Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

I have super connections in politics that not everyone has.

Około 15 lat temu dowiedziałem się o tym, że pewien socjolog kiedyś stworzył teorię tzw  “sześciu kontaktów”

It assumes that each of us is only six contacts away from any person in the world. Does the six degree theory work?

According to her, you need six handshakes, six friends to have contact with, for example, President Obama. It is very simple. You know colleague X, colleague X has a friend politician Y, politician Y knows the president of Poland and the president of Poland knows Obama or e.g. Brzezinski.


I used to know one MP personally. I used to be very interested in politics. Now I am less so.



Well, this time I have to brag to you about my knowledge in politics, which not everyone has.

I very much appreciated the super contact with this exquisite monarch.

The world's strongest military reports to him.

I have direct contact with the King universe and that's without six intermediaries, six contacts.

I really enjoy expanding His kingdom on earth.


I have a relationship with Jesus.

Psalm 145 is clear about my King:


“Wywyższać cię będę, My God, the King, And bless thy name forever. (2) Every day they will bless you and praise your name forever. (3) Great is the Lord and worthy of great glory, And His greatness is unfathomable. (4) Generation to generation proclaims your works, Tells of your power. (5) They shall proclaim the glorious glory of thy majesty And thy wondrous affairs. (6) They shall speak of the power of thy terrible works, They shall tell of thy greatness. (7) They shall proclaim the memory of thy great goodness, And cheerfully celebrate thy righteousness. (8) Gracious and merciful is the Lord, Fearless to anger and full of grace. (9) Good is the Lord to all, And his mercy is over all his works. (10) May all thy works give thanks to thee, O Lord, And may thy faithful bless thee! (11) Let them talk about the glory kingdoms And let them praise thy might, (12) To declare to men thy might And the glorious glory of thy kingdom! (13) Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, And thy dominion endureth through all generations. (14) The Lord sustains all who fall And lifts up all who are downcast. (15) The eyes of all in you hope, And you give them their food at the right time. (16) You open your hand and saturate at will everything that lives. (17) Righteous is the Lord in all his ways And gracious in all his works. (18) Near is the Lord to all who call upon him, To all who call upon him sincerely. (19) He fulfills the wish of those who fear him, And he hears their cry and delivers them. (20) The Lord guards all who love him, But all the wicked he will exterminate. (21) Niech usta moje głoszą chwałę Pana I niech wszelkie ciało błogosławi imię jego święte Na wieki wieków!’


I have 24H 7/7 access to the king of the universe.




That's the kind of knowledge of King I just wanted to show off.

Glory to you God King of heaven and earth.



Updated: 2 May 2016 — 13:47


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  1. It's important that Jesus always reigns in our heart 🙂 .

  2. With such acquaintances, you can achieve anything in life 🙂 .

    A tak przy okazji… jutro bodajże ma być ten okropny dzień kiedy polscy przywódcy kościoła rzymskiego mają odnowić pakt z demonem.

    It worries me a little that a curse may hang over Poland

    Do we gather together and pray to the Father about this?

    1. I'm all for it 🙂 what is humanly impossible, to God is possible.

    2. What a pact. Is it possible to read about it somewhere ?

      1. Adam, the content of the prayer proposed by Peter Zimbarder for the protection of Poland from demonic powers behind the cult of Mary and Catholicism in general can be found at this link:

    3. “KB” – Kocham Boga 😀
      And seriously, I am all for praying to the Father, even daily, because only in prayer is strength and hope.

  3. And I dreamt today that the King returned and I ran to meet Him :-).

    1. it's bad because supposedly the King is taking us up 😀 Maybe it was the Antichrist?

  4. “Otóż tym razem muszę się Wam pochwalić moją znajomością w polityce, którą nie wszyscy mają.”

    1. I understand, Zdzislaw, that you take it personally, but the understanding of this truth is: well, because the Gentiles don't have

      1. I take to myself a lot.
        That quote I don't understand but I don't know why I need connections in politics.
        And I received it differently.

        1. i.e. thought provoking.
          People are looking for connections in the world, how to win something, brag about their friends on Facebook, who they do not have what friends.
          They bow to the kings of the earth, but they are not interested in the King of kings and Lord of lords.
          I hope you now have a better understanding of the message of this text.

          1. Yes thank you.

  5. Admin,
    If you have the time and desire as a local, maybe you could come to the end to see what's going on there.

    1. Thank you. I know that, but I gave up because I would have neglected the blog. I mean, 3 days of about 8 hours
      I have a lecture CD from a few years ago

  6. Dobry artykuł .Przecież skoro Jezus jest Panem panów Królem królów to choć panoszy sie w tym swiecie szatan , jego demony czy niektórzy przywódcy na usługach złego , to nie na zawsze i nie z mocą jaką ma a tym bardziej będzie miał przy powtórnym przyjsciu Król królów Syn Boga .Zobaczy ,poczuje to wszelkie stworzenie i tak na imię Jezus zegnie sie wszelkie kolano.Nie istotne też będą wtedy podziały lewica-prawica ci tacy tamci inni gdyż będzie tak”oto wszystko nowe czynię”

  7. “Ty im dajesz pokarm ich we właściwym czasie.” – Tak, jak bardzo potrzeba nam cierpliwości… Ilu to ludzi złorzeczyło Bogu, bo nie wysłuchał paru modlitw…

  8. I only meant today for the tip and a brief report on the blog.

  9.,94dkxw – sprofanowali opłatek? To ciekawe… Czyli wedle tego rozumowania otwarte, a biblijne określenie eucharystycznego opłatka absolutną obrzydliwością dla Boga podchodzi pod “obrazę uczuć religijnych”… tak?!

  10. Great text? By the way, it turned out that we have a common friend ?

  11. I co najważniejsze….Mój król nie ściąga podatków 😀

    1. downloads: tithing,
      but what is 1/10th of 80% what the so-called state takes

  12. An allegory of a mind trapped in a body/situation with no way out.

  13. The 50 traits of the Pharisees, I recommend, a very valuable text:

  14. Do the people of both sexes reading this blog realize that the people who have been led by the minions of the devil will sooner turn the blade of their wrath against us than against the Luciferians? Let them be prepared for blood, sweat and tears.

    1. May God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ strengthen us in hard times. May it be so.

  15. I am wondering about the issue of the Sabbath.I found an interesting text questioning the celebration of Saturday and warning of the Judaization of Christianity, I would love to know your opinion on this:

  16. Thanks a lot? Peter, for the text.
    I was very touched, just wiping my tears now.
    It is amazing that we have access to the Creator of heaven and earth nonstop.
    That Someone so powerful, so wonderful, who speaks the word and it is fulfilled, chose us humans and loved us to the end. He did everything so that we could be with Him for eternity.
    I am disarmed by the great love of our God and nothing else matters, what matters is what my Lord wants me to do?

    1. really people are not aware of it, that's why it looks like it does.

  17. Palnar thanks for posting the article on the holy day of Sha atu. I was in dire need of such an explanation supported by Bible verses, because until now I myself did not know whether to celebrate Saturday or Sunday.

    1. A ja dziękuję Palnar za artykuł “Pięćdziesiąt cech faryzeuszów” 🙂 bardzo pomocny

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