new name of the old town. You should know that Astana before 1997 was called Akmola


This time the fresh text was translated by Jacek.



Geoffrey Grider


In Astana, we have a "city of the future" filled with Illuminati, Masonic and occult symbolism, whose goal, in the words of local leaders, is to "promote world peace and harmony among world religions."

"And he shall pitch the tents of his palace among the seas upon the mount of ornamental holiness; and when he shall come to his end, he shall have none to help him" (Daniel 11:45, BG).


We want to tell you today about a place so fantastic and so consistent with the ideas of the illuminati and the New World Order that you will accuse us of inventing it. But let me assure you that everything you are about to see is one hundred percent real and exists at this very moment. This is a perfect end times city, and it is located in Astana, Kazakhstan. That's right, in Kazakhstan.

„Piramida Pokoju wyraża ducha Kazachstanu gdzie kultury, tradycje i przedstawiciele różnych religii koegzystują w pokoju, harmonii i zgodzie” – głoszą oficjalne materiały PR. Będąc skąpanymi w złotym i bladoniebieskim blasku szkła, 200 delegatów reprezentujących główne religie i wiary świata spotykać się będzie co trzy lata w okrągłej sali na wzór sali posiedzeń Rady Bezpieczeństwa Narodów Zjednoczonych w Nowym Jorku. Pałac Pokoju i Pojednania powstał jako stałe miejsce spotkań Kongresu i globalne centrum porozumienia religijnego, odrzucenia przemocy oraz promoting faith and human equality.


Astana Peace and Reconciliation Palace


June 10, 2015. UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki Moon addressed the Congress of World Leaders and Traditional Religions at the Peace and Reconciliation Palace in Astana. It was a meeting of designed to promote global cooperation among the world's political and religious leaders. Pope Francis has been invited to attend the next Congress in 2017. It has been assured that the Vatican will be adequately represented at the planned congress of religious leaders in Astana. Such congresses have become a unique and influential platform dialogue between religions and civilizations - the Kazakh ministry said.


I know what you are thinking right now. I thought the same thing too when I was first shown this. How could I not know about this place? The photos you see here are not architectural visualizations, but photographs of real buildings, fully completed and functioning.


The top is round and sunlight falls on them. Images of white doves representing peace are embedded in the windows, which teaches the unification of world governments and religions, the New World Order. The top is the ultimate reflection of enlightenment.


At the very top of the pyramid is a strangely occult meeting room, where Political and religious leaders from around the world meet to plan global directives for the coming year. The doves were attached to glass so that they appear to be floating outside the windows.


The Guardian calls Astana "one of the weirdest capital cities in the world"


"Suddenly, the shiny Astana comes into view, all shiny metal and glass, impossibly rising on the Kazakh steppe like a postmodern Lego set. Welcome to Astana, one of the strangest capital cities in the world." Here is what the European periodical the Guardian had to say about Astana.


It's the perfect place from which the antichrist could begin his reign over the world. Indeed, the spirit of antichrist is firmly established here.

As much as the city is currently in its raw state, many more projects have already been set in motion and are being implemented in the city. If Central Casting in Hollywood was going to create a city that represented the New World Order, this would be the city, no question.


Astana is officially on our end times radar. We will keep you updated on events there. In the meantime, let's keep getting better and better!


"Looking forward to the blessed hope and revelation of the glory of the great God of our Savior Jesus Christ” (List do Tytusa 2:13, BG).”


Thank you for translating in Jesus' name.




Old Materials:





Updated: 4 May 2016 — 11:52


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  1. w tv widziałem zajawkę filmu o rzekomo dziecięcych, młodzieńczych latach życia Jezusa Chrystusa. Szumnie reklamowany ale skończy się tak jak Noe – wybrany przez Boga. Jedno zdanie z tej zajawki zdyskredytowało cały ten film. Cytuje: poznaj moment, w którym Jezus zdał sobie sprawę z tego, ze jest Bogiem…

    1. The content of this video is potentially dangerous. I sniff out deception.

    1. no nie no nie, policzek dla Detektywa Prawdy…
      on my praga 🙂

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