Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Polish nun tortured children

These are the servants of the satanic Church of Rome:




She tortured little childrenthat she was supposed to be taking care of. Kazała zboczeńcom gwałcić te maluchy “za karę“. Ten horror malutkich dzieci ciągnął się latami. Zakonnica, siostra Bernadetta, nie siedzi jednak w więzieniu. Mimo, że sąd udowodnił, że jest winna, to… do tej pory sadystyczna zakonnica, mieniąca się “sługą bożym”, jest na wolności. Teraz ma się wreszcie stawić w więzieniu. Czy to zrobi?

Nie można nazwać tego inaczej niż skandalem. Siostra Bernadetta prowadziła sierociniec w Zabrzu, gdzie torturowała maleńkie dzieci. Bicie i okrutne gwałty trwały latami. Mimo, że sadystka w habicie w końcu została uznana winną, nie poszła do więzienia. Do dziś wysyłała pisma z prośbą o odroczenie kary. Argumentuje, że jest w podeszłym wieku. Sadystka ma 59 lat! Przypomnijmy, że wiek emerytalny w Polsce to 67 lat… Mimo to, so far the courts have been remarkably kind to her. Dziś zapadła kolejna decyzja – czy zwyrodniała zakonnica pójdzie wreszcie za kraty i odpowie za swoje zbrodnie?

Siostra Bernadetta – czyli Agnieszka F. sadystka zasłaniająca się habitem i imieniem Boga – chciała całkowitego zawieszenia kary więzienia. Chce cieszyć się wolnością, mimo okrucieństw, które popełniła. Dziś zapadł w tej sprawie wyrok sądu.

What was proved by this sadist? Dantean scenes took place in the Educational Center of the Borromean Sisters in Zabrze. Children were beaten by nuns almost dailyThey were locked in rooms with older alumni who were cruelly rapedThe children's testimonies reveal that the sisters beat them almost daily, often until they bled. Nazywały „zboczeńcami, małymi gnojkami, debilami, ułomkami”. The prosecutor's office determined that the sisters had been behaving this way since the 1970s. The children told that the younger ones were locked in a room with 20-year-old men for the night. If they reported being touched to Sister Bernadette, she did not react; she only called the molesters perverts and faggots, or punished them by hitting them in the face.





Revelation 18


4 And I heard another voice from heaven saying:
“Ludu mój, wyjdźcie z niej,
that you may not share in her sins
And none of its plagues have they suffered:
5 For her sins have accrued - all the way to heaven,
and God remembered her crimes.
6 Repay her as she has repaid,
And for her deeds render double:
In the cup in which she made wine, a double division for her!
7 How much fame and glamour she achieved,
so much torment and sorrow inflict upon her!
Because he speaks in his heart:
"I sit down like a queen
and I'm not a widow,
and I will certainly not mourn."
8 Therefore in one day her plagues will come:
Death and sorrow and hunger;
and shall be burned with fire,
For strong is the Lord God who judged her.


By remaining still in the Roman church you subscribe to incidents such as the above, among others.


You who love the Lord, hate evil! (Psalm 97:10)

Bać się Pana – znaczy nienawidzić zła; nienawidzę buty i pychy, złych postępków oraz przewrotnej mowy (Przypowieści (Księga Przysłów) 8,13).

Let love be unhypocritical. Abhor evil, hold fast to good (Romans 12:9).



By remaining in the church you do not fear the Lord.

Updated: 13 April 2015 — 16:04


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  1. I really don't have the words to describe what I feel at the moment after reading this. I'm angry with this sadist, I feel sorry for those poor children who had to endure it, I suspect there are many such cruel places in Poland and in the world 🙁 )
    Fortunately, I know that a just God will more than repay them all for it

    1. i wiecie co powiedzą katolicy uśpieni magią krk? “to się zdarza”, “tam są tylko ludzie”, “masoni od środka rozwalają kościół”….

      To them it will be a case of one of many, a statistic, until the evil of the Roman church affects them personally.

      A bad tree bears bad fruit, a good tree bears good fruit.

      1. “Dla nich będzie to przypadek jeden z wielu, statystyka, dopóki zło kościoła rzymskiego nie dotknie ich osobiście.

        Złe drzewo rodzi złe owoce, dobre drzewo rodzi dobre owoce.”

        Then would you answer them?

  2. I really lack the words to describe what I feel at the moment after reading this. Anger at this sadist , pity for those poor children who had to endure it.I suspect there are many such cruel places in Poland and in the world 🙁 🙁 🙁.
    Fortunately, I know that a just God will more than repay them all for it

      1. Regarding that first link, I heard about it, but of course there was no news about it.The issue went quiet very quickly.
        People don't want to talk about such things, and yet it is scary !

        1. Maybe that's why they don't want to talk because it's SO scary that they push it out of their minds and don't even want to believe it.

  3. catholic handmaiden of the devil.

  4. Ew. Mateusza 25:40 40 A Król im odpowie: “Zaprawdę, powiadam wam: Wszystko, co uczyniliście jednemu z tych braci moich najmniejszych, Mnieście uczynili”.

  5. Admin, totally misunderstanding you,
    Piszesz “Pozostając nadal w kościele rzymskim podpisujesz się między innymi pod takimi incydentami jak wyżej.”
    And probably a few weeks back you posted a link to a speech of Witek Wilk who declares himself to be a Catholic, what's more he talks about the Eucharistic miracle, so according to the convention of this blog it is a demonic fraud.
    It's a confusion of sorts

    1. Do you have to flourish? No one living person is perfect.

      1. I'm trying to figure out who's right here, whether this Witek W. or the Protestants who say it's a deception.

        1. In the end, who is right in your opinion?

    2. J
      You simply do not understand what I wrote. I wrote on the occasion of some monk speaking about Polish education that if someone speaks the truth, be it a Green or an Adventist, I will publish it. Recently Adrianna posted a great lecture by Pawlukiewicz on the forum.
      It is the systems that are evil, not the people. Systems produce bad fruit whether it is the faith movement or Catholicism.

      Is it so hard to understand what I wrote?

      I posted this interview with Witek to discuss charismatics. If I post Obama's statement does that mean I support Obama?

      If someone writes that a priest has admitted that we are descended from Japheth, I will subscribe to that to the best of my knowledge.
      Do you understand this or should I keep writing?

  6. It's so hard to read, it's just a massacre.

  7. Zal, ze kiedys, jak chyba nas wszystkich tutaj, probowano wcielic mnie do Krk. Indoktryna ja od najmlodszych lat. Niestety dla tych zloczyncow, indoktryna ja nieudana. Pewnie nadal figuruje w ich dokumentach, ale to tyle. Formalnie z Krk na papierze nie wystapilem, ale nigdy nie czulem sie jego czescia. Od dawna czulem emanujacy stamtad falsz… Mam nadzieje, ze w oczach Pana nie jestem katolikiem…

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