Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

How Jezebel manipulates you in a relationship.

This is a very important text because of the overflowing, even engulfing like a typhoon, of those areas where man has been given by God to build the basic social cell that is the family. Believe me, many people have written to me, especially women, who in their desperation have admitted to the qualities of the spirit of Jezebel. I don't know how this spirit works and whether it exists personally or just as a syndrome of the spirit of Jezebel from the Bible, but it is very effective and as I mentioned it is reaping an increasing harvest as women are liberated in greater and greater numbers.


Many thanks for translating Kosik (the one), that is Kasia.

I have bolded the most important information.



Part 1 (of 2)

Dzisiaj rzucimy okiem na ważny, i coraz większy i postępujący problem w naszym społeczeństwie, jako że zmierzamy w kierunku tego pustego i plastikowego, nowego wieku miłości do siebie samego oraz w kierunku antychrysta. A tym problemem jest wirus narcystycznej manipulacji i sabotażu – duch Jezebel – w życiu wzrastającej liczby osób. Jego ślad można czasem znaleźć u mężczyzn, ale according to the Bible, this spirit manifests itself more often in women. And it is hardly surprising that the scale of this problem is growing, due to the massive amount of propaganda that encourages this type of behavior. A trend in our modern society, leading to the ultimate agenda of male effeminacy, was to cultivate a false, feigned masculinity in women. Traditional masculinity is rejected while propaganda is pushed to create conditions for masculine behavior in women (within the sphere of Jezebel's spirit influence).

The idea of this video is to help people who see themselves as caught up in this situation, particularly men. But as I said, this is not a battle against flesh and blood, essentially this is a spiritual battle, so we're not necessarily talking about specific individuals, but this problem may have come into your life earlier in a spiritual way. And, finally, we will look here at sociological and psychological models of such behavior.

You have a Jezebel spirit, actually a person who is being used by the Jezebel spirit. So first of all you enter into a relationship with them (the Jezebel spirit and this person) and you form something like a bond, a chain with this person, this can also be called union of souls. Very often an extremely deep soul connection is created with this type of person, that is part of the whole point. The most important reason for this (the reason for the soul connection to be so deep) is that such a person crams you into a box of safety and protection. And that requires your submission.

(So in today's modern society, one speaks of gender roles only hypothetically anymore.) Jezebel - the chosen of your heart, Jezebel - the woman, puts you-man in a box, so you end up in her clutches, and she wants you to submit to her.

Powodem, dla którego ona wtłacza cię w strefę bezpieczeństwa, jest to, że ma ona wtedy zagwarantowane zaopatrzenie – w sensie narcystycznym, chodzi o wampiryzm energetyczny i o posiadanie łatwego źródła zasobów psychicznego pożywienia (zazwyczaj czy to przez otrzymywanie uwagi czy cokolwiek to jest). Trzymanie cię w tym pudełku wymaga kilku taktyk, nie uda mi się ujawnić tu ich wszystkich, pokażę wam kilka z nich, a wy będziecie mogli się do nich odnieść.

One tactic is mind games - keeping you sort of perplexed, confused by playing these mind games with you. Another is: "push/pull", "hot/cold", "idealize/reject" . The idea of "push/pull", "hot/cold" is a game of cat and mouse - they give you (the woman and Jezebel spirit) a lot of attention and then they piss you off, they admire you so much and then they stop completely. „Idealizowanie/odrzucenie” – sprawiają, że czujesz się jak król, jakbyś był najwspanialszy na świecie, a w następnej chwili przestają cię tak traktować. Więc takie „pchanie i ciągnięcie” jest sposobem na stałe utrzymywanie twojej uwagi na nich, stajesz się uzależniony. I tak jak powiedziałem, jest to jak zabawa w kotka i myszkę, ciepło-zimno, dopóki nie stworzy się taki wzór zachowania jakiego chcą od ciebie, czyli twojego całkowitego skoncentrowania na nich i spełniania ich wszystkich zachcianek. Ostatecznym celem, do którego dążą, jest twoje podporządkowanie im.

Another way of keeping you in the box is "gaslighting"(a form of mental abuse). „Gaslighting” jest według definicji selektywnym obróceniem informacji lub zdarzeń, scenariusza, który miał miejsce – twisting it or leaving out parts of events to cause you confusion. Let's say you perceive something firmly and confidently, in an obvious way you saw something, and on 99% they twist it in such a way that you eventually begin to doubt your own memory and correct perception of what happened. That's what they want, to make you doubt your perception, doubt yourself, to keep you in that box. So basically, "gaslighting" is distorting the truth or events in order to further deepen your sense of confusion and put you in a stupor and disappointment with yourself. In this way you remain trapped, lost, and in complete bewilderment.

The next way to keep you there is sexual enticement. I mean really meaningful and overt enticement that can trap someone.

So they know about all these ways of manipulation, they're aware of what they're doing - you know everybody has some of the character traits that are evident in these individuals, but when we talk about narcissistic personality disorder, it all occurs together in one person.

Moving on, the next way is "undermining/negating". The reason for these tactics of undermining and insulting (insulting, of course, lowers your self-esteem) is to disprove the validity of your opinions, even if someone challenges everything you believe in or says that everything about your character is wrong, you won't be able to maintain a strong enough foundation to resist this sabotage, in this box-trap. So you'll lose your confidence, you'll lose the strength you need to get yourself out there. Which will result in further low self-esteem and insecurity.

The next way is "dehumanization/reflection". When you cause someone to be dehumanized, once again, you are rejecting,negating their character, and when you mirror someone it means you are imitating them, bringing out their essence. You pull out everything that person has, who they are and who they think they are, who they want to become…jej/jego talenty, dary – cokolwiek by to było – wydobywasz to z tej osoby i kradniesz jej. Odzwierciedlasz je w sobie, tak że te osoby przestają być wyjątkowe. (to typowe zachowanie objawia się kiedy nagle zauważasz, że partner ma Twoje powiedzonka, Twoje przemyślenia etc – admin)

Another way in which this spirit works is projecting yourself onto you by imitating you, naśladowanie twoich cech – zakochasz się w tym, co widzisz w lustrze (jeśli łapiecie o co mi chodzi), zaczynasz się zakochiwać w swoich cechach, które one (kobieta i Jezebel) odzwierciedlają, ponieważ ktoś, kto jest całkowicie skonsumowany przez ducha Jezebel lub przez osobę z narcystycznym zaburzeniem osobowości nie ma zbyt wiele do pokazania, ponieważ jest już jak niemal puste naczynie.(…) Wewnętrzna istota jest tak pusta po latach znęcania się i tych wszystkich gierek, że osoba desperacko pożąda wypełnienia tej wewnętrznej, pustej istoty.

And finally, the ultimate goal of Jezebel's spirit is: ripoffand kill and total. And all these things that are written around the box are pressing on you, all together in cooperation, and you can imagine the torment a person can go through, entrapped by all these emotional control mechanisms, blackmail. A Jezebel ukształtowuje tym grubszy łańcuch, połączenie duchowe, spoiwo – im więcej tobą manipuluje, the more addicted you become, the more dependent you become. And in that situation you would be a complete mess, just going around in circles through this emotional manipulation.

Translated from the video "How a Jezebel manipulates you in a Relationship" from the YT channel Round SaturnsEye”


My comment.

A person who surrenders to Izebel's spirit through a shallow spiritual life manipulates the environment and wants to make their partner dependent on them through various methods: blackmail, sex. Such a person is mainly focused on himself and will never value his partner because he will lose control over him.

The ultimate goal of Izebel's spirit is to destroy the marriage and bring about divorce. Her goal and agenda is simple: find a victim, become dependent (often through sex), manipulate, rob energetically, and in the aftermath of all this take the partner to the brink of endurance and ultimately divorce so that the husband becomes traumatized, traumatized and known often into alcoholism and the children into emotional problems. Everyone is then a loser.

Izebel's main goal is to bring about a divorce. 

This spirit is unscrupulous and it takes the grace of God for any woman to realize this. Even now, probably some female readers who have this spirit will reject the message of this text because the Spirit of Jezebel will not allow them to think.

That is why Satano culture promotes a style, a culture of women's life in which women become non-dependent. In just the last 50 years, 6000 thousand years of world history, concepts such as businesswomen, independent woman, emancipation, feminism, women's equality have emerged. You must know that these terms are inextricably linked to leftist ideology.

This spirit does not come from nowhere. Very often it comes from the mother, in addition to cultural factors. Probably your mother did exactly the same thing: she humiliated her husband, she manipulated him.

In turn, the entire cultural industry of recent decades is aimed at breeding new carriers of this terrible virus that is the Spirit of Jezebel.

In truth, this is a very serious problem, and I learned about it while writing some texts about abusive women and the spirit of Jezebel. I did not expect such a big reaction from women. They wrote to me in despair, and I could feel the tears of helplessness in their emails.

These women, must learn to truly love with a love that is not self-centered, to take an interest in their partner not to manipulate and control, but with care, or it will be too late.

The very fact that Kasia, when she was supposed to take on the translation, suddenly got more tasks at work and then got caught up with her illness, resulting in the translation being split into 2 parts...


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  1. To wszystko prawda, sam jestem w podobnym związku. Ogólnie mowiąc w takim związku przestajesz być mężczyzną…zabija sie feminizm…i to cie niszczy od środka, powoduje bunt wewnętrzny, który często zaczyna wyraźać się z czasem zewnętrznie, a to już prowadzi to grzechu ( kłotnie, wyzywiska, bawet rękoczyny ) A potem często rozpad rodziny i oczywiście wina faceta bo odszedł:(

    1. Znam masę przypadków, kiedy to kobieta swych zachowaniem prowokuje tak mocno, dopóki mężczyzna nie uderzy jej. Może się to wydac absurdalne, ale kobieta która się boi lub ma respekt przed mężczyzną, nigdy nie będzie go prowokować. Więc dlaczego one to robią? proste, po to aby zniszczyć mężczyzn opinią o nich. Słynne “leje mnie”. Te same kobiety nie pozostają nie wdzięczne.

      That's what I wrote about:

      There is a lot of talk about male aggression, about alcoholism, about abuse, but who talks about aggressive women?


      This is not a boast, but a fact. Just type in google: aggressive women.

      Why don't the Zionist High Heels write about violent women?

      1. To “prowokowanie” to taka mocniejsza wersja kobiecego popędu do testowania “osobnika”, jego materiału genetycznego dla potomstwa, w skrócie – dość cielesna natura nieopanowana przez kobiety, a mówi się że to facety są cielesne i wzrokowe ;D prawda, ale kobiety też, aniołkami bezcielesnymi nie są.

      2. Dokładnie, większość facetów nie wytrzymuje, idą w alkoholizm, narkotyki, zdrady itp przez co sami stają sie mieszkaniami demonów, a potem za tym idzie agresja fizyczna i przemoc, która zazwyczaj juz zabija do końca związek, rodzinę i ………tylko dzieci szkoda. Małżonkowie sie roztają, rozwodzą i często przylegają do innych partnerów..ale te już sa niestety cudzołożne, w oczach Boga nie istnieje cos takiego jak rozwód. A duch Izabel tryumfuje osiągając cel

        1. “w oczach Boga nie istnieje cos takiego jak rozwód. A duch Izabel tryumfuje osiągając cel”

          Yes, that's right, but even separation itself is already a divorce.

          1. I don't know, the apostle Paul recommends sometimes to get away from each other- and that is separation. Unless you mean judicial separation, which, you're right, is practically a divorce.

            1. To be away from each other by mutual consent within the framework of a normal marriage and to devote this time to God. Besides, this passage is about sex, not about a wife going to visit her mother for a week. Not in those days.

              “Żona nie rozporządza własnym ciałem, lecz jej mąż; podobnie też i mąż nie rozporządza własnym ciałem, ale żona. 5 Nie unikajcie jedno drugiego, chyba że na pewien czas, za obopólną zgodą, by oddać się modlitwie; potem znów wróćcie do siebie, aby – wskutek niewstrzemięźliwości waszej – nie kusił was szatan. 6 To, co mówię, pochodzi z wyrozumiałości, a nie z nakazu. ”

              unless you're talking about a different passage

          2. I agree, divorce is never considered by a believer no matter what. I myself am in a similar relationship, I was provoked to initiate a divorce, in the end it is the wife who just files for divorce. As a man obedient to the Bible, I agree to this, clearly emphasizing my disapproval of her behavior. What remains in such a situation is prayer and not giving in to bad emotions. Confronting the spirit of Jezebel is very different for a believing man than for an unbelieving man. Victory over the spirit of Jezebel is possible despite apparent defeat. The same victory was won by Jesus on the cross.

      3. admin:
        ,,Może się to wydac absurdalne, ale kobieta która się boi lub ma respekt przed mężczyzną, nigdy nie będzie go prowokować.”

        Zastanawiało mnie to już wcześniej – Jeżeli przyjąć, że miałoby to przynieść pozytywne skutki, to czy Chrześcijaninowi wypada w pewnych okolicznościach użyć siły fizycznej/przykładowo uderzyć kobietę? Niektóre kobiety czują właśnie respekt do takich mężczyzn, i mimo że są przez takich bite, to przymykają na to oko, i niekoniecznie to rozpowiadają. Wiem, że kobiety ogólnie mówią, że nie lubią jak mężczyzna używa siły, ale jednocześnie te same kobiety akurat takich mężczyzn sobie wybierają, bo właśnie czują do takich mężczyzn respekt.

        Can everything be handled with gentleness?

        For example, did Hosea bear his wife's infidelities with gentleness, and calmness? Is peace and gentleness, without chastisement, the best approach? Is showing a woman that you will love her DEFINITELY no matter what she does a good approach?(I have read statements on this blog from women who confirmed that it is)

        It's hard for me to imagine Jesus pulling, pulling, or slapping women's hair. As far as I know, the Bible describes how women humbled themselves before Jesus without Him using force, such as the woman who wiped Jesus' feet with her own hair. I would like to see a brief excerpt from at least one of the situations described in the Bible involving Jesus, to see how he interacted and communicated with other people. Media show Jesus as gentle, effeminate. I am extremely curious what Jesus would do if he were to reappear in a human body among people today.

        1. “, to czy Chrześcijaninowi wypada w pewnych okolicznościach użyć siły fizycznej/przykładowo uderzyć kobietę? ”

          Never. I wrote, about that:

          However, gro men, including several readers of this blog have admitted this, but what can you ask of someone who is at the stage of knowing the Bible and God.
          Problem polega na tym, że te złe duchy w kobietach doprowadzają mężczyzn do skrajności, po to by takiego kandydata na naśladowce Jezusa posądzić o bicie. Zawsze później jest tekst “taki z ciebie chrześcijanin?’.

          “Jakoś ciężko mi sobie wyobrazić, żeby Jezus ciągnął za włosy, szarpał, czy policzkował kobiety, z tego co wiem, to Biblia opisuje jak to kobiety same uniżały się przed Jezusem, bez używania przez Niego siły, ”

          tak, ale nie wszystkie kobiety lgnęły do Pana i to był Bóg w ciele, a nie zwykły grzesznik. No i żartem mówiąc Jezus nie był żonaty …

          “Czy wszystko można załatwić łagodnością?”

          Total misunderstanding. If we are dealing with such a strong spirit as Izebel, mere love, gentleness is not enough. Besides, often men who are with women of Izebel's nature are panto. If love were enough, the Islamists would not be murdering passive Christians in Syria.
          These are powerful spirits. They can only be fought with prayer, and the rest is in God's hands.

          1. In general, I think I do too much thinking, you can go crazy.

          2. The problem is not the evil spirit in the woman, the evil spirit is also in the man who allows himself to be provoked. Did Jesus ever let himself be provoked by anyone? No. So men, stop making excuses. There is always fault on both sides.

            1. yes there is always blame on both sides: the wife's side and the mother-in-law's side 😀
              Anyone can be provoked. Jesus was provoked in the temple when he overturned the tables.

  2. Jesabel is proclaimed a spirit, a demon of promiscuity, adultery, who gave her this title? She is described in st. as a human being, if so, she is dead, asleep, and knows nothing, waiting for the final judgment like the rest of men.

    1. and do we have the spirit of antichrist if there is no antichrist yet?

      1. we have demons-fallen angels but they were not humans like Jesabel.

        1. Astarte/isis is said to be the same as Jezebel.

          1. It reminds me of the story of Mary of Nazareth, she was proclaimed queen of heaven, and Jesabel was proclaimed queen of debauchery, both dead and waiting for the final judgment.

            1. If the Queen of Heaven is not a demon, then why was she made Queen of Poland, resulting in a permanent loss of sovereignty and poverty?
              If it's not a demon, then where do weeping and bleeding godmothers come from?

    2. I recommend this argument on several archetypes of evil women in the Bible

      the author makes also an interesting analysis of the behavior of priests in the church under the influence of the spirit/demon Jesabel

  3. Bardzo dobry wpis, dowiedziałam się wielu informacji, które mnie nurtowały od dawna… Zrobiłam sobie taki bilans retrospekcji i rachunek sumienia, jak ja ustosunkowuje się do mężczyzn, czy nie przejawiam w sobie cech ducha Jezebel.

    It may seem funny or surprising to some, but I have met two men in my life (quite effeminate) who exhibited the kind of behaviors the author mentioned in the post. And hence my question: is there an equivalent of a male evil spirit that is able to destroy a relationship ?

    1. As far as I know, along with the Spirit of Jezebel is the Spirit of Ahab. This is a key point, but Ahab's spirit symbolizes submission precisely to a woman who is liberated. As it was in the biblical relationship between Jezebel and Ahab.

      1. Thank you Peter 😉

    2. to są odpowiedniki ludzkiej, grzesznej natury niezależne od płci, jakiegoś “ducha” bym nie węszył, chyba że ktoś wyraźnie nienawidzi modelu Bożego rodziny i małżeństwa, to już inaczej..

  4. And then there is the ever-recurring issue of pornography. Is pornography really a sin? Because no one has yet unequivocally said that. As far as this problem goes, it has solved the aggression to some extent, the testosterone in men, on the other hand there are not so many hook-ups anymore, hooligan crimes, I think. The Internet has done that too. But here you can refute it, because it's just a change of form and that's it. What about admiring a woman sexually? Is it normal or does it depend on a person's eroticization, sexualization? Can you suppress it? Or is it normal if there is such a person at the age of puberty? And desires are not bad if they are properly aimed and balanced. But isn't watching pornography itself already bad? Maybe if people were naked like in Eden and were without sin they would not feel this discomfort, but at the same time rather biology had to exist? At least the drive, because as if the next generation would be created? Unless it was done in a different way. Today the response in humans to sexual stimuli is more intense than before. And how is it with contraception since there are some Christians on YT who say it's church forbidden and that it's for the people. I watched troop2009's video, now on his channel I can't find it. Ok, załóżmy że nie używać. Czyli jak kogoś nie stać po ślubie na dziecko, a chce zbliżyć się do żony, to musi poczekać? Brzmi tak nienaturalnie. Z drugiej strony antykoncepcja jest naturalna? Ślub jest naturalny? A może seks służy tylko do prokreacji? Ale z drugiej strony co z milionami ludzi, którzy onanizowali się na wsiach, czy Egipcie, itd. Po co oni to robili? Nie wiem część rytuałów pogańskich chyba. W każdym razie jest tragicznie… Nie tylko przez wyuzdanie, ale przez nienawiść, pyche, złośliwosc, chamstwo, itd. Jest straszny chaos, a ludzie są już w większości totalnie cielesni, ucielesnieni. Co myślicie na ten temat? Tylko pytam o wasze zdanie. Ja na przykład nie potrafię skutecznie zanegowac pornografii mówiąc do kogoś, bo to tak silny bodziec. Może nie ma tu logiki, tylko trzeba żyć w jakimś porządku? Jeszcze filmik

    1. Pornography is bad, and so is masturbation. There are a million reasons, but the most important is that God said that nudity is only for married couples, and besides, pornography teaches bad habits and often irreversibly changes people's minds. It works like a drug and makes them indifferent, and they need to look for stronger sensations, such as violence, rape and pederasty.

      Contraception is not bad if it does not harm you, because in bringing life into existence you have to be sensible as in everything.

  5. Cenię Piotrze Twoją pracę. Niedługo wydruk kolejnych stron z Twojego bloga (nie lubię czytać zbyt na komputerze). Teraz do rzeczy. Chciałbym zauważyć jedną rzecz: ciężko jest BYĆ mężczyzną w sensie HORMONALNYM. Większość, czego nie robimy/jemy, obniża testosteron, nazywany hormonem męskości. Wpuszczamy do siebie mnóstwo używek; w jedzeniu jest masa chemii, zapychaczy typu soja (w mięsie i jajkach też) cukier jest wszechobecny wszędzie; bierny styl życia typu telewizor, komputer; nawet fale radiowe (w tym WiFi) nam szkodzą; brakuje nam regularnego i zdrowego snu (6-8 godzin + drzemki + przygotowanie się do niego – wieczorne wyciszenie itd.). Promuje się zachowania antymęskie typu depilacja całego ciała, co upodobania nas do kobiet; porno i masturbacja – nie wiecie, jakie to jest bagno i cios w męskość czy też “ciśnienie” na posiadanie partnera/partnerki w wieku, kiedy człowiek powinien dojrzewać w sobie.

    Greetings. Peace be with you.

    1. “Niedługo wydruk kolejnych stron z Twojego bloga (nie lubię czytać zbyt na komputerze).”

      In that case, I don't recommend printing it right away because it makes corrections to punctuation, typos, grammar, etc, even a dozen times 😎
      Sometimes I forget and don't make adjustments.

      Yeah, right about the electromagnetic lifestyle.

      I do what I can. I mean, I run 2 times a week. I don't have wifi at home, I don't watch TV.
      Only my cell phone and computer are a threat to me

  6. A jeszcze dodam jedno – nabiał też przyczynia się do obniżenia testosteronu. Zauważcie też, że jego niedobór powoduje, że upodabniamy się do kobiet poprzez m. in. większe piersi.

  7. I personally have a request that you do not refer only to women when it comes to problems and defects and possession. This does not help for example in relationships to solve problems, because always according to you the woman is to blame. After years of being psychologically tormented the victim (man or woman) is so mentally scattered that he or she is not able to think rationally. She often becomes irritable and aggressive, all out of fear of her tormentor. I am writing this because I myself am a victim of my husband and his mother. I have two bullies. I am in a mental mess. I am not able to give support to my children because I need it myself. I keep hearing that I am someone worse, a bad mother, a wife. Unfortunately, I believe it. Please weigh what you write, because you can do a lot of harm instead of helping.

    1. Jezebel mainly concerns women. Satan's system, i.e. socialism, elevates women by force (e.g. quotas in elections) to a pedestal like the Roman Church elevates Mary.
      I can see that this affects you deeply personally.
      Nie wiem jaka jesteś, …., ale wiem, że czasem trzeba spojrzeć w lustro.

      1. It is not true that Jezebel concerns mainly women, there are also men who have the spirit of Jezebel. I have daily contact with the spirit of Ahab myself.

        1. I know it applies to men, too. 🙂 I'm not sure.

  8. It all adds up. What hurts the most is mirroring. When you find out that such a person has copied your behaviors, thoughts, entire sentences.

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