Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Men are like wine.




Another picture from the category of Liberated Woman Syndrome, or as Jacek put it, feminazism.

The link to the image was sent by Anna. Thank you

As you can see, this problem of hatred towards men has a wide range and the authors of these memes and sites like only make money on the progressive group of women who hate men.

Women mindlessly copying this picture and posting on Facebook are unknowingly digging themselves a grave of their relationship if they are still in relationships.



Updated: 14 August 2015 — 08:50


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  1. I haven't seen this topic discussed anywhere else yet. Apparently it's too controversial and that's probably why it came up on Detective. Recent posts on this topic have opened my eyes. A moment of browsing through the feebu profiles in my spare time and I immediately see a plethora of such vile memes.

    1. problem jest o wiele szerszy, ale ja nie mam czasu obecnie na głębsza analizę. Wszystkie wpisy dokonuje między wyjściem z domu do pracy, w czasie pracy jak mam wolną chwilę, po pracy, między posilkami 🙂 Jestem człowiek orkiestra. Ludzie jka do mnie piszą, często używają zwrotu WY, liczby mnogiej…

      It just so happened that the system ultimately educated me in a direction useful for its purposes, the study of society. If I had stayed in the industry I would have had to become a leftist and so I use my education to make people aware of what the TRUTH is. According to the work of the Holy Spirit.

      Some of you have guessed who I saw the first meme in. I.e. I've seen them before, but I didn't realize the evil.

      I'm just going to throw some slogans around. Looking at this picture I can see in my mind's eye when it started, the shaping of people, their minds, brainwashing. Apart from the enormous work of the Catholic Church in desensitizing people to evil, I see a Barbie doll. I also see Little Mi, a mischievous, seemingly intelligent girl, I see Laure Craft. Itd etc.
      Sswoją drogą, Małej Mi powinno sie poświęcic osobny wpis…

      1. mała mi – to już ikona “złośliwej inteligencji” i sarkazmu feministek



    Ci ludzie to jacyś sataniści… Może jeszcze stworzą sklep spożywczy o nazwie “Szatan”…

    – Gdzie idziesz?
    – Do Szatana…

    To jest chore… :/ Jest już sklep “Lewiatan”…

    1. These are usually Jewish (Zionist) companies.

      1. O w mordę jeża… Lewiatan. Nie wyłapałem tego. Do Lewiatana jeden krok, śpiewali w reklamie. Ale… Bafomet? Naprawdę?!

    2. o kurcze, zobaczcie to – nawiązanie do obrazu Faustyny

  3. The opponent has done a great job of boosting women's egos through feminist propaganda, it smacks of hubris a mile away


    Franciszek to 266 papież, który spotka się w USA z Obamą w 266 dniu roku. 266 dni to typowy czas od poczęcia do narodzin. Czyżby się coś “narodziło” w tym czasie?

    A conversation with a Zionist Jew. Pay attention to what he says from 4:30 onwards. He talks about something he cannot talk about. Isn't this a reference to September?

  6. Faceci są jak wino… a kobiety to alkoholiczki.
    Piją na umór, a potem bełkoczą jakie to nie dobre było…
    Ja tam mam wino z jednej butelki rocznik 1970…
    🙂 Bardzo, bardzo dobry rocznik…

  7. Why don't you give images of women haters? There are those too. There's no pretending that the problem is one-sided.

    1. It is difficult to cover all related topics with one picture.
      However, flore if you accept such images and what would be even worse you distribute them further, then the attitude of bad men will not justify your bad behavior sowing hatred towards men.

      By the way, I haven't seen memes mocking women. Well, maybe from their twist, but I haven't seen hateful ones like on

    1. już się nie dziwię dlaczego mahometanie chcą w europie robić dźichad 😉 – takie rzeczy dają im pewien “motyw”, tak samo jak akcje usa e destabilizacji wschodu.

  8. The cult of the man, on the other hand, has always prevailed.

    1. No kidding, Klaudia. You're confusing patriarchy with worship.

      1. Admin, you can call it many different things, but the fact is that if women had been treated with the proper respect until now, they would not have developed such feelings as rebellion, anger or, finally, hatred. I don't mean Christians of course, we know very well that in Christian families women are respected, loved and appreciated. However, not every woman is lucky enough to belong to such a family.

        1. You can't call it anything different. Patriarchy is not a cult. Wives be submissive to their husbands.

          “gdyby z odpowiednim szacunkiem traktowano do tej pory kobiety, nie wytworzyłyby się w nich takie uczucia jak bunt, gniew czy w końcu nienawiść. “:

          This way of looking at it, you can explain any evil. He stole because he grew up in an environment of thieves. He murdered because he grew up in a family of alcoholics.
          Ciekaw jestem jakie jest wytłumaczenie na częste kobiet zmiany partnerów…Bo?

          1. Hehe, and male partners? My point is that regardless of gender, every person deserves the same respect, love and appreciation. Why aren't chauvinist memes being paid attention to?

            1. I just dealt with it because women are seen as holy and men are drunkards, brawlers. Klaudia, I don't think you understand the problem: There are thousands of pages about bad guys, and about women - as in the topic - it's very possible that I'm the first on the Polish Internet.

              I don't see any chauvinistic memes among my friends

              1. I don't in mine either, but the internet is full of it. OK, admin, I already understand what you're getting at. I'm quite sensitive to such topics, for good reason rather, so you don't misunderstand me either. Greetings!

  9. I agree with the Muslims that they keep their wives short, but in our country 2/3 or even all of them are empty, worthless idiots.

    1. ...calmly. No pejorative terms. That won't help you, buddy.

    2. Well, well, well. Here is a statement of a representative of a species of superhuman! You probably have as much in common with Christianity as you do with Islam 🙂 .

    3. popierasz to? zobacz objaw Jana 12 – smok prześladuje kobietę, to co sie dzieje w antychrystusowym islamie to objaw działania tego ducha

  10. Feminizm to zenada, jego propagatorki to przedstawicielki glownie chazarii. Problem stary jak swiat; bunt Ewy, sufrazystki-palimy staniki, feministki- uwolnic sutki, kobiety na traktory. Tak, jak promowanie gay&trans&co, ma na celu zniszczenie bozego porzadku: rodziny. Podobnie jak homo “rodzina” tak i matka- feministka nie wpoi potomstwu slusznych wartosci.
    Feministke rozpoznac mozna na kilometr, w dzisiejszych czasach juz od podstawowki widac, ktore dziewczynki wychowywane sa przez mamunie”zosie samosie” i ktorzy chlopcy cierpia na kompleks brak ojca, meskiego autorytetu w domu.
    In fact, this is where the problem begins; girls from healthy, loving, role-playing families will not be indoctrinated by femiides like those from dysfunctional families.
    Chlopcy wychowywani z ojcem, autorytetem i glowa domu nie dadza sobie wejsc na glowe zadnej laluni, nawet jesli spotkaja na swej drodze takiego “potworka”, to zawsze przegrana wyjdzie feministka. Facet ma sie bac kobiety- to jakis zart. Sa faceci, ktorzy generalnie maja problem z kobietami; matka,siostra, zona, corka- samo zlo, a ON? Jeden, jedyny dobry i sprawiedliwy. To samo z kobitkami ale to sa skutki wychowania.
    Nawet najbardziej zatwardziale feministki marza o byciu zdominowana przez faceta….O facecie, ktory sprawi, ze beda ulegle, wystarczy posluchac babskich pogaduszek. Moj znajomy poslubil taka “feministke”, super laske; dzis jest ona wzorowa, szczesliwa, kochajaca pania domu i matka 3 dzieci. Ona sama mowi, ze zawsze czekala na faceta, ktory bedzie umial uczynic ja ulegla. Jak rozpoznac prawdziwego faceta, ktory usadzi taka “feminisie”? Po tym, jak zachowuja sie w stosunku do niego inni mezczyzni; facet, do ktorego inni mezczyzni odnosza sie z niewymuszonym SZACUNKIEM, facet z zasadami i twardym chakterem- nie mowie o brutalach:D- taki, ktoremu inni mezczyzni ustepuja i powierzaja “przywodztwo w grupie”( cos jak samiec A w lwim stadzie), facet bez kompleksow, ktore ma mu leczyc kobieta, ktory sie nie przechwala tylko DZIALA. Taki facet zagnie kazda feminisie. Model slodkiego marzyciela- romantyka mial sluzyc zniszczeniu meskosci jak feminizm niszczy kobiecosc. Tak jak facet chce od kobiety wsparcia, szacunku, lojalnosc i oddania tak kobieta chce od mezczyzny oparcia, stabilnosci, szacunku. Dzis rownie trudno znalezc tak KOBIETE jak i MEZCZYZNE. Nie wszystkie kobiety nadaja sie na zony, nie wszyscy mezczyzni na mezow,taki byl jednak bozy plan, aby ludzie wyciagneli wnioski.

    1. I just wanted to write - great analysis, Yoman. But with our views on this issue, one should not expect approval, but a steak of more or less sublime challenges. Moreover, I think that if someone reasoning in terms of Satan's system does not know/disdain the biblical perspective, then unfortunately I don't think they can grasp the essence of the problem. What's needed here is a whole paradigm shift in terms of male/female relationships. And to radically change one's worldview without having experienced the shock of learning the truth is even more difficult.

  11. Tak przy okazji – czy nie mozna byloby stworzyc gdzies takiego miejsca, gdzie na biezaco online moglibysmy sie komunikowac/rozmawiac?

    1. Claudia, in the bottom right corner you will see the word Click her to chat.

      1. It's not working for me.

  12. You need to create yourself an account on the site in order to do this go to the Meta tab. I have not been able to register but this may be due to the fact that at the moment I am sitting on a smartphone. Shalom!

    1. I wszystko jasne – tez siedze na smartphonie. Tak czy siak, dzieki za checi objasnienia, Barthekk.

    1. not dripping, but flowing with hate. Danger indeed, for women, but also water for the mill for men wronged by women.

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