Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Election Prayer Proposal.

I can't imagine Christians not praying for the success of the results of the parliamentary elections. The Sejm is a law. Laws can be pro-Christian or anti-Christian and we all know it well from the example of the results of the elections for the president of Słupsk.

If anyone thinks such prayer is meaningless, they simply do not know our God and are a lukewarm Christian.


Dan 9

. (4) So I prayed to the Lord my God, and confessed and said: Ah, Lord, great and terrible God, who keepeth covenant and grace to them that love thee, and keepeth thy commandments. (5) We have sinned, blamed and acted ungodly, rebelled and departed from your commandments and laws. (6) And we did not listen to your servants, the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, our princes, our fathers, and to all the common people. (7) With you, O Lord, there is righteousness; but to us, as it is today, there is shame, to us, the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, all Israel, near and far in all countries, where you have scattered them because of the unfaithfulness they have committed against you. (8) Lord! Shame on us, our kings, our princes and our fathers, for we have sinned against you. (9) With the Lord our God there is mercy and forgiveness, for we have rebelled against him (10) and we have not listened to the voice of the Lord our God to follow his instructions which he has given us through his servants, the prophets. (11) Even all Israel has transgressed your law and turned away to disobey your voice. Therefore the curse and the oath, written in the law of Moses, the servant of God, has spread over us, because we have sinned against him. (12) Therefore he fulfilled his word which he had spoken against us and against our judges, who judged us, that he would send great calamity upon us, because under the whole heaven the things that happened in Jerusalem did not happen. (13) As it is written in the law of Moses, every misfortune has fallen upon us; yet we have not begotten the Lord our God by turning from our trespasses and beware of your truth. (14) But the Lord saw to the calamity and brought it upon us; for righteous is the Lord our God in all his works which he has wrought, but we have not hearkened to his voice. (15) But now, our Lord, you who brought your people out of the land of Egypt with a strong hand and secured your name, as it is today: We have sinned, we have acted ungodly. (16) O Lord! According to your justice let your anger and your drive be turned away from your city Jerusalem, from your holy mountain! For because of our sins and our faults Jerusalem and your people endure insults from all who are around us. (17) But now hear, O our God, the prayer of thy servant and his supplication, and brighten thy countenance over thy desolate temple, for thy sake, O Lord! (18) Open your ear, my God, and hear! Open your eyes and look upon our desolation and upon the city that is called by your name! For it is not for our righteousness that we bring our supplication before your face, but for your abundant mercy. (19) O Lord, hear, O Lord, forgive! O Lord, perceive and do! Do not delay for your sake, my God, for your name is called this city and your people! (20) And while I was still speaking, I prayed and confessed my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and made my supplication before the Lord my God, for the holy mountain of my God.


Moses prayed


"Moses began to plead earnestly with the Lord his God, and to say: "Why, O LORD, does your anger burn against your people, whom you brought out of the land of Egypt with great power and a strong hand? Why should the Egyptians say, 'He has brought them out with an evil purpose, seeking to exterminate them in the mountains and to smother them from the face of the earth? Turn back the fierceness of thy wrath, and forsake the evil which thou wilt send upon thy people. Remember Abraham, Isaac and Israel, your servants, to whom you swore by yourself, saying to them: I will make your seed as numerous as the stars of heaven, and all the earth which I have spoken of I will give to your descendants, and they shall possess it for ever."

Exodus (32:11-14)


So I propose to pray not only for good elections of Poles, but for the candidates who are closest to God, defending Christian values, to win in our cities.

But first we should apologize to God the Father for our own and our countrymen's idolatry, including that of our ancestors.



“Wielką moc posiada wytrwała modlitwa sprawiedliwego.”


Modlić się należy z wiarą i  z uporem tak, jak Abraham, który „ targował” się z Bogiem o Sodomę.


19) And he saw a fig tree by the way, and came to it, and found nothing on it but leaves, and said unto it, Let no more fruit come of thee for ever. And the fig tree withered away at once. (20) When the disciples saw this, they were astonished, saying, How quickly the fig tree withered! (21) Then answering Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you: If ye had faith, and doubted notNot only will you do what happened to the fig tree, but if you say to this mountain, "Lift up and throw yourself into the sea," it will happen. (22) And whatever you ask in prayer and believe, you shall receive


We may be on the eve of the Great Tribulation, it may not change anything, but it may also be that WU is far away, and there may be an inflammatory spark of post-reformation in Poland.






Updated: 22 October 2015 — 20:18


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  1. I even have an intention. God grant that the nation will wise up and chase these rotten people away.

  2. It's all puzzling. I don't even know who I should vote for.
    Someone can recommend some name(s)? But specifically. I've never taken part in any election, not counting the presidential one, so I don't know anything about it, and I tend not to speak on topics I'm not familiar with, where I'm a dilettante. I see that the Detective strongly urges you to take part and although I don't understand the seriousness of the situation, it's hard for me to see why it's important, but I know him well enough to know that he wouldn't write like that without a reason. Apparently I don't know God enough 🙁 and it comes off as lukewarm. So the transformation and process of knowing the truth is ongoing. Let someone who knows anything about this instruct me on what name in Lodz I should vote for. I wouldn't want to do any dirty work.

    1. No one has to go to the election, although I urge them to do so, but in my opinion we have a duty to pray.
      This is our country, our family and we have to believe in someone, even if we are disappointed. We have a micro family: mom, dad our kids, grandparents and a macro family: compatriots, country.

      Take an interest, Jacek, in the candidates from the Korwin party and the Kukiz movement in Lodz.

      As I mentioned in the comments about immigrants in Hungary: the world will not be turned upside down, there is no reason to delude ourselves, but we will limit and inhibit certain things.
      Look at what is happening in the US and in Poland
      What deviations in the USA and how still relatively virgin in Poland

      1. I think I'm starting to get it. This is about conscience, about manifesting an attitude of resistance against the pro-system parties PO and PIS. I will not disregard the topic even if I do not grasp it. I am just learning.

        1. all that is needed for evil to prevail is passivity on the part of good people.

          1. Hits the spot!

      2. By the way, I've noticed lately that antiviruses block freedom websites. Even the page about Komorowski on Detectiveprawdy was blocked by Eset. Today GData blocked Korwin's party

    2. Here is the list of candidates for the

      And who is who, you have to look for yourself, even on FB. I do not know anyone :-(.

  3. Russia pats bearded men like najman mate.

    1. Haha, człowieku Ty to masz komentarze nieraz 😀 … Nie jestem pewien nawet, czy wszyscy do końca kojarzą o co chodzi z tym klepaniem maty przez Najmana 😀

        1. To us it is no shock, it is simply conformity to the record of God's Word:

          – “książę tego świata”
          -podczas kuszenia “wszystkie królestwa Ziemi”


  4. Chciałbym przedstawić bardzo ważną rzecz może najważniejszą w obecnym czasie na którą w przededniu wyborów i jej gorącej atmosfery prawie nie ma.. Nie chciałbym aby po “wyborach” stał się numerem 1. Otóż największym jak dotychczas od czasów II wojny światowej zagrożeniem Europy i cywilizacji jest Islam!!! Niestety żadna partia nie opowiada się za kategorycznym zakazem przyjęcia do Polski “imigrantów” i to może się okazać największym błędem a co za tym idzie konsekwencją dla każdego Polaka bez wyjątku! podaję link do wywiadu o którym mowa co to jest islam a wypowiada się człowiek z islamu , który przeszedł na chrześcijaństwo polecam.,58808.html
    Link as a reminder because it is very timely....
    May God take care of us! Let us pray to God the Father to change the thoughts of politicians whoever they are and whoever they serve so that they will see clearly.

  5. Różne diabelskie agentury walczą o stołki i majętności. Uczniom Chrystusa nic do tego; można się tylko od tego cyrku zwanego polityką stać gorszym człowiekiem…

    1. This does not absolve the Disciples of Christ of their responsibility with their temporary earthly homeland or place of birth.

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