Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Raków near Kielce symbolizes the fall of the city after the exile of the biblical Christians.

Dry facts from wikipedia:



The town of Rakov was founded in 1569 by Żarnów Castellan Jan Sienieński, who proclaimed religious tolerance there. The town's name comes from the Warnia coat of arms (also known as Rak), which was the family crest of Jadwiga Gnoińska, the wife of Rakov's founder.

In a short time Rakov became the center of life of Polish brothers called the Arians living in Poland, as the city's founders were followers of the Reformation movement. At the end of the 16th century, an Arian printing house was established. At the beginning of the 17th century, Raków was chosen as the organizational center of the Arian church. The city grew rapidly. Weaving, paper, pottery and brewing industries were established at that time. A magnificent town hall and a bridge over the Czarna River were also built.

In the years 1602-1638 in Raków there was Arian school of international renown, where teaching was based on their own textbooks, by professors who teach at the school.

As a result of the growing counter-reformation, on the pretext of the destruction of the cross by the Arian youth, April 19, 1638 the royal court has banned further activities of the Rakov church, including the printing house and school, and sentenced to banishment a teacheri[2]. After the expulsion of Arians from Poland the city declined and became deserted.

Its rank was not restored by the foundation of a magnificent church by the bishop of Kraków, Jakub Zadzik.

In 1641, the bishop settled the Reformati in Raków. Their task was to convert the Arians and their followers, who remained in the town. The monks left the town around 1649. At the end of the 17th century, the town had 700 inhabitants.

After the Third Partition of Poland, Raków came under Austrian and then Russian rule. In 1820, Raków's population was 926, and in 1864 it grew to 2007; a large part of the population was Jewish[2]. In 1869, like many other Polish towns, it lost its municipal rights.



Leaving aside Arian Antrinitarianism. This was a religious group active in Poland in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, rejecting the supremacy of the pope, the church hierarchy, demanding separation of church and state and social reforms. The Arians were Polish friars.



The same is with Kielce, sometimes called clerical town. It is ruled by president Lubawski who is strongly connected with the Roman church. More resourceful people emigrated. It is not important who will be after him because there is no Protestant spark in Kielce.

Poland is under Zionist-Roman occupation.

The work ethos emigrated with the people. What was left was a handful of people with a drive for self-determination and financial independence, killed by socialist laws.

In this Catholic-socialist country 80% companies, fail within the first two years.



Christians should be the salt of the earth, not just in works, but in the quality of their work, which is an emanation of God's Word. Even if you are a plumber, you should be very good at it. Every Christian should be industrious and creative.




Now it appears that only the Roman church will be allowed to trade land.

He therefore proposes to pray for the awakening of the Polish people every Friday at 8pm.



Updated: 2 April 2016 — 20:51


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  1. Włochy is a village in Poland located in Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship, in Pińczów County, in the Gmina of Pińczów[1]. The village is located on the northeastern edge of Pińczów, on Garb Pińczowski.

    The village was founded around 1560 on the land owned by Mikołaj Oleśnicki. It was conceived as a colony for exiled refugees, whom the heir of Pinczow provided with shelter and care. Since the Italians were by far the most numerous, the name Italy was derived from their nationality. The foreigners worked in stone mining and stone processing workshops. A privilege issued by Oleśnicki gave them the right to use the forest, quarries and pastures for their own needs. Judicial and administrative matters were left to their Church and local government. They had an Italian church in Pinczow, where Francesco Negri was a preacher. From 1601, it became part of the Myszkowski Ordynacja of Pińczów.

    As the centuries passed, the inhabitants of Italy became completely Polonized, losing their language and religion and changing their surnames to more familiar ones. The Mistale are now the Misztale, the Bonanones became the Banias, the Coci became the Ciaci, the descendants of an Italian named Domenico are called the Dominkas and the Costas are the Kosteccy. The Roman family certainly descended from some inhabitant of Rome (Roma in Latin). The Barelli, Genici, Polioni, Nigera, Clumil and Pankwillini families died out without a trace. The Napors, on the other hand, are descendants of Jack Napora, a bricklayer and artist who was once well-known here. In the 18th century, the grandsons of the former mason masters became peasants and their main occupation from then on was farming.

    In the years 1975-1998, the village belonged administratively to Kielce Province.

  2. PIOTRZE,weź Ty mnie nie dobijaj. To jest strasznie ponure, choć co gorsze bardzo realistyczne i prawdziwe…Cierpimy ( chrześcijanie polscy ) za głupotę i zaślepienie polokatolików tkwiących w babilońskim OBŁĘDZIE. Oby Bóg ich przebudził.

    1. 😀
      detmold was not my goal to kill Ciem 🙂

    2. Detmold, put down those Jeremiah trines and read the glad tidings 😀

  3. Życie potwierdza słowa naszego Pana Jezusa – biblijni chrześcijanie to sól tej ziemi.

  4. Prawdę mówiąc sytuacja ogólna w Polsce nie napawa optymizmem i nie wygląda najlepiej. Jesteśmy dostarczycielami taniej siły roboczej dla Zachodu oraz niewolnikami zachodnich korporacji, banków i koncernów albo rodzimych “JanuszyBiznesu”. Po prostu jesteśmy neokolonią czy to się komuś podoba czy nie. System babiloński czyni nasz kraj złem. Boże ratuj nas.

  5. Blessed is the existence of such sites, cursed is the activity of Babylonian agendas. With God.

  6. Ludek discusses everything and nothing. How hard and ungrateful life is.

  7. “Jego rangi nie przywróciło ufundowanie przez biskupa krakowskiego Jakuba Zadzika wspaniałego kościoła.” – taaa, zastaw się i postaw wielki budynek sakralny, przynoszący chwałę KRK, i nazwij to “kościołem” 🙂

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