Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. Ponoć Arnie jest jest jaszczurem…

  2. A while ago, my brother was watching cartoons on TV.
    After the first glance at the TV I saw this, only I couldn't find a Polish version on the internet:

    1. Most people will ignore it anyway. They have eyes and can't see, they have ears and can't hear.

      1. That's why it's good that sites like this one exist.
        They save people and open eyes.

      2. Most people do not know the meaning of the pyramid symbol and other symbols that we are familiar with. Especially the older generation who don't watch online videos and don't use the Internet. Younger people are so inundated with these symbols that they do not see anything unusual in it. I myself only started to learn about these things a few years ago and I am still learning something new. Until recently I didn't mind the star symbolizing Bahomet, it seemed like a nice ornament to me, but since I know what it means I don't buy things with this ornamentation anymore, even though it is literally everywhere: on toys, clothes, bags, shoes, decorations, dishes, etc. Not to mention shows like I have talent, I sing, I dance and all those other shows with pseudo stars. It bothers me a lot now and I tell everyone I can about the symbols and there are people who think about it. Recently one of my friends also started to pay attention to it and she is shocked that it is everywhere. If we know something, let's share it with others, it's not our business if they accept it.

  3. But that terminator? I don't believe it 😀

    z wiki “Jego ojciec w 1938 r. dobrowolnie wstąpił do NSDAP, a później brał udział w II wojnie światowej[1]. Ze służby został zwolniony w 1943 r. gdy zaraził się malarią. Gustav 20 października 1945 r. poślubił Aurelię Jadrny, 23-letnią wówczas wdowę z synem, Meinhardem. Według Schwarzeneggera rodzice byli bardzo surowi i ciężko karali za nieposłuszeństwo. Byli też religijnymi katolikami i w każdą niedzielę chodzili na mszę.”

  4. From wikipedia it is that Arnold had a bad relationship with his father. You can't judge children by what their parents did. After all, you don't choose your parents, and as you can see Arnold turned out to be a good person.

    1. It is amazing to me that you, Ms. Milko, believe the nonsense that is written on the Internet. How is it possible for someone in power, with distorted values to be someone worth following?

      Just type in Google: Arnold schwarzenegger skull and bones ring, and you can immediately see which side he is on.

  5. Czekałam na tę “wielką wiadomość” z Temple Institute na dziś, a tymczasem dziś opublikowali informację, że zbierają fundusze na wyhodowanie czerwonej jałówki. Już myślałam, że ją naprawdę mają, a to tylko reklama ich fundacji.

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