Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Stella Maris - the crowning evidence of paganism and fallen angel worship in the Roman church.

Attention to this irrefutable proof of paganism in the Roman church and its demonic nature was pointed out to me by a blog reader commenting on my text about the heights. I thank him very much for this, as it is cardinal evidence, and it was also found in the invocation to Astarte/Isis. Please do not read this satanic nonsense in the article about heights, because this invocation echoes evil.


Stella Maris - a title derived from IsisThe Star of the Sea, the Star of all the seas, is now ascribed to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is probably why we have terms for Mary such as Star of the Dawn or Morning Star. Wikipedia.


The implication is that the name of the demon, the term is attributed to ..... to Jesus' mother.

Satan is the master liar.


This is also the name of a Catholic publication:

Stella Maris - Catholic publication in the archdiocese of Gdansk.

Let's look at the spirit behind it:



Stella Maris affair media term for irregularities related to business activity of the Gdańsk Archdiocese Publishing House "Stella Maris" Sp. z o.o. including illegal acquisition of tax refunds from the State Treasury by its employees and board members revealed in 2002.

The Publishing House (since August 2001 as a limited liability company with the KRS number 0000037320) was exempt from corporate income tax in the part allocated to statutory purposes of the Catholic Church.

The first suspects were executives, including the director and former Chaplain of the Gdansk Metropolitan Tadeusz Goclowski, Father Zbigniew B. They were accused of issuing VAT invoices for fictitious consulting and advisory services between 1998 and 2001. People accused in the affair are suspected of tax fraud and illegal appropriation of money. Acts alleged by the prosecutor are punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment. According to the prosecutor, the defendants paid the Stella Maris publishing house of the Archdiocese of Gdansk money for services that in practice the publishing house did not provide, issuing fictitious invoices for them. The cash was formally supposed to be earmarked for statutory purposes of the Catholic Church or the purchase of paper.[footnote needed] In reality, the money was returned to the defendants, after deducting 8 to 10 percent commission for the publishing house.[footnote needed] One of the main suspects is the former communist censor and owner of a consulting company, Jerzy B. In order to solve the related problems, according to the decree, every diocesan priest will pay 50 zloty every month to a special account.[1]

More than 40 people are accused in more than a dozen investigations into irregularities in the functioning of the Stella Maris publishing house. According to prosecutors, the State Treasury lost more than 65 million zlotys."


Now the land will be traded by churches, and we know what the biggest one in Poland is.

500+ for the masses and that's for the second child, and billions for the NCR.


Images showing Stella Maris:




How do we know the sickle and star?






Look at the ocean of 5-armed stars:


Symbol of Islam:






One does not have to be a detective to notice the coincidence of pressing Muslims to Poland with the person of Francis and the Church of Rome. Probably during the World Youth Days in Krakow there will be psychomanipulation on a mass scale, which will be broadcast by all television stations.


Below the Catholic icon of the Stella Maris and behind it the seal of Solomon (hexagram) In my opinion this will be the mark of the beast 666:



Stella Maris Queen of the Sea:


Isis as Stella Maris. Catholics are reminded that Isis?Isis/Astarte was the mother of Jesus before Mary.


We know that isis, Astarte is the same as the goddesses in Rome and Greece (Aphrodite and Venus)

Aphrodite had no parents and one day she emerged from a pians of the sea.


Stella Maris - Star of the Sea.


The demon/fallen angel Isis shown in full form. Just like the currently promoted model of a woman: predatory, rebellious:


What does she hold? Ankh cross:




Horus was born of a virgin (Isis) on the 25th of December.


Satanists are already prepared for the re-birth of Horus as the antichrist.


"Important government buildings in the United States were built according to the Hermes principle. Most of the designers of streets in Washington, D.C., were Masons.
Eventually Washington was designed and built according to the Lafen plan.
The Federal Triangle is modeled after the constellation of stars. There is a right triangle surrounding the constellation Virgo symbolizing Pythagoras' theorem. This theorem is said to have tremendous significance in freemasonry. The shorter side symbolizes Baal, the longer side symbolizes a woman who is submissive and passive, and the opposite side symbolizes the divine child created by Baal and Ashtarte, Osiris and Isis. The desire was to evoke the pagan trinity.
The federal triangle is to invoke the spiritual power of the constellation Virgo, that is, to invoke the child of the deities as above.
The divine child is described in the film as a New Age Messiah. He is supposed to be the product of cosmic male and female powers to create synergy.Bacon attributed these energies to Apollo and Athena. Apocalypse mentions Apollo. This is supposed to be alchemy, chemistry on a divine level. I would like to point out that the attack on the WTC was done when the sun was in the sign of Virgo. From what I remember some important U.S. document was signed in that sign as well."


How does one not wait in this situation for salvation (release). Release from the world of demons and evil.



Updated: 3 May 2016 — 18:21


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    1. it's all above us.
      All we can do is pray for ourselves and our families.
      However, we should all pray at the SDM in Krakow. We should all integrate, including the churches.

      1. I also believe that the SDM needs a common prayer action along with fasting

    2. You have to admit that they cleverly put the word "bondage" in the name of this act. In its entirety it looks fine because, after all, it is a maternal slavery and, in addition, a slavery of love! But whatever slavery it is, they call the people they enslave slaves!

    3. I wonder - what is the use of all the indignation, common prayers against the kRk, if at the same time one does not preach the Gospel to Catholics? Is for some for example denying Paul, Luke, the divinity of Christ, conspiracies and proving the flat earth more important than that? The Apostles prayed for boldness in preaching, not for chasing away territorial demonic powers. Now the fashion is also spreading to preach with Catholics, not to Catholics. And of course I point out that I am not blameless either because I should be more zealous and eager in this matter, but I wanted to give some food for thought.

      1. prayer makes sense.

        In the Father of us it is: but deliver us from the Evil One.
        Deliver us from demonic powers.

        I don't see the nonSense

      2. You are from Gdansk, we must meet sometime and talk.

        1. In the sense of a guzzler:)

        2. Yes, I wrote to you. Is there anyone else from Gdansk?

  1. I love these articles even though I never comment here I often read them 😀 It's always good to expand your knowledge 😀

    1. Hi Bartek, welcome!

  2. Peter, the link you provided - krainablogini
    It is important to note that you are entering into your own personal reality. Bad energy emanates from there and the site is saturated with it. I know I'm giving information but I couldn't even stand there 5 minutes to finish this article which is in the link. The author of this blog, as she says about herself, is a card player, not a fortune teller or anything like that but just a card player. I already had to deal with such a card lover and never want to again! This site is very mentally taxing. I would read it without any problems in the past but now it puts me off.

    1. Right, I tend to treat readers as informed and provide links as sources from which one can select facts and discard the rest.
      I'll delete it.

      1. Well, my eyes are just beginning to open if it weren't for this website, I'd probably still be stuck in KRK

  3. Today "we" have an imploring prayer to the Father for the annulment of this ... you want to join us. Uttered with repentance Our Father is enough .... a goal for the homeland ... heh

    1. pass the link lusia

    2. As for joint actions with the Salvationists and the author of this site, I think that if anything, the only action with Henry Kubik and followers of his teaching should be to preach the Gospel to them.

    1. page not available

  4. I thought so. Here's a copy:

    this is for salvation com

    today 03/05/2016 there will be a prayer to overturn this devastating decision that hangs over our beautiful country. Please fast until 12 and participate sincerely

    Today on Jasna Góra during the Council of Diocesan Bishops there was a historic renewal of the act of giving Poland into the maternal slavery of love of Mary, Mother of the Church of Christ. The act was signed by the bishops 50 years ago and was addressed to the Blessed Mother 50 years ago, on May 3, 1966. Now it has been officially renewed,9946286/

    1. but maybe provide a full link to the forum

    2. (Regarding this prayer action)Forgive me, I will repeat myself because this would be a better place for my previous question that may have been overlooked:

      I wonder - what is the use of all the indignation, common prayers against the kRk, if at the same time one does not preach the Gospel to Catholics? Is for some for example denying Paul, Luke, the divinity of Christ, conspiracies and proving the flat earth more important than that? The Apostles prayed for boldness in preaching, not for chasing away territorial demonic powers. Now the fashion is also spreading to preach with Catholics, not to Catholics. And of course I point out that I am not blameless either because I should be more zealous and eager in this matter, but I wanted to give some food for thought.

      1. I am not outraged by the fact that Krk again gave Poland under the rule of Ashtarte, or whatever she is called.
        They did it a long time ago and are sitting up to their ears deep in demonization.
        It's not like anything has happened now, they've been serving evil all along.
        I only pity the ordinary people who are bound by these demonic powers.
        We can only pray for the awakening of Catholics and the preaching of the true gospel to them.
        This is my opinion today, but of course I realize that I may be wrong.

  5. I typed "morning star" into google translator/lacina.
    means exactly Lucifer.

    apocalypse 22:16
    I, Jesus, sent my angel,
    to testify to you about what concerns the churches.
    I am the offshoot and offspring of David,
    The shining star, the morning star

    1. note that it's from Latin. Latin is used exclusively by the Vatican.

      1. Apart from the language of the Vatican, why is Jesus in the Bible compared to ancient pagan titles, supposedly in Mesopotamian mythology the goddess Ishtar.

        1. Someone recently explained it sensibly, but I've forgotten

          1. Isaiah first referred to Satan as ἑωσφόρος meaning "bearer of the dawn." In the original Hebrew text it appears as helel ben-shachar (הילל בן שחר in Hebrew). Helel means the planet Venus, while ben-shachar means the luminous son of the morning. The Vulgate translated this as Lucifer from "lux" and "ferre" - light-bearer. For the Vulgate, "light-bearer" and "morning star" are all Lucifer. Venus was called the morning star. And that is what Jesus is called in the Revelation verse you quoted. People associate Satan with darkness, fire, tar, etc and meanwhile he is counterfeiting God. Antichrist will also be a counterfeit.

            1. Hey you, I don't understand, I already told you to change your logon to I understand

              1. I support ? it would be truthful ?
                And of course it looks and sounds nicer.?

              2. No better admin nickname for me 😉

                1. Which means you still don't understand anything. Ok then, I will treat you as if you don't understand anything 🙂 .

            2. by the way the source you copied wikipedia from shows us something else interesting:

              "See, for example, St. Lucifer, or the hymn Carmen aurorae. Lucifer in the Latin liturgy is the name of the morning star in which Mary of Nazareth is symbolically seen. As the morning star heralds, carries the light of the sun, so Mary heralds the coming of Christ. See also above on Lucifer in Roman mythology and in the Latin translation of the Bible."

              I'm researching the topic further

              1. Catholic Mary is just referred to as the Morning Star as in your article, meaning in Latin they could refer to her as Lucifer.... So Catholics can talk like that about: Satan, Mary and Jesus because they are based on Latin....

                1. I also found something that confirms a theory of mine:

                  "in Greek tradition, Venus was named after the enemy of the supreme God i.e. Satan and the Devil.

                  To this I would just add that on Christmas Eve it is Venus/Lucifer who is the harbinger of sitting down to supper.

                  Venus - Egyptian Isis, the mother goddess. Her cult was absorbed into Christianity. She bore such titles as: "Queen of Heaven," "Mother of God," and "theotokos" (God-bearer) - these are now attributed to Mary."

                  Well, for several years now, I have believed that Latin is the language of Satan

              2. I think so too. Italian and Spanish and Portuguese are derived from meadow.

              3. Admin, there was a former Jesuit, Alberto Rivera, he too claimed that Latin was the devil's language.

                1. ooo that means I'm not alone in this assessment

              4. Of course, Catholic exorcists say the opposite, that the evil one is even afraid of Latin. Anyway, they always say the opposite, no novelty.

            3. I also have many unanswered questions, here's another quote from the Bible.

              Isaiah 14:12

              How you fell from the heavens,
              Bright, Son of the Dawn? 2
              How you fell to the ground,
              You who have conquered nations?

              1. which is kind of like a son of Venus

              2. English needed here too

          2. Now it's shaping up for me like here:


            Except that Lucifer is not Satan. Lucifer is most likely Isis, who is supposed to conceive on earth Horus, or the antichrist, the incarnation of Satan.

            Thus we have the advertised pentagram and the eye. The first symbolizes Isis and the second Horus.
            everything is falling into place. Almost.

  6. This diabolical magic used by the Krk would explain the apathy, marasmus, and neurosis of the Poles....

    1. I forgot. Magic, what magic? Are you out of your Christmas tree? Such a deluded reaction...

  7. Today I am still in a small, beautiful village where I have always spent my vacations and free weekends, and here you can clearly see how deeply rooted in the province is the cult of Mary. Walking around the small area I noticed a large concentration of chapels with pictures of the Queen of Heaven and a large cross with the dying Jesus. From the local, magnificent cathedral came the priest's gloomy wail, and crowds of people went to Mass like pigs to the slaughter...

  8. Let us pray to our DAD in heaven for the Holy Spirit for the people of our beautiful country. Let the Spirit of our DAD fill the hearts and minds of the people. HE is more powerful than all the bishops' "spells", more powerful than all the demons combined. HIS power cannot be defeated by anything or anyone.
    "9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. 10 For every one that asketh receiveth; he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. 11 If any of you fathers asks a son for bread, will he give him a stone? Or for fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish4? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will he give him a scorpion5? 13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father from heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him."" Luke 11:9-13
    So let us ask for the best, the most needed and the most effective. Let us ask for the Holy Spirit for all of HIS children. The more hearts and minds filled with the Holy Ghost, the less effective the demons and people under their influence.
    Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of your children and act in the name of our Lord _ Jesus Christ. HE IS THE KING !

  9. And one more very important point:

    The mark on Aphrodite's forehead (Seminaris mother Tamuza)

  10. Peter, I'm afraid you're involved in something?,ech9rv

    1. take it or someone else will seriously think....

    2. To clarify, Archbishop Gocłowski, the main person responsible for the affair at the Stella Maris publishing house

      1. Oh, look, I didn't think of that. Shocker.
        But traf....

      2. For us Christians, there are no coincidences... this is yet another proof that Peter and our entire Christian family is led by the Holy Spirit

  11. Today in The World According to Kiepskis they gave some esoteric knowledge probably in connection with today's celebration of the Queen of Heaven. Episode 318.

    In the beginning, when Ferdek goes to a psychiatrist, Marian is surprised to learn that today is not the feast of the Mother of God of the Herbs. Next comes the scene in Egypt when Ferdek takes a long name that includes the word Ishtar, then prays to Isis. At the end, Ferdek sings a song about building a pyramid of plenty. 13 Which is an obvious reference to the illuminati and the building of the NWO.

    The episode is fairly old, but even in these new ones recently there have been hidden messages about the illuminati. One such about secret societies is 380 Of Mice and Men.

    "Ferdynand Kiepski is a believer in the conspiracy theory of history. He stumbles upon a conspiracy to have the Rats take over Poland. In an attempt to save his country, he goes down to the sewer. He is aided in his operation by his friend from the junkyard, Mr. Badura, who, he claims, is an expert on the psyche and customs of rats."

    1. And all this is an illuminati effort to ridicule the truth seekers who are aware of the existence of a conspiracy on a global scale. The unaware will be able to easily say that someone has a "conspiracy theory of history" because they watched The Lame Ones (the equivalent of The Simpsons on the high seas)...

  12. I think that this is a good summary of the whole degeneration that we have to deal with in Poland and not only. The most frightening thing is that the years are passing and these lyrics instead of losing their relevance, they are gaining it! Kazik: "Pancerny"

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