Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Presidential Election 2015

As promised I will not be involved in politics. I look forward to the coming of Jesus in the air.

However, I wanted to point out some details of the presidential campaign.

Well, none of the candidates invoke Jesus. This is obvious to some of you now, but not so much to many. They all declare themselves to be Christians. Well, except maybe Palikot. Sometimes KORWIN Mikke mentions something about God, quotes a verse from the Bible. Paweł Kukiz also mentions something there. The rest of them show absolutely no praise for God.

What is the glory of another? of one's own EGO. One of them drives around Poland by Bronkobus, Korwin flies by plane, Ogórek drives around the country by an old cucumber. There is applause, there is glory, but of oneself. The cult of ego. Where is God? None of the candidates has God above himself.

Finally, how did Jesus enter Jerusalem? in a lectern? in expensive clothing?

Updated: 12 April 2015 — 23:26


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  1. That's why I don't go to vote anymore...

    1. I never voted in my life. Now I know that I did the right thing, intuitively boycotting this show. They are all, knowingly or unknowingly, just pawns on Satan's chessboard. They are not God's people. So I don't want to have anything to do with it.

  2. Demoncracy simply put.

  3. Jesus for President:) I'll go there and paint some flowers on the ballot, it's better to focus on God's beautiful creation than on these sorrows. Enjoy a little bit of this world, this garden that we so naively gave to Satan. The enemy is only watching to plunge us into sorrow. But that is not why God gave us life.

    1. you wrote it nicely 🙂
      ha... maybe I will go and treat this election with "cheerfulness"... I'll draw hearts, flowers, cross everyone out and write the name of my beloved candidate 😉 .

      1. Beautifully written:) and true. I, too, give up arguing about mundane matters. Political debates are sterile and bring nothing but bitterness. I noticed that it was easy for me to defend free-market views on the economy and point out political scams. Whom was I the servant of at that time? Probably not Jesus' truth... And the only TRUTH of the Gospel was not so easy to defend and I often let go, lowered my head and got angry with myself. I burned myself because it was harder, because there was a lack of support in people, and fear to trust....
        Todd White was in Warsaw and I found out 2 days before because I was just dealing with earthly bullshit. The end. The end. Finito. Wrong way, it's time to humble myself, draw conclusions with Jesus' help and in His honor and leave it all... My political views are in the Word of God, I'm a monarchist because I live NOT in Poland but YES in the Kingdom of God where JESUS is KING! Trust 100%... not to fight against earthly creatures or ideologies of all sorts only against evil spirits who are behind the sin and misery of sick souls we meet every day... millions of sick souls who long to experience the peace that we have made possible by the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ... I want to cry and fight... and never be lukewarm again... never be ashamed of tears, better tears than holding inside anger that breeds powerlessness.... tears are almost always noble, because no one cries for any reason, and there is much to cry over....

        1. because I saw on Facebook that you got Robert involved in this fight. You had no distance. I go to the elections, but I do not fight anymore. By not going to the election, you give your consent to gender etc.

          Although if someone is convinced, like me, that it's finito, i.e. WU will be here any year now, then it actually makes a lot of sense

          1. That's right, I was venting my powerlessness to preach the Gospel to my family. The pain rips and I seek an outlet in anger instead of coming to the Lord and crying out to Him.

            Peter I will also vote as an act of protest as I wrote below and like you I feel it won't all last long but what I am looking forward to most is the fall of Babylon and the next outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Then it will be a wild ride. I want to stay during the Tribulation, but I wish everyone else a rapture. I just feel like I can be of use here, and I need it to be cleansed of my sins in my eyes. Maybe this will change when I start to actually achieve results for the Lord, but for now I am unfulfilled in this matter and I prefer to stay, I think that it is not out of my own vanity that I feel unworthy to be taken away, but out of sadness resulting from the lack of achievements (thanksgiving offering)... You know I am young and most of all I am alone for the time being and for known reasons I do not plan to have children... if God gives me a companion, He will, but He must love Jesus more than me;) Greetings in the Lord

            1. "I think it is not out of my own vanity that I feel unworthy to be taken away but out of sadness resulting from the lack of accomplishments (thanksgiving offering)"

              For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God;
              Not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:5,8-9

              And if by grace, then no longer by works,
              For otherwise grace would no longer be grace. Rom. 11:6

              it is enough to walk with Jesus, which is what the rich young man observing the decalogue did not do.

              Fight your weaknesses and walk with Jesus

              I recently wanted to go to the homeless and buy them new shoes and give them clothing while preaching the gospel

          2. You are absolutely right, this unfulfillment can be due to sin and the desire to compensate for my lost days already after giving myself to the Lord... Because this is what a true newborn is known by, by actions... Out of gratitude I want to give Jesus the favors, as if for my own glory, instead of walking with him with the knowledge that I have given him everything.... But I fail to give it all away and so I feel the need to compensate in deeds, instead of feeling peace I feel restlessness and then even though I want to I act as a sinner and without the blessing of God, first cast off what is old and put on the armor of God...and then go and fight, for without that armor you put yourself to ridicule..

            "Be careful that no one repays evil for evil; always strive to do good to one another and to everyone! 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing! 18 In every case give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 19 5 Do not quench the Spirit, 20 do not despair of prophecy! 21 Investigate everything, and keep what is noble. 22 Avoid everything that has even the appearance of evil. "1 Thessalonians 5

      2. I will (as always) go to the polls, but this time I will vote for the candidate I will add myself: Jesus Christ!

        I specifically wrote "as always" because I had a rule that I could complain unhappily about the candidate I chose... Now I don't want to complain about people's rule anymore; I'm tired... The world is tired too... Let's start choosing wisely... 🙂

  4. These days, I would be surprised if any of the candidates running for office declared a deep faith in Christ. The trend is to worship statues of JP2, pictures of Mary, take pictures with bishops, be on the rug with Francis. But Christ?...passe. The superiors might not like it. Very much not like...

    1. If I am to defend someone, it is the one I supported earlier. Mr. Kowalski claims to be a Catholic, but he openly criticized the higher ranks of the clergy and even gave their names... However, he is also a member of a Protestant church headed by Pastor Chojecki, who does a lot of good, but I cannot agree with him about promoting gun ownership and armed struggle. I know I would defend loved ones, but can I do it with a Kalbache? Or rather walking in the Lord Almighty and Most Merciful who has never failed anyone faithful on 100% and never will? Getting into anger is easy, it's harder to love the enemy and try to sow seeds of peace. Of course, I don't mean just sitting around praying that bombs don't fall on our house, but rather acting in what the Holy Spirit inspires and not what Satan pisses on...

      However, the president doesn't have to be close to me, it's important that he has sense and knows how to manage the country. Today, there are a few people who seem to have it, therefore, without unnecessary emotions and commitment, I will vote for someone from the trio Kukiz, Korwin, Kowalski. Lately, as I wrote above, earthly matters have overshadowed the most important ones and negatively influenced my relationship with God. That's why I confess my sin and, following the example of our dear Detective, I act in preaching the Gospel rather than the truth about bad government in Poland. In the light of our good deeds let evil be seen and let it be ashamed! Darkness is everywhere, not only in Wiejska Street, also we won't lack for work...;)

  5. "Hello, one vote, at random please." 🙂 .

    You know, the worst thing is that whoever we elect is going to be bad.
    Candidates are top-down and none are "their own."
    People are waking up, so it probably won't be long before the "candidate A is bad, vote for candidate B" campaign starts in the media. "candidate A is bad after all, vote for candidate B".
    Satisfied that they have outsmarted the system, they choose candidate A and boom, it turns out that the game was rigged in advance. They'll pick candidate B - same thing.

    It will happen anyway what the Lord has planned 🙂 .

    1. I am voting for Kukiz, but it does not matter except for the symbolism of disapproval of the current system. It doesn't matter because Komorowski or Duda will win anyway. It doesn't matter because we live in times of the end anyway.

  6. As far as this post is concerned it is a good observation. And I wanted to publish a news that concerns the new supercomputer in Poland, which startup will be completed in May. At the Wrocław University of Technology work is underway on launching a computer cluster Bem, which ranks among the 100 fastest computers in the world. The computing power of this device can be compared to the work that is performed by a total of 17 thousand personal computers.

    And here I give a link to a page in which it is described in great detail and very logically how the 666 system will look like

    1. Yes Goska, i.e. important information, because it shows that the beast system is just around the corner. It will collect all our data

    2. With these supercomputers is some rubbish, in the Bible under the symbolism of animals or beasts are hidden world powers and not devices no matter how advanced, besides it is difficult
      Imagine that computer people will worship God and those who break away will be killed.

      1. Powers and authorities yes, but they have to use something - some infrastructure to handle certain processes and electronic tools they will need. I read about these superfast "beast" computers a couple of years ago, everything is getting ready slowly.

  7. "I will draw hearts, flowers, cross out everyone and add the name of my beloved candidate the one".
    JESUS is not a candidate! but the LORD, the MASTER, who will come for his own.
    For the time being we have on this earth, if we still have any influence, to go and choose the best we can, unless we are going to run for office ourselves, because the ideal is us, after all, to "lead a quiet and peaceable life" as the Scriptures say.
    I will mention again.
    Recently we had a call from the USA to pray for the recovery of seven children from a Christian family (Ukrainian by the way) with the eighth mother pregnant.The older girl was naughty, her father forbade her to play on the phone, so she called the phone number given to them at school and they took all seven children to their parents.They have phone contact with their parents and complain about where we are, here are 2 men who kiss and tell one to call dad and the other mom.
    These Christians would never go to the polls, so spiritual, and now they are writing to the courts to give them their children.
    As much as we can, as salt, preserve the good, so that evil does not spread so widely, we, as salt, have to do it and do it.
    One way to do this is to go to the polls, prayerfully.

    The most important choice we have made for eternity, we have one LORD, but for the time being we live here in exile and we have minor choices to make, also in the context of love for our loved ones.
    So I think it's inconsistent that we won't go to the polls, and in other elections, things even compromise with the world.
    To run away from this one choice once every 4 years, and yet it is important so far on this pilgrimage, because you can, for example, lose your children forever, and it is not because of the name of Jesus but because of inactivity, of course, as far as we can still have this minimal influence - and other choices we make a lot of every day.
    I'll tell you one day that I did what I could, even if we lose the election.
    It is illogical, the more so that if we allow in such a president, with whose consent or even compulsion our children at school, just as now in Germany, will be put penises in front of them and told to pull on it, as part of the awareness, taste condoms and make them determine the taste by licking them, and the parent will not let the children go to such classes, then they will be taken away from us and given to a foster family, for example to a "gay marriage"."Even if we fight a lot, we won't get our children back, and even the parents themselves may end up in prison for violence, because not letting them go to such important classes is violence against children! classes is violence against their children.
    .In Germany, they take away 40,000 children a year! from their parents.
    Will it be too late before we think we could have voted for a candidate against such sodomy in the schools?
    So far we still have one.
    That's why I collected signatures for Marian Kowalski, because he already fought for the return of the boy unjustly taken away and they won, besides he has healthy views, great speech and has the background for parliamentary elections, which the rest do not have, and has contact with a Protestant pastor.
    I don't mind following the LORD, moreover, starting with politics in collecting signatures, it was a great way to move to God's kingdom, the last times, the chip, etc... and to the gospel.
    Almost with half of the people (I collected a few lists of signatures) I could talk about God, about salvation, but you have to have shoes on to preach the gospel, without being ready in your shoes you miss opportunities, which are many.
    It didn't take me long to collect them, I just had the lists with me and took advantage of situations that came up naturally
    .Despite losing, we are supposed to go to the polls and choose.
    The Hungarians have gone and their Orban is doing a lot of good.
    God commanded the rulers to care for the nation.
    Those who care, do the will of God, although this is rare, the rest are traitors, servants of Satan.
    PS.JOWy Kukiza, his flagship point, without changing the system do not give anything, which is proven by the party affiliation of the current e.g. mayors of the cities - PO and other coryciarze, no one else passed, people also suggest polls programming them.

    1. "JESUS is not a candidate ! but the lord, the master, who will come for his own."

      well I know 🙂 ... I just used that word to emphasize my attitude towards the presidential election with a smile on my face 🙂 .

    2. Not going to the election is a kind of inconsistency, and the approach I proposed is supposed to show that there is no need to choose any of the evils in this party, and they are already counting the turnout there, no matter that with invalid votes, but the duty is fulfilled. And writing the name of Jesus on the card is also supposed to be a certain testimony. Then people check these cards and see what is on them and which people come. This may give someone food for thought.

      In general, you guys are so worried about everything. It will be what it is. The end of the world must come, but God has not told you to look for additional reasons to worry. It is as if you are not happy to be alive at all, because 'in such a rotten and wicked world'... All I see is looking for holes in everything. Besides, it is impossible to help all people. They too have brains and can seek God and Truth if they don't take it lightly from those who give it to them. The system is what it is, but it is not our system it is Satan's and his people's system and it is normal for Christians to fall prey to it. Remember we are still part of this world in some way, the office treats us as physical, fleshly persons and not as children of God. I don't understand where the outrage comes from. You have to be aware of that and that's it. Evil affects different people in different ways, but God does not allow it without reason. One can only pray to Him.

    3. There were JOWs in local elections, but people voted for the party anyway. It is an anti-system activity, because there is a lack of social awareness of the media and the fact that in the freedom of thought we debate here in a de facto public forum. I think that we shouldn't get too excited about the elections, but we shouldn't be indifferent, because there is no required turnout and therefore, not going is not a boycott. We should support righteous causes and not be passive because it is a sin not to defend the weak or oppressed as well as not to condemn sins and today we are dealing with the worst kinds of departures from God's laws. Therefore, the struggle continues and I am by no means saying to lay down our arms. I support you in everything, and Lucretia's metaphor may indeed be misunderstood. In general the Topic is crucial for me in terms of understanding one's role in the world (whether to act, whether to pray, whether to act and pray etc... how to act etc...). However, I think the worst thing is passivity because through it we don't learn anything, and when God can count on his servants he will use them....just have to trust 100% otherwise we are back to square one, which is being born again....

  8. I wonder if anything else about this world makes any sense. Various "strange" weather phenomena and anomalies are increasing. -, -, - - At the time of the flood, water gushed from the earth and rained down from heaven. Now the earth is preserved for fire. Could this be some kind of sign ?

  9. The worst part is that it's not the voter who has "power" but the one who counts those votes :/.

  10. One voice will not make a miracle come true
    A thousand - as a thousand people will think so.

  11. "One vote can't make a miracle happen"-and that's the point, to make you think so.
    " not the voter has the "power" but the one who counts those votes"-where are the shop stewards,people don't want to go and sit for an idea,because they don't pay. Money!And that's the point, to induce the passivity of the people and do what you want.
    My little pebble will not make a miracle but GOD looks at attitude.Indifference is a sin,the word indifference is not found in scripture.Indifference is a form of hatred in GOD's eyes.
    I agree with him even in 1000%.

    1. Majdylo has some good lectures. It's nice that you reminded me 🙂 .
      They were one of the first I listened to on the internet.

  12. for ZEFIRK-

  13. Give to Caesar what is his and to God what is God's.
    I read the statements of most of you and I can't believe my eyes. I don't know maybe I'm wrong but I think we should separate religious matters from political matters. Jesus also lived under certain political circumstances and had to accept that. I don't know how you can cut yourself off from the election? After all, it determines your existence, your functioning here on earth. I don't expect politicians to make clear declarations of faith, but to be able to create instruments for the normal functioning of society, e.g. for religious freedoms etc. With a friendly and normal government, society can function normally, both in terms of economic conditions and in terms of morals and faith. By not going to the polls, you allow others to choose for you. After all, if the turnout is even 5% of all the voters, the government elected by them is valid, and the government elected by a minority governs, passes and executes laws that affect the whole society, including those who do not vote.

    1. For me it's just theater, the puppets may be different, but surely the devil is pulling them. It's like choosing whether to die of a stroke or cancer. The NWO and the chip are inevitable. Besides, I know nothing about politics, I don't understand. It disgusts me. I don't have any political views. That's why I stay away. These people don't love God, they serve the world.

  14. Stefan, because of the fact that you did not go to the election, they gave me 67 years to retire, allowed poisonous GMO food, the removal of unjust children from their parents, etc..
    Have some love for me, please, and for others, e.g. children, get interested in please and go and vote for e.g. Marian Kowalski.
    The Hungarians went and won in a big way, their Orban cares about the people and has God in mind.
    Whether they chip or not, go, because all it takes for evil to triumph is indifference! of good people.
    Politics is not awful, because it is a concern for the good of all, it is the devil who twisted it, because, among others, Christians allowed it with their passivity, indifference.
    After all, it is the LORD JESUS who will be the greatest politician, of whom it is said that he will rule with a rod of iron.
    You can't tell me that you care! You want your body to live badly on this earthly pilgrimage, so it is not indifferent who governs us at the moment, greetings in the LORD.

  15. I've yet to see one
    born to please everyone.
    To quote .

    April 15, 2015 at 01:28 am

    Stefan, because you didn't go to the election, they made me 67 years old
    pensions, to allow poisonous GMO foods, to take away unfair
    children to parents, etc...
    I am also struck by the attitude of people who do not go to the polls.
    They come up with 1000 reasons to discourage others .
    Some even believe that if there is a smaller turnout, the so-called
    lusts will reflect and become better people .

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