Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Vatican's secret plans for aliens and their connection to CERN

Translated by Martusia. Thank you very much for translating such a large text. I bolded the most important threads.




Whether you are a religious person or not, religion plays an important role in preparing the world for alien contact. Even if there have been no extraterrestrial discoveries revealed in this regard as of yet, there is definitely a building up of something in our consciousness... and if you add the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, the puzzle starts to come together.

Recently, the Pope came close to revealing the existence of extraterrestrials to the masses, mentioning them several times in his speeches, but, completely unsurprisingly, he did not. And without considering whether this is true or not, his statements were meant to give us food for thought, and their purpose is gradual familiarization with the topic of visits from aliens, and leading to our unabashed belief in the existence of aliens.

Once upon a time, researcher and writer Tom Horn spoke with several astronomers from the Vatican Observatory atop Mount Graham. They spoke to him openly, saying they were looking for extraterrestrials and inhabited planets in our solar system. It is clear that the Vatican is very serious about the issue under the title. "life beyond planet Earth". Horn also contacted one of the NASA scientists who said:

"It's certain that there are extraterrestrials that are out there somewhere, and if we want to, we can contact them."

For quite some time now, the Vatican has wanted to lead the way in finding out what our solar system is hiding. The Vatican is looking for extraterrestrials, and not only that, it knows that aliens are on their way, and some are already here, and it's only a matter of time before they reveal themselves.

Pastor Charles Lawson claims that the Vatican's actions are part of the so-called "Green Revolution," which is one stage of the New World Order. The revolution is to make us believe that aliens created humans and placed them on Earth. Going further along this line, maybe the New World Order is a society living in unity and harmony with visitors from alien planets! We are told that aliens are watching us and seeing what we humans are doing to our beautiful planet, they are coming to prevent its total destruction. They have decided to come out to announce to the world that we must change something before it is too late!

Question - how do they know and how can they be sure that aliens are already on their way? Apparently, the Vatican's numerous astronomers are constantly watching the skies and seeing something heading our way, calling that something "saviors from space."

If the "Green Revolution" is true, we no longer have any doubt that the Vatican is participating in it. It is very possible that he is also associated with CERN and the Large Hadron Collider. It seems that in the Vatican they already know that CERN will soon set its machinery in motion and they can be typified as the ones who will introduce us to our "saviors". If this is true, then we already know where the recent Pope's declarations that he would baptize all visitors from outer space, who would like that. I wonder how they will try to convince the unbelievers and those who don't think about the surrounding world of their truth? It is possible that they will use the Bluebeam project for this, which in combination with the activities of CERN will serve us a mixture of sensations that will allow us to believe that the contact with aliens that we are experiencing at the moment is real. The world is being prepared for extraterrestrial contact by the media, science, and television, so it's no surprise that religion will also play a huge role in this plan!

The disturbing fact is that Several Jesuit priests involved in the case have died under strange, suspicious circumstances. Malachi Martin was part of the Jesuit grouping during his early years of ministry. This writer and also a Catholic priest of Irish descent, tried to expose the secrets of the church, resulting in a suspicious death in 1999, 4 days after his 78th birthday. The official cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage that occurred as a result of a fall in his own home. Is it a coincidence that the Large Hadron Collider was built at almost the same time?

Another strange case originated in an interview with another Jesuit priest on an Italian news channel. This priest tried to expose the truth about what was really going on behind the walls of the Vatican. Shortly thereafter, he was found dead with a rope around his neck. The third Jesuit priest who took on this challenge ended up like his two predecessors. It is reasonable to believe that these three priests knew exactly what the Vatican was capable of, and their sudden deaths were the first indication that the Vatican had joined the plan for one world government and one religion.

I recommend you watch the video in which Pastor Charles Lawson points out passages from Revelation that may be related to CERN, the hadron collider
and the Vatican's leading role in the coming one world religion....Also keep in mind that many people believe that aliens are actually demons that will come from Heaven, which is why Pastor Charles refers to them as evil that will come to earth. Let's be honest with each other - we, too, know what beings besides humans have been created and which ones can come to us from another dimension....


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