Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Word for 29.04.2016 Your figure is like a palm tree, your breasts like grapes.

A biblical description of the beauty of the female body.


How beautiful you are and how graceful, love overflowing! (8) Your figure resembles a palm tree, your breasts resemble grapes. (9)I thought: I will climb the palm tree, I will pluck a bundle of its dates! Let your breasts be to me like grapes, and the breath of your nostrils like the scent of apples, (10) And your palate like a fine wine that flows smoothly, moistening your lips and teeth. (11) I belong to my beloved and towards me his desire turns. (12) Come, my kind, we will go out into the field, we will spend the night among the henna flowers! (13) In the morning we will go to the vineyards to see if the vine is in bloom, if the buds have opened, if the pomegranates are in full flower: There I will show you my love! (14) Mandragors give off a fragrance; at our gates are all kinds of delicious fruits, both new and old, which, my kind, I have hidden for you.

Song of Songs 7.


Updated: 29 April 2016 — 09:19


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  1. Well very sensual description 🙂
    I also feel that way, love in nature is the most beautiful.

    1. Na to wychodzi 😀 A poza tym, to uważam, że OK – w ramach rubryczki “Kto to stworzył?” Detektyw wrzuca miłe oku widoki, ale najpiękniejszym dziełem PANA Jezusa jest kobiece ciało 🙂

      1. what an apt observation 🙂 10/10

  2. I'm sorry, but I was immediately reminded of a joke:
    – Masz piersi jak rodzynki.
    – Takie słodkie?
    – Nie, takie pomarszczone.

    1. nie no…ode chciało mi si e erotyki…

      1. Hahaha! 😀

        Diana, I don't think I've yet met a woman with as good a sense of humor as you have 🙂 I'd love to.

        1. I have to make up for other shortcomings with something ;-).

          1. Oh, oh there 😉

          2. And I think that was another one of your jokes 😉

            Ponieważ masz wszystko Kwiatuszku, jesteś ciepła, radosna, kochająca, troskliwa, mądra, piękna, oddana Bogu…i mogę tak dalej wymieniać bez końca bo masz w sobie wszystko co najwspanialsze <3 🙂

              1. The very truth 🙂 Super you are 🙂 May the LORD continue to guide you and your family!

  3. What a beautiful erotic. This is how love should be spoken!

    1. This is how love should be done 😀

  4. Solomon was a womanizer and complimenter before it was fashionable 😀

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