Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Sex, soul connections and the seductive spirit of Jezebel

Tłumaczyła Kosik (Kasia) Dziękuję. Myślę, że ta część sfery działań Izebel jest niezwykle ważna, zwłaszcza w dzisiejszym świecie, gdzie “pokochujemy” osobę nie poprzez jej urodę, wdzięk, piękno charakteru, ale poprzez wyobrażenia cielesne, strój odkrywający ciało. Naprawdę współczuję obecnym nastolatkom a nawet dwudziestoparolatkom. Duch Izebel pożera ludzi niczym rdza stare auto.





Jezebel uses the power of casting charms to lure her victims and create soul relationships. Jezebel is the spirit of the strong man. What is it that Jezebel's spirit can see in you? She interacts through a web of demonic powers to climb to the very top of control. Some of the arrows in her quiver, those that create soul relationships, work through witchcraft, the spirit of divination and the spirit of seduction.

Jezebel is a master of seduction. The word "seduction" literally means to lead someone acting righteously straight astray. Seduction is the deliberate process of tempting someone step by step to do something they would not normally do. The spirit of seduction and the spirit of witchcraft are related. They are the same class of evil spirits, both used by the spirit of Jezebel.

The lure cast by Jezebel creates a soul connection

Pytacie: „W jaki sposób duch Jezebel formuje związki dusz?” Kiedy Jezebel uwalnia ducha uwodzenia, ta siła duchowa jest wypuszczona na wolność – prosto na twoje myśli, twoją wyobraźnię i emocje. Tak jak rybak może użyć wielu przynęt i wabików, tak samo robi duch Jezebel. Jej przynęty i wabiki są uwodzicielskie z natury. Uwodzenie jest przynętą, która prowadzi do uformowania związku dusz. Uwodzenie jest przynętą. Ty jesteś rybą.

The purpose of spiritual seduction is to create soul relationships that can be used to control you. A soul relationship is a spiritual or emotional attachment to another person. In this case, that bond is with a demonic spirit called Jezebel. Soul relationships can be created in myriads of ways, such as:

  • sexual relations,
  • emotional manipulation,
  • Sharing life experiences,
  • personal tragedy,
  • loss of a loved one,
  • flattery from pride,
  • comforting others,
  • reaching out to single people,
  • Agreeing with Jezebel's attacks, her pain, her wounds, her unforgiveness toward authority or leadership,
  • financial crisis.

As soon as the union of souls is established, Jezebel's victim becomes a eunuch. The eunuch is the child of Jezebel's spirit. The spiritual Eunuch has nothing to do with the male gender. For example, a castrated male is a eunuch in the physical sense. A eunuch is a person without the ability to reproduce. Similarly, a Jezebel eunuch has no life outside of Jezebel's controllable world. Again, the eunuch has no power within himself; he only looks around for Jezebel's spirit to gain acceptance, instruction, confirmation, and companionship from her.

Relationships of souls

Here is a testimony of a man struggling with soul union with Jezebel:

"I am with a wonderful and godly woman who is everything I have ever wanted. I love her and would give my life for her without blinking an eye. However, I am struggling with images from another relationship, with a woman who is cold hearted and tends to be abusive. I need help. I can't get this other woman out of my head and out of my heart. A relative gave me the text of a prayer that brought me some light relief and by which I was able to regain control of my mind, but the relief doesn't last very long and my thoughts return to that other woman."

This man is still under the control (charm) of Jezebel's spirit. There is something about him, a soul connection to this spirit, that needs to be broken. This is an example of the power of casting Jezebel spirit charms. You can hear the desperation in his voice. He has been seduced, he has come under a spell, he has become a slave to his emotions. The soul union that was created by sleeping with her must be broken by prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit. This man must undergo repentance, renounce it, forgive it, and cry out to the Lord for deliverance. Notice again what he wrote: "I cannot get this other woman out of my mind." Here is another example of a controlling soul relationship:

"I almost left my husband for someone with the spirit of Jezebel. I didn't realize that the spirit of seduction could become so ingrained in my thoughts. I was an easy person to control because as I was growing up, someone was constantly telling me what to do and what not to do in my life. During my encounter with Jezebel's spirit, I reached a point where I couldn't even think clearly, my judgments were clouded, and I could no longer do the things I had done up to that point. My marriage was saved and we just celebrated our thirty-first wedding anniversary. I still have problems with my mind and I pray for its complete restoration."

This woman almost lost her wonderful marriage to Jezebel's spirit. Once again, we see that soul relationships are created and Jezebel cast a spell on someone's mind. In both of these cases the soul union was created by Jezebel's spirit.

Jezebel is a seductive spirit who finds something special in those people with whom she forms bonds. Jezebel is the seductive goddess of war. As I said earlier, soul ties are the rope that Jezebel wraps around her victim.

Under the spell of a foreign woman's soul connection

The Apostle Paul used the term "bewitch" to describe the demonic influence of soul union. Paul wrote: "Oh, unintelligent Galatians! Who bewitched you, you before whose eyes was drawn the image of Jesus Christ crucified?"(Galatians 3:1).

"Captivated," from the Greek baskainō, means to be charmed by words. Just as a strange woman uses flattering words to win her prey, so do the seductive spirits of Jezebel. Jezebel, the seductive goddess of war, uses enticing words to sweeten you.

"He will also keep you from another man's wife, from a stranger who seduces with sweet words" (Proverbs 2:16)

"For the lips of another's wife are dripping with honey, and her palate is smoother than oil." (Proverbs 5:3)

"Why, my son, should you delight in a stranger and squeeze the breast of another?" (Proverbs 5:20)

"For they will guard you from an evil woman, from the sweet tongue of another." (Proverbs 6:24)

"That they may guard you from another's wife, from a stranger who speaks sweet words." (Proverbs 7:5)

The Jezebel spirit will not deceive you before it first seduces you. To accomplish this goal, she will use several spirits in her web, including the spirit of seduction.

There are several spirits mentioned in Scripture including the spirit of committing evil deeds (pneuma poneron) the evil spirit (Acts 19:15), the spirit of divination (pneuma python)(Acts 16:16), the spirit of impotence (pneuma astheneias)(Luke 13:11), the mute spirit (pneuma alalon)(Mar 1:23), the spirit of deception-the spirit of deception (pneuma plana)(1 Tim 4:1).

Jesus Christ did not disregard demonic spirits, He cast them out. Christ never taught his followers to disregard demonic spirits. He showed the way to confront demonic forces and heal the sick. Scripture declares: "Whoever sins is a child of the devil, because the devil abides in sin from the beginning. The Son of God was revealed in order to destroy the works of the devil."(1 John 3:8). Also including this Jezebel and her network of demons.

Spirit of Deception

Pneuma plana is the seducing spirit or spirit of deception. The Scriptures say: "But the Spirit openly says that in the last times some will fall away from the faith, inclining to deceitful spirits and to the teachings of demons." (1 Tim 4:1)

The spirit of Jezebel can also tempt someone to sin sexually, but also to deviate from Scripture and idolatry. Pneuma plana , the seducing spirit, is also known as the spirit of deception. It means:

  • confusion
  • leading astray
  • misrepresentation
  • scam
  • falling away from the truth

The spirit of Jezebel is a spirit of teaching prophecy, leading people far from the truth, straight into sin, rebellion, deception and idolatry. He is a controlling manipulator who usurps power at every possible opportunity.

Jezebel needs to exercise control in public or from a hidden position. If you don't submit to her leadership, she can belittle you, degrade you, bottom you out, and destroy your life. She loves to steal your influence, spouse, ideas, jobs, money, innocence, and take credit for things she didn't do. It makes you feel disempowered, unable to control anything, confused, with severe bouts of depression, and vain delusions raging against your mind.

This woman was raised by her mother, Jezebel, who used the Bible to manipulate her and make her feel remorseful. Look for the words wounded and emotionally damaged.

"The spirit of Jezebel caused me pain in my life. He was like a tornado and a hurricane combined that left me devastated internally. For me, the hardest part was freeing myself from his snare. My mother had the spirit of Jezebel and used the Bible to make me feel remorse if I didn't do what she wanted. I don't hate my mother and I still show her love and respect, but now I know what's up. It helps to remind myself that we are not fighting against flesh and blood but against the spirit of Jezebel. I have delved into the subject of family curses and have declared that this will not affect my children and grandchildren."

Jezebel targets ignorance, spiritual weakness, hurt, harm, offense, loneliness and even righteous rebellion. Jezebel's field of action is spiritual deception and deception to advance her agenda. If she has to become religious and use the Bible against you, she will.

Eunuchs in the union of Jezebel's souls

As I said, the spirit Jezebel creates soul relationships with her victims, working her demonic agenda. Mastering others gives her a sense of worth and satisfaction. For the Jezebel spirit. People are just tools used to advance her wicked agenda.

Eunuchs are "attached" to Jezebel. They look around for her approval, instruction, and confirmation. When they are confused, confronted, corrected, they run to her.

If you become a eunuch you will always be one unless you receive liberation. Without deliverance a Jezebel eunuch will always be a Jezebel eunuch. Eunuchs fly to Jezebel like moths to the light.

If there are eunuchs in your church or organization and one person with the spirit of Jezebel, then the eunuchs will gather around her. That's right, they move from one controlling Jezebel to another. Remember eunuchs behave this way because of what is inside of them.

Jezebel can only use what is within you. You have probably heard that the spirit of Jezebel cannot function without the spirit of Ahab. There is a lot of truth in that statement. It means that the spirit of Jezebel is looking for something in you to latch onto. Jesus said: "I will not speak much with you anymore, for the ruler of this world is coming. Yet he has nothing of his own in me." (John 14:30). As was mentioned earlier, the only thing the spirit of Jezebel can latch onto is what is already in you.

To create a soul connection, the Jezebel spirit must first seduce you. She flatters you and makes you feel special or good about yourself. This works for some people who have never felt special or about whom not many good things have been said before.

The Spirit of Jezebel knows how to "feed you" with compliments, if that is what it takes to create a relationship with you. Others may lack confidence or lack faith in Christ. The Spirit of Jezebel uses the advantage of all your shortcomings and weaknesses. As your relationship with Jezebel continues, she makes you begin to feel that you cannot live without her and that you need her to gain success.

Jezebel's control doesn't start overnight. She takes control in small steps. This spirit wins over you after some time. At some point you realize that you feel worthless, your ministry is over, and that even God is done with you. The demonic power of Jezebel sucks the life out of you and makes you want to just give up and let go. You say things to yourself such as: "What's the point?

It is possible that Jezebel's spirit entered your life when you were most vulnerable. Maybe you needed help and Jezebel's spirit was there. Maybe you lost a loved one and Jezebel was there to comfort you. The result is this: Jezebel uses the Achab in you to create a soul connection and to control you. When the Ahab in you dies, then Jezebel loses its control.

Jonas Clark


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    1. Satan's blue beam project

  1. Women! Be a man, not a woman!

  2. Thanks! Thanks to this text I realized something mega important. I thank you for your work and I thank God for showing me this!!! 🙂 .

    1. Here special thanks to Kosik (Kasia), because not only did she translate, but also she found this text herself, incidentally a very important one.

      The spirit of Jezebel tempts, steals, destroys.

      1. These special thanks are for the Lord God 🙂

        Thank you for the Detective who has a big heart for spreading God's truth 🙂 .

        1. Not lord God but most simply God almighty lord is bal and bal is satan in scripture in all translations there is a change of God almighty at the very beginning to lord God 6,8 times lord and 1 time God.

          The simplest explanation is that Satan is our God, demons and people who hate God know very well and rejoice in their evil spirit when people say the word Lord before the word God.

          1. Roman catholic church (haha super nickname) 🙂
            Are you sure that your argument is not in the same category as e.g:
            -jak mówisz “amen” to oddajesz cześć egipskiemu bóstwu Amon
            -should we say Isus and not Jesus?

            In my opinion, it is rather important what one believes in and what one is convinced of when pronouncing such and not other words.

            Greetings to you

  3. It appears that most women have this spirit because they dress inappropriately, defiantly.

  4. It is in a woman's nature to seduce, that is why she paints herself and dresses nicely to please men and choose a husband to have children with later on. Is it bad?

    1. It depends what you mean. A woman should seduce with her modesty, neatness, her dignity (appropriate dress). And not a mini, a huge cleavage, an empty head, a cult of the body. A woman should have skirts at least to the knees, or rather, covering the kneecap, although here it is difficult to say, but it must not cause lustful eyes. If it is a mini 5-10 cm etc. or other ethereal (everything) can be seen, it means that she is carnal or wants to please around too much. I think this is where the Spirit of Jezebel comes in. If such seduction is good, let's do such an experiment. Starting tomorrow, everyone 24 hours naked. That was an example. But remember Brothers and Sisters, and those who have this problem. For sex addicts, there is such a method as: imagine all the people are naked, everyone can do whatever they want with everyone, in the sexual sense. If you are at a smaller stage, that should help in some way. Because not many normal people would allow themselves to do that. And yet it is nothing more than any kind of pornography. It's a loss of dignity, simply put. You can come across a really worthy girl, but you give in to this world, its trends. When it comes to such carnal women, also men, it is not good.
      Trudno o kobietę, która się nie zeszła na dno. Czasem bywa, że jakiś mężczyzna ją wyciągnie z tego dna w pewien sposób, ale bez Boga, on sam może wpaść w to dno razem z nią. Kobiety strasznie prowokują dziś seksualnie, wysyłają swoje nagie zdjęcia, itp, itd. Pornografia też tu zrobiła spustoszenie, ale to przecież działania kobiet, które straciły godność. Czy nawet na rajstopach miękka pornografia, ona jest wszędzie. Ale trzeba od niej stronic, a nie sobie zaglądać w odmety zepsucia, Sodomy i Gomory. Większość już się uzależnila od seksu, szczególnie 18 wzwyż i obecne pokolenie ogółem, w tym młodzież. Mówią jak to ‘loda trzeba umieć robić’, u znajomych z tego świata można to usłyszeć. I wygląda to na pewne uzależnienie cielesne, seksualne, nie miłość. Przeraża mnie to wielce. Kiedyś to tak się nie odbywało, widać tu że szatan i demony odegrały w tym ogromną rolę. Zrobili wielka deprawacje, zniszczenie rodziny. ‘Niedopasowanie seksualne’ pono przez to też dużo rozwodów, czyżby ludzie cielesni? Mamy być na tak, tak, nie, nie jako Chrześcijanie. Ale Szatan chce wmówić każdemu o odcieniach szarości, które teraz jeszcze są, ale kontrast się wyostrza.

      1. Nooooi say Milka 🙂 that they already have that chosen one and what next? Do they continue to seduce everyone around them? If so, read: the Jezebel spirit. Also, the person with the Jezebel spirit takes advantage of their partner.

        As it was written in another article about Jezebel that people have some single traits that are also in people with the spirit of Jezebel, but not everyone immediately has this a person with Jezebel there is a combination of all these traits

      2. It's almost as if the exalted ALLAH is speaking through you. And should she wear a BURKE?

    2. As for makeup, women should be aware that the cosmetics you use for makeup may have been tested on animals and may also contain ingredients from human fetuses.

      Milko, if I understood correctly, you wrote recently that manipulation is a normal thing in any woman, and now you have suggested that worldly seduction is also normal, ok. As far as I know, I don't think in the old days Christian women painted and dressed up to find a godly husband. Even if we assume that this is ok in God's eyes, I still think it is shallow. I'm very confused by this topic lately. Lately I've been thinking about things like this, I see this attraction to, for example, beauty in myself and others, and I find it shallow, unfair, because not everyone, for example, is beautiful. Some people are born with such diseases, deformities, that hardly anyone wants to look at them. Some people are born to be a burden to someone and they will die like that, never having married another person, because rather no one will even look at such a person other than with pity.

      1. I've thought about this too, and unfortunately life is terribly harsh. And we should soften to human suffering. Fortunately, before God, appearance will not matter, and after all, the worms will eat it anyway, so. Let us consider the eternal rather than the human and shallow. Many will be single for a variety of reasons, but the conditions today are poor for such a relationship to last. Marriage sustains the human species. It is from it that groups are actually formed. The most important thing is to find happiness by going to the source.

  5. Współczesna Izabela tytułuje się jako Albatroaz…

    Nastolatki wiedzą… Fajna muza na telefon… 🙁

    1. Sorry to bother you, but maybe someone can tell me what is in the picture on the stop frame at 0.56 sec, because I have a poor screen resolution.
      A druga sprawa; jak ktoś słuchał w 2,05 min jaki ona z siebie dźwięk wydaje… demon?

      1. Hello, I have analyzed the stills from the video and indeed, interesting things can be found there.
        In the 1st picture a figure with wings (fallen angel?) comes out of the earth (from hell). In #2 a painting with a figure (with a goddess?). No3 A woman appearing in the video referring to painting No2. No4. A button on DJ's console with number 33 (symbol of Freemasons/illuminati)

        All of these shots are visible for a fraction of a second, so if you watch normally you won't be able to see it. Greetings Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ and applause for your perceptiveness.

  6. Hello, I wanted to throw in my little observation, well, nowhere in the Bible I noticed mention of painting women and in the text about Jezebel is that she painted her eyes. Maybe I did not read the whole Bible, but this is my discovery for the moment. Greetings

    1. I didn't see any mention of silicone breast augmentation in the Bible.
      Nie wiem co mam mysleć…

      I'm sorry for the joke. I've been having a hard time with them lately, so I'm trying. 😀 😀

  7. Many thanks to the author for the above text.
    Mysle ze nie bez powodu na mnie wpadl. Od dluzszego czasu przygladam sie zwiazkowi mojego syna i coraz bardziej niepokoje sie o Niego. Od ok roku mieszka ze swoja dziewczyna, a ja jakos jego szczescia u Niego nie widze. Czesto sie kloca, zabiera rzeczy wraca do domu 2,3 dni i wraca do niej spowrotem. Duzo z Nim rozmawiam o tym, ma do mnie zaufanie ale nie moge przeciez zabronic mu czegokolwiek. Wkoncu to dorosly mezczyzna, ale jak widze jak bardzo ten zwiazek jest destrukcyjny dla Niego, to mam ochote osobiscie rozwalic to wszystko, az brak mi slow. To moj syn, kochajacy, szczery fajny facet, przystojny, pracowity, nie pije, pracuje…
    Sometimes he is in such a total mess that I fear for him. After reading this article I am sure it is Jezebel. I feel that I have to do something, but I do not know what to do, I do not know how to react to all this, how to talk to him. Greetings and best wishes.

    1. Bogusiu to Twój syn wiec jako dobra matka widzisz go przez różowe okulary i to jest zrozumiałe… ale czy Twój syn jest osoba odrodzoną, nowym stworzeniem w Chrystusie? Jeśli nie to jego życie jest odbiciem jego upadłej natury. W takiej sytauacji Ty chcesz jeść dobre owoce z zepsutego drzewa. Nie ma co zrzucać na wyimiganowego ducha Jezebel (ten artykuł marnej jakości bełkot new age ubrany w chrześcijańskie ciuszki)ale szukać winy w grzesznym człowieku raczej. Duchy zwodnicze nic nowego nam do serca nie wkładaja a jedynie korzystaja z tego co tam już jest:
      “To własna pożądliwość wystawia każdego na pokusę i nęci.” Jakuba 1:14

  8. Bogusia and other readers do not take this text too seriously. Go to the website of this man. He is a deceiver and that is all. He simply makes money on his theories about generational curses, the spirit of Jezebel. This is simply a deception designed for Christians. This guy has a wild imagination and he is spinning his fairy tales and theories based on a few sentences taken out of the Bible and the Bible serves as a screen to make his nonsense sound credible and his books sell well. I recommend God's website wybierz tagi – psychologia, Lobaszewski (bardzo wazne), psychopaci, toksyczne zwiazki. To pomorze Ci rozpoznac problem i mozesz podsunac synowi, ktorys z artykulow do przeczytania. Strona naprawde wartosciowa. Pozdrawiam

  9. This is all true and a description of my life!
    I was seduced by this spirit. It had been going on since my baptism and after a few months it already had me. Now my nerves are shattered and I have drifted away from God. That woman is gone but I still can't stop thinking about her, I have been thinking about her for several months, every day, every hour. She was evil towards me and only played with me skilfully.In this way she seduced me. I felt a soul connection with her even earlier, it was spending time together, talking. Unfortunately it came to intimacy in bed.
    Co jest najgorsze z tego wszystkiego to to, że wszystko pasuje z tego tekstu do mojego życia. Sam sobie mówiłem, że czuję z nią takie połączenie dusz a do czego mnie to zaprowadziło…

    1. I would also add that there were strange coincidences in this relationship of ours, which I perceived as fate. She would get a text message from some commercial about how the love of your life was going to kiss you today. And I didn't know about it. It wasn't until afterwards that she showed it to me. It's one of those strange coincidences and there were more.

  10. I would only add one thing. That it is a spirit also associated with divination and other magical practices. I am very glad that there are people who are talking about this, because the more we know about it, the more effectively we can defend ourselves.

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