Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Catholic eucharist has the symbolism of the Egyptian goddess Isis

Another Brother in the Faith Girion has committed a good piece on the Catholic Eucharist:

The pope is carrying a monstrance. If you look closely, you will see a crescent moon holding a wafer in a half ring. 

Let's see what happens when the Islamic crescent grabs the sun shining in its center.

Have you ever seen this golden image of the Egyptian goddess Isis, the Egyptian mother of the gods? Take a close look.

The pope must bow to the sun and the crescent, one way is to raise the monstrance above his head.

The crescent moon is there, only the sun is missing. Here the pope performs the ritual:

If it is true that the Roman church is not a biblical church, the falsity of its priesthood will manifest itself through all sorts of pagan practices.

There are no verses in the Bible that require physical eating the body and blood of Christ. However, it is required to eat the bread of life (Word) and blood (His crucifixion), which are gifts of eternal life from Jesus, to those who listen to Him.

The Catholic priesthood has made a ritual associated with the round wafer, they place it in a gold "stand" called a monstrance. The priest then raises the monstrance above his head. Then the faithful are invited to eat the eucharist. However, few realize what they are actually participating in.

What does the gold monstrance mean? Why is the monstrance shaped like the sun?

Why is a white wafer placed inside a gold ring? 

The following images may open your hearts to the truth about the Vatican.

If only the NCC had absorbed Egyptian paganism and Islamic symbolism into the eucharist, some might defend it. They could say: "In the Catholic eucharist, we see a symbolic victory over the pagan, ancient religions that we have Christianized.".

OK, but that's not what the Roman church did.

The Queen of Heaven is heavily involved in this ritual. A 9-foot tall statue in a church in Chicago expresses this perfectly. The Catholic Mary is the center of the eucharist, where she and her heart are represented as the host, the Bread of Life. St. Stanislaus Kostka Church, Chicago. The Queen of Heaven sits on a crescent moon like Buddha.

Here is a host that is part of the glory of the queen of heaven:

Isis holding the sun as her crown. The crescent moon later became an important symbol of Islam.

Isis is the wife of Osiris, the sun god.

Isis has a child - Horus.

Later this old cult was smuggled into Catholicism:

Catholics carrying a monstrance, again the image of Mary is at the center of the ritual:

Priests kneel before a monstrance and claim that a real, physical Christ is there. The sun and crescent involved in the ritual is a perfect blend of paganism and "Christianity."

Let people who are not completely spiritually blinded be able to understand this.

According to what was modeled, Jesus (His Body) is...the sun?

Based on:

Updated: 14 May 2015 — 20:51


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  1. the text is very good like most at brother Girion's 🙂

  2. – polecam “Ciasteczko Śmierci” komiks o eucharystii

    1. very good! thanks 🙂

  3. In some Charismatic Movements the priests place the monstrance on the forehead of the believer who at that time worships and prays to Christ .I must mention that not every believer is placed the monstrance.The priest looks through the Eucharist.Some of the priests wear the Coptic cross on their chest. With God dear ones.

  4. I am curious as to what the significance of this is..if anyone knows please reply.Godspeed .

  5. katolicy wierzą w tzw przeistoczenie również ze względu na tzw cuda eucharystyczne. Hostia zamienia się w mięso, lub na hostii pojawia się krew. Ale to demoniczne zagrania – te same co wtedy gdy czarownicy faraona zamienili czarami wodę w krew. Wtedy też działały demony – mają one moc dokonywać różnych sztuczek np wokół krwi, mięsa ale nie tylko ……… Google : ” eucharystyczne zwiedzanie cud mleka “

    1. Pogańskie rytuały w KK są wszechobecne, zatruwają ludzi którzy są niewinni z powodu swojej niewiedzy i braku czytania pisma świętego – demonicznymi siłami z którymi potem żyją i nawet nie wiedzą kto i kiedy ich zatruł…

  6. It is worth comparing to whom the Israelites bowed down at Mount Sinai. (Exodus 32) They bowed to the calf they saw in Egypt, or Apis.

    The bull Apis, which holds a solar disk in its horns. The symbol of the emerging Sun in the embrace of the Moon. In Egypt he was an intermediary between powerful gods and people.

    Isis with the same symbolism

    Now the most interesting constellation that is responsible for this cult is the Bull Constellation, its main star is Aldebaran “Oko Byka” is far from the Earth by exactly 66.6 light years.

    The sun shines in Aldebaran during the month of May. May is the main month dedicated to the great mother (hence Mother's Day).

    The month of May is named after the Greek and Roman goddess Mai.

    It's not hard to connect the dots now, in keeping with the quote from Kohelet.

    “To, co było, znowu będzie, a co się stało, znowu się stanie: nie ma nic nowego pod słońcem.”

    Moses' absence was 40 days, and 40 is a period of testing in the Bible, and it also means our earthly life where we are exposed to various deviations and falls just like the Israelites.

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