Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Perhaps this is the first rider of the four horsemen of the apocalypse 6.1

(1) And I saw the Lamb take off the first of the seven seals, and I heard the voice of one of the four figures, loud as thunder, saying, Come! (2) And I saw, and, behold, a white horse, and he that sat on it had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he went forth as a victor to go on winning.ap 6.1


Tes 2


(8) Then this violator of the law will come forth openly, but the Lord Jesus will knock him down with the breath of His mouth, will destroy him at His coming. (9) His activity will be accompanied by lying miracles, signs and wonders through Satan. (10) Those who have not loved the truth that will save them will be deceived by every temptation of evil to their destruction.


Let's keep a close eye on William. Will he get the crown soon?



Here William praises Jews at a charity dinner:


Updated: 14 June 2015 — 08:27


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  1. New age proponents claim that the golden age or the Age of Aquarius will begin after the Age of Fishes (they understand it as the domination of Christianity).The man of lawlessness may be very connected with extraterrestrial civilizations, aliens or demons will save mankind from destruction and may choose the man who will reign.
    The worst part is that there are a million ways to figure out how things will turn out based on today's times.

    1. The calculations of the new ageists do not bind God, and greater conflict is needed because when there is a crisis people are more likely to grab the solution given

      1. Exactly,

        As if the new age for Christians is any more supportive of recognizing the end times than apocalypse and Daniel

        1. “jeśli Biblios nam nie wystarcza, to nic nam nie wystarczy”

  2. It's hard to prejudge whether this is actually the first rider. But what I find most interesting is that there are already over 1million 800tys of videos on YouTube regarding the date 23.09.2015. Perhaps this is some kind of coordinated disinformation campaign.

    1. it can be different.
      Mogą robić tak, że wprost kreują tę datę, że społeczeństwo ma ją na tacy, ale nie wierzy bo to spisek. Po czym dowalą faktycznie, coś w stylu 9/11 lub gorzej. Taka ulubiona zabawa Illuminati/Lucyferian. 9/11 pokazywali w kreskówkach i…stało się.

      It's hard to feel it. I don't tell anyone I know about 23 september so I don't come off as a nut.
      What will be is what will be and for us the most important thing is to be with God, walk with God, pray every day even if our lives are in ruins.

    2. Zwykły, mnie najbardziej ciekawi skąd wziąłeś te astronomiczne sumy “ponad 1 miliona i 800 tysięcy filmów dotyczących daty 23.09.2015”? Samo google po wpisaniu tej dany daje ok 1 100 000 wyników, przy czym większość wyników nie ma nic wspólnego z tą datą, a co dopiero tyle filmików. Sorry ale wygląda mi to na dezinformacje 😛

    3. This is mainly from the Americans, they are afraid because the Pope is visiting them and supposedly he has something important to communicate to the Congress, they are afraid that Rome will again rule the Protestant USA more.

  3. They can do it in such a way that they directly create this date, that the public has it on a platter, but they don't believe it because it's a conspiracy. Then they will actually do something like 9/11 or worse. It's a favorite pastime of the Illuminati/Luciferians. They showed 9/11 in the cartoons happened.-you're right Peter.I would also add that they will want to introduce a new law after this event to protect mankind for the future.They can also invent a conflict when it starts and mankind is terrified,then they will choose their messiah.Godspeed dear.

  4. there is no point in focusing on some date that marks some event, we need to focus on our relationship with God every day and keep watch

    and not to worry about such trifles as wars or some cataclysm which have no influence on the life of a true Christian

  5. They want to create fear, horror, despair - to have more access to people, to their consciences, God bless you all.

  6. Friends, it's getting more and more dangerous Ludzie chyba już tak bardzo zapędzili się w swoim szaleństwie, pysze, chęci władzy i wyższości, że gotowi są “puścić” z dymem całą planetę. Wszystko wskazuje, że jesteśmy blisko spotkania z naszym ZBAWICIELEM. Drugi artykuł też jest bardzo wymowny –

    1. I wrote at Girion's and will repeat here;
      dawno temu ziemia została zniszczona/odnowiona przez wodę, a teraz zapowiedziano zniszczenie/odnowienie przez ogień…
      A ponieważ, jestem jaka jestem… to pokuszę się o komentarz, że
      będzie gorąco…
      Marana tha!

    2. A jeszcze…
      Zwolennicy depopulacji (wyludnienia ziemi) powinni dać “dobry” przykład i zacząć wyludnianie od siebie!
      I cannot marvel at what a hopeless world we have come to live in!
      “A już i siekiera do korzenia drzew jest przyłożona…” łuk. 3:9

  7. as for the "Wolna Polska" website I would advise against it, there are so many contradictory articles that it is hard to imagine one contradicting another and in addition they promote paganism in the form of KRK

    The Lord Jesus said that we should not be afraid because of the coming war, because it has to come anyway and as for nuclear war, if someone didn't know, several dozen missiles have already been detonated in Ukraine, there is even a video showing a missile explosion

    but I will add that these are new generation missiles and as far as radiation is concerned, it has been practically eliminated The CIA has already confirmed the detonation of 5 missiles in Ukraine several months ago

    we as Christians have to watch every day because Lord Jesus may come for one person tomorrow and for another in a week's time because no one really knows how long he will live so let's not focus on when Jesus will come again to the world because many of us may not live to see it

    we think about what will happen next year and do not look at today. We live with information that distracts us from the living God

    A true Christian will not be bothered by such trivialities as war, famine, death, tribulation but will hold fast to the Lord Jesus and think of the kingdom of God and not of whether they will kill 2 or 4 billion people, and what does it really matter

    The demons hate us and will murder us sooner or later

    1. this site should rather be called free russia 🙂

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