Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

666 in John's gospel

About three weeks ago, while reading the gospels of John, I came across the combination 666.

Well, in chapter 6ym, verse 66 it says:


" (66) From then on, many of His disciples went away and no longer walked with Him"


I'm not the one who came up with this.

I am sure that God has communicated to me through the Holy Spirit the truth that I was to pay attention to. It is the living Word, revealed truth.


I am already explaining what understanding the Lord has given me of this.


Look at verse 66 itself at the beginning.


"From then on, many of His disciples went away and no longer walked with Him"

Jesus had many disciples, but from that point on they stopped walking with him. What was that moment? What came before? What is the context? I have bolded the important words:


"(63) The Spirit brings life, the body doesn't mattera. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life. (64) But there are some among you who do not believe. For Jesus knew from the beginning who did not believe; He also knew who would give him up. (65) I mówił: – Dlatego powiedziałem wam: Nikt nie może przyjść do Mnie, jeśliby to nie było mu dane przez Ojca. (66) From then on, many of His disciples left and no longer walked with Him. (67) Rzekł więc Jezus do Dwunastu – Czy i wy chcecie odejść? (68) Odpowiedział Mu Szymon Piotr: – Panie, do kogo pójdziemy? Ty masz słowa życia wiecznego, (69) and we have believed and known that you are the Holy One of God. (70) Odpowiedział mu Jezus: – Czyż nie wybrałem was Dwunastu? And one of you is the devil. (71) And he said this about Judas, the son of Simon of Cariot. For he was to deliver Him, and he was one of the Twelve. "


Kto wydał Jezusa? bez dwóch zdań – Judasz. Dlaczego?




Jack London said:


“Judasz wydał Chrystusa na mękę krzyżową za trzydzieści srebrników. Human nature has not changed since those days.

Autor: Jack London”.



666 also appears in the story of Solomon.


The weight of the gold that was delivered to Solomon each year was six hundred and sixty-six talents gold, (1 Kings 10:14)


To złoto synonim bogactwa w połączeniu z obrazem bestii będzie głównym celem szatana. Tak, jak kiedy Mojżesz przebywał na górze Synaj by otrzymać dekalog, a Izraelici zrobili sobie złotego cielca, tak w czasach końca będzie bogactwo za oddawanie czci znakowi bestii. wydarzenie to nosi nazwę “Cheta ha’Egel” (חטא העגל) – grzech cielca.

The bullock is a symbol of debauchery, of worldly pleasures.


Przez 6000lat szatan szukał rozmaitych sposobów, aby oddawać mu cześć. Były to posągi Molocha, cielec, w czasach kościoła rzymskiego obrazy “Marii”.

This is why the church deleted part of the 2nd commandment:


"You shall not make for yourself a statue or likeness of all things that are in heaven above, and that are in the earth beneath, and that are in the waters under the earth. 9You shall not bow down to them or serve them. Bom ja jest Pan, Bóg twój, Bóg zawistny, który dochodzę nieprawości ojców na synach do trzeciego i czwartego pokolenia tych, którzy mnie nienawidzą, 10a czynię miłosierdzie na wiele tysięcy miłującym mię i strzegącym przykazań moich.”


To miłość do pieniędzy oraz luksusów, przyjemności ciała będzie powodem przyjęcia znaku bestii. Antychryst w pewnej fazie uwolni gospodarkę świata, da to ludziom za zabrał. W Polsce zabierają nam 80% naszych dochodów. Tak więc pracujemy do października na sztuczny twór zwany “państwem”.

Teraz sobie wyobraźmy przywódce światowego likwidującego biurokrację UE i rozdającego ludziom “srebrniki” w postaci wolności finansowej. Zaoferuje on dobrobyt. Świadomi chrześcijanie to odrzucą. Jak w tej sytuacji reszta świata potraktuje chrześcijan naśladujących Jezusa? per wariaci, chorzy psychicznie.

If we add to this modern technology

jet wings:


More here:



How Christians will live under such circumstances is shown in the video I showed in the text about the pyramids as the mark of the beast:


Christians overworked, poor and the rest having fun.


Christians who refuse to accept the mark of the beast will be cut off from Satan's offerings. This will be a dramatic situation for them, and not because they will live modestly, but because their family will stigmatize them. Brother will outspend brother.



21 Brother will put brother to death and father to son; children will rise up against parents and put them to death.


How did Judas end up though?



” Wtedy Judasz, który Go wydał, widząc, że Go skazano, opamiętał się, zwrócił trzydzieści srebrników arcykapłanom i starszym, i rzekł: «Zgrzeszyłem, wydawszy krew niewinną». Lecz oni odparli: «Co nas to obchodzi? To twoja sprawa». Rzuciwszy srebrniki ku przybytkowi, oddalił się, potem poszedł i powiesił się. Arcykapłani zaś wzięli srebrniki i orzekli: «Nie wolno kłaść ich do skarbca świątyni, bo są zapłatą za krew». Po odbyciu narady kupili za nie Pole Garncarza, na grzebanie cudzoziemców. Dlatego pole to aż po dziś dzień nosi nazwę Pole Krwi.

Wtedy spełniło się to, co powiedział prorok Jeremiasz: Wzięli trzydzieści srebrników (zapłatę za Tego, którego oszacowali synowie Izraela) i dali je za Pole Garncarza, jak mi Pan rozkazał. ”



How will people who take the mark of the beast end up?


ap 16

A malignant, painful ulcer, occurred on humans1,
that have the mark of the beast,
and on those who worship her image.

and 10 And the fifth poured out his bowl upon the throne of the beast:
and there was darkness in her kingdom.4
and people were biting their tongues in pain
11 and to the God of heaven they blasphemed for their pains and ulcers,
but they did not turn from their deeds.


Finally, I will return once again to John 6.66

"Therefore I have said to you, No one can come to Me unless it has been given to him by the Father. (66) From then on, many of His disciples left and no longer walked with Him. (67) Rzekł więc Jezus do Dwunastu – Czy i wy chcecie odejść? "

"No one can come to Me unless it is given to him by the Father."

If you are with Jesus and do not love this world like Judas, you will stay with your Savior forever and ever like the 11 apostles.

To accept Jesus is to renounce this world.


Will you want to leave too?




Updated: 23 August 2015 — 11:38


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  1. The 66th chapter is a bit of an exaggeration, the rest is true, although we don't know how much longer until the antichrist comes (I think within the next 15 years), but maybe even in 2000 years.

    Not everyone who fits the image of the antichrist will be him.

    Lenin matched in 100% and was not.

    I think the antichrist will accuse Christians of being the cause of the conflict in the Middle East that will start World War III.

    1. nag an?
      How old are you?

      just out of curiosity...

      1. 10+6.
        Wiem wstyd…

        1. Your age is not a reason to be ashamed. I work with a very modest Julka who translates texts from ENG. She is 15 years old.
          Read your comments on this blog and see if they are those of a newborn.

          By the way, I've noticed that some readers between the ages of 15-25 are swayed by knowledge. Knowledge does not save. The devil has a good laugh.
          You need to follow Jesus, not get smart with knowledge.
          The Holy Spirit can be seen primarily by one's attitude toward others, one's relationship with them.
          There is no DS where there is hubris, showing off knowledge.
          The DA is very sensitive to your (I mean everyone's) attitude towards other people. This is an extremely important criterion.

  2. oj, piotr. przeciez wersety i rozdzaiły chyba wprowadzono w xv wieku… zwykly przpadek z tym wersetem

    1. So our whole life is a coincidence and God is not logical?
      Did the authors of the numbered verses have the Holy Spirit in them or not?

  3. there's one more thing.
    Yesterday I called Krzysek from the forum. He is a devoted man to God. Very helpful on the forum.
    I wanted to brag about my discovery and it turned out that he also discovered it and that (shocker) at the same time as me, i.e. about 2 weeks ago.
    Krzysiu interprets this 6.66 differently, but it is amazing that we both had the same thing shown at the same time.

  4. It's true. The devil walks the streets and collects souls for 7 fat years during the Great Tribulation telling people that there is no hell. Because of this, many people follow him.

  5. Yes, because the birthmark associated with the 666th name of the beast involves a denial of God and his warning, and going into the idolatry of a living statue, an image (maybe something like virtual reality, you know those oculus glasses and some unleashed technology can be a means to connect to the adoration of an image)

    Good symbolism

    1. Yes, God speaks through symbols. This is his world and he created the concept of symbol.

      Example one of thousands:

      The Antichrist appears in chapter 13 of the apocalypse. No. 13 is the number of Illuminati and Templars.
      Bergoglio was elected pope on 13.03.2013 at 20.13 !

      1. it's from bergoogle I didn't know 😀

        this is the matrix

      2. there is a pair of illuminati cards representing BOB = 13 0 13
        zwłaszcza ta –

        as a shooting star, presumed to be the symbol of Satan next in the game

  6. Could I be off topic?
    Może ktoś napisać jak się modlić? Czy do kościoła powinno się chodzić? Jak można przyśpieszyć swoje nawrócenie? Ponoć ludzie nawróceni żyją wzajemnie w miłości… tzn, że nigdy nie kłócą się i nie denerwują na siebie?
    Someone could explain, have a chat?

    1. How to pray?

      “„ Ale ty, gdy się modlisz, wejdź do komory swojej…” Mt 6,6”

      To oznacza do pokoju w zaciszu, samochodzie, nad wodą, byle nikt nie przeszkadzał. Możesz odmówić modlitwę Pańską (ojcze nasz). Po czym dziękuujesz Bogu za to co czujesz. nastepnie mówisz Bogu o swych bolączkach, problemach, grzechach, przepraszasz za nie, prosisz np o siłę w pokonywaniu grzechu, radzisz sie Boga etc etc…To tak w skrócie

      Christians get into disputes. This is described in the Acts of the Apostles. We often argue about things like the kidnapping. Some about particular books e.g. there are anti-Pavlovians. All are Christians 🙂 .
      The difference between the newborn and others is that we repent of our bad attitude and strive for peace.

      As you can see in this discussion, I broke up the argument by quoting the Bible, the so-called Sword of the Spirit.

      Like this one:

      Strive To peace with all and to sanctification, without which no one will see the Lord, Heb 12.14

  7. dzięki za odpowiedź…
    a modlitwa taka jak w kościele czy jak w Biblii (bo jest inna)…

    1. another little bit. The Roman Church took the Glory of the Father at the end and in the middle lied about God tempting us.
      The prayer of the church:

      “Ojcze nasz, któryś jest w niebie
      hallowed be thy name;
      Thy kingdom come;
      Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;
      Give us this day our daily bread;
      And forgive us our trespasses,
      as we forgive those who trespass against us;
      and lead us not into temptation;
      But save us from evil.

      Correct Prayer:

      “Ojcze nasz, któryś jest w niebie
      hallowed be thy name;
      Thy kingdom come;
      Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
      Give us this day our daily bread
      and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
      And do not let us succumb to temptation,
      But deliver us from evil.
      For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever."

      1. Just a moment and take it easy. Let's be fair and honest, Detective Peter.
        As a matter of fact, I and others were taught at religion as you say (wrongly - lead us into temptation) from prayer books and books
        but in the Catholic bible "Thousand Years" which a friend bought (acquired) 8 years ago in Poland (Pallottinum publishing house Poznan 2003) there is the most correct version "he has given up all temptation"
        in both gospels quoted
        similarly online is correct (dismiss all temptations) at
        as in the footnotes (dictionary) at the end of the Sabbath is
        explained as:
        "Sabbath-the seventh day of the week (Saturday)-a day of rest and sacrifice to God.It is on a par with circumcision (see)-a sign of the covenant (see)."
        helo? daaaa? as Kasia Cichopek imitated oceanic slang in Scarlans (which I don't like)

        1. In fact, you are right on the Catholic website it says do not allow, but I was taught in the CoC as I wrote and I think 100% people

          1. W trakcie mszy i w innych modlitwach nadal mówi się “i nie wódź nas na pokuszenie” . Cóż – Biblia swoje i praktyka swoje.

            1. W moim przekładzie Brytyjskiego i Zagranicznego Towarzystwa Biblijnego, zarówno zbiorczym jak i wydaniu z samym NT jest właśnie “nie wódź nas na pokuszenie” czy jakoś bardzo podobnie. Gdyby nie Detektyw, nigdy bym na tę kwestię nie zwrócił uwagi, bo nigdzie nie spotkałem się z inną wersją tej modlitwy. Z tego, co widziałem to nawet ten nowy przekład interlinearny grecko-polski Vocatio ma te słowa wyrażone inaczej, niż “i nie dopuść, abyśmy ulegali pokusie/oddal wszelkie pokusy”, bliżej tego typowego tłumaczenia. Jak to zobaczyłem to przyznam, że mnie to mocno zniechęciło, poczułem się zagubiony. Skąd mam wiedzieć, że nie mam do czynienia z przekładem z przekłamaniami?

    2. ważne że nie powinniśmy traktować modlitwy jako magicznej formułki, Bóg jest Żywy, nie jest jakimś bałwanem drewnianym na żetony-litanie, szczere proste słowa lepsze, bo jak to mówią – mowa prawdy jest prosta
      kind regards

      1. yes good advice. God and His Spirit are our friends, and you counsel a friend, not just present him with a wish concert list.

  8. thanks to adi
    and where can I report any questions, concerns or important news?

    1. in comments like this

  9. It's a bit amazing that I was supposed to send this post to you detective last Saturday at John 6:60 a.m. I procrastinated a bit, but when I saw that you wrote about it yourself, I took it as a sign.

    W skrocie ksiadz powiedzial w sobote ze “przechodzimy kalendarzowo z ewangelii Jana do Marka w nastepnym tygodniu i polecil wczytac sie w Jana 6: a dokladnie na mszy bylo czytana koncowska Jana 6.
    Notice what I noticed
    “41 Ale Żydzi szemrali przeciwko Niemu, dlatego że powiedział: «Jam jest chleb, który z nieba zstąpił». 42 I mówili: «Czyż to nie jest Jezus, syn Józefa, którego ojca i matkę my znamy?”
    48 I am the bread of life. 49 8 Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness, and died. 50 This is the bread that comes down from heaven: he that eateth it shall not die. 51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever. The bread which I will give is my body for the life of the world."
    54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. 55 My flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. 56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. 57 As the living Father sent me, and I live by9 the Father, so he who

    58 To jest chleb, który z nieba zstąpił – nie jest on taki jak ten, który jedli wasi przodkowie, a poumierali. Kto spożywa ten chleb, będzie żył na wieki». 59 To powiedział ucząc w synagodze w Kafarnaum.

    60 And among His disciples who heard it, many said: "DIFFICULT IS THIS SPEECH. Who can listen to it?" 63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh is of no use.10 The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life. 64 But among you are some who do not believe." For Jesus knew at the beginning who these were who did not believe, and who was to deliver Him. 65 So He said: "This is why I said to you: No one can come to Me unless it has been given to him by the Father." 66 From that time many of his disciples withdrew, and walked no more with him

    67 Rzekł więc Jezus do Dwunastu: «Czyż i wy chcecie odejść?» 68 Odpowiedział Mu Szymon Piotr: «Panie, do kogóż pójdziemy? Ty masz słowa życia wiecznego. 69 A myśmy uwierzyli i poznali, że Ty jesteś Świętym Boga11». 70 Na to rzekł do nich Jezus: «Czyż nie wybrałem was dwunastu? A jeden z was jest diabłem». 71 Mówił zaś o Judaszu, synu Szymona Iskarioty. Ten bowiem – jeden z Dwunastu – miał Go wydać.

    where many of his students outside the 12th grade have passed away
    Paul at that time had not even had time to persecute the followers of CHRIST!!!!!!! OF THE TRUE CHURCH
    Of which 11 got (without Judas) MISSIONS!!!!!!!!

    Mark 16: The Last Command
    15 And he said to them: "Go into all the world and
    preach the gospel to every creature! JESUS' GOSPEL because Paul's GOSPEL WAS NOT THERE AT THE TIME!!!!
    16 He that believeth (of the Gospel of JESUS, where it speaketh of doing the WILL OF GOD, and NOT of the then non-existent Gospel of PAUL: of believing, confessing aloud, which in his case is salvation, for in PAUL'S Gospel it is not by works that one is saved), and is baptized, shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned

    1. you're already the 3rd person in such a short time to point this out. It's not a coincidence. DS works.

    2. Paul spoke of confessing aloud faith in Jesus /according to what Jesus Himself said about confessing Him before men/, and what, for those living among those who killed the Savior, this was an act of great courage. Paul also spoke of the fact that whoever in his heart believes that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, died and rose again will be saved. Faith is listening to the one you believe in and trying to follow him. Works flow out of faith. A person of true faith will always try to act as his Master acted. It is very simple. The claim that Paul disregards works seems to me to be a bit of an abuse. It would be like saying that Jesus, in speaking of the commandments of love and that the whole law is contained in them, abolished the law in favor of these two commandments. Likewise with faith. Faith in God = good works. 🙂

      1. Paweł nie mówi nic ponad to, co napisał Jan “Kto wierzy w Niego, nie podlega potępieniu; a kto nie uwierzy, już został potępiony, bo nie uwierzył w imię Jednorodzonego Syna Bożego” J 3,18. BT

        1. Sorry Sister Magdalene but I don't want to argue and this is my last post on this issue.
          Here overseas I am surrounded by almost the same Protestant sermons on the radio, television, (sometimes I visit Protestants, but not much anymore)
          There are dozens of pastors and they put emphasis (the vast majority) on the interpretation I mentioned of Paul and his rule. Maybe you have not read it, so I will repeat it:
          Romans 10:8 But what does the Scripture say? Near you is the word, in your mouth and in your heart; that is, the word of faith which we preach.
          9 For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. (THE REST - FULFILLING GOD'S WILL - DON'T WORRY - THAT'S HOW THEY USUALLY INTERPRET IT HERE WITHOUT MENTIONING ANYTHING ABOUT IT)
          10 For with the heart one believes unto justification, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
          They view the act of a martyr's death as a gift that we are only to accept as the final sacrifice for our salvation. Jesus' life, his mission of teaching about the Kingdom of God, recedes into the background.
          Bo nie musisz zarabiac na zbawienie.He paid it all.He paid in full. It’s finished.Just receive.
          (Paid in full. Done. Just accept)

          a jak trzeba dam Ci probke z telewizji np. cara medialnego Pata Robertsona i jego tuby medialnej…ale w radiu tez sie tej wiary w regulke nasluchalem i nasluchuje.

          His (Pat Robertson's) TV shows are repeated at least twice a day (once I saw 3 times-morning, afternoon and evening)
          Regulka jest tam obowiazkowym punktem i po niej z reguly chce zeby “nowo narodzeni” co powtorzyli za nim regulke zadzwonili po darmowy prezent , oczywiscie na telefon 800 ktory zawsze ujawni Twoj numer z ktorego dzwonisz.Jak dasz im tam pozniej swoje dane to juz Ci nie odpuszcza i beda Cie nekac listami nieraz co tydzien jeden z prosba o datki lub o co maja sie dla Ciebie modlic itp. W sumie podobna maniera jak tu:

          It is (the telling of the regula as salvation) a mere lie because no one wants to quote where Jesus himself spoke about it.
          Jesus taught and repeated over and over again about FULFILLING GOD'S WILL!!!!!! plus love God and each other.
          ps. something nice - one of my favorite songs
          Lord to whom shall we go - unfortunately sung in slow motion like youtubes

  10. Ja tam zastanawiam się – skoro zbawieni jesteśmy z uczynków – to co z powieszonymi na krzyżu z Jezusem? Jakimi uczynkami poza uwierzeniem jeden z nich się wykazał – a do królestwa trafił wyznając wiarę? (Podejrzewam że zdjęli go z krzyża by mógł się wykazać i uczynkami – aczkolwiek w tych pismach które czytałem nie mam na to potwierdzenia – no może Bóg zrobił dla niego wyjątek – i zabrał sobie grzesznika abyśmy mieli dylemat teraz) Ja wierzę że zbawieni jesteśmy poprzez doskonałą ofiarę Jezusa – i nic nie musimy od siebie do niej dokładać – bo to jest pokazywanie że ofiara Boga jest niewystarczająca – czyli ta przelana krew to “za mało dla mnie” – więc dołożę od siebie X % uczynków do X % ofiary Jezusa i będzie OK. Poza tym – nawet widząc po ludziach – zbawienie z wiary – za darmo – i tak jest dla bardzo wielu za trudne do przyjęcia. To gdzież dopiero te wymagające dodatkowo uczynków – tu pytanie – czy zbawiony jesteś z uczynków przed spowiedzią? czy dopiero po spowiedzi – bo “nie ma ludzi bez grzechu” wg słowa Bożego.

    Nie wyklucza to jednak uczynków w ogóle – są to po prostu owoce ducha świętego mieszkającego w osobie nawróconej – wierzącej. Czyli można mówić w ciele że przyjąłem zbawienie – ale bez potwierdzenia tego owocami – pozostaje to pustym gadaniem. Jeżeli Jezus mieszka w naszym sercu – brzydzimy się grzechem i unikamy go. Dla mnie to naturalne prawo Boże.

  11. Both the statements "saved by works" and "saved by faith" are false statements, as in math, and do not occur according to Jesus who NEVER said them.
    They also have an accomplished tense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!false
    By works (soup for the poor) thou art not saved, e.g., as thou coverest with them like Al capone the transgressions.
    you are NOT saved on this earth while you are alive, until you confirm with your life to whom you belonged/how you lived
    I like Paul in general as a founder of the early church and a man seeking God, in short also a falsifier (he was not in God's chosen 12 for direct teaching from the mouth of Jesus) so he has a right to err in his teaching; his devil also probably made him proud as a former Pharisee (he was NOT a simpleton like the chosen 12).
    Jesus' whole mission did not deal with or teach "combining" how we are saved (perfect tense). If I am wrong, give an example. That's what the Last Judgment is for.
    Jesus taught about the kingship of God and doing God's will (Decalogue and more), plus love God, love one another and do likewise-as Samritan, feed the poor, clothe the needy, etc.
    The sentence of what you are entering from is a speculation meant to replace the final judgment where our lives will be examined in deeds (confessing out loud is also an act) and in heart which only God knows.
    The man on the cross showed remorse and admitted his sinful life, that he and the other deserved punishment on earth - torture ending in death
    BE DEATH IN TORTURE and in public in front of hundreds of people!!!!!!!!!
    you want to try and "do nothing" but suffer/dying slowly in the sun for sure 50 degrees celsius just to admit that it's a merit?
    So he believed in Jesus and the Son of GOD had mercy on him and showed him grace (or as Protestants would say -Jesus had no choice but to accept him because he confessed out loud and in the future Jesus realized that Paul had already prepared the dogma of salvation by faith-revealed out loud in public)
    he expressed his concern in public about the torture that was to end in his (the perpetrator's) death
    I think he had in humility also repentance and gentleness
    Protestants today shouting on TV and radio about "entrance by grace and not by works" and saying "I accept this free gift of death as the final payment for my sins. and saying "I accept this free gift of a martyr's death as the final payment for my sins" for what... for nothing have they any repentance but BUTE
    That's how most of you I read here overseas and I don't understand it for anything and rather I won't.
    I don't agree with Jesus' message. I will change my mind in a second if you give me a quote from Jesus where he talks about salvation by speaking the rule/recognition of him as savior out loud. yes he says he will not be ashamed but he will NOT SAVE.

    1. the difference in how the perpetrator, in the suffering of torture, confessed to the rightfulness of the punishment of torture and death on earth during his life with a request to Jesus to remember him in his kingdom
      to your Protestant (most) self-righteous denomination by grace I am saved
      “wybaw mnie Jezu bo publicznie to oznajmilem”
      Sounds like a resentful assignment
      rownie dobrze zloczynca wymawiajac wersje w waszym stylu moglby wykrzyknac lub podniesionym glosem stwierdzic “Jezus jest moim zbawicielem” a pozniej do Jezusa rzec
      “to wiesz ze idziemy razem do Nieba przyjacielu” bo zdazylem z formulka
      Forgive God for the tone.I try to imitate the shoe of these rules of confession out loud-pretending that this is the end of salvation.

  12. własna świadomość i wiara jest tą-drogą która możne cie zaprowadzić do miejsca takiego o który myślisz albo marzysz ,może tam gdzie wydaje się tylko tobie?…nie ma prostej recepty na zbawienie..można iść na łatwiznę? .można tez się i umęczyć ?ale jaka droga jest tą droga każdy musi sobie odpowiedzieć już sam.. zbawienie to nie proces zbiorowy to nie proces na pokaz …to indywidualna walka dobra ze złem to ciągle wybory… taka jak chodzisz do sklepu kupując towar płacisz za niego godziwą cenę tak twe życie jest tym ”towarem” w oczach boga za które w dniu sądu odpłaci ci godziwie… wedle jego wagi …pamiętaj ze zło i dobro są na przeciwnych szalach…nie daj się zwieść przy ważeniu

  13. Nie powinno się patrzeć na numery rodziałów i wersetów szukając w tych liczbach czegoś ukrytego,ponieważ rozdziały i wersety są po to numerowane aby ułatwić nam ,,poruszanie” się po Biblii.
    The numbered chapters and verses are not a numerical code as many erroneously think, and the books or computer programs written as keys to decipher these numbers are completely useless.

  14. This painful ulcer is not cancer? God knows our hearts and knows who lusts for power and money and what they hide in their hearts, so I think the wages of evil hearts is cancer


    This film clearly defines who the beast is, the mark of the beast.
    It also reveals what the followers of the Talmud believe.
    I encourage you to take a look.
    I think that based on this film, each viewer will be able to answer questions for themselves:

    Did I roll my eyes after the beast?
    Do I accept the beast and support it?
    Do I share in the activities of the beast?

    There is not much time left to advocate for

    I wholeheartedly wish everyone to persevere in believing God's Word to the end.

    Beware because a roaring lion is prowling around to devour those who believe.

    Greetings in Christ 🙂 .

    Ps. I recommend the video especially to RK so that he understands the difference between believing God's Word and the Pharisaic TALMUD.
    You will see for yourselves that the preaching in the universities, the films in the media, the prophesying in the pulpits today about one world community are from the sons of the devil and the devil himself. They blaspheme God, His Anointed, us, and the Tabernacle in heaven.
    And as Jesus said nothing is a mystery, everything is clear only you have to recognize it, and to recognize it you have to open your heart to Jesus.

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