Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. today I saw 2 girls in a store, about 10 years old, who were dressed up as some kind of corpses and what is happening is just hands falling down

    and to you, Detective, thank you again, dear brother, for putting so much work into this blog, God bless you, and I hope we'll meet again because you still have to baptize me

    1. no problem
      It can be even in winter. At least I think I can stand it 😎

      1. I imagined a group of Christians drilling an icebreak 🙂

      2. można tak ?Chrzest po Rosyjsku – YouTube
        But there are still pools
        With God

  2. My friend, it can be even in winter if it is necessary, God will heat my water a little bit to make it not so bad, but first I have to pass my license to come to you

    1. How is the other Przemek from Poznan?

  3. Well, recently we met and talked for hours and we decided to get everyone from Poznan together and meet on some day but I didn't give him the book anyway because I forgot 😀

    1. No, give it to him. It's probably 15 minutes away from you.

      Good idea with this meeting. You should read the Bible together and even celebrate the memorial if possible.

      1. “Powinniscie razem czytac biblie a nawet jak jest mozliwość swietowac pamiatkę”

        I agree 🙂 I agree

  4. Well, it's not that long because he lives in a different part of town

    1. Well, he's got 15 minutes by car

  5. Have you ever thought that the Milky Way could be the gateway to heaven?

    1. We do not know, but the Bible sometimes mentions the stars, literally or symbolically, but we know that the structure of the world is consistent, it may be that the stars in some dimension are the road for the transport of souls,

      1. But given the flat earth.Since the earth is flat then in the pictures Here, for example, is like a road to heaven, like a portal.

  6. As far as I'm concerned it's sophistication, the work of NASA graphic designers who think they can do anything! To me, it's a symbol that there is indeed little time left, if they can mock in the flesh without any fear, or realize how desensitized the public is that accepts the idol of science without questioning. In this picture we have the word SEX hidden in the clouds:
    In this photo, supposedly of the planet Pluto, you can see the giant dog Pluto (as I understand it is also a coincidence):
    Obrzydliwe, z jaką łatwością oni ciągną za sobą tłumy….

  7. I am of the opinion that NASA's graphic materials are top-notch illustrations meant to confirm their lies. Such as Math Bolyan (YouTube- the NASA channel) speaks volumes about this. He exposes them because he worked for them; he painted hyper-realistic pictures of the globe, which are then used to indoctrinate the masses.

    1. It is naive to believe that people like Eric Dubay, David Icke and Math Boylan are deserters of Freemasonry trying to open the eyes of the world. That's just their role in the controlled opposition.

      1. This is most likely the case. Bolyan's cursing language alone says a lot about him. But we are certainly dealing with NASA lies about the Earth and the second sky.

        1. P.S. dla jasności, bo zaraz jeszcze ktoś mi zarzuci gołosłowność – pisze “z pewnością”, bo NASA to agencja rządowa, a rząd USA jak wszystkie inne jest we władaniu szatana, tak więc mam pewność. Jasne, macki Watykanu sięgają bardzo daleko, USA to ich wasale, ale “capo di tutti capi” jest jeden.

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