Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Lidl ad and 666

Just as God works together for good with His kingdom on Earth:


"28) And we know that God works together for good in all things with those who love God, that is, with those who are called according to his purpose. (29) For he predestined those whom he knew beforehand to be conformed to the image of his Son, and that he should be the firstborn among many brothers; (30) a których przeznaczył, tych i powołał, a których powołał, tych i usprawiedliwił, a których usprawiedliwił, tych i uwielbił.”



This is how the prince of this world works with others for evil,

“„O sądzie zaś, gdyż książę tego świata  został osądzony.”” Jana 16


also interacts with his squires, who are the mighty of this world. The Lidl ad is proof of this:


Many people are already interacting with this blog for good and this photo (psc) is a proof of it. It was sent to me by Jacek. Thank you.

For me it doesn't matter much, because I am confirmed in what I know, but awakened Christians or candidates for awakening will see how the devil and his people work.



Coca Cola for 6.66.



Revelation 13


(11) And I saw another beast coming up out of the ground, which had two horns like rams, and it spoke like a dragon. (12) And it exercises all the power of the first animal before its eyes. It causes the earth and its inhabitants to worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed. (13) And he does great miracles, so that even fire from heaven is let down to earth before the eyes of men. (14) And he deceives the inhabitants of the earth by the miracles which he was given to perform before the eyes of the beast, persuading the inhabitants of the earth to set up a statue to the beast which has a sword wound and yet is left alive. (15) And it was given to him to breathe a spirit into the statue of the beast, so that the statue of the beast would speak and cause all who did not worship the statue of the beast to be killed. (16) He also causes everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, (17) and that no one may buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the animal or the number of its name. (18) This is where wisdom is needed. He who has reason, let him calculate the number of the animal; for it is the number of man. And his number is six hundred and sixty-six.


They are pushing this number as much as two triangles. This happens all over the world, which means that nothing divides the nations managed by these people. In fact, they unite and share the same goal, and all wars are an excuse to destroy, to make money.


We must realize that there are two kingdoms ruling the earth:

Kingdom of Heaven


Satan's Kingdom.


Many focus on Satan's kingdom, constantly pointing fingers at it and demonstrating conspiracies. But are they building the kingdom of God on Earth? Not so much. Truth is important, but even more important is the antidote to this evil world, and that is the Good News, or gospel.




(14) For as we believe that Jesus died and rose again, so we believe that God through Jesus will bring back with him those who have fallen asleep. (15) And this we say to you on the basis of the word of the Lord, that we who remain alive until the coming of the Lord will not overtake those who have fallen asleep. (16) For the Lord Himself, at the given command, at the voice of the archangel and the trumpet of God, will descend from heaven; then those who have died in Christ will rise first, (17) Then we who are left alive will be taken up together with them in the clouds into the air, to meet the Lord; and so we will always be with the Lord. (18) Therefore comfort yourselves each other with these words.


They are preparing the unconscious world for the mark of the beast, showing at every step their symbols while mocking the puppets standing in the middle.

It is impossible to be in the middle in this world. To be in the middle is to stand beside the Evil One.



Updated: 19 November 2015 — 10:33


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  1. I showed my mother. She ironically suggested that I was looking for something that wasn't there. Although such a kola usually costs x PLN and 99 gr. But she immediately laughed it off, saying that she had seen some other product, probably also in Lidl, at 8.88.

      1. Kiedyś renault Clio reklamowali hasłem “prosto z raju”, ale to były zamierzchłe czasy…

        1. yes, even the oldest highlanders don't remember it 😎

            1. same “przypadki”.

              When the Holy Spirit recedes from the field, they will not take cover.

              “2 Tes 2.6-7

              „ (6) Wiecie przecież o tej przeszkodzie, która nie pozwala mu działać, aż czas jego nadejdzie. (7) Nieprawość już potajemnie rozwija swoją działalność, najpierw jednak musi ustąpić ten, który ją powstrzymuje. (8) Wtedy wystąpi jawnie ów gwałciciel prawa, ale Pan Jezus powali go tchnieniem ust swoich, zniszczy go w chwili swego przyjścia.„”

              1. Jest wielce prawdopodobne, że żyjemy w tych oto czasach – Lud Boży opieczętowany i wszystko będzie toczyć się swoim trybem

                10 He further said to me:
                "Do not put a seal on the words of the prophecy of this book,
                For the moment is near3.
                11 He who wrongs, let him yet do harm,
                And defile let him defile himself still,
                And let the righteous still fulfill justice,
                And let the saint be sanctified yet!
                12 Behold, I will come soon,
                And my payment is with me,
                to pay everyone back like this, what his job is

                1. pertinent observation.

  2. Those who laugh will cry, and those who cry will laugh. God save us.

    1. Protesting and praying as much as possible is advisable, but with a rosary in hand and to Mary it is like falling from the rain into the gutter.
      Jeśli sprawy zaszły tak daleko, że zaczyn się porno “na żywo” to świadczy tylko o tym, że koniec tego świata jest bliski

      1. Such prices are also common practice in other stores such as Kaufland.

  3. Oh man,and my other half works at Lidl.I'll tell her to influence her superiors to change the price 🙂

  4. ” tu potrzebna jest mądrość. Kto ma rozum , niech obliczy liczbę zwierzęcia; jest to bowiem liczba człowieka. A liczba jego jest sześćset sześćdzieciąt sześć.” Ja z tego rozumiem, że liczba 666 to liczba człowieka, a liczbę zwierzęcia trzeba obliczyć. Kiedyś interesowałam się numerologiom i z tego co wiem to liczba 7 jest doskonała, pełna i oznaczająca duchowość( można interpretować jako liczbę Boga . Wikipedia tak pisze o nr 7 ( jest tez interpretacja wg ST i NT): According to me 777- 666= 111 and this is the number of the animal ( fallen Angels).
    I came across this theory both in Henryk Kubik's book and somewhere on Catholic forums. It seems right to me, because the Scriptures clearly tell us to count something. The Scriptures also do not say when the angels were created, but maybe on the first day and therefore the number 1 refers to them (if I were here).

    1. Justyna, if we are talking about wisdom and reason, it seems to me that calculations should be more complicated mathematically than 7-6. Such an operation on fingers can be done even by a kindergartener 🙂

      As for Lidl itself, unfortunately they have been serving such strange prices for a long time. I have an idea to send an inquiry to Lidl's headquarters about these sixth prices. One person will be ignored, but if several people send such a question, they will have to explain themselves somehow. I will send such an inquiry and let you know if they write anything back.

      1. Krzysiek, just pay attention to the fact that the simplest solutions are often unnoticeable (I know from my own experience, I have always been mathematically minded and on the simplest tasks I often failed, because I was looking for hooks etc.). Second issue, number seven is not given here, you have to deduce that, for example, in the apocalypse number 7 often occurs and this may be a hint. The third point, such things are to be revealed to simple people (I will not give the exact verse of the Bible, because since August this year I live with Christ in my heart and I read, but I do not yet know how to find verses on cue), so it must be a simple calculation. As I mentioned I am a beginner on the subject, but I would interpret these verses this way. It is known that Satan is the greatest deceiver and deceiving, so maybe he deceives with the number 666, so that people think that it is his number, but in fact it is not, and in this way he deceives even the elect. These are my thoughts, but I wrote it here because maybe there is someone else who interpreted it this way ?

  5. Who's from Warsaw? Do you hear those strange sounds outside your window too!

    1. Oh the ones that are all over the world?

      1. Tak. Słyszałam je już wcześniej, ale myślałam, że to może prace na budowie, która jest blisko, ale dziś budowa nie pracuje, a dźwięki *jakby trąby” słychać już od ponad godziny. Dokładnie taki sam słychać na filmikach z yt.

        1. Be sure to record it on your cell phone.

  6. Recorded. I thought the recorder wouldn't catch the sound, but you can even hear it fine. I wonder what it is. Anyone heard it too? I think there are a couple of people from Wawa here:)

    1. you can either put it on YT, or you can send me the file

      1. I'll try to upload it somehow/set up a youtube account:) Detective, can I go off on a different note?I'm curious if you celebrate the Sabbath? (I don't know if comments are the right place for such questions?)

        1. hmm i tak i nie. Obchodziłem uroczyście przez ok pół roku chyba może dłużej. Teraz…hmm

          1. Heru Detective, and it's so important after all! (If you celebrated then you know). Can I as a sister in Chrysus admonish you:) I know it is very difficult, but we must do our best to honor the Sabbath. It is such a blessed time! I am leaving Sunday church for this very reason.

            1. Actually, I'll start celebrating this Saturday.
              For me, there's a whole other problem than not celebrating...

              1. Może jakiś tekst o tym? Ja podawałem, że jestem dostępny w sobotę i pracuję wtedy jak w każdy inny dzień…

                1. me thinks we should approach the ST with logic. We are not under the law because under grace, but the Lord jesus said

                  “Nie sądźcie, że przyszedłem znieść Prawo albo Proroków. I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill. 18 Zaprawdę. bowiem powiadam wam: Dopóki niebo i ziemia nie przeminą, ani jedna jota, ani jedna kreska nie zmieni się w Prawie, aż się wszystko spełni. 19 Ktokolwiek więc zniósłby jedno z tych przykazań, choćby najmniejszych, i uczyłby tak ludzi, ten będzie najmniejszy w królestwie niebieskim. A kto je wypełnia i uczy wypełniać, ten będzie wielki w królestwie niebieskim. 20 Bo powiadam wam: Jeśli wasza sprawiedliwość nie będzie większa niż uczonych w Piśmie i faryzeuszów, nie wejdziecie do królestwa niebieskiego.”

                  Food example:

                  “11 Nie to, co wchodzi do ust, czyni człowieka nieczystym, ale co z ust wychodzi, to go czyni nieczystym». ”

                  So for example not eating pork is not a command, but God's Law is not a stupid EU directive, but it is like a law of physics. It just works. In the case of eating pork, it damages our health. Greeks based on their Mediterranean cuisine live much longer than others.

                  Tak jest i z szabatem. Bedziesz zbawiony nie świętując go, ale w wyniku szacunku do Boga, On pobłogosławi Ci. Mnie pobłogosławił kiedy miałem firmę. Podsunał dostawcę oferującego mi towar o ok 20% taniej, niz dotychczasowi…
                  I know that people who celebrate the Sabbath are closer to God.

                  Paraca? hmmm you have to trust in God.

                  I will not negate anyone for not celebrating the Sabbath.

    2. I have been hearing something like that lately, in the evenings, a kind of buzzing. I live in Krk, there are a lot of construction sites around here, but I always hear this noise in the evenings, at night. now it is quiet. maybe I am oversensitive, scared, overworked. but as you can see, I am not the only one

  7. Walid Shoebat writes:

    "As soon as I started analyzing the Greek text of the Book of Revelation from old manuscripts, I immediately noticed that the Greek letters (Chi Xi Stigma), which were usually translated as the number 666 very much resemble the popular Islamic creed, Bismallah, written in Arabic. Bismallah literally means "In the name of Allah," accompanied by the symbol of crossed swords, which is used widely in the Muslim world to signify Islam."

  8. Walid Shoebat argues that the Greek word psephizo translated as "to calculate" in verse 18 can also mean to estimate, decide, or identify.

    Similarly, the Greek word arithmos translated as "number" can also mean multitude, in the sense of a multitude of people.

    Assuming this alternative meaning of the words "calculate" and "number" in verse 18, instead of "calculate the number of the beast" we would have "identify the multitude of the beast," in the sense of the multitude of his followers.

    Whereas the words: "And his number is six hundred and sixty-six", would occur in the meaning: "and the multitude of his followers can be identified by 'In the name of Allah and two swords (jihad)'".

    Taking this alternative approach to the Book of Revelation, we see that the "number of the beast" is closely associated with Islam as the primary expression of the spirit of the antichrist. If this approach is true, the Antichrist will be an Islamic caliph, the Mahdi, who will make a final attempt to bring the entire world under Islamic rule.

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