Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Vaccine depopulation of Poles.




More forced vaccines. If there's a risk, there must be a choice! Sign three petitions!

Protest! Write comments to the regulation imposing more forced vaccinations!;

The government has guaranteed pharmaceutical companies to forcibly vaccinate children with more expensive vaccines without liability for complications. You won't be able to refuse - you'll be fined up to £50,000 for refusing.

Thanks to public scrutiny, the controversial HPV vaccine is not in the bill. Now we are fighting for choice because we don't want to be forced into more expensive vaccinations without government and manufacturer accountability for complications. Since there is risk, there must be choice!

In Poland vaccinations are obligatory, in western countries they are voluntary (financed).

In Western countries there are systems of compensation for vaccine complications - in Poland none, despite the obligation to vaccinate. Only 1000 - 2500 undesirable reactions and vaccine complications are registered annually and 0 compensation payments have been made.

The lobbying of pharmaceutical companies plays hard. In Poland there are almost more pharmacies than grocery stores. Does this make our society healthier?

Preparations took several years. First, several media epidemics were created to intimidate the public and justify the heist. Every second commercial on TV - is an advertisement for a drug. Such lobbying costs money, but it pays off. Building an atmosphere of aggression and danger around people who are skeptical about the quantity and quality of substances injected into small children is also part of this advertising campaign. The whole press, TV, radio, Internet and even politicians were involved in creating the image of one-sided benefit of vaccines, while hiding their other, dark side - vaccine complications, disability, death. People who demand safety of vaccines, including doctors and scientists, were labeled as anti-vaccinationists, dark-horse, and an atmosphere of aggression and ridicule was created around them.

Even 50 years ago, exactly the same methods were used to advertise cigarettes. Advertisements encouraging smoking were ubiquitous, statements by "independent experts" encouraging people to buy cigarettes and smoke appeared in all media. Advertisements encouraging smoking were ubiquitous, and statements by "independent experts" encouraging people to buy and smoke cigarettes appeared in all media. The dark side of smoking and its possible harmfulness was officially denied. Smoking was fortunately not obligatory.

Pharmaceutical companies have been paying out billions in compensation for vaccine complications for years. But not in Poland. In Poland, they have a guarantee of sales secured by the obligation to vaccinate and at the same time they do not have to pay any compensation. Vaccinations are not only obligatory, but also refunded. This means that the State (i.e. the taxpayers) allocates hundreds of millions of zloty annually for their financing. The more vaccinations that are refunded, the greater the profits of corporations.

Would you entrust the health of your child and family to pharmaceutical companies? Is it to be another number in a statistic kept by officials?

You have the right to make a sovereign and informed decision if, what, when and how your child and family members will be vaccinated. Now there is coercion, no information about complications and no accountability for them.
A public consultation is underway on a draft regulation expanding the mandatory vaccination calendar.

Konstanty Radziwill: "By the way, I'll disclose that we have a project that vaccinations should also be financed from the state budget. We are also considering extending the list of free (i.e. compulsory) vaccinations for children with pneumococcal vaccines, among others."

Giant increase in vaccine expenditures without factoring in costs of vaccine complications

“Jak informuje portal “’, do to tej pory ministerstwo wydawało na wszystkie szczepienia 140 milionów złotych rocznie, a finansowanie szczepień przeciw pneumokokom będzie kosztować dodatkowo 160 milionów.
– Jest to gigantyczny wzrost nakładów na szczepienia, ale wiemy, że przez to ograniczymy ilość hospitalizacji, infekcji pediatrycznych, liczbę antybiotyków stosowanych i zapewnimy większe bezpieczeństwo naszym dzieciom – powiedział Jarosław Pinkas i dodał, że że kolejną ważną decyzją, jest to, że wszystkie szczepienia będą finansowane z budżetu państwa, a nie z budżetu Narodowego Funduszu Zdrowia.”

When deciding on the reimbursement of the pneumococcal vaccine (and thus giving the green light for its introduction into the mandatory vaccination schedule), officials do not take into account the cost of post-vaccination complications at all!

Text from the Stop Nop Association website.









Updated: 25 March 2016 — 14:11


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  1. The beater says: But it is for your own good after all!

  2. Judgment Day will eventually come when these reptiles will answer for everything.

  3. The day will soon come when they will all die the death of a rat.
    Not the axe, not the executioner's trunk, but the moaning and singing of the cord.
    For you will not find bullets in the world that will avenge their cruel crimes.
    No matter which of them felt what, they cannot die with dignity.

    For a soldier is a stone wall, a noble sword flash and shine.
    For scoundrels a tight rope! For scoundrels, humiliation!

    There will eventually come a dawn when they will all stand together in a row
    And together they will dissolve into myth Their blood will be shed.
    And the red of the marble slabs will shine for posterity as a warning,
    So that never again will the red dawn be seen on their path.

  4. Za odmowę grzywna do 50 000 zł a pomyśleli skąd ludzie mają wziąść tak ogromne pieniądze? To jest żenujące…

    1. Only pity those who have children, no?

      1. I feel so sorry for these people that they have to worry even about their children because the Polish government is so screwed up. Good thing I don't have kids yet and only 22 years old I don't have to worry about that.

    2. green island what's not ? 😀

  5. God, if it is Your will, take us to Yourself.

  6. Are we free or enslaved?

  7. People. They murder you and your children and you're happy about it? How can you not be ashamed?!

  8. My daughter was born on Wednesday, we refused to vaccinate, there was a little talk, but so far it is ok, only that this is just the beginning of the road and the fight against the big pharma machine

    1. Trzymaj się Wojtku jesteśmy z tobą i nie tylko my…☺

    2. And of course, warm congratulations
      With God

    3. Congratulations.
      May Jesus Christ keep her and you in his care.

      1. I am pasting an email from Mr. Jerzy Zięba :

        Take advantage of being with your families and listen to this. 

        And as a reminder and about WHO Dr. Andrew Wakefield is : 

        Note that this applies to Polish children and their parents with one exception: in Poland, the parents will not receive a single zloty of compensation! 

        Why? Because our MPs have looked after the interests of the pharmaceutical companies, but not the interests of the parents of children who have been harmed and those who are yet to be harmed by vaccination! 

        It is outrageous that our government is doing NOTHING about it. Instead of extending compulsory vaccinations to the age of 19 (!!!) and fawning over it, we should have started with a law that would have finally done SOMETHING for these parents! 

        Instead of allocating multi-million dollar awards to officials, spending our money on total nonsense, we should have created a compensation fund. 

        W USA, rodzice szczepiący swoje dzieci składają się obowiązkowo na taki fundusz dopłacając ok. $ 0.75 do każdej szczepionki. Jest to szczyt obłudy i horrendalnego paradoksu, ponieważ to rodzice płacą innym rodzicom za szkody, których ci inni rodzice nie spowodowali !! Przemysł farmaceutyczny nie płaci ani grosza ! Mistrzostwo świata i szczyt głupoty polityków, którzy na to pozwolili. A dlaczego pozwolili … można się domyśleć.  

        Pharmaceutical companies, e.g. in the U.S. or the U.K., are completely absolved of any responsibility for side effects caused by the vaccines they produce. 

        Question : does this exemption from liability also apply to them in Poland? If so, then ALL Poles should know : 

        A. on what basis it was done 

        B. WHO by name and surname allowed this to happen

        This is asking for a formal POSITIVE INTERPELATION !!!
        Ask the MPs of your districts for it. You have every right and even the duty to do so. 

        Jerzy Zięba

          1. And here is a commentary by Professor Majewska, on the subject :


            1. I am pasting an email from Jerzy Zięba :

              vaccination tips

              Everywhere, at every opportunity, to parents who want to vaccinate their children because THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO (or want to vaccinate themselves) I suggest : 

              1. Zbadać dziecko u dwóch pediatrów, żeby potwierdzili na piśmie, że dziecko jest ZDROWE w każdym calu i że nie ma przeciwwskazań do podania szczepionki. Jeśli z jakiegokolwiek powodu nie jest zdrowe, szczegółowo opisać CO MU DOLEGA, JAKIE SA OBJAWY itd …

              (2) Obtain written confirmation from two child psychologists that the child is developing normally in all respects. If this is not the case, ask for a detailed description.

              3. take some videos of the child playing, walking, running, talking, acting, reacting to different stimuli, etc.

              Take PHOTOS of the baby's face before vaccination and for at least 30 days after vaccination, every day! I have given this before, but now again : 


              Before and immediately after vaccination give your child vitamin C. The dose should be determined by your doctor.

              6. Jeśli się da … CHELATOWAĆ NATYCHMIAST EDTA !!! zejść do medycznego podziemia, znaleźć lekarza, który to robi i KAŻDY kto dostał jakąkolwiek szczepionkę powinien być chelatowany w celu natychmiastowego usunięcia przynajmniej RTĘCI.

              UWAGA : jednemu z lekarzy, za podawanie EDTA już odebrano prawo wykonywania zawodu, a jeden 6 razy był w sądzie, na szczęście się potrafił wybronić. “Haki” są szykowane na następnych lekarzy. PAMIĘTAJCIE ŻE :

              If it happens that YOUR child gets a side effect after vaccination, you have at least SOME PROOF that this could have happened because of the vaccine. Of course, in this case : 

              1. the doctor will hide behind procedures and bear no responsibility

              2. the manufacturer is not responsible for harming your child

              3. our country, our government will show you the middle finger  

              Skargę czy prośbę o odszkodowania i fundusze na leczenie dziecka czasami przez całe życie możecie napisać i wysłać …. “na Berdyczów” skutek będzie taki sam.

              I am not telling you not to vaccinate. Just take good advice, because who among you knows that a child on 100% will not have any health problems after vaccination?

              I keep my fingers crossed for all the vaccinated children !

              Mądry Polak po szkodzie… albo głupi przed.

              Jerzy Zięba


  9. You people have got to be kidding me! No one is going to tell me to vaccinate my child because the vaccines are out of stock. I'm telling you right now that I'm not going to agree with you and what you're going to do to me, thank you.

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