Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

A perfect example of a man of God

 Zac Poonen

It is very interesting that when God decides to write the Scriptures, the first book He wrote was about a God-fearing husband. This shows us what God is always looking for. He was looking for a Godly husband in the time of Henoch, in the time of Noah, and in the time of Job. God planned from the beginning to give us 66 books of Scripture. In the first of all these books, He wrote about what is most important in His heart - a godly man.

Teraz zwróć uwagę na pierwsze zdanie w pierwszej natchnionej księdze Pisma : „Żył w ziemi Us człowiek imieniem Hiob. Był to mąż sprawiedliwy, prawy, bogobojny i unikający zła” (Hioba 1:1). Czy możesz zobaczyć serce Boga w pierwszym zdaniu Pisma ? Chodziło tu o jednego człowieka – o imieniu Hiob i żyjącego w ziemi Us (w ten sposób nie możemy go pomylić z jakimś innym Hiobem żyjącym gdzie indziej). Bóg daje Jego świadectwo o tym człowieku – nie o jego inteligencji albo o jego bogactwie albo o jego reputacji pośród innych ludzi, ale jedynie o jego charakterze. Widzimy tutaj więc co tak naprawdę Bóg ceni – prawość, bogobojność i unikanie zła.

God is not looking for people with Bible knowledge. Job had no Bible knowledge because the Bible did not exist in those days. He also had no one around him who could encourage him to live a godly life. In addition, the preachers of his day only discouraged him by what they preached. However, despite all this, he lived a righteous life.

The Lord told Satan what was amazing about Job : "And have you taken notice of my servant Job? For there is not another in all the earth who is so upright, righteous, godly, and avoiding sin as he" (1:. Bojaźń Boża – lub szacunek dla Boga – jest czymś co jest wymieniane wiele razy w pierwszej natchnionej księdze Pisma. Tutaj widzimy, że Bóg porównał Hioba z innymi ludźmi na ziemi. Bóg również to czyni w dzisiejszych czasach.

It is not surprising, then, that Satan took Job as his target because Satan hates righteous people. He hated Job in those days and he also hates such people today. That is why he does everything in his power to prevent us from being godly. Satan persecuted Job through his wife and through carnal preachers. However, neither of these adversities affected Job's devotion to God in any way. What a husband Job was! What a call he is to us! But we can be like him too.

Now let's see how Job responded to all his difficulties. He heard that all was lost. One by one, his servants came to him and told him that all was lost. And Job arose, tore his robe, shaved his head, fell to the ground, and glorified God (1:20). This is another thing we see in the opening pages of inspired Scripture: a God-fearing husband is a worshipper of God. Above knowing the Bible and above serving the Lord, a Godly husband is first and foremost a worshipper. You must be a worshipper when you have everything and you must be a worshipper when you have lost everything. Jesus said : "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father also seeketh such to worship him thus. God is spirit, and those who worship him should worship him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:23-24). To worship God is to give everything to Him.

Job said : "Naked I came out of my mother's womb and naked I will return there. The Lord has given and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord! In all this Job did not sin and did not impute iniquity to God." (Job 1:21-22). Job was probably referring here to Mother Earth from which he entered naked and to which he will return as dust, naked. He willingly accepted whatever the Lord allowed in his life.

When I reflect on how Job was committed to God, I am moved. He did not have the example of Jesus and the apostles that we have. He had no example at all to follow. He didn't have the power of the Holy Spirit that we have. He did not have the Bible that we have. He had no encouragement or support from other believers or even his own wife. Job had only God - and God was enough for him. If Job could achieve such a glorious life, why couldn't we?


Text thanks to Dominik from Thank you perversely 🙂 .

Updated: 2 March 2016 — 12:49


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  1. Thanks for posting and to Dominic in the name of Jesus Christ for the article 🙂 The character of Job is an example for us and also a great challenge to Worship the Lord in all that we face.

  2. Treść całego ostatniego akapitu aż by się chciało wykrzyczeć w twarz katolików równie uparcie, co kłamliwie twierdzących, że poza kościołem rzymskim, a dokładnie bez nadzoru księży i pełnego posłuszeństwa “ojcu świętemu” zbawienia nie ma.

    1. Hopefully God will awaken as many hearts as possible, they say this because for years they have been confirmed in enslavement, their soul is a slave, I also until recently persisted foolishly in Catholicism, thinking that although the system leaves much to be desired, there is no other way, but I am here now, hopefully God will pull the veil from their eyes, their heart, so that there is no longer anything left hidden.

      1. In the Name of Jesus Christ, may it be so, and may every demonic veil spread over our country be destroyed.

  3. Jan Kobuszewski – A Wójta Się Nie Bójta

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