Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Luke's dream.

Luke asked me to publish his dream, cl explains in the text.



“Dzisiejszej nocy miałem sen. Byłem na dworze przy głównej ulicy razem z moją mamą. Wokół nas tłum ludzi każdy zajęty sobą. Nagle niebo zostało zakryte ciemnymi chmurami. Nadciągnęła burza lecz zamiast piorunów było coś co przypominało wyładowania elektromagnetyczne. Małe iskry, które sięgały ziemi a nawet nas. Jedna trafiła w moją lewą rękę lecz nic mi się nie stało, nawet tego nie poczułem. Ludzie wpadli w panikę. Obok mnie był wielki, sięgający prawie do nieba  dmuchany balon w kształcie małpy (coś podobnego do takich dmuchanych zjeżdżalni dla dzieci w parkach rozrywki). Nad tą małpą była kolejna małpka mniejsza i miała sznurki dzięki którym sterowała tą większą (jak w teatrze kukiełkowym). Następnie spojrzałem w niebo i coś mi mówiło, że należy się modlić i prosić o wybaczenie. Pobiegłem do ludzi i krzyczałem aby się uspokoili i razem ze mną modlili się do Boga  bo to on jest rozgniewany na nas.  Tak też uczyniłem, ukląkłem i modliłem się prosząc Boga aby dał tym niedowiarkom  jakiś znak, że to on. Po tych słowach przed nami pojawiło się jasne światło i na jego widok cała reszta zaczęła się modlić. Potem już mnie tam nie było znowu znalazłem się w swoim łóżku i nagle w moim prawym uchu usłyszałem potężny, barwy basowej, męski głos, który powiedział tak „Ja jestem Bogiem, moje imię to…” tutaj ja odpowiedziałem jego imię, potem dodał „Boga nie ma” na co ja zacząłem krzyczeć „Bóg istnieje a jego imię to Jezus Chrystus!” i w tedy głos ustał a ja się obudziłem. Miało to miejsce dziś w nocy po godzinie 03:30. Możecie mi wierzyć lub też nie ale do teraz mam ciarki na samą myśl a bęben w uszach boli jeszcze. Nie wiem co o tym myśleć potem już nie zasnąłem. Wstałem i modliłem się prosząc o pomoc w zrozumieniu tego. W tedy Duch Święty podpowiedział mi, iż muszę to Wam opisać, że nie mogę tego dla siebie zatrzymać. Tak też czynię i proszę Was o jakąś pomoc i modlitwę. Ja również za Was się modlę prosząc o błogosławieństwo. Pozdrawiam wszystkich Bóg z Wami wszystkimi.

Updated: 11 October 2015 — 08:57


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  1. To szatan nas atakuje moi drodzy w ten czy inny sposób. Nic się nie martw Łukaszu dobrze to o tobie świadczy. Przeciwnik nie dawałby aktów wiary osobie której owej wiary brakuje. a po drugie świadczy to o tym że jesteś dla niego nie wygodny 🙂 Książę ciemności przeważnie wybiera noc na ataki mentalne. Mroki są jego domeną. Opisana małpa trochę przypomina ten świat ciągany za sznurki… a błyskawica w rękę może świadczyć o ochronie Boga. Trzymaj się go a nie będziesz się lękać …. myślę że tak można intp ten sen ale pewności nie mam.

  2. Hello brother3 Lukasz
    Joel's prophecy about dreams and visions in the church is being fulfilled.

    I would like to explain to you brother, I believe, that the monkey in Christianity is a symbol of Satan, we are under attack, we Christians, I had a short dream about an increased attack of the enemy on God's children, you also had clear guidelines on what to do, so let's start praying for each other and the church, I do not know if we will not soon start to see the devil's holograms in the sky, something in my heart tells me so.
    Thank you very much for the description of the dreams, let us not underestimate them, God will warn us, give us guidance, ect
    I have had many dreams that have come true, always asking the Spirit of Christ to explain
    I bless you brother in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ


  3. Ataki narastają…z ogromną mocą
    God bless.

  4. Sponsorem głównym jest min. studio tatuażu Azazel ( wpiszcie w wiki) z Warszawy. Jeden z uczestników tej imprezy wypowiedział się i pokazał na tvn 24 : mam na głowie tatuaz matki boskiej z dzieciakiem…

    1. in the center, the monster (beast) with its green like Islam wawx3 = 666

    2. see at 0:24 for what seems to me about a quarter of a second

  5. I myself had an unpleasant dream on Friday, however, I do not know if it is a demonic attack or a warning. If God wants to communicate something through a dream, He will repeat it. And if He repeats mine, I will have to pass it on to others, something important.

  6. Hello Luke!
    I think your dream is an example of a demonic attack. I have had these myself. Do not be afraid, our Lord Jesus Christ defeated the devil, in Jesus we also have victory! The best thing you can do is to be in constant prayer, thank God for all his favors, if you want to do something ask God to bless it, ask his advice, what is his will in this or that matter. When you go to bed then before going to sleep also turn to the Lord. Thank Him for all the good things that have happened to you this day, confess your sins or failings and ask for forgiveness. I am not trying to say that you do not do it 🙂 but maybe this advice will be useful for someone else.
    As for waiting for God's wrath to come upon the world, it is not only our dreams that warn of this. If our Lord sends you such dreams, it means that he wants you to strengthen your faith and share it with those to whom he sends you.

    1. Good tips Gie 🙂

      Luke, marcin, oh, maybe there's something to it. I've been having increased bouts of bad for the past two nights.

  7. The grain shall be cut down and taken to the Lord's storehouse, and the weeds shall be cut down and thrown into an unquenchable fire.

  8. Ostatnio też miewam nietypowe sny. Jakoś z nocy czwartek/piątek miałam dziwny sen jakby otaczały mnie wampir, które chciały mnie pożreć, bardzo się bałam, bo już większość ludzi przemieniły. Nagle przyszła burza (coś jakby piaskowa) i zakryła wszystko kurzem, a ja wiedziałam że nie muszę się bać, bo w tej burzy zostanę zabrana. Tej nocy też miałam bardzo dziwny sen… Nawet nie jestem pewna czy był to sen. Coś jakby wydobyło moją duszę z ciała (było to bardzo realne) i myślałam, że może to już zaczyna się porwanie. Wiem, że zdążyłam tylko powiedzieć, że Jezus Chrystus jest moim Panem i nagle się obudziłam (lekko wystraszona, a sny nigdy mnie nie buzą, szczególnie zaraz po zaśnięciu. Było pewnie coś po 24…

    1. Czytalem o duchach olbrzymow w ksiedze Henocha. Ponoc te duchy porywaja dzieci i sa powodem sennych dretwien ..niektorzy nazywaja je kosmitami, ..Tak jakos mi sie skojarzylo. W jodze ludzie opuszczaja cialo i odbywaja astralne podroze, mysle ze trzeba uwazac z takimi snami….nie bez powodu wezwalas imie Jezusa, na ktore zgina sie KAZDE kolano. 🙂

  9. I have been awake for more than 2 years. But it's only been a few days since I gave up sexual things like porn. Completely. I have noticed that the attacks of the evil one have become more intense especially in sleep. I am happy about this because where the enemy appears it is a sign that you are going the right way. Greetings to all believers in God with soul 🙂 .

  10. I was the first.
    I don't dream of vampires.
    Please check your nickname so as not to be misleading.
    Someone with the same nickname showed up.

    1. yes this is some Matthew, but I see Milyena you are watching 😉 .

  11. I keep watch with a watch in my hand 😉


    The clock ticks quietly.
    The hands chase each other across the dial.
    Seconds run by minutes,
    minute by minute,
    hour after day,
    day after night,
    week after month,
    month after year.
    Years pass, and there is still no time to live.
    Yesterday, tomorrow, plans, calculations,
    strategies, calculations, combinations.
    New car, bigger apartment,
    phone with coverage to Mars,
    self-washing washing machine, atomic powered lawn mower,
    Pajamas eating up excess fat overnight
    And a waterbed with access to the sea...
    Tangled in the web, which drags to the very bottom,
    We hoard rust-covered treasures that even moths dare not touch.
    We are worried to excess, and yet he has had enough of his misery today!
    Tick-tock! Tick-tock!
    It's late! I think it's the last hour...
    Do you hear footsteps in the distance? Someone is knocking on the door.
    Is it time to report? Are you awake?
    Are you ready to defend yourself?
    Today? Now? Already?
    How do you explain the truth doomed to death ?
    Justice that you looked away from?
    Love written on a blank check?
    Care ending with the tip of your own nose?
    Hope hidden in the power of your hands?
    Freedom given to the flesh without a fight?
    Faith as strong as a reed in the wind?
    Maybe tomorrow.
    How about next week?
    Or next year? I don't know.
    I don't have time today!
    God I don't even have a watch!....

    Have a nice dream 🙂 Really nice 🙂

    1. Very nice. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.

  12. Sen. in 2012.
    Everything I saw in my dream took place near the church in X.
    I knew in this dream that the antichrist had come to earth.
    I was walking down the street, and suddenly a figure came in my way( but I don't know what it was).
    "It" spoke to me, and I began to debate with "it" something. It was about faith in God's Word and the gospel.
    At the last moment I realized that I should not talk to this person at all.
    I ran away from there because it looked like this character wanted to destroy me.
    On that day the order went out for all the inhabitants to come out of their homes to welcome the antichrist.
    As I was walking down the street past the church, I met Monika. I started to tell her that the end was near, because there were already signs of it. But Monika didn't care much.
    I told her about the Lord and warned her.
    Walking down the street, I see a crowd of people waiting to welcome the antichrist.
    I knew it was his job to deceive these people and destroy their faith.
    The believers were only supposed to keep quiet - they knew this because I had already warned them.
    I told them not to enter into conversation with the antichrist, because it means death for them.
    Suddenly this man antichrist appeared, along with his subordinates. It was their king.
    He was sitting on an animal, and in his hand he held a notebook in which the addresses of all the inhabitants of the city were written. If someone didn't come to the place of greeting, he would go personally to that person.
    They all had to appear at one place at once.
    The Antichrist would walk up to people and hand each person this notebook.
    Everyone had to find their name in it themselves and then sign their name next to it.
    Before the person found his name, he was talking to him at the time.
    Suddenly I found myself in a hall, similar to a cinema. All the people gathered were waiting for the antichrist to appear.
    Suddenly he appeared in the middle of the room and pointed his finger at me to stand up and read a passage of God's word from the book.
    Then he asks me how I understand it. I say: - "I don't know what you mean."
    He got mad, but he couldn't do anything to me, so he walked away from me.
    Suddenly someone speaks up from the room, and starts discussing with him. The more this person talked to him, the worse things got for her. She was deluded.
    When he went on, I went through a long corridor, which was a place with glass windows. Everything was visible from this glass corridor, what was happening outside.
    I saw that suddenly sulphur started to fly from the sky, such silver, dirty pebbles.
    The unbelieving people started screaming a lot because they felt horrible pain.
    I began to pray and then the protecting rain of the Holy Spirit fell on me and the believers.
    I sang, but not too loudly, for the Lord.
    We were all in view, so I couldn't talk to anyone or say anything to anyone.
    The Antichrist and his subordinates had their eyes open and full control over everything.
    Then I saw a little girl to whom I quickly said something about the Lord. But they saw it and immediately told her to come up and say what I was telling her.
    I managed to warn her to tell them something different than she heard from me.
    End of dream.

  13. Dream of the End Times - 04/10/2014.
    I had a dream, and in that dream a second dream.
    It was in this second dream that visions were occurring. The Lord was showing me a lot of images, but when
    I woke up from the second dream (still in the first dream) and I was telling
    everything B,N and I asked her to write it down quickly on a piece of paper so I wouldn't
    she forgot.
    But when I came out of that first dream, and woke up for real, I didn't
    I remembered too much.
    So I write what I remember.
    IMAGES :
    Image I
    I saw the sea stir up and rise high.
    Suddenly, it started throwing people out, including those from hell and everywhere, and it was so
    horrible, because it was judgment time. These people were very many.
    Immediately afterwards I saw the heads, the very heads of people I knew, but now they're not.
    I remember only one, my grandmother Jadzia. I was terrified because I heard her
    voice but I don't know what she said. I knew that she was not saved and that she was going to judgment, just as
    the rest of these people. But I couldn't do anything, because they just suddenly disappeared.
    Image II
    I saw a dragon emerge from that sea. It flew everywhere and made a commotion.
    He was really scary!!!
    In the distance I saw a city. I think it was "New Jerusalem".
    It stood empty, still unoccupied.
    Suddenly my gaze was directed to the sun and the moon.
    The sun darkened and the moon slowly turned into blood. Then came the words from
    Books of the Prophet Joel 3/3
    "And I will show signs in heaven and on earth, blood, fire and pillars of smoke.
    The sun will turn to darkness,
    And the moon in blood,
    before that great, terrible day of the Lord comes."
    This dream was very real, and the Lord spoke to me the whole time. I had to pass it all on
    other people.
    Heading towards that city, I suddenly saw people who were also heading there, but
    It seemed that they were not aware that they could not enter without Jesus and His salvation.
    I knew I had to tell them about the Lord quickly.
    Then I saw that a boy was walking next to me and he was going towards the city.
    I was to tell him that he would not go in there unless he accepted the salvation of "JESUS".
    I began to preach the gospel to him, and everything happened so fast because the time was short and
    was already coming to an end.
    I told him that it was the end, that he had to believe because without Jesus, he wouldn't get in.
    He was very touched by it, and as we walked along the road, he believed and
    I led him in prayer. I was happy that he accepted
    end of dream.

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