Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Health according to the Bible.

The text was prepared by Agusia from Koszalin.



Health according to the Bible goes beyond the rigors of various diets, as it is also a spiritual awakening to life as designed by our God the Father. Let us follow God's guidance toward full health and joy in life. Sadly, in this day and age, busy, busy people, pinning their hopes on science and technology, have completely abandoned the simple principles of health set forth in Scripture. The spirit and the body are one, and God does not want us to get sick.

Have you ever wondered why the three kings gave myrrh to the baby Jesus?

Myrrh oil has antifungal, antibacterial, healing, anti-inflammatory, regenerative properties. It helps heal scars, works well on wrinkles, helps with eczema, sores, rashes, ringworm, cracked and dry skin, it is helpful with respiratory diseases, stomach infections, ear infections and banal cough or cold 🙂 . It is also antidepressant, sedative, relaxing and prolongs sleep. It is also a helpful medicine for gingivitis, thrush and hair loss. It can be ingested and inhaled.

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God has planned eternal life for us, He is not hiding anything from us, all we have to do is reach out and read the Bible. Reading the Word of God (and following it) thus saves our earthly life in a literal sense and gives us eternal life.

I do not wish for the death of the wicked one, but only for the wicked one to turn from his way and live.

Ezekiel 33 : 11.

Matters of the spirit can make the body sick. It is said: in a healthy body a healthy spirit, but probably it should also be said the other way round.

The Bible is a wonderful health guide and the best work ever written on health. It treats our health in a comprehensive way because it looks at it from a physical, emotional, and spiritual point of view.

And God said :

Behold, I give you all plants

bearing seed throughout the earth

And every tree that bears fruit,

Which contains the seeds,

That they may be food for you.

Genesis 1 : 29.

God always offers us the best first, which is fruits and vegetables.

Plant gardens and eat their fruit. Jeremiah 29 : 5.

All good things come from God. We pray often for healing, but do we follow the instructions in God's Word? All of Scripture contains the message that in order to live we are to obey God's commands and fulfill them. The same is true of the earthly body. Lack of obedience is a sin, although there are also diseases that we suffer for the glory of God (John 9). Let us follow the instructions and then we can pray with thanksgiving for health 🙂 .

Many are called, but few choose. Let us make the choice and follow the plan. So grace plus our works for confirmation. Most customs, culinary traditions break the commandment to keep our temples clean.

We spend time and money inventing ways to process food in such a way that it loses its original properties. Satan's system also promotes fancy foods and strange combinations in the media and on cooking shows. Another sin is lack of restraint, lack of moderation. We should observe ourselves and eat only what we need without overeating and be faithful to simplicity. Raw, fresh, ripe, organic and living foods are good for us. It is also important what time we eat and how often. And it is important not to overindulge and make an idol out of food.

How little is needed by the rational man,

...he won't have to go to bed with too much.

Pain, insomnia, tightness, shortness of breath

and dizziness is experienced by the gluttonous man;

Sleeping with a stomach that is not overfilled is good for your health,

a gdy się rano wstaje odczuwa się rześkość…

If you were forced to eat treats too many,

Stand up, return them, and you will be relieved.

Listen my son, don't underestimate me,

aż w końcu pojmiesz moje słowa…

In all your actions exercise moderation,

and you will not suffer any harm.

Wisdom of Sirach 31 : 19 - 22

W dalszych wersach Mądrości Syracha (31 : 25 – 31) są wskazówki nakazujące też zachować umiar w piciu wina, oraz staranie się o eleganckie zachowanie podczas takiej biesiady :).

There are many passages in the Bible about drinking wine. God does not object to drinking wine on certain occasions, but always in moderation. Wine in Scripture is a fermented beverage, but it is also grape juice.

But henceforth beware : do not drink wine or sycera, and do not eat anything unclean. Book of Judges 13 : 4.

Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Separate Spirit who is in you, and whom you have from God, and that you do not belong to yourselves? For at a great price you were bought. So praise the Lord in your body! First Corinthians 6 : 19 - 20.

Drink no more water alone, but use a little wine for your stomach's sake and for your frequent infirmities! 1 Timothy 5:23.

A scoffer is wine, a swindler is sycera, anyone who wanders here is foolish. Proverbs 20 : 1.

Woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine and valiant in stirring the sycera. Isaiah 5 : 22.

Breakfast should be the most abundant meal and dinner the least, research indicates.

The daily practices of the obedient Hebrews consisted of :

  • personal hygiene,

  • Isolating infectious diseases and their vectors,

  • Disinfection of all items that may have been contaminated,

  • weekly rest and relaxation,

  • hard work and exercise,

  • Education and mental exercises to help you stay alert,

  • rules for healthy food.

Don't be angry to excess and don't be a fool. Why should you die before your time.

Kohelet 7 : 17

Bloodthirsty, deceitful husbands will not live half their days.

Psalm 55 : 24

The fear of God multiplies the days, short are the years of the sinner.

Proverbs 10 : 27

If we worry, as the media strives to do, our emotional health will be in bad shape, so we need to stick closely to Scripture. We turn off the television, we open the Bible. The TV program ... programs us in a devilish way so that we are constantly afraid or chasing after something.

Lack or rejection of knowledge harms ourselves, but it can also harm our children. Let's not reject knowledge about healthy eating and drop harmful habits.

And there will be lasting peace in his time. The resource of saving forces - wisdom and knowledge, his treasure the fear of God.

Isaiah 33 : 6

My speeches are all right; I am a stranger to falsehood and deceit. They are all clear to the wise; they are right to those who have gained wisdom.

Proverbs 8 : 8 - 9

A great example of a man who, by following Torah principles, experienced God's blessings is Daniel. So microwaving, frying, and other manipulations have no place in God's plan. Just as suicide is a sin, living an unhealthy lifestyle leads to an early death. The Lord did not create us for the purpose of consuming large quantities of cakes, candies, and sweets. Before Adam and Eve were created, the Lord prepared a garden for them.

What's in the garden :

Carrots - good for the eyes because they contain substances that positively affect vision and improve blood flow to and from the eyes.

Tomatoes - like most red vegetables are great for the blood. A sliced tomato has four chambers, just like the heart on which it has a beneficial effect.

Grapes - this is another heart beneficial food and the bunch resembles a heart.

Walnuts - Walnuts are undulating like the brain and the oils in nuts are great for brain function.

Celery - it is shaped like a bone and the minerals in it have a wonderful effect on the bones.

Avocado - it is wonderful for the health and function of the uterus and cervix in a woman. A cut avocado resembles the shape of a female organ.

Figs - they increase sperm motility. They have many seeds, and they hang two at a time as they grow :).

All so simple. The answer to your health problems is primarily God. We eat too much processed sugars, fats and animal proteins and not enough fresh vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and seeds. Everything we buy in containers, cans, bottles, cups, and bags is not healthy for us because it is not fresh either. God gave packaging in the form of a fruit or vegetable peel. Some people say that it doesn't matter what we eat as long as we bless it. But after all, God has warned us what foods are good for us and what foods are not. Of course, we know that the quality of food has been steadily deteriorating in direct proportion to the increasing greed of humans. After the Flood, God clearly revealed that we could eat meat, but without blood. Further restrictions on clean and unclean animals appear in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. It is noteworthy that between the Flood and the Exodus from Egypt, human life expectancy decreases dramatically. The situation improves, after receiving instructions about clean and unclean animals. Generally, the clean animals are the herbivorous ones, and the unclean animals are the carnivorous ones. That is, the further we move away from plant food, the worse it is for our health. Just because God has permitted the eating of meat does not mean that we are to make it the center of our diet. Only once, during Passover, does God give the command to eat meat.

The structure of our hands, teeth inform us that we were created for a plant-based diet. An interesting piece of information is that man is not able to produce vitamin C himself, unlike animals. Fruit was plentiful in Eden, so the human body does not have this ability.

Here is a list of foods we should not eat, starting with the worst :

  • unclean animals,

  • animal fat,

  • animal blood,

  • animals sacrificed to idols,

  • animals under the influence of chemicals,

  • poisonous and toxic plants,

  • hybrid plants,

  • processed foods.

Trust in God with all your heart, do not rely on your own reason, think of Him on every road, and He will make your paths level.

Proverbs 3 : 5 - 6

You shall not eat anything disgusting. Deuteronomy 14 : 3.

While many people believe that the instructions given to the Hebrews no longer apply to us, science proves that any God-given guidance in this area benefits us.

Let's look in Leviticus 11 - what animals are forbidden and what animals are allowed to be eaten and note that among the unclean are the most fashionable, expensive and snobbish fritters such as clams, shrimp, lobster, crayfish, oysters, mussels.

Most animals described as clean eat grains and plants. There are exceptions to this. The horse is herbivorous, but does not have a split hoof. Research indicates that horse meat, although a lean, tender meat, usually contains a mass of parasites and viruses. And it is not God who has caught up with science, but the other way around.

Eggs, dairy products, and fish were common foods for people living in biblical times. Today's milk from the store is a poisonous white liquid. Raw milk from a goat or sheep is healthy, although it is known to be difficult to obtain today. Other milk should be avoided, especially cow's milk, which was meant to make the calf grow beautifully and weigh 350 kg, and have strong hooves and horns :). The composition of cow's milk is not healthy for humans because of the high protein and fat content, which causes a lot of unhealthy mucus to form in the human body.

Because the Lord Jesus was seen baking a fish, hence the conclusion that this food contains substances that are healthy for us. Of course, today's farmed fish are a completely different story.

Honey is also mentioned in the Bible, but because we eat too much sugar in our food today, we should eat honey in not too large quantities.

Tell the Israelites :

You must not eat the fat of calves, sheep and goats! Leviticus 7 : 23.

The Bible also prohibits the consumption of blood. Leviticus 17 : 12 and Deuteronomy 12 : 23.

No studies have been done to see if it is safe to consume animal blood.

However, we know how animals are farmed today and that they are fed with chemicals, waste, hormones, etc. Unfortunately, the soil in which plants grow is no longer the same as it should be. Unfortunately, also the soil on which plants grow is no longer what it should be, it is polluted and sterilized.

Our diet in 75% should be raw, because plants heated to temperatures above 40 degrees celsius lose many enzymes, proteins, minerals and vitamins. It is also important to provide live cultures of bacteria that facilitate digestion - here sauerkraut, of course homemade, not sour from the store, has a great effect. Let's eat what is green and leafy, because it is rich in chlorophyll (plant blood). Clean blood is blood rich in oxygen. Every disease is caused by blood that is polluted and carries too little oxygen. Also remember herbs, nuts, and sea vegetables (seaweed), which are one of the richest sources of minerals and trace elements. Eating seaweed may seem strange, but considering how barren the soil is nowadays, it may be necessary for maintaining full health and strength - so advises the author of the book :).

Many questions are raised by verse 7 : 19 of the Gospel of Mark. However, it is important to note that the passage "So he considered all foods clean" is not found in early translations of the Bible. The Lord Jesus never declared that all foods could be eaten, and the verse quoted did not refer to the subject of nutrition; instead, the foods here serve as a metaphor. People read verse 9 : 3 of Genesis, but they often omit "You must not eat only the flesh of the blood of life" and forget the instructions in Leviticus and Deuteronomy that inform about certain restrictions.

God is unchangeable, and He has given us instructions to follow. Besides, although food is often mentioned in the Bible, it is only in Genesis that it says that it was good, and further on it only says that it is permissible.

Since the quality of today's food is very poor, it is worth supporting yourself with supplements, but sensibly, preferably after a blood test, which is worth doing once a year.

And finally, no matter what we eat, of course to be saved we must confess that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. The Lord Jesus is the living Torah, let us follow his example. Let us pray that people will love God who through His Word has lovingly revealed what is best for our health and well-being. The further we stray from God's design, the more we suffer.

The text is based on Paul Nison's excellent book The Biblical Diet, and of course selected verses from Scripture....

A video of the affable Paul Nison :


He gives thanks in Jesus' name.

Updated: 1 April 2016 — 09:16


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  1. Thank you for this wonderful article, because I take a keen interest in nutrition 🙂 I have had many discussions in various places with fanatic vegans and carnivores and I used most of the arguments given here, without quotations of course, because I simply could not remember them. And here I have a powerful weapon in my hand that I can copy and paste lazily into a discussion 😉 I agree with all the arguments given here, of course, because how can one disagree with God's Word? 🙂 I don't know.

  2. Bravo, bravo, bravo. May Jesus bless you Aga.

  3. Good text Aga/Agnes.
    Thank you.

    1. Cheers 🙂 I still recommend watching this video with Paul. Nice guy, nice to listen to him.

  4. Your site, Peter, amazes me more and more. Often something happens in my life, I look at your blog and I get an answer. For example, yesterday I bought a diet program, so this article is a sign for me that God wants to guide me in this area as well.

  5. What do you guys think about rice milk or soy milk?

    1. Soy is now mostly genetically modified 🙁

  6. Jest jeszcze czarnuszka o której Biblia wspomina dwa razy. Olej z czarnuszki piję już parę miesięcy i dolegliwości, które mnie męczyły latami od razu ustały. Ciekawy jest też sposób w jaki dowiedziałam się o czarnuszce:) modliłam się, aby Bóg zabrał dolegliwości, które wracały jak bumerang i…przyśniło mi się, że mam jeść czarnuszkę:)

    1. Can this cumin oil be drunk? Is it disgusting in taste?

      1. I drink lninany and it tastes like bicycle grease, although I've never drunk the other one 🙂 .

        1. Hehe grease for the bike.

          1. Admin this flaxseed oil do you drink it alone or do you add something to it.

            1. I drink flaxseed myself because if someone was around me, they could steal it

              1. Is that how good it is? Is there an effect like after alcohol?

      2. Medium in taste. A little spicy, but my almost 3 year old son drinks it without sipping, so it can't be that bad 😉 .

    2. Yes, this oil was called the gold of the pharaohs 🙂

  7. Jesus declared the foods clean, but one must ask what he meant by food. As we know, Peter did not eat anything unclean in history. Whoever, but Peter should best understand Jesus.
    In today's world, it's hard to follow such a strict diet.

  8. Very interesting text! Thank you in the name of Jesus!

  9. A właśnie wczoraj zamowilam sobie książkę o odżywianiu wg Pisma Świętego 🙂 przeczytałam już dwie o tej tematyce, ale jeszcze jedna nie zaszkodzi. Polecam dietę ‘Alleluja’ dla wszystkich starających się żyć zdrowo.

  10. Very important.
    If someone wants to have a clear mind they will give up eating fish, and I don't mean just tunas but all fish, unless you have your own pond.
    Unfortunately, fish contain mercury, and they should not believe that the amount of mercury in fish is safe for health. Sure, you won't die from this amount, but it will affect your intellectual performance.

    1. So only the fish in the pond have no mercury and in the store fish they add it?

      1. The point is that if you live in the countryside and you have a pond and you feed these fish with some natural feed, these fish will contain very little mercury, while all marine fish contain mercury, unfortunately we can't check how much mercury they contain, but unfortunately they do, and nobody tells me that eating fish is safe. Mercury is a neurotoxin, so their calculations are, as I said, bullshit.
        And when it comes to omega 3,6 acids that we need, they can be obtained from other products, as far as I remember there are these substances in flax seeds.

        Poza tym zachęcam do obejrzenia filmu pt “Cała prawda o rybach”

  11. Thanks Agnes for a great article God bless you.
    Paula's video is great, thanks to this lecture my new birth happened in a short time.
    God made me stop running away, but drew me to Himself.
    Jacek be sure to watch this video, it may help you with your health problems.

    1. 🙂 I wish you much health and energy. Jan is right about fish. Generally it is hard to find uncontaminated food, but fish can be a risky choice especially after Fukusima. Fresh coriander has wonderful properties and is said to be able to even pull mercury out of the body.

      1. Powiadaja że kolendrę należy przyjmować razem z chlorellą, inaczej rtęć nie bedzie usuwana a jedynie relokowana w inne rejony organizmu. Użyłem słowa “powdają” bo nikt tego nie badał, natomist witaminę C przebadano dosyć dokładnie.

  12. For some time I have been reading articles by Agata Radosh on food and what to eat and what is not worth eating. I was also following Hallelujah diet, eating bananas and fruits and not eating meat. Now I want to return to this style without meat and lose weight.

  13. Since I don't eat pork anymore I'm disgusted with it and beef I don't feel such a state of heaviness. Yes I eat meat, but after fish it's not so bad, but after chicken I feel like I ate some shit. Meat may be cool but it repulses me a little that I eat living creatures and I plan to give up this style.

  14. Is there no search engine in the blog?

    1. Exactly. It would have come in handy 🙂 .

    2. The matter is simple. We go to and type in: detectiveprawdy (plus) password.
      E.g. Truth Detective Mark of the Beast

      1. If you already use google, it's better this way:

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