Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A Bible about mythological gods, astrology, and the three heavens.

While reading the book of Kings yesterday, I came across a very interesting section. It makes it clear that astrology, planetary names and mythology are all the same thing.

Some deny my interest in things outside the Bible, supposedly so-called conspiracies. It just so happens that what the world presents to us in movies and culture in general coincides with the Bible, but the narrow-mindedness of some and their sense of biblical elitism blinds their understanding.

Let's look at what we have in the verses below:



2 Kings 23

"(4) Then the king ordered the high priest Chilkiah, the secondary priests and the doorkeepers to bring out of the tabernacle of the Lord all the vessels made for Baal, for Asherah and for of the entire blue team and burn them outside Jerusalem in the fields by the Kidron, and carry their ashes to Bethel'

(5) And he put out of office the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had set up to burn incense on the hills in the settlements of Judah and around Jerusalem, as well as those who burned incense to Baal, to suns, for moon, for zodiac stars and for the whole of the blue team



(4) Then the king gave orders to the high priest Chilkiah, the priests of the second order, and the guards of the thresholds to remove from the temple of the Lord all objects made for Baal Asherah and all blue troops. He ordered them to be burned outside Jerusalem, in the fields by the Cedron, and the ashes of them to be carried to Bethel.  (5) He abolished the pagan priests who had been established by the kings of Judah and who offered incense sacrifices in the highlands, in the cities of Judah, and around Jerusalem, and those who offered incense sacrifices to Baal, the sun, the moon, the constellations, and to the entire army of blue.




..for the so-called grove and for the so-called powers of heaven And burn them outside Jerusalem.


So we have an interchangeable term - the power of heaven, the host of heaven, the armies of heaven. All in a context other than the army of God.


In computer games and movies, we are presented with exactly what takes place up there.


In the second heaven the fallen angels officiate. Paul mentioned three. All of this is not fantasy, it is TRUE.





Image annotations:

The limits of heaven: 

- Job 37.18

"(18) Are you able like Him to spread out the vault of heaven, which is strong as a polished mirror?"

and Revelation 4.6:

"(6) Before the throne also like a sea of glass like crystal; and in the midst, around the throne four figures full of eyes in front and behind."

3 Sky description:

Paul II cor. 12.2

"(2) I knew a man in Christ who fourteen years ago whether it was in the flesh, I don't know, or out of the flesh, I don't know, God knows was lifted up in rapture until third heaven."

In this situation, Paul would be credible............

Description of the second heaven

Isaiah 50.3

"(3) I clothe the heavens with black and clothe them with sackcloth as with garments."

Rev Pr

"(10) The Lord your God has multiplied you, and behold, today you are as numerous as the stars in the sky."

Description of the first sky:

Rev. 1.20

(20) And God said, Let the waters bring forth living reptiles and winged creatures flying over the earth under the firmament of the heavens. And it came to pass.


Who then inhabits the second heaven?

Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto.

These are not just the names of planets, but the names of mythological characters.


The Bible tells us clearly:

1 John 5.

We know that we are of God, and the whole world is plunged into Evil.

Mythology and astrology with names of planets from the fallen may not be enough for some.

So I suggest you familiarize yourself with the names of GREAT global companies:

Market rtv agd



Famous candy bars:


These are the Latin names for the fallen angels. I remind you that for hundreds of years masses in the Roman church were also in Latin.

The Greek equivalent of Venus was Aphrodite, and the Assyrian, Canaanite equivalent was Astarte (now the Queen of Heaven revered as Mary).

What are computer games and movies stuffed with? Characters like this:




Angels, but what angels? Armed exactly as in war, as in the army.



They are usually winged figures.

Why doesn't the Bible list all the names of the fallen angels, but only Astarte? Because Astarte/Isis/Kali/Izebel were to play a leading role in the following millennia and did.

In the New Testament, the Lord Jesus warns against Jezebel in the church:


"I know thy works, and thy love, and thy faith, and thy service, and thy endurance; and I know that thy last works are more than thy first. (20) But I resent you for allowing a woman Izebelwho claims to be prophetess, and teaches, and deceives my servants, to practice fornication, and to eat things sacrificed to idols. (21) And I gave her time to repent, but she would not repent in her fornication. (22) I will therefore cast her into the bed, and those who commit adultery with her I will cast into great tribulation, if they do not repent of their deeds. (23) And her children I will slay; and all the churches shall know that I am He who examines kidneys and hearts, and I will render to each one of you according to your works.'


In order to identify Jezebel in our day, one must answer who is the prophet?

This is a person who has contact with God.

Which woman, deity, in this day and age has a supposed contact with God?

There is only one: Queen of the Heavens.

She's the one with the false revelations. It is she who stands above God. To her the followers of Rome pray.

There is no other false prophetess that the Lord Jesus can speak of.


The power of heaven, mentioned earlier, is interpreted by Remigiusz Popowski as the Assyrian worship of the power of heaven. It is the same pantheon as in Babylonia, that is, common to all the powers of the ancient world.

In 2 Kings it is written of Manasseh as follows:

"He built altars to the whole the army of blue in both courtyards of the temple of the Lord"

That's not all.

"Also his he gave his son to be burned, practiced divination and sorcery, instituted augurs and diviners, and did much evil in the sight of the Lord, vexing him."


I don't think I need to explain in which two religions pedophilia is fashionable. In one of them among the priests, and in the other among the followers. The fallen angels hate mankind, which is why they are so eager to accept child sacrifices. Has anything changed after these few thousand years? NO.

In Eastern Europe, there are forced vaccinations. In western, children are taken away from their parents. The EU wants to sexualize children as early as kindergarten.

This world is ruled by rebellious beings with the permission of God, who have their followers at high levels of power and finance.



What will our God the Father do with the fallen angels ?


Iz 34 Gdanska

4I everything will be destroyed blue armyand the heavens as books shall be rolled up, and all the military will drop themas the leaf of a vine falls, and as the unripe fruit of a fig tree falls.




(1) Come, ye peoples, to listen! And you, peoples, pay attention! Let the earth and all that fills it, the world and all that grows upon it, listen! (2) For the LORD boils with anger against all the Gentiles and boils with indignation against all their armies. He has destined them for destruction; to slaughter he has delivered them. (3) Their slain lie abandoned, a chill spreads from their corpses; the mountains are softened by their blood, (4) whole blue army meltdowns. The heavens roll up like a scroll of a book, all their hosts are falling, how the leaves fall from the vine and how the leaves fall from the fig tree.





Updated: 21 March 2016 — 12:31


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  1. Everywhere there's this overtones of the queen of heaven and this whole influence of idols.

    1. Well, because the cult of Isis is just fine. The dyed fox will remain a curmudgeon regardless of the facade. And yet neopaganism grows just as fast, not to mention the spirit of Kundalini in the church. And to think that the masses, stupefied with atheism, overwhelmingly believe that all this is "superstition and medievalism". - in fact, no wonder the viper tribe despises the goyim so much.

      1. "And to think that the stupefied atheist masses overwhelmingly believe that these are all "superstitions and medievalism"

        No wonder the world teaches in a candy wrapper to be nice and soft on the eyes. Later they tell me some bullshit in school because I go to school 🙂 that evolution is true apes evolved and we are the executors of our own destiny.

        1. And this is because "[t]he working of all deception toward iniquity of those who perish, because they have not accepted the love of the truth in order to obtain salvation. Therefore God permits deception to work on them, so that they will believe a lie, that all who have not believed the truth but have taken a liking to iniquity may be judged" ( 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12).

  2. Once, while reading the Book of Henoch, I came to the conclusion that planets are not planets, but gods. I don't know if this book is true, because it is written in different ways, and I haven't managed to read the whole thing yet, but generally it made sense and was arranged into some kind of whole. Similarly it was written that the fallen showed people technology and taught them magic. And the conclusion about the technology... the USA got the technology from the UFOs, so that would make sense too. Generally, everything sounds like sci-fi and sometimes I don't know if my imagination is running wild or if it's reality :P. Because it turns out that what seems to be fiction is more real than what an ordinary person (unaware) sees around them every day. But try to at least suggest something to such a person, he'll be sent straight to a psychiatrist 😀 .

    1. I have similar thoughts, i.e., to me this world seems more and more like fiction and the reality is what is described in the Bible and the Lord Jesus.

      1. Oh, it's nice that I am not alone with this, together we are better :D. The only sad thing is that people do not even want to hear about the fact that the Bible speaks the truth, this wonderful book is treated as a fairy tale, the invention of some schizophrenic. But all in all, what to expect, after all we live in Satan's world... And the saddest thing is when you tell all this to someone in your family, you want to save them, and they laugh at you and call you a fanatic.

        1. Amazingly, I just had this situation yesterday at a family dinner. What made it even more sad was that my mom and sister were blasé. It made me want to cry and I left faster than I planned.

          1. A few days ago I was talking to my mother about the lie of evolution, which is present in the media at every turn, in connection with an interesting book I am currently reading written by one of the creationists Andy McIntosh (I recommend ). The book title: "Genesis. Myth, fable or reliable document?"
            My mother, who is not a newborn, asked me: And how are you sure these creationists aren't wrong?

            1. Magdula and Agnes, you must feel quite strong in spirit going "among the wolves" like this anyway. It is easy to grit your teeth and let go of anti-biblical comments, it is more difficult to stand up for yourself. I find it relatively "easy" to stand up for myself because, other than my parents, I don't really have any family, so I don't have anyone to point out the truth to. My parents, however, are so resistant to it, and the things I say seem so ridiculous to them, that getting them to wake up is a hard enough challenge. The fact that they are aware that the world is run by Jews (which would seem to be of great importance) does not change anything here, unfortunately. They are too distracted by the flood of information and at the same time totally imbued with a way of thinking that is consistent with the propaganda of Satan's system - once socialist, now capitalist. May the merciful LORD touch their hearts and the souls of all those He has chosen from this world rotting in the fumes of godlessness!

              1. "Magdula and Agnes, you must feel quite strong in spirit anyway going so 'among the wolves'"

                Jack honestly?
                In a nutshell, I absolutely cannot say that this is the case for me at the moment.
                Oh - it's a "sea" theme:-)

                1. Magdula, you wrote: "Jack, honestly? In a nutshell, I absolutely cannot say that this is the case for me at the moment.
                  Oh - it's a "sea" theme:-)" - of course I don't know your situation, while I meant something like this: 1-2 years ago, being already awakened I would certainly keep the knowledge of the truth to myself, looking with superiority at ignorant, erring parents, and even more so at "masses of rams". It wouldn't occur to me to direct them to Jesus and talk about Him (what's the point if they're too stupid for it-I thought), so if someone is already doing it, I sincerely admire that person's courage and power of spirit, because there is probably no more controversial subject than the dirty truth about the world in the light of the Bible. Praise the Lord that He gives us this boldness in addressing these issues.

    2. You know, leaving aside the truthfulness of the Book of Henoch, I can see for myself that after some time - i.e. when the relevant pieces of the puzzle are in the right place, thus giving you a wider perspective on this monumental lie - you are so sure of the truthfulness of the picture emerging from this puzzle that no matter what they say and no matter how much they are offended by what you preach, you don't care anymore. Unlike the Freemasons, you feel that others have a right to know what has been revealed to you. And what they do with it is their problem 🙂 .

      1. "when the pertinent pieces of this puzzle know each other in the right place, thus giving you a broader view of this monumental lie - you have such confidence in the veracity of the picture emerging from this puzzle that no matter what they say or how much they are offended by what you preach, you no longer care."

        that's exactly what it is. That is why truth sets you free. It's hard to return to the realm of lies and an incoherent system of knowledge after a large dose of logical truth.

        1. How profound were the words of the Lord Jesus Christ about liberation in truth... In the last days, where it would seem that the distinction between truth and falsehood seems to be an impossibility we see this very clearly.

      2. Jacek,
        Judah the Lord's brother, I think, would not have cited in his letter a book which was not inspired, and he quotes therein a portion of the book of Henoch.

        1. Oh, an accurate observation! The inspiration of the Epistle of Jude is not in question from what I have observed.

  3. And man to the "gods" sent Apollo 🙂 Good topic you brought up earlier I was intrigued by the names of the planets and few people although it is obvious to the eye pay attention to the naming of the planets of our solar system.

  4. Regarding this issue I recommend the book of Henoch, quite interesting. Generally considered an apocrypha, but....

    "Of them also prophesied Henoch, the seventh
    descendant after Adam, saying, Behold, he is come
    Lord with thousands of his saints,"

    Letter of Jude.

    1. As far as I know, the Old Testament also contains the apocrypha, so I think that some of them are worth studying, even, as you say, the book of Henoch :).

      1. The ST canon established at Jamne , or BH, which is the canon recognized by Protestants, does not contain apocrypha.

        They are found in Catholic and Orthodox Bibles and are called the deuterocanonical books, but this is only a portion that these churches have included in the canon.

        1. What Bible do you recommend reading? I read the Millennium Bible, but it is the Catholic translation. What about the Protestant one?

          1. It's not a bad translation, really.
            Just mark the apocryphal books with colored cards and don't read the footnotes, at this stage.

            1. Matiks, if you haven't read the entire Bible at least once, don't look for other translations.
              Simply Telle lege.
              From bereshit.
              Genesis 1:1 And you go. Verse after verse. Chapter after chapter. A year's work.
              During this time of prayer.Because it's important to start reading. To begin.

              1. I have already read some of the Bible! The whole New Testament and now the Old Testament.

                1. Sorry, error, tolle et lege: take and read.

              2. Simply Telle lege what does it mean?

          2. I have the New Gdansk Bible and the Gdansk Bible on my phone. The Gdanska Bible is written in old Polish, of which we had an example at the last meeting, where in a certain fragment instead of scorpions there was talk of "niedźwiadki" (bears) 🙂 One of the brothers turned out to be so vigilant that he informed us that "niedźwiadki" is just an old Polish word for scorpions 🙂 .

            1. Seriously about the baby bears?

          3. Matiks, while it is not true to say that only translations based on the original manuscripts are inspired and only the Word contained therein can give faith and save, I wholeheartedly recommend that you sooner or later purchase the Danzig Amplified Bible - it contains the New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs for now, and is expected to come with the Old Testament at the end of the year.

            And what are you reading right now? Any Gospels maybe? 🙂

            1. I'm reading the Old Testament, the book of Isaiah, and I've started reading Mark's Gospel again

              1. I've also been jumping around the Bible a bit like this because I'm so disordered and when I can, I do it my way 😉 .

                1. This jumping around because books according to you will not affect the order of events.

                  1. I believe it depends on how the Spirit of God leads you.
                    Turn to Him every time just before you start reading the Bible (no matter which translation you use)

                  2. I must confess that I sometimes read the Bible without understanding, especially the Old Testament.

                  3. The understanding will come. Later. When you use a Bible atlas, a good introduction, especially to history, etc. Right now, just read. The Lord will guide you.

                  4. Matiks , the Bible is not chronological. The arrangement in the BH is different than in the Christian ones, and even here it sometimes varies, e.g. the Poznan one has a different one than the Thousand Year Old one.
                    But it is worth knowing what is connected to what and why. Certainly it is worth tore , i.e. pieciśiag read in order. And in general, it is worthwhile to start reading ST from it.
                    But that's just my opinion is.

                  5. You know, I haven't really read the ST yet (only Proverbs in its entirety and now I'm slowly reading the Psalms), so I don't know, because there seems to be an emphasis on chronology there, and I haven't noticed it much in the NT - but this is more a question for those who have already read the whole Bible. I only have the British and Foreign Bible Society's translation of the ST and NT, but the archaic nature of the language is practically prohibitive for me.

                  6. Jacek, this is the so-called "Warszawska," which is generally used by Polish so-called Protestant denominations.
                    This is not the best translation.

                  7. Eve, and what do you think of the Gospel Interlinear Translation?


                    I'm actually using it exclusively at the moment

                  8. I haven't read the literal EIB translation yet, and I don't know the translators, so I can't comment.
                    In general, interlinear reading can be helpful.

                  9. We have a lot of good translations, especially the so-called Catholic ones. Behind them are a row of really excellent experts in biblical languages, culture, and ancient history.

                  10. Wow, that interlinear translation looks intimidating, and yet not super readable. But it's already a higher level. And there's nothing like a traditional paper version 🙂 I'd love to see it.

                  11. In fact, that's what they said at the service yesterday - they mentioned the Thousand Year Old, the Warsaw, the Ecumenical, and the New World Translation as examples of translations that were missing key words or entire verses compared to the Gdansk Bible.

                  12. Because the basis of fattening is a different set of copies, search the topic on "textus receptus".

                  13. I'm currently reading Warszawska and it's ok for me 🙂 I'm not sure what to expect.
                    I think it's better than Millennial

          4. What do you think about Warszawska? I am currently reading it and listening to it online.

      2. That crazy picture guy - groxt1 wrote that it is a good idea to read all those books listed only from the whole Bible, and kolbrin -

    2. Personally, I would be very careful. The Bible is a sufficient source of truth and knowledge. If one has a personal relationship with the Savior and allows His Holy Spirit to lead, then (as the psalm says) His Word will be a light and a lamp to the feet. In my opinion, the Bible is sufficient.
      The fact that something includes "Henoch" or "Jesus" or "John" or... in its name is often not what it wants to pretend to be.
      It is worth remembering the words of Jesus : "be careful that no one deceives you".
      May we all be led by the Spirit of the Savior, for HE is TRUTH and leads to all truth.
      Warm greetings 🙂 I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

      1. Yes Magdalene, you make a good point.
        In fact, I forgot to write that God probably didn't allow, didn't want a book of fallen names to appear in the Bible.
        WSg to me it's all about the glory.
        I believe that the book of Henoch tells the truth, although this should not be the purpose of our inquiries.
        If the names of the planets and the compulsory reading of mythology are instilled in us by the world, so it is the opposite of the Father's will.

        In my opinion astrology is knowledge and not zabononami. I have studied it quite deeply and on the basis of the date of birth including the time I knew more about a man than he knew about himself. However, it is a tribute and glory to the fallen and demons.

        1. So there is a lot of truth in astrology, zodiac and the like, but the person doing it is cursed - a perfect deception. It's sad to think how badly the souls of deluded viewers of Ezo TV are suffering, soaking up nonsense from fortune-teller Maciej's mouth, or listening to clairvoyant Jackowski, who "talks with the spirits of the dead". My mother is attracted to these deceivers like I am attracted to manure, and it's a very sad sight when she watches them talk about fortune telling.

          1. About 3 years ago I could watch Maciej all the time... I would get up in the morning and check the Chinese horoscope, numerology, etc. You can choose from a wide variety on the Internet, once in a while there was a tarot. Ehh how stupid I was. Praise God that he freed me from it

            1. A few years ago I was checking horoscope every day. I checked my heredity connected with esotericism, I used affirmations and wanted to learn telekinesis - terrible times :-/ I have nothing to do with it anymore and I do not want to.

        2. Not really.
          The goat was released in the ST in the wilderness of Azazel, and this name of this fallen one was known from the Book of Henoch.
          And baal,'s all in the Bible.God didn't delete....

      2. Of course Magda, I agree. My point was not to focus on these books, although they are worth a look.

      3. I subscribe to what you wrote Magdalene.
        Greetings 🙂 I'd like to thank you.

        1. Greetings to you too Magdula 🙂 I like your comments too and totally agree with them 🙂 I'd love to hear from you.

  5. The battle is not with flesh and blood but with the supernatural powers in the heavenly realms. As for the planets, each one has its own demon patron and through various books connected with black magic they are summoned on the appropriate day of the calendar and lunar season. People treat this as a fairy tale, but it is the truth. Of course esotericists tell people that these are good angels and can help in life....

  6. The truth movement has already produced a lot of material about Saturn - including the hexagonal structure at its pole.

    In any case, it turns out that we really know very little about the cosmos. Brother Zimbarder seems to have given almost all the major verses. I certainly wouldn't trust the deceivers at NASA on this subject (because the Christian trutherists have exposed it enough; I don't mean Edward Snowden), nor would I believe the fairy tales about flying to the moon.

    Personally, I even doubt the existence of a vast cosmos with billions of galaxies. The existence of greater and lesser light, for example, is certain, because the Bible speaks clearly about it. Since the scientists, who are sold out to the prince of the power of the air, lie that the Earth is X billion years old, and at the same time taking into account who actually rules all the scientific institutions, I will not believe their propaganda for anything. No human, not anointed by the Luciferian elite, can see for himself what is really on the other side of the moon anyway. This creates fertile ground for a grand deception starring "our brothers from other worlds" as our creators and saviors, so we must be on guard not to be deceived. Those who have been sold out to evil have certainly had the right scenario of events laid out for them from time immemorial.

    An equally thought-provoking issue is the presence of Roman or Greek mythology in the canon of school readings. Of course, this is not a coincidence, just as it is with the teaching of evolution and the Big Bang at, say, 8 o'clock - and during the next lesson a Jesuit priest tells how God created the world in preparation for the coming school-leaving examination in religion... How pathetic is Satan's system!

    1. "An equally thought-provoking issue is the presence of Roman or thereabouts Greek mythology in the school reading canon."

      Very valuable insight.

      1. So we have the answer to why we were taught this type of mythology instead of teaching us about our Slavic ancestors.

        1. this is also interesting.
          We were taught about gods from a few thousand years ago, but we were not taught about what was before 966.

          The Slavs seemed to have fallen from the sky in 966, when 1000 years earlier there was a Roman empire unable to conquer the Slavic empire.

          We are descendants of Japheth, the son of Noah.

          1. Noah and his family were pure and it's all about purity of blood, purity of genes. So since we are relatively "pure" it is now easier to understand why we are in this situation and why we are being destroyed on every level in every area of life and we are being told how miserable we are just some genetically poor relatives of Germans or someone else. Surprisingly, genetic research conducted by scientists, the results of which actually prove our "purity" and prove that we have been here for thousands of years and did not come from Asia as a nomadic savage 🙂 .

          2. You see, here is further proof of who really has power over the education system. Some things were never meant to come to light, but cognition increases in the end times. Well, and I'm ashamed to admit it, but at one time Parandowski's Mythology was probably one of my favorite reads. How blind I was...

          3. yes yes yes, the omniscience and omnipotence of official SCIENCE is simply a fraud

    2. And here you are wrong Brother and it is my duty to correct you. Everything is perfectly intertwined because the father of the theory of the great boom was no other than a priest, I can not cut off my head because I do not remember whether he had anything to do with the Jesuits, but here he is: So, as you can see, even in religion classes you will be taught to believe that the 6 days of the creation of the world are in fact billions of human years, because that's how it has to be interpreted, and that's the end of it 🙂

  7. One more conclusion came to me while looking at this picture of the 3 heavens:

    The new birth is a state of transition from being interested in the second heaven to knowing the third heaven. If according to John 3.3 and 3.5 we will see it and enter the third Heaven on earth.

    The second heaven no longer interests us, what they offer us.
    From now on, we are interested in the THIRD heaven.
    I.e. like level of games.

    Coming out of the second level is often painful, but coming out of the third level is a success for ever and ever, especially coming out of the slavery of the second level.
    Mk 13

    "Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away"

    2 level and 1 lice will pass, but 3 will not.

    1. Admin,note the 2 stages:
      1) John 3.3 whoever is not born again cannot SEE the kingdom of God.

      2)J 3." 5 Jesus answered: "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of WATER and of the SPIRIT, he cannot ENTER !!! into the kingdom of God.


      1. That's why I quoted 3.3 and 3.t5
        I discuss it at conventions 😉

  8. All these fears, illogicalities and doubts disappear if we assume that we live inside a hollow planet. Then the separated three zones of heaven become a very logical solution and explanation in which the innermost one is occupied by the so-called kingdom of heaven, behind it there is the inner zone where the heavenly bodies move, including the sun and the moon and the third zone just above the inner surface of the earth's crust limited by the so-called glass of heaven, the line of Kardan - 100km above its surface is finally our, human heaven with the atmosphere. Only then God, who is the architect and creator of this life-protecting construction, can observe everything, remove the existing limitations and cause, by switching off the internal magnetic field, the descent of all these objects to earth. No matter if they are real or just projecting their image on the glass of the sky...

  9. Errata: A typo crept into my so-called Karman line - if you don't know what it is copy it into a search engine and you'll see a view explaining the Bible's descriptions of Heaven

  10. The Marian demon with its various Walesa's is destroying the Poles.,002/2,26388465,Dlaczego_demony_reaguja_agresja_na_imie_Maryi_matki_Jezusa_.html Read the statements. Your hands are dropping.

      1. The woman of Revelation is Israel (in the Hebrew, Israel has a feminine form), not some spirit Mother of God.

  11. "In computer games " - I have 1 en great example, details will show in the next video soon I hope, it confirms even these motives which for a long time shows Marek from groxt

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