Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The November 13 coup in France a cause for World War III?

Note, I am not writing this to scare you. Christians do not have a spirit of fear.

I am trying to guess the intentions of the global elites who are hostile to humanity.

It is highly possible that we are close to fulfilling Bible prophecy.

Probably a considerable part has already forgotten when two years ago we were prepared for World War III with the flashpoint precisely in Syria:

Isaiah 17

Judgment on Damascus:
Here's Damascus will cease to be a city,
will become a pile of rubble
2 Forever abandoned his cities
will be pasture for the flocks,
Which will [there] deck themselves out,
and no one will flush them out.
3 They will take the stronghold away from Ephraim,
and the kingdom to Damascus.
And with the rest, Aram will become
as with the pride of the children of Israel -
the oracle of the Lord of hosts.
4 In that day the glory of Jacob shall wane,
and his fat body grows lean.
5 And it will happen,
Like when the reaper grabs a handful of grain on the stump,
And his arm cuts down the ears;
And as when they gather the ears in the valley of Refaim,
6 so that the aftermath stays on her;
or as in shaking off the oil: they stay
Two or three berries at the very top,
four or five on the branches of a fruit tree -
The oracle of the Lord, the God of Israel.
7 In that day man shall look upon his Creator
And his eyes will turn to the Holy One of Israel.
8 He will no longer look at the altars, the work of his hands,
nor will he glance at what his fingers have done:
on ashers and sun steles.
9 In that day your cities will be fortified like those,
abandoned by the Amorites and Chiwwits,
Which they left before the children of Israel.
They will become a desert, "



Here materials from January of this year:


There is a lot going on around Syria, as if prophecies are pushing themselves from underground into the light of day.

The world is bumping up against Syria.

Just look on the map how close this Damascus is Israel...and you'll see that something big is coming.

A while ago I read about perhaps the real motives behind the attacks in Syria:

from a translator



An unconfirmed source leaked that France is holding a high-level meeting at the moment to determine their reaction.Many French people favor boots on the ground, and this event will now make sure that the French want France to send troops to Syria.

The Russian president has offered his support and we are sure that France is practically about to put boots on the ground in Syria. The United States has not been able to put boots on the ground because in the past that has been a total failure and Russia is dominating the scene, this is the perfect opportunity for the French boots on the ground to help fight President Assad and ISIS of course ,

None of this is confirmed, but within the next 24-48, we believe, France will have troops ready for war against ISIS in Syria, How many soldiers is unknown. High level conversations are taking place how to write this article, and the answer will be to be one military no doubt about it.

This event is basically what it took for France to go into Syria and it happened.The attackers are not shouting ISIS Iraq or Libya but ISIS Syria so it is clear that the French armed forces want boots on the ground in Syria.


"Legend has it that the world goes up in flames, and the country that lights it up is Syria "i.


What is happening in Syria at the moment?


Russia-US tussle over Syria.

Let us also remember that Muslims are waiting for their Mahdi who can fulfill this part of the apocalypse



"And I saw, and, behold, a white horse, and he that sat upon it had a bow, and a crown was given unto him, and he went forth as an overcomer, that he might overcome."


Perhaps soon in Israel there will be a man on horseback who will arrive as the winner.

World theater has set the stage.

By the way. I've noticed on fejsie how people mindlessly make an overlay of the French flag on their profile pictures as a gesture of sympathy and joining in the bUlu (remember that "bul"). These people voted for the regime parties during the election and now they understand absolutely nothing about what is happening on the world stage.

One thing is certain: the ratings of far-right parties will jump up after 9/11/2015.


It is also highly possible that the Freemasons/illuminati will fulfill their promise in the movie "Tomorrowland" - there will be 60 days left from 23.09.2015. So from yesterday is equal 10, but the question is to what. I am not betting on any date, just trying to discern their plan.

May Jesus Christ Bless You.

Updated: 14 November 2015 — 19:45


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  1. Yes, those flags in the profile picture as a gesture of sympathy.... Personally feeling anger? Sadness? I don't know... I don't even know what to think about the victims and their families. Have they thought for a moment about their Creator, have all these people now sympathizing with France thought about how much they are hurting God that he condones this evil...! Forgive me, but I cannot do otherwise. Forgive me Lord!

    1. All we can do is bring the truth. so that people understand where there is hope, where there is rescue, so that they do not put their hopes in this world.

    2. Today I noticed a thought-provoking demotivator. It said: You put the flag of France on your profile and on November 11 you didn't fly the flag of Poland.
      These types of actions are such a surrender to the waves of this world as the Ice Challenge Bucket

  2. Every day we can hurt each other without limits, kill with our thoughts, cripple with our eyes. We murder millions of unborn children, we are filled with pride, envy and pride. And today we become one, a disgusting unity! Depressing.

  3. I don't want to spin anything either, but again there has been a strange coincidence between the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars.

    Kislev is the 9th month just like September.

    November 23, 2015 = 11 9 5776 by Hebrew

    1. Perhaps this is the correct date for the super Shmita and stock market crash that they have planned for themselves in order to create chaos before establishing the NWO.

    2. 11-9-2001 it was 23-06-5761

      23-11-2015 that would be 11-9-5776

      In 1776 the Order of the Illuminati was formed and the 13 colonies of the USA united, also the year 5776 will be a key year for the elites to unite the world.

      1. Anyone still remember this video from Euro 2012, during a football match World War III started.

        1. I remember, but then, as you know, nothing happened.

          1. The next Euro is actually in France in 2016.
            Opening and closing on June 10 and July 10, just like on the jersey of that football player in front of whom the bomb explodes.

        2. But the war has begun... In the Ukraine.

        3. In the movie batman, bane used bombs and took over the city during the match

  4. Oh massacre, people are preparing themselves for surveillance, I mean they are setting themselves up : (
    [On the website the family from Poznan provides transmission from twelve cameras installed in their apartment. The cameras are placed not only in the living room. Controversy among Internet users is aroused by cameras placed in the rooms of small children - the youngest is 2 years old, the oldest 13. The Dzikowskis inform on the website that they are also preparing camera glasses and a camera in the car [...].,tm.html

  5. Madonna = "Mother of God" = Lucifer - is closely associated with the number 13, in her clips began to appear the motif of nuclear destruction of several cities and many words of warning in Hebrew and Arabic, among others

    1. "nuclear destruction of several cities" So Priest may be right.Maybe these fals nuclear flags will be a pretext for WWIII?

    2. In the movie "Batman: The Dark Knight Rises", Morgan Freeman as Mr. Fox says in the 111th minute that the nuclear warhead in Gotham City (New York) will explode in 23 days. Of course, this may not be related to the date, but it's still interesting why so many days.

    3. in 1 pet goat 2 do you know where it "started"? The fall of the usa, something similar to wtc 9 11

  6. See the signature of the principals of the events in France. After; "A man set up a piano in front of the Bataclan and played 'Imagine'.,zamachy-w-paryzu-mezczyzna-gral-imagine-przed-klubem-bataclan.html
    Apparently a piano with a "peace sign" delicately named "pacifica" in the article - a satanic cross of Nero. And it plays a song by a crypto-Satanist - who knows what it's about.

    1. Song lyrics (after
      "Imagine that there is no heaven (as a holy place)
      It's easy if you try
      There is no hell beneath us
      Above us only the sky (plain, blue)
      Imagine that all the people
      They live for today.

      Imagine that there are no states
      It's not hard to do
      Nothing to kill or die for
      And no religion
      Imagine that all the people
      They live in peace

      You can tell I'm a dreamer
      But I'm not the only one
      I hope you will join us one day
      And the world will be one

      Imagine, a world without property
      I wonder if you can
      No need for greed or hunger
      The brotherhood of man
      Imagine that all the people
      They share the whole world

      You can tell I'm a dreamer."

    2. I have tvpinfo on and there is a pacifier.

    3. A small observation: on tvn info on the information bar as an expression of mourning
      black eiffel tower in a circle what looks like a pacifier.

  7. On TVPInfo I watched Kerry's speech from Vienna, where he debates with Lavrov and leaders of half the world about Syria. When he commented on the attack in Paris, he said almost exactly the same thing as Bush did after 9/11. You are right Peter - they are agreeing on a "Syrian" plan. And that World War III has begun was spoken of long ago by the "prophet" Francis.

    1. This has long been explained by H.K
      From what I remember, it was some kind of bug in the video editing program. The piece of the picture with the pyramid (from another H.K movie) stuck to the one about hell.

    2. and yet H.K. himself explained it in more detail:

      1. I thought so, because if it was intentional, it would be very unsuccessful and not professional

        1. For your part, the entire book of Revelation testifies to the GREAT glory Christ has received from the Father for ETERNAL TIME. then where will God the Father be?

          1. Also, from this point of view, the Father has given to the Son ALL authority, which is ETERNAL. So there are 2 Gods?

            1. "I and the Father are one"-(John 10/30)

      2. What Mr. Henryk is trying to explain there is probably at least ridiculous for people who know a little bit about video editing.
        I processed some videos, learned a few programs, overall I learned probably over 10 of them. I am also somewhat familiar with the Corel program that Mr. Henry was using that not-so-special day.
        It doesn't matter if the image was previously in another project or not. Pasted into the movie automatically gets a display time of a few seconds about 4-7 seconds depending on the software.
        To be able to reduce the display time to 1/24th of a second as Mr. Henry states in his explanation (less than one frame in the DVD) he had to do it manually, i.e. enter the display time manually. It is highly unlikely that he could have done this by moving the mouse (at the "distance" he says he was working)
        If we add to this that he managed to make this picture completely unnoticeable in PiP (Picture in Picture) mode, we already have such an incredible number of combinations not far off as in the case of the origin of life in a soup and evolution to the form of man. And we probably don't believe in the theory of evolution

  8. And isn't 60 days from 23.09 the 25th of November? I think Priest wrote something about 25th but I don't remember if it was 25.10 or 25.11, he wrote about some fals nuclear attack in USA. A series of attacks?

    1. And where did the motif of 60 days after September 23 come from? I am asking out of sheer curiosity about the topic, because I have not come across such a dating before.

  9. The attacks will lead to an increase in hatred towards refugees, which means the beginning of riots between the indigenous population and Muslims. Religious warfare and persecution will begin, which could spread throughout Europe. This is the point.


    1. influx of immigrants, controlled attacks, riots = war
    2. sending troops to bank with U.S. to stabilize
    3 - Let's hope I'm wrong, nuke.

    And so it goes... Europe, bleeding from blood, must rebuild itself, while the USA, bankrupt, maintains its position as economic hegemon and in addition gains a mixed society without any culture, history and moral compass in the form of faith and God the Father. These mixed up people will become slaves in American corpo. With war the population will be reduced and the NWO can be introduced. This is the threshold of the end times. Oh, and because of the attacks in France they will be able to surveillance the society even more under the guise of the war on terror.

  10. This is called HIPOCRACY. As long as death was exported to Islamic countries and actions like yesterday's one were a daily bread there, nobody made a tragedy out of it. But now the world of European 'values' has been attacked, not just any shepherd or peasant was killed, but the Parisians... Everything can be promoted and forced into enslaved minds. You can announce it on the news, you can make a round-the-clock news program... You can fish out one child-drowning and use it as a tool, and nobody cares if 500 more drown afterwards... To stay in the French climate: "I fear three newspapers more than three thousand bayonets"___Napoleon Bonaparte.

    1. Gabin can you summarize?

  11. I'm explaining to you that the 3rd World War will start at the end of this month or next month, this month there will be terrorist attacks in the U.S. The next attacks will continue in France and other countries of Western Europe, what you saw today was nothing, It was just a symbolic attack to emphasize the beginning of the black series begins only 3 WS, the worst attacks before us the war will begin with a nuclear explosion look out for the first atomic mushroom will last 13 months and the end.

      Americans killed a Libyan ISIS leader today
      I wonder if these assassinations will be overnight or at some interval.

  12. 25/11/2015 in the US 2 nuclear explosions.

  13. How do you, Priest, know what's going to happen?
    I ask, do you have access to a super-secret source of information?

  14. I unmasked them, we joined forces with two Americans and we are breaking down the barriers, for one of them the cia deleted the documents and blocked the channel on youtube, by the way Jakub berlin I don't know if you know your film was blocked which you once sent What was there about 239 about madonna and this latest video.

  15. The bloody orgy of Babylon the Great. A Prelude...

  16. Reflecting after the events of 13.11 :

    Beloved, in Jesus Christ we are safe, whatever happens. He is our only hope.

    1. Kosik dropped an interesting little something.

      I was even going to write a text about death preparedness, but that might be in a few days.

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