Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Is Babylon the Great and the Harlot the Vatican?

Recently Robert from Kielce has been writing interesting, though for some obvious, texts on Facebook.


Today I'm going to put a stick in an anthill. Is Babylon the Great and the Harlot the Vatican? Much evidence suggests that it probably is, the Roman Church has, to put it mildly, departed from the teachings of Jesus Christ. The Pope titles himself His substitute. While the Holy Scriptures say that His substitute is the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus put into the hearts of people who received Him. He also said not to call anyone Father in matters of faith, because the Holy Father is God, and that is the title of the Pope. The present church pHe has gone into ecumenism, interfaith meetings (Assisi) where prayers to different gods are shared, instead of upholding the gospel and converting, he has gone into compromise and cooperation (non-government with religions), he has become lukewarm. It could use a reboot and a return to the factory settings of the first century. The Vatican has had many dark pages in its history, it was and is a political power, it influenced rulers, dismissed and appointed kings, persecuted people who thought differently than the church commanded. It persecuted and murdered Bible Christians. Inquisition pyres burned almost all over Europe, collaborated with the Nazis during World War II, and after the war helped hide and smuggle Nazi criminals to South America. Saint John was amazed as he saw all this, he was shocked, that's why Jesus told his people to get out of this religious system. God looks at hearts and wants to save as many deceived people as possible. Babylon the Great is to be destroyed by the judgment of God. I would love to be wrong, but the recent world events, the Pope's involvement in the mass admission of Muslims to Europe will not do any good. These are not our brothers and sisters in the faith, Jesus said that our brother and sister is the one who does His will and the Father who sent Him. As Christians we have a duty to help, but in such a way that it does not pose a threat to us, our families and our faith, and the Beast may just be the Muslims who by the judgment of God will destroy the Harlots.

Greetings to all in the dear name of our Lord Jesus Christ."











Updated: 24 April 2016 — 13:39


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  1. I'm sensing Wilkerson's style 🙂

  2. Our various enemies accuse us of being idle and incompatible with economic-social-cultural reality. Excuse me, but how can good and evil be "compatible"/conformable?

  3. The work of Krk is that Poles abhor themselves and destroy each other. He has so demonized them...

    1. The fruit of Catholic brainwashing is also such that a family member passing by the computer sees me reading an article about the Sabbath and shouts: "Jews!!! You seem to be reading Jewry"... Ech... 🙁

      1. Pole=Catholic/Vatican... As if I wrote/said that Poles=slaves and Polish women=women... Total paranoia. Our people got stupid from eating pork....

          1. Funny. Polish Catholics may consider a person of Judaic appearance as their own, as long as he is available and on the line, and a "Polish Pole" (sterotypical blond, blue eyes) as an iconoclastic Jew (bitter laughter). (sterotypical blond, blue eyes) as long as he is iconoclastic as a Jew (bitter laughter).

  4. How about something about young 12-30 year olds?

  5. Thank you for this text, now it's all clear 🙂

  6. Poles (I know, I know I repeat myself, but I have to) by indoctrination of Krk instead of being respectable, brave people are insulted, cowardly slaves of Babylon...

  7. Andrew just turned on a video from YT, very on topic and interesting "The Great Harlot or the Catholic Church Documentary Film"

    1. It was because of their Catholic upbringing that Poles dangled on gallows/are slaves of the West, and Polish women were raped/are ragged....

  8. Of course it is ! 🙂 🙂

    1. Life is not sweet, and is generally bland and even bitter.

  9. I thought this was not subject to much discussion. The Vatican is the Harlot of Revelation without a shadow of a doubt.

    I am always curious how the patriots and nationalists, who are devoted to their homeland, show off their Catholicism so much. After all, the Vatican as the Apostolic Capital was hostile to the Polish state:
    1. the praise of Tsarina Catherine by Pope Pius VI, who called her the "heroine of the century" praised her conquests including the First Partition of Poland.
    2) The same pope blessed the Targowica and even pressured King Poniatowski to join it.
    Pope Gregory XVI condemned the November Uprising and wished Poles to submit to the partitioners.
    4 Pope Pius IX condemned the January Uprising, which was probably the reason for Juliusz Słowacki's criticism of it and the entire papacy in "Kordian."
    There are many more threads, and the ones I have rolled can be found in any serious historical publication so they are not some unproven stories.

    The second thing, I was shocked to discover a grouping calling itself the "Order of the Knights of John Paul" that unites only male Catholics. They have an interesting creed in a negative sense, there is also a litany to "St" John Paul II...I'll roll a few lines from that litany:

    "Shepherd bringing truth" - maybe "light" would fit better 🙂 hehe
    "Shepherd of the Poles,
    Shepherd of the whole world"
    "Comfort of the dying"
    "teacher of ecumenism"

    frankly speaking, I am at a loss for words. I have nothing against ordinary people, but I hate the doctrine of KK which literally deceives these poor people.

    1. Apart from the Jews, Krk is the No. 1 enemy of Polishness.

  10. Popek and the rest of the crowd are depraving the young. And what do we do about it: NOTHING! We strain the mosquito and let the camel pass. Let's be united and resist this plague.


    Boys and girls, catch a live recording of the trip to Jerusalem

  12. Absurdities of the Catholic Republic:
    (1) You must voluntarily under penalty of law share the fruits of your labor with those in need i.e. officials.
    2) You have to prove that you are not a camel i.e. permits and approvals for everything from a driver's license to running a business.
    3. the "benevolent" polocatholics.

    1. Anyone who isn't a lefty is crap....

      1. Commune ( reds, anti-clerk) vs Solidarity ( ultra-reds, pro-clerk). Where is the right wing here? In the parliament practically the left alone, arguing stupidity.

        1. National-Catholic/Pedophile Left vs Internationalist/Progressive/Tea Party Left. Conclusion? We believers in Jesus Christ must distance ourselves from this maelstrom.

  13. The answer to the question asked in the title of this topic is : United States of America

    1. The U.S. will be humiliated but not destroyed. There is no biblical basis for such a claim

      1. The USA is the Beast from the Earth and the Vatican is one of the heads of the Beast from the Sea. If it were not for the military and economic power and technological development of the USA, the Vatican would not be able to control the whole world.

        Babylon the Great and the Harlot are all derogatory churches whose mother is the Vatican.

        The identity of the Beast from Earth

        The Great Whore

        1. I'm watching A. Palle. On Facebook. I don't know how to put this delicately. Oh, whatever.

          In any case, the best text I've read about the beasts of the sea and Rev. Daniel is this one:

          I was going to describe it but I ran out of time.

  14. One theory I've come to know, according to Pastor Jim Staley, is that the mysterious kingdom that was, and is not but will be for a short time, is the Ottoman Empire of 1453-1924, and which is being reborn again - the current Mulzuman invasion of Europe and the spread of Islam. The woman riding the beast is Saudi Arabia.
    and the wine he drinks is oil, which is controlled by world finance and is Babylon.

    1. non sense. Harlotry is a number of biblical criteria. Only the Vatican meets them.

      1. I found an awesome video on this topic, I encourage you to watch it, it's really well explained but unfortunately in English, at minute 15:07 there are presented the criteria you mentioned.

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