Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The puppet governments of Europe, are preparing for the invasion of Islam.

The time has come when even the most ardent opponents of interest in politics will have to take an interest.

All we have so far is a meticulous plan to install Islamists in Europe. The plan is, like a spider's web, perfectly constructed. While people are busy with their entertainment, Magda Gessler, lamenting the death of David Bowie, watching their favorite TV series, sports, etc., the governments of the various countries are in the process of letting in masses of immigrants.

  1. Norway is disarmed:


From February 4, law enforcement officers in Norway will again not carry weapons on their person. According to the country's police chief Reidar Humlegard, there is no terrorist threat, which allows the law to be repealed.

In Norway, police officers are only allowed to carry weapons in high risk situations. This was the case, among others, two years earlier. Also after the attacks in Paris, in November last year, this provision was extended. However, the Norwegian police now say there is no danger, so the weapon will be in the police car from now on.

Taka decyzja nie podoba się policyjnym związkom zawodowym, które twierdzą, że w obliczu napływu imigrantów z Afryki i Bliskiego Wschodu, na norweskich ulicach zrobiło się niebezpiecznie.”


Suddenly the Norwegian policemen woke up. This is how lukewarmness works. Not just in faith.


2. Turkey has deceived the EU


Spring is coming and certainly another great wave of refugees will set out for Europe. Could this problem affect Poland this time?

There are already reports of criminal groups originating from Russia and Ukraine that will become even more involved in the smuggling of living goods. There is even an instruction, reproduced among potential refugees, not to move in groups of less than 500 people, because such coarse easily push through border cordons. A whole strategy is being formed for the river of refugees that is about to move and it will be about 3 million people.

And when might it start?

In the spring.

Will it be refugees from, say, Greece, with 2,000 already arriving in that country daily?

To będą głównie ludzie wypuszczani z Turcji…

That Turkey that gets 3 billion euros from the European Union to keep them?

The Turks took the ransom, and as you know if someone takes the ransom they still do what they want and keep threatening.


3. the outpouring of Islam home 2015




What is this all about?

Bypassing The Three World Wars Planmainly to eliminate Christianity from its own territory. But we must know that this is not only happening on a physical, carnal level. With Islam we get spirits against God in a package, which no one fights with prayer.

Instead, there is quite a large group of keyboard bashers on the internet. These people are racing around with ideas, as if they are going to destroy Muslims. Soon, I think within a year, they will have the opportunity to do just that.

So far, looking at the so-called refugees, they have the silhouettes of physically fit people in contrast to the already overweight 20-somethings sitting in front of the computer.

In Ephesians it is written:

“Gdyż bój toczymy nie z krwią i z ciałem, lecz z nadziemskimi władzami, ze zwierzchnościami, z władcami tego świata ciemności, ze złymi duchami w okręgach niebieskich”


Only prayer will save us.


4. politicians are liars, and here we have proof of that:



Contrary to expectations, and in contradiction with the pre-election announcements, Prime Minister Szydło declared readiness to implement the agreements on immigrants, to which the haggard Kopacz had committed herself. However, it turns out that the situation is even worse. No one says that we will accept only Christian refugees from war zones.

According to "Polskie Radio" on its website, Poland is to accept Syrians, Iraqis, Eritreans and Yemeni citizens as part of its immigration policy. "In the case of Syrians, they are especially families, and in the case of Eritreans, they are usually single men (sic!)" - Rafal Rogala, head of the Office for Foreigners, said in an interview with PAP (statement from the video).

This was also confirmed by the deputy head of Polish diplomacy Konrad Szymanski in the program #dziejesienazywo ( "Poland will not accept only Christian refugees.

5 They want to cull reduce the Christian population.

A homeless Italian man dies of cold under a hotel meant for foreign immigrants.

On February 1, passersby found the body of a dead, homeless Italian man in the center of Bolzano, northern Italy. He was lying in a makeshift bed made of cardboard boxes not far from the grand 4-star Hotel Alpi, which currently houses Islamic immigrants. He died of hypothermia. Italy supports the illegally arrived invaders, funds their sleeping (in a hotel, which few Poles can afford), food and clothing, and at the same time its citizens, who did not make it in life, die in the cold without help.

Read more at:

(6) TV stations, meanwhile, are propagandizing by showing one side of the coin, i.e. friendly refugees, women with children:,60/miejsca-dla-pierwszych-stu-uchodzcow-sa-juz-gotowe-w-osrodku-w-debaku,616596.html



In May, as I mentioned, there will be a recommitment of Poland to the so-called Mother of God. When Solomon brought his wives to worship in Israel Kemosha (Nergal) and Astarte (Isis), his kingdom was destroyed during the reign of his son.


I guess it gives you something to think about.


In my opinion, the Muslims will be quartered in every Pole's apartment, as Pope Francis has already recommended.

People are stupefied, not knowing that governments only carry out the policies of the Church of Rome. It is from him that all decisions come, and the pontificate of Jesuit Bergoglio emphatically demonstrates this.

Updated: 5 February 2016 — 10:11


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  1. I was reminded of Paul Washer's teaching:
    In fact, we have only prayer and unless Christ saves us, we will not survive.

    1. Palnar, don't forget the works! Faith without works is dead. I really like Washer's teaching style, he leaves no illusions.

    2. Nobody can save us !!! We have to do it ourselves !!!

  2. mosque – meczet
    mosquitos – komary, czy wam też symbolicznie ten napływ islamistów nie koajrzy się z “szarańczą” z otchłani? (nie mówie w sensie dosłownym, symbolicznie)

    1. Yes, it makes sense, the influx of hoarders.Groxt made a video about it.

  3. And the atheized society will not understand that fighting with the flesh will not work, because spiritual powers are behind it, and fighting with the flesh will feed the plans of the elite.

    1. “Muzułmanie zostaną dokwaterowani do każdego mieszkania Polaka” – teraz to brzmi jak abstrakcja, ale wielu obudzi się ze snu, jak będa musieli obudzić w sobie gościnność będąc bezwzględnie posłusznymi zaleceniom “wikariusza Chrystusa”.

      He concludes that we should ask the Lord Jesus in daily prayer for:
      (a) to protect Poland from the spirit of Islam and its servants so that there is no bloodshed,
      and b) that the Poles, by the grace of God, finally see with their eyes en masse and, even before entrusting this country to the Queen of Heaven, understand their awful position that they are under Satanic Vatican occupation and that they turn against their occupiers, at the same time rejecting their lying doctrines and turning away from their abominable idolatry.

      1. That is, it is best to live in a hovel and such a person will flee on his own to a place with a higher standard.

      2. Right now what we need most is prayer for these intentions, really nothing else will protect us, I'm a little appalled at how this course of events is accelerating and gathering force before our eyes.

  4. To wszystko co się dzieje się na świecie i w Polsce jest takie nieznośne i trudne do zniesienie…Jezu dopomóż!

  5. Christians in Europe must prepare themselves for oppression. At the moment it is the Christians of Europe who suffer the least, but this will change as Islam begins its deliberate installation in Europe. People in the Middle East are already dying for their faith.

  6. Terrible things are happening and this is still nothing 🙁

    1. Wsadzili “naszego” Orła Białego na banknocie 200-złotowym do trumny…
      Widzę pewne powiązania tego symbolu z oddaniem Polski pod opiekę “opatrzności” – nie tej co trzeba…

  7. Ludzie ciągle mylą pojęcia i zakłamują rzeczywistość. Pisałem już to, ale pozwolę sobie powtórzyć: Czy człowieka, który jest tradycjonalistą, konformistą – Typowego katolika chodzącego raz w tygodniu do kościoła, nie zadającego sobie pytań, żyjącego wg ciała i uważającego, że wszystko jest ok… Można go nazwać chrześcijaninem? Podobnie uciekiniera szukającego lepszych warunków bytowych, dla którego ważny jest najnowszy model smartfona i wysoki standard życia…, który nie modli się 5 razy dziennie i nie zna koranu… Można go nazwać islamistą? Prawdziwi islamiści, to 2gie, 3cie pokolenie Arabów itp. od urodzenia zamieszkujących UK, Francję czy Niemcy – to oni są radykalni, a ich kierunek wędrówki jest zupełnie odwrotny… Oni przenoszą się do Iraku, Syrii czy Jemenu. Ci, którzy zalewają Europę to oportuniści pragnący europejskiego życia, którym prawdziwi wyznawcy Allaha gardzą… Oni uciekają przed prawem szariatu, biedą i głodem, no i szukają miejsca gdzie są najwyższe zasiłki i spore szanse na azyl – Nikt z nich nie zastanawia się czy tam gdzie trafi będzie meczet… Nie mamy do czynienia ze zderzeniem islamu z chrześcijaństwem. Jest to zwykła konfrontacja bogatej i bezideowej UE z mniej rozwiniętym ludem z Afryki i Bliskiego Wschodu, który chce zasmakować dobrobytu (najlepiej na cudzy koszt). Mówienie o najeździe muzułmanów na chrześcijan to zbyt dalekie uproszczenie.

    1. There is no simplification, many people from the East come and hide in Islamic communities, they do not integrate, they demonstrate even in London demanding Sharia law, wake up, behind this stand real spiritual beings (higher than the intellect of any mega-intelligent atheist), above Mecca on google earth see the clown on whose nose is just Mecca and kaaba (idol), it all looks as if he is snorting idolatry with his nose, it is not eggs, it is for something, to show us something

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