Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

“Agenci apokalipsy – bestia z morza”

I customarily sent Jack a link to the video asking him to do a summary, and he translated the whole video :D. Thank you very much as this analysis is very interesting. I take this opportunity to ask for prayers for Jack, for getting him out of an unfavorable financial situation and any other blessings he needs.



Earth. Our Home. Studies say that since the dawn of time, about 108 billion people have called the earth their "home." Today, it is inhabited by nearly 7 billion people. With that fact in mind, do you think one man could rule over all the inhabitants of the earth? The prospect of such power may sound improbable, but history proves that many have tried. Lawyers, generals, politicians, and religious leaders have come out of the dark ages to enjoy prestige and to be able to take over the world.


Alexander the Great at the age of 21 set out into the ancient world to conquer it. The emperors of the Roman Empire ruled with diabolical cunning to ensure that all roads led to Rome. Napoleon's aspirations to rule the world reignited his unbridled desire to become an absolute ruler. Adolf Hitler intended to purge the earth of those he despised and create a race of superhuman, subordinate rulers.


Dziś świat wolny jest od tak oczywistych manewrów diabolicznych szaleńców, którzy pragną kontrolować całą cywilizację. Nasze społeczeństwo jest zbyt rozwinięte by paść ofiarą przebiegłych manipulacji ze strony chytrych przywódców obiecujących pokój, a przynoszących bezgraniczne cierpienie, prawda?… Nieprawda! W rzeczywistości zostaliśmy ostrzeżeni, że pewnego dnia w przyszłości pewien człowiek wkroczy na światową scenę z zamiarem sprawienia, by wszyscy czcili jego i nikogo innego. Jeśli zajrzymy do ostatniej księgi Biblii, Objawienia Św. Jana, możemy przeczytać to ostrzeżenie i znaleźć wielce szczegółowy opis tego władcy. Kimże więc jest ów szaleniec, dyktator, ten diaboliczny przywódca światowy, który nawet w tej chwili może przygotowywać się do sięgnięcia po władzę? To bestia z morza, Antychryst, agent Apokalipsy.


The Antichrist embodies an evil so cruel and perverse that it is hard to believe. Will humanity fall into his trap? Our fallen world is clamoring for him, and his reign is approaching at an alarming rate.


Here's what American Bible scholar Dr. David Jeremiah has to say about it.


When the Antichrist ascends to the world stage, the world will be expecting him. Is this hard to believe? Not really, because even now, if we had someone waiting to step on the stage alone to solve all the problems plaguing the war-torn nations of the world, if such a person had a viable solution, do you think we would give it a hearing? Certainly, as we all would. One day when things are much worse than they are now such a person, called the Antichrist, will be revealed.


First, we learn of his preparations. In Daniel chapter 8, verses 23-24, we find the following prophecy: "And at the end of their reign, when the wicked have completed their measure, there will arise a king with a fierce face, able to understand secret things. His power will be mighty, but not by his own strength. He shall intend strange things, and shall succeed in his doings; he shall overthrow the mighty and the holy nation." At the beginning of the time of the Great Tribulation, a sinister persona will be revealed in a way that is not initially apparent. The Bible says that he will originate from among the masses. The first verse of Revelation chapter 13 says the following: "And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns ten diadems, and on his heads blasphemous names." Whenever we see the word "sea" in this book, it usually does not literally refer to a body of water, but rather means a large group of human beings. Hence we have the term "sea of men". The Antichrist therefore emerges from the sea of people living at this time.


Let us also take note of his presentation. In the second Epistle to the Thessalonians, chapter 2, verses 3-4 we find the following words concerning the Antichrist: "Let no one deceive you in any way, for [that day will not come] until the apostasy comes first and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above everything that is called God or that receives worship, so that he sits in the temple of God proving that he himself is God." We further read: "For the mystery of ungodliness is already at work. Let him only who now restrains give way, then the Wicked One will appear, whom the Lord Jesus will destroy with the breath of His mouth, and overturn [by the very] revelation of His coming." (2 Thess. 2: 7-8). At the time Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, he gave us some important information. Namely, he said that the seven-year period of the Great Tribulation, during which the Antichrist will be revealed, cannot happen before the Rapture first takes place. Only after the Rapture of the church and during the Great Tribulation will there be a great revival of faith because of the activity of the two Witnesses, as well as the 144,000 elect.


I will pause here for a moment and tell you that there is certainly evidence that this exodus is now at least in its infancy. All the statistics I read tell me that we are barely making it as evangelicals. In his sermon on the Mount of Olives, Jesus Christ spoke of this phenomenon. Let's look at what he said: "At that time many will be shaken in their faith; they will seem to one another and hate one another. Many false prophets shall arise, and shall mislead many; and because iniquity shall be increased, the love of many shall be cooled." (Matt. 24- 10-11). The Bible says that before this event called the Great Tribulation can take place, like the Rapture of the church preceding it, there is one more thing that must happen. The Antichrist cannot come before the One who is holding back these events removes himself. Who is that? Well, it is the Holy Spirit. He is the One who lives in each of us. The Bible says that one day, when we are gone, He will be gone. The presence of the Holy Spirit that fills us will be taken from the face of the earth at the time of the Rapture of the church, when lawlessness and apostasy will be rampant. That is when the one they call the Antichrist will be revealed.


Could the Antichrist be living somewhere in the world right now? Of course, because he will not be revealed as a child, but as an adult. Also, because we believe that the Rapture of the church can happen at any time, and immediately afterwards the Antichrist will be revealed, he may be growing up now in some place in the world, probably in Europe, and is preparing for the moment he enters the world stage.


Jaki ten człowiek jest? Choć Biblia nie mówi kim jest, to wspomina o nim wiele, zwłaszcza o jego osobowości. W 13. rozdziale Objawienia czytamy: „A dano jej usta mówiące wielkie rzeczy i bluźnierstwa, i dano jej możność przetrwania czterdziestu dwu miesięcy”. Z kolei w 7. rozdziale Ks. Daniela znajdujemy informację, że Antychryst „Będzie wypowiadał słowa przeciw Najwyższemu i wytracał świętych Najwyższego (…)”. Zestawmy ze sobą te wersety. Konkluzja jest taka, że będzie on niewiarygodnie utalentowanym mówcą. Biblia mówi również, że jego powierzchowność będzie bardzo atrakcyjna: ” (…) Róg ten miał oczy i usta, wypowiadające wielkie rzeczy, i wydawał się większy od swoich towarzyszy.” (Dan. 7: 20). Innymi słowy będzie on robił wielkie wrażenie. W jego obecności coś zaczyna się dziać. Gdy on wchodzi do sali, wszystko się zmienia. Wierzę, że będzie on niebywale przystojny, prawdopodobnie będzie też człowiekiem bardzo wysokiego wzrostu. Daniel opisuje go jako obdarzonego wielkim intelektem, pisząc w 8. rozdziale, w wersie 23, iż Antychryst będzie: ” (…) zdolny rozumieć rzeczy tajemne.” W wersie 25. przeczytamy zaś o tym, że: „Przy jego przebiegłości i knowanie będzie skuteczne w jego ręku. (…)”. Zastanawiamy się jakim cudem coś takiego może się wydarzyć, ale tak będzie i on będzie właśnie tym, kogo ten grzeszny, odrzucający Boga świat oczekuje. Tym, który uśmierzy ból i da im promyk nadziei.


He has a plan. Daniel writes that: " (...) He shall come secretly, and by intrigues shall take possession of the kingdom." (Dan. 11:21). How perceptive these expressions are! At first he will be one of many minor political leaders, initially attracting no attention, but as time goes on he will begin to attract more and more attention, and have more and more power. He plans to defeat all the other world leaders and ultimately take over the world by any means available- first through deception and intrigue, and later through force.


According to the Bible, he will be full of pride: "So she opened her mouth to blaspheme against God,
to blaspheme His name and His tabernacle and the inhabitants of heaven." (Rev. 13:6). Once he gets a hearing and starts talking about all those lost people who have gone to Heaven, he will use that opportunity to destroy Heaven with his words-not only blaspheming God, but also His law, His love, His plan, His family, His Son. He will pour out his wrath directed toward the God of Heaven.


Antychryst wykorzysta swoją przebiegłość by podpisać porozumienie pokojowe. Przybędzie on do mieszkańców Izraela otoczonych przez wrogich muzułmanów i powie: „Mogę to naprawić. Jeżeli zechcecie zaufać mi, podpisze porozumienie pokojowe chroniące was od wszystkich wrogów skupionych wokół was”. Jest to porozumienie siedmioletnie. Z tego powodu Izrael ponownie poczuje, że może odetchnąć. Niestety, uśpią oni swoją gotowość bojową i przekierują cała swoją energię na poprawę kwestii kulturowych, odbudują i odnowią żydowską świątynię. Biblia mówi jednak, że po 3,5 roku „ Utrwali on przymierze dla wielu przez jeden tydzień. A około połowy tygodnia ustanie ofiara krwawa i ofiara z pokarmów. Na skrzydle zaś świątyni będzie ohyda ziejąca pustką i przetrwa aż do końca, do czasu ustalonego na spustoszenie” (Ks. Dan. 9:27). Siedem dni tygodnia symbolizuje siedem lat trwania porozumienia- innymi słowy dokładnie w środku Wielkiego Ucisku, kiedy czujność Izraela będzie uśpiona, Antychryst wkroczy do świątyni, zbezcześci ją sprawiając, że żydzi nie będą mogli czcić Boga, gdyż składanie ofiar zostanie wstrzymane.


In Revelation chapter 7 we read of his persecution: "Then it was given to her to make war against the saints and to overcome them, and it was given to her to rule over every tribe, people, tongue, and nation." (Rev. 13-7). Remember, the Antichrist will come to power through his liberal attitude. When the agreement is broken, all hell will break loose on earth, giving rise to the second half of the Great Tribulation, as Daniel writes: "I looked, and the horn made war with the saints, and overcame them." (Dan. 7-21) and " (...) He will intend strange things
and shall prosper in his doings; he shall overthrow the mighty and the holy nation."(Dan. 8-24). At that time things will be as bad on earth as you can imagine. The mass decapitations will be nothing compared to the torture and persecution and hateful behavior of these emissaries of Satan.


How will they do it? The Bible speaks of the power of the Antichrist. In 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, verse 9 we read: "His appearing will be accompanied by the work of Satan, with all power, among signs and false wonders,". We attribute the terms "power," "sign," and "miracle" to Jesus, but we are told here that in the case of the Antichrist these phenomena only appear to be so. They are deceptive signs. The deception will be so far-reaching that people will not be able to believe the truth. This is when the Antichrist will take his most sensational step-it will appear that he has been killed, and then, to the amazement of the whole world, he will be brought back to life through the power of Satan. It will be a grotesque, false resurrection: "And I saw one of her heads as if mortally wounded, and her mortal wound was healed. And all the earth in awe followed the beast with their eyes," (Rev. 13:3). Please note the careful choice of words-"one head as if mortally wounded." Thus he deceives the world by making it appear as if he had been killed, after which he comes to life. Satan is a great liar, but he cannot create life. Satan is not able to create anything new, so it is not a true resurrection.


Antychryst jest postacią ekstremalnie bluźnierczą: „i pokłon oddali Smokowi, bo władzę dał Bestii. I Bestii pokłon oddali, mówiąc: >>Któż jest podobny do Bestii i któż potrafi rozpocząć z nią walkę?<<” (Ks. Obj. 13:4). Po zerwaniu porozumienia pokojowego jego oddziały otoczą Jerozolimę. Przejmie on kontrolę nad odbudowaną świątynią. Jeszcze raz zakpi z Boga, gdy Szatan obsadzi go jako boga w świątyni Izraela. W tym momencie „Wszyscy mieszkańcy ziemi będą oddawać pokłon władcy, każdy, którego imię nie jest zapisane od założenia świata w księdze życia zabitego Baranka.” (Ks. Obj. 13:8). Jego wspólnik, Fałszywy Prorok umieści żywy obraz Antychrysta w żydowskiej świątyni i sprawi, iż będzie on przemawiał. Nakaże on światu oddawać cześć obrazowi Bestii, co będzie stanowiło wypełnienie się proroctwa Daniela: „A gdy ujrzycie ohydę spustoszenia, zalegającą tam, gdzie być nie powinna – kto czyta, niech rozumie – wtedy ci, którzy będą w Judei, niech uciekają w góry.” (Mk 13:14). Antychryst tak pokieruje rozwojem wydarzeń, że ostatecznie zasiądzie w sali tronowej w świątyni Żydów i wszyscy na świecie będą musieli oddawać mu pokłony i czcić go tak, jakby był on prawdziwym Bogiem Wszechświata. Ci, którzy odmówią, zostaną straceni. To właśnie będzie miało miejsce w czasie Wielkiego Ucisku, gdy jeden człowiek będzie rządził światem.


So what happens to him? What is the end of it? What end is appropriate for someone who deceives the whole world into such evil? Daniel writes in chapter 8, verse 25, that the punishment will be his total, absolute defeat. At the end of the Great Tribulation, when all his armies are gathered, he will learn that Christ's army is in Heaven, but heading toward earth. So he will gather his army and declare war on Jesus Christ. There will then be a Second Coming when Jesus Christ returns on a white horse, and we, His followers along with the angels will witness this event. What will Jesus do to defeat this evil man? We find the answer in Daniel chapter 8, verse 25: "He will rise up against the Most High Prince, but without the hand of man he will be repentant." This is a clear statement. Humanity by itself will not accomplish the destruction of the Antichrist. About what will happen when Jesus comes St. John writes like this: "And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to make battle with the One sitting on the horse and with His army." (Rev. 19:19). When the Antichrist comes face to face with Jesus, his swift end will come, as Paul writes: "...then the Wicked One will appear, whom the Lord Jesus will exterminate with the breath of His mouth, and will turn into nothing [by the very] manifestation of His coming." (2 Thess. 2:8). The Lord Jesus will deal with the Antichrist in the twinkling of an eye. He will be destroyed, defeated, but not dead: "the beast was seized, and with him the False Prophet, who did signs toward it, with which he deceived those who took the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. And they were both cast alive into the lake of fire, burning with brimstone." (Rev. 19:20). Did you know that the False Prophet and the Antichrist would be the first two inhabitants of the lake of fire? Someone might ask, aren't you going to hell now if you don't believe in God? Such people go to hades, sheol. The Bible says that one day death and hell will be cast down into the lake of fire, but not before. At this point, the lake of fire is waiting for that moment when, at the end of time, the Beast, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet will be cast down into it forever. Let us now move 1,000 years into the future. After the millennium of their deposition in the lake of fire, they will still be alive, tormented by fire and brimstone: "And the devil that deceives them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the Beast and the False Prophet are. And they shall suffer torment day and night for ever and ever." (Rev. 20:10). The Bible says of those who ultimately reject Christ that they will one day join the condemned in that place of torment.


Muszę powiedzieć, że wielu ludzi mówi „w porządku”, dopóki nie dochodzę do tego punktu. Potem słyszę, żebym nie mówił im jednak o tym miejscu cierpienia zwanym „piekłem”, czy o tym, że ludzie będą dręczeni na zawsze, bo przecież oni nie lubią siarki ani ognia. Na to ja im odpowiadam: po prostu nie idźcie tam. Nie powiem wam niczego, co nie pochodzi z Pisma Świętego, a wiem doskonale, co Biblia mówi o piekle, ”gdzie robak ich nie umiera i ogień nie gaśnie” (Mk 9:48). W wyniku moich wieloletnich badań na ten temat mogę wam powiedzieć, że naprawdę nie chcecie tam iść. I nie musicie. Jedynym sposobem, by tego uniknąć, jest zawierzenie się Panu Jezusowi Chrystusowi słowami: „Panie Jezu, wierzę, że Ty jesteś Zbawicielem świata, pragnę, abyś był moim Zbawicielem i zapraszam Cię do mojego serca i proszę Cię o wybaczenie moich grzechów. Wyznaję, że jesteś moim Zbawicielem.” Gdy podejmiecie tę decyzję, zostaniecie wpisani na listę gości zaproszonych do Nieba gdy Jezus Chrystus powróci.”

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Updated: 8 August 2015 — 17:51

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