I don't know how to treat these events, whether as demonic activity or actually a foreshadowing of the coming of Jesus.
After a few comments I know this is a foreshadowing of the coming of Jesus, but THEY, Satan's world, want to show their messiah. Soon there will be images on socks and a toothbrush....
If this is what a false messiah or antichrist is supposed to look like, then Obama and William are out.
26) So if they say to you, Behold, it is in the wilderness - do not go out! Behold, it is in the dwelling - do not believe! (27) For as the lightning is lit in the east and seen as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. (28) Wherever there is carrion, there the vultures will gather as well. (29) And immediately after the anguish of those days "the sun shall be eclipsed, and the moon shall give no light, and the stars shall fall" from heaven, and "the powers of heaven" shall be shaken.
from the translator:
source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3010311/Jesus-sticks-mud-Hundreds-flock-apparition-Christ-appears-following-Colombian-landslide.html?ito=social-facebook
- The revelation came after a landslide in Putumayo, Colombia on Saturday
- Hundreds came to worship the image they believed represented Jesus
- Landowners earn "miracle" by visitors to see it charging
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Hundreds of believers flocked to a hilltop in Colombia after a landslide revealed the face of Jesus.
"Miraculous" The discovery was made in the San Francisco neighborhood of Putumayo, Colombia, on Saturday.
Police have since had to be called in to control the crowds as believers from all over the country have descended on the hill to witness the "miracle".
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Hundreds of visitors flocked to a hilltop in the San Francisco neighborhood of Putumayo, Colombia, after Jesus' face appeared after a landslide
Now some local landowners are making money from charging users to see the holy image, according to a local newspaper.
"If you believe in Jesus, an image will be displayed," Ximena Rosero Arango told the newspaper El Tiempo Colombian after visiting the site photographed on the hill.
The image has also been circulating on social media since Saturday. But not everyone was impressed by the "miracle."
There was some debate on social media whether it was the face of Jesus as one Twitter user Magui, under the handleAdasOz, said: "Congratulations to those who see the face of Jesus in the landslide in Putumayo.
"I just see a mountain of land surrounded by trees.
This is certainly not the first time that Jesus has turned somewhere unexpected.
Christ's face appeared on everything from Marmite lids, tacos and naan bread, to logs and laundry.
In 2012 a painting of Jesus was discovered on a wall by a painter and decorator working on a house in Eldroth, near Austwick, North Yorkshire
Divine Sign: an image of Jesus was found in the gutter, left, by nurse Alex Cotton in Coventry
In 2012, as a son of God was discovered on a wall by a painter and decorator working on a house in Eldroth, near Austwick, North Yorkshire.
Sam Dalby discovered the divine face in a section of approximately plastered walls.
His face has also been spotted in household goods and even stains.
Nurse Alex Cotton, 38, found an image of Jesus in the gutter at her home in Coventry, West Midlands, which has been dubbed the "second plumber".
Bank employee Toby Elles claimed he was saved by divine intervention when he awoke to find a burning pan on his stove.
On further inspection of his bacon-burnt snack he also faces the Son of God burned to the bottom of the pan.
My colleague: Jesus in a Marmite jar lid, left, and a pan containing bacon that was on fire
We both thought it looked like pictures of Jesus can be seen in paintings and stained glass windows, "she said.
In the United States, Mary Jo Coady, the Massachusetts medical secretary filed a similar discovery burned on her iron during housework.
The 44-year-old said the image immediately renewed her faith in God.
Drinkers at a pub in Darlington Hall tanners, County Durham, were stunned to see the face of Christ in the foil top of a Bulmers cider bottle.
And mother of three Claire Allen, 36, found friendly Savior features in the lid of a jar of Marmite that was anointed with a yeast-based spread.
She said: "I opened a jar of Marmite and the lid caught my eye. I immediately thought it was Jesus.
"It wasn't a new jar, but I never noticed it before."
Christ's face appears in a crumpled sock (left), while the image appears in a burnt-on iron stain (right)
Mrs Allen, from Ystrad, Rhondda in South Wales, showed the cover to her older boys Jamie, 14, and Tomas, 11.
"We both thought it looked like pictures of Jesus can be seen in paintings and stained glass windows," she said.
Sarah Crane, of Orpington, was stunned when she hung the laundry up to dry and discovered the face of Jesus staring back at her from a creased sock.
Miss Crane was so impressed with the clarity of the face she even built a shrine to the sacred image.
"I left the laundry out to dry overnight - and it was probably sitting a little too long when I noticed the face in the sock," she said.
"I called my boyfriend over right away - we could both clearly see Jesus' face in the sock. It's not straight on the face, and the side profile too - we couldn't believe it.
"We think it's a bit of a sign - but for what we don't know."
An image of Jesus Christ appeared on a tree trunk in a Belfast cemetery.
The tree, which was felled in Belfast Cemetery in west Belfast, appeared to show the face of a bearded man resembling Jesus on the remaining trunk next to the grave.
While in Texas, a man found an image of a saint in the middle of breakfast and the apparition came in his bacon and egg taco.
Ernesto Garza, 80, says he was busy cringing when he realized Christ was looking at him-his face visible in the firing from the tortilla.
It is a blessing from God, "Mr. Garza told KTVB news.
The Texan found a picture of Jesus in the middle of his bacon breakfast and egg taco that was hopeful, to cage and save
The church in Russia began worshipping at the tree after this image of Jesus appeared in the bark
Mr. Garzo hoped to preserve the taco and eventually figure out how to preserve it so that it could be framed to hang on the wall.
While in Russia, the church began worshipping at the tree after claiming that religious icons with the face of Jesus and saints appeared on its trunk.
The images began appearing on a birch tree in the village of Burmakino in Russia's central Kirov Oblast last month in places where gardeners had already cut off old branches.
Villager Valentina Naumova explained: "We thought nothing about it only began to create trees these arched shapes, much like church icons.
"Then the faces of Jesus and his disciples began to appear in them and we realized, this really must be the work of God."
Now whole congregations of people gather before the tree to pray and give thanks.
True believers do not need signs.
No, it smacks of Catholicism to me. If an image resembles a man - immediately Jesus, if a woman - Mary.
Atheists have someone to make fun of again.
And the Word of God, archaeology, prophecies, history, symbolism around us? - that appeals to me more.
The long-haired "Jesus" of the new age, the antichrist. But that's my opinion...
I'd go that way, too.
I.e. I guess what it says in the scripture about when someone says I am there or here don't believe.
mt 24
26) So if they say to you, Behold, it is in the wilderness - do not go out! Behold, it is in the dwelling - do not believe! (27) For as the lightning flashes in the east and is seen in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. (28) Wherever there is a carcass, there will the vultures gather. (29) And immediately after the anguish of those days "the sun shall be eclipsed, and the moon shall give no light, and the stars shall fall" from heaven, and "the powers of heaven" shall be shaken.
So this is a clear sign of the coming of the antichrist.
That's exactly what I think...
Certainly. It is the pagan religions that need these kinds of signs.
I support...
I don't deviate from the opinion above. I think it has nothing to do with Jesus. I think it is all part of deception. I pity those people who fall for such things. On the other hand, I understand such people, because not so long ago I would have been on the oh and ah myself. That's why I pray for God to open people's eyes and give the right understanding 🙂 .
I feel sorry for these people too... May the whites of their eyes fall away... may it happen.
I wonder if the antichrist will take the form of Jesus that everyone associates with, that is, with long hair and a beard from the painting Jesus I trust in you. That would be a good shot at Catholics and in fact most people.
and then we have the shroud of Turin... that would fit...
As for the picture of the Merciful Jesus that was mentioned, the words written on it "JESUS, I TRUST YOU" saved my faith and my soul in the face of the furious attacks of the Evil One. I prayed for a long time and the only help I had was the words on the picture. I'm not defending the picture itself, but you never know what can be useful and serve us for good. The image itself, of course, is a great deception to those who nurture the worship of images.
Clearly being under the protection of God you were not susceptible to deception.... The words: Jesus I trust in you directed your soul in the right direction 🙂 .
You know Magdula 🙂 Much early on the cult of images and statues didn't work on me, and even something so absurd as crowning them - aroused distaste in me.
I had the same experience... It always seemed a little strange to me too, even though I didn't know the Word of God at the time... but I will admit that during prayer I have (though not always) turned to a picture of a supposed Jesus Christ (probably Roman Catholic if you will)... it was a reminder of my "Holy Communion"... but well, I was unaware... now I am and about six months ago (or more) the picture disappeared 🙂 .
These extremely increasing miracles or supernatural phenomena are indicative of the imminent arrival of the antichrist, I agree with that too.
People see what they want to see
Yeah, because Jesus doesn't have anything to do but show up in fandom hehe
For me, another idolatry trap. Especially since this Jesus resembles that long-haired handsome guy from Faustina 😀 .
and all you have to do is move your head 🙂 .
for that you don't even have to read the Bible 🙂
"Especially since this Jesus resembles that long-haired handsome guy from Faustina."
and that's probably how Antek will look.
I am ashamed that I do not know the Bible by heart, but I will copy from the net:
"23 Then if anyone should say to you: "Behold, here is the Messiah" or: "There," do not believe! 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will arise, and great signs and wonders will work to mislead, if possible, the elect also. 25 Behold, I have foretold you. 26 If therefore they say to you, "Behold, it is in the wilderness," do not go there; "Behold, it is within the house," do not believe! 27 For as the lightning flashes in the east, and shines as far as the west, so shall it be with the coming of the Son of Man. 28 Where the carcass is, there also the vultures will gather.9
29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be eclipsed and the moon will not give its brightness; the stars will begin to fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.10 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky,11 and then all the nations of the earth will mourn; and they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven12 with great power and glory. 31 He will send His angels with a trumpet13 with a mighty voice, and they will gather His elect13 from the four corners of the world, from one end of heaven to the other. "
No shame. I don't know the Bible by heart either. I guess there are few, if any, like that. 🙂
"27 For as the lightning shines in the east, and shines as far as the west, so shall it be with the coming of the Son of Man."
if only people would read the Bible, or at least listen to the TRUTH
I got the impression that the figure of Jesus is deliberately ridiculed by showing his image on an iron, frying pan, sock, towel, some cap or spill on the wall, etc. to make him an object of ridicule and jokes, so that in this way he loses his greatness and credibility. As a result, most will begin to be ashamed of their faith in Christ and will deny Him...
Gosiu apt observation 🙂
After all, Jesus Christ has already been ridiculed for centuries, mostly paradoxically by the Catholic Church. And how then to be surprised that we already have so many atheists?
I have to admit, when I looked at these pics it also brought a smile to my face at the first moment 🙂 I'll admit it.
However, after a while I thought with regret: how can this be...
I don't think so. People believe things like that.
To me, all of this is meant to foreshadow Jesus, or read Antichrist, who will look like a character from Catholic pictures.
Yes, Peter, you're right. Just notice how the world is divided because of these revelations. How many people are laughing in the face of Catholics and Christians. Look how many atheists there are already. One of the purposes of the evil one is to ridicule Christianity...
The Jesus-hippie of Catholic-Orthodoxy is good antichrist material. There was something about Jesus in the end-time prophecies of Islam.
This is ridiculing faith in God. Just like the alleged miracles of some charismatics e.g. gold dust on the pages of the Bible, partial healings, falling on their backs, uncontrollable laughter etc.
There is no such thing as Christianity - there is "God", his domain - the Kingdom, the veil between that and the world of men.
"There is no such thing as Christianity - there is 'God', his domain - the Kingdom, the veil between that and the world of men."
That's how I understand it too... Jesus did not bring us religion but the Word of God ... It is known that in the Kingdom of God there will not be any religions because they do not come from God ... but this name has already been established in relation to the followers of Christ receiving water baptism ... and so the process of ridiculing Christ and his followers is getting worse 🙁 .
It's ridiculous that people believe in it and still worship it, it's definitely not from God
We will know Jesus by his word, not by his appearance. Let us be those sheep who know the voice of their shepherd and go to him. Let us know the Scriptures and we will know the voice of the Messiah.
"Jesus will be known by His word, not by His appearance"
well said.
A Christian should hold fast to the Word of God in the Scriptures because it will not allow him to be deceived. Those who do not read the Bible will find miracles everywhere because they do not have true faith. A Christian has a duty to preach the Truth and pray for light for the deceived and atheists.
Mr 13:22
For false messiahs and false prophets will arise and do signs and wonders to mislead, if possible, the elect.
It is important to remember WHY the signs and wonders were given. They were not a vouchsafing of God's presence and a necessary evidence of His work. They were merely (and as much as) evidence of the apostles' anointing:
2 Corinthians 12:12
EVIDENCE OF APOSTOLITY has been shown among you by great patience, and by signs and wonders and manifestations of power.
Heb 2:3-4
3. How can we escape punishment if we are not concerned about such a great salvation? It was preached in the beginning by the Lord, and strengthened in us by those who heard it.
And God authenticated them with miracles, wondrous signs, diverse powers, and the giving of the Holy Spirit according to his will.
Since there are no more apostles, it is not on visions but on faith that our fellowship with God is to be based.
God does not want us to worship signs, images (idolatry) but wants us to worship him by faith even though we have not seen him.I write that the devil in the end times will do many signs and wonders..but a person who reads the word knows this.I pity those people who believe in such "miracles"
treats it like a picture of the antichrist
Well, there's no other way
And they will pray to the tree; these are the signs and wonders that they will perform to deceive many.