Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The mark of the beast in the apocalypse is a pyramid

Text from an old blog. As a reminder and for archiving (the blogger account may be deleted by google someday).





I don't think I need to tell my readers how common the pyramid or triangle is in Satan's world.

Any stage stars exude it wherever they can.

Lady Gaga, promoter of Luciferianism.



Pyramid as the number of man 666. 6 is the number of man. In this case times three.

I would put the pyramid graphically this way:




As we know in the world's dominant religion we have the so-called dogma Trinity; that is, God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are all equal to each other. Unfortunately, not only does the Bible say nothing about the trinity, but it points to the superiority of God to the Son.

“Ojciec jest większy ode mnie” (Jana 14:28)
Why then the trinity?


“Według Herodota Izyda była jedyną boginią, w którą wierzyli wszyscy Egipcjanie. Ozyrys, Izyda i Horus od momentu Nowego Państwa stanowili Triadę (Trójcę) najważniejszych bóstw Egiptu, która w czasach hellenistycznych uległa zamianie na Serapisa (alexandryjskie bóstwo powstałe po złączeniu wierzeń egipskich i greckich) oraz Harpokratesa (jednego z przedstawień Horusa po hellenizacji), jednak sama bogini zachowała swoją pozycję.”

Characters from the ancient trinity are of great importance in the understanding of the Illuminati. About six months ago I wrote about Sirius as the probable dwelling place of Satan:


Sirius is the star that shines brightest in the sky. Such stars were forged by Freemasons 500 years ago in Scotland in Rosslyn Chapel. The Romans called Sirius the guardian of hell. It was associated with the goddess Isis.

For the Egyptians, the rise of Sirius preceded the annual flooding of the Nile, which was a magical event for them. It was also the time when the goddess Isis appeared and gave birth to Horus, the divine child of the trinity.


“Obelisk symbolizuje męski aspekt, siłę rozpłodową, kopuła odnosi się do się do żeńskiego aspektu, a rezultatem jest oczywiście początek/świt. Syntezą Izydy i Ozyrysa jest Horus, Gwiezdne dziecię. Wieże, filary czy też kolumny są architektonicznymi odniesieniami do Izydy i Ozyrysa i religii Illuminati. Obelisk jest symbolem kultu płodności, fallusa. Egipska historia jest odbiciem babilońskiej. Opowiada o tych samych bogach, tyle że pod innymi imionami.


The story goes like this.


Po śmierci Nimroda/Ozyrysa jego ciała zostało poćwiartowane na kilka kawałków, Semiramis/Izyda pozbierała i połączyła je wszystkie oprócz organu reprodukcji, zawsze źródło-dajna Izyda stworzyła organ wokół, którego Egipcjanie stworzyli kult i darzyli go szacunkiem. Generalnie mówiąc Ozyrys stał się również bogiem płodności, a obelisk stał się symbolem ojcostwa, “kamień płodności/stworzenia” 

It is not impossible that dog-headed inhabitants of Sirius visited the earth. Egyptian reliefs fit this hypothesis:

Thus we have a set of deities secretly suggested to us;





Otherwise IHS

Lady Gaga and Anubis


In Patrick Heron's film, there was a hypothesis that aliens would appear in a pyramid-shaped spaceship during the end times.

Where else do they show us smuggled pyramids by force?


Major car companies:

Mirrored pyramid.



Two pyramids


BMW, two blue pyramids:

Volkswagen: two pyramids: in the center facing each other with spikes:





Cities also place pyramids in their centers.

Kielce, pyramid near Politechnika:

Tychy – hotel

Kościoły katolickie w kształcie piramid to już jest standard. Oczywiście na czubku każdego znich znajduje się symbol śmierci i przegranej Jezusa Chrystusa. Narzędzie tortur – krzyż z Jezusem nadal wiszącym. W KRk On nie zmartwychwstał.

Church of St. Trinity in Rzeszow


W zasadzie dobrym typem znamienia bestii był heksagram. Dwa nakładające się na siebie trójkąty. Jest tylko jedno małe “ale”:  heksagram znany jako tzw “gwiazda Dawida”, symbol obecnego antychrystycznego Izraela,  nie mógłby być przyjęty przez społeczność całego świata. Na razie. W dyktaturze wszystko jest możliwe.




The advertising of pyramids will be supported by various bioenergotherapists, proclaiming the immense benefits of pyramids.

The marks on their foreheads were made by ancient Hindu gods.




Należy tutaj zwrócić uwagę na kropki na ich czołach, które są praktykowane po dziś dzień. Mało tego, to jednym z symboli hinduskich jest ten sam symbol, który przyświecał słynnemu okultyście i zbrodniarzowi – Adolfowi Hitlerowi:

Feminist promoting abortions:

The mark of the Illuminati and the Freemasons:

The material above is just my hypothesis. Perhaps the mark of the beast will be a hexagram, or perhaps two pyramids as in the video below.
What is more, they show us in their films what this sign will be. With full determination and without fear because no one is able to prevent them:

Although I've watched this trailer several times, it wasn't until now, i.e. November 2013, that I realized that they were showing in this video what the sign would be.
Update 16.09

As they say, bang on the table and the scissors will open.

Today a reader posted a link to a very rhythmic, fun song in the comments. Everything would be cool if not for the two pyramids on the left hands of the two girls.

Zauważcie, że znak “play” czyli włącz/graj również jest trójkącikiem. Czyli może to być tak w czasach końca, że jak nie masz “PLAYA”  to nie grasz w grę zwaną życiem.

Bardzo ciekawy jest również sam film. Dwie dziewczyny idą przez małe miasteczko, czują na sobie wzrok mieszkańców, jakby były inne. Czują się inne, nie swojo. Nagle dołącza do nich jeszcze jedna, również ze znakiem  dwóch piramid/trójkątów na ręce. Wsiadają na ciężarówkę, a następnie już przeniesione w inne miejsce,  bawią się nie skrępowane na jakimś koncercie na którym każdy już ma znamię. Scena koncertu na którym są jest w kształcie…a jakże… piramidy. Dziewczyny już nie muszą patrzeć na ciężko pracujących ludzi, bo jest zabawa. Na naszywce na jej ramieniu widnieje solarny znak orła. Na końcu jakby podgląda ich smutna dziewczyna z miasteczka w chrześcijańskim stroju, nie modnym i ciężkich butach. Ktoś z komentujących napisał po angielsku że dziewczyna z końcówki  tekedysku jest żydówką.
The refrain includes New Age doctrine:

"So wake me up when this is all over

When I'm wiser and older

All this time I've been looking for myself

I nie wiedziałem, że się zgubiłem””

The meaning is clear: I was looking for myself and not an imaginary god.

I jest radośnie, i będzie głośno, i będzie wino…… Przyznam, że sam oglądając poczułem taką “fajność”. Myślę, że wielu straci wiarę w czasie Wielkiego Ucisku. Zakwestionuje swoje dotychczasowe podejście do Boga, do swego rozumu, który go “oszukał”. Jakie to wszystko jest przebiegłe i wyrafinowane…Jakie to wszystko jest proste…
Scena jest już przygotowana. Piramidy są wszędzie. Jeśli oni czekają na antychrysta, to my na nadejście Jezusa. Jednak najpierw, uwaga,…porwanie wiernych chrześcijan tuz z przed nosa antychrysta.Na koniec kwestia porwania. Gro z Was nie czuję się godnymi porwania. Odpowiem na ten zarzut wobec siebie tak jak pewnemu koledze na nie tak dawno odpowiedziałem: 

No offense, but you don't understand the essence of the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. Jesus washed away all the sins of the newborn. By rejecting this you reject grace. Your record is now clean. Do you understand that?
If not, it means you have not accepted Jesus' sacrifice and His precious blood.
Little by little, your future sins are erased. After all, we have a sin nature and are babes in the faith.
It is good that you repent!

If you are not a lukewarm Christian then you have a great chance of being kidnapped.


None of us are worthy of being kidnapped, but the blood of Jesus washed away all our sins and satan whispers to you that you are the worst. Do you think I'm a saint? only that year I committed such sins that I strongly disliked myself (many would condemn me), but being born again is the same as learning to walk as an infant: you get up and fall down and get up again until you finally walk with confidence. When I came to my senses, God chose me within a few months I automatically got rid of some bad habits, sins common to those times, without my involvement. It just happened. This year I will be battling a few more negatives. The truth detective is not holy. To God we are holy, sanctified by the blood of Jesus. As Fellow forum member Christopher wrote and which I also repeat often:


“Nie myśl o tym (porwaniu), żyj tak jak Jezus, pełnij wolę Ojca, a gdy porwanie przyjdzie to będziesz wiedzieć czy zasłużyłeś”

I'll add:

“Nie bądź letnim chrześcijaninem”. Nie relatywizuj, bądź czarno biały wobec zła. Przyjmij Zbroję Bożą, czyli: czytaj Biblię, Pray every day having a relationship with Jesus, resist the Evil One.




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  1. Świetny wpis – dziękuję 🙂

    1. I will always be happy if my posts help someone understand something, make them aware of something and maybe protect them from evil.
      I think in large part it is God leading me by the Holy Spirit using my nature as a social worker. It is impossible to write truth without God. Where I am further from the truth is just me.
      I know it may sound a little proud, but if it all makes sense, doesn't it come from God? Up to 2 years ago I wouldn't have dared to write something like this, but I know that where there is truth there is the work of the Holy Spirit. The website which I don't fully agree with (denial of Paul and some other issues) according to me was also created by the Holy Spirit and the rest is the imagination of the author of HK.

      The Holy Spirit is Action and Trutha.

      I am no one special. I just like to act, which I encourage you to do as well. Maybe the Holy Spirit gave me the gift of writing. It may give you something else, maybe evangelizing in real life.

      The example of the pyramids shows how important this is to them and has been for thousands of years. I do not say that they will be the sign for 100%, but there is a great probability. With the text I wanted to show some obvious facts, danger and exit.

      1. Once again I just thanked God for your blog Detective.

        1. But remember one very common mistake of the newly born: They read more texts about God than the Word of God.

          1. dokładnie… musimy wszyscy o tym pamiętać

  2. The part about Isis, Horus, Seth -> IHS is interesting. In the Catholic Church taken as an emblem by the Jesuits. Appears on the host.

    Just a question. What does Set in the trinity have to do with Isis and Horus? Shouldn't it rather be Osiris here?

    1. This has also puzzled me for a long time. Maybe someone knows why Seth and not Osiris?

      1. If I'm not mistaken Osiris/Nimrod was killed by Esau brother of Jacob who later became Israel. Esau, fleeing revenge, asked Jacob for shelter and Jacob demanded Esau's birthright in return. In any case, after the death of Osiris, his wife Isis invented a fable about the reincarnation of Osiris in her son Horus. In mythology is given that Set killed Osiris so it is possible that Set is Esau.

        Anyway, I'm curious myself, maybe someone can say more about this

  3. Odnośnie Trójcy – 1 Jana 5,7 BG bo w innych jest to zmienione. Może to coś wyjaśnia?

  4. I have a question about the cross. I will say in general, is it bad or good?
    One thing I don't like about Jesus in KK is that he hangs on the cross,
    It's as if time has stopped and you still have to take the offering.
    In other words, should the cross be abolished or not?

    1. Nasz Chrystus zwyciężył śmierć, powiedział:” Dokonało się”, nie ma więc już krzyża. Jest Królem w niebie, zasiada obok Ojca, mamy się radować, a nie ciągle Go krzyżować jak kk.

  5. “Jedno mi się nie podoba że Jezus w KK wisi na krzyżu”

    And rightly so, because it is, as it were, an instrument of death invented by Satan.
    Ja myślę, że krzyża – przedmiotu bezpieczniej jest się po prostu pozbyć. U mnie w domu nie ma już ani jednego krzyża, krucyfiksu wiszącego na ścianie.

  6. I am for a triune God. Persons are equal but no longer functions. Trinity is a theological term. Jesus is the eternal Son of God the Father. He is not a creature. The Holy Spirit is a Person. Not an impersonal power or creature. Not everything in the Bible is explicit, we need the Holy Spirit who is the author of the Bible to understand it. The Holy Spirit instructs us how to understand.The triune God is three Persons in one. Not three gods. Satan copies God and deceives people and created three
    “bogów” W KK czci się 4 osoby, najbardziej “królową niebios”

    1. I'm behind on 99% for now but will research this and pray for wisdom and understanding. I don't want to be deceived. Other than that, your article is very good 🙂 .

    2. Not to put too fine a point on it, but it seems to me that this passage from Isaiah 43:10 is spoken by the Lord Jesus, saying there that He is the created God

      Wy jesteście moimi świadkami – mówi Pan – i moimi sługami, których wybrałem, abyście poznali i wierzyli mi, i zrozumieli, że to Ja jestem, że przede mną Boga nie stworzono i po mnie się go nie stworzy. (11) Ja, jedynie Ja, jestem Panem, a oprócz mnie nie ma wybawiciela.

      In my opinion the Lord Jesus is the first work of God the Father, this would explain why he says he is the Son of God the Father and why God the Father is greater than the Son and the fact that God the Father has given to the Son everything but Himself i.e. the whole salvation issue.

      In general, it seems to me that the Lord Jesus is also the God of the Old Testament, so I recently read the entire ST with a focus on looking for a text where He could speak, there is a lot of it, the passage above is one example.

      One more thing, if this passage is really about the Lord Jesus it would be quite ironic in the context of J's witnesses:)

      1. Jesus is not a creature, a created Person in God. He eternally exists with God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus is eternally begotten.

      2. Moses I

        Creation of the world and man

        In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
        And the earth was a wilderness and chaos; darkness was over the abyss, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.
        And God said, Let there be LIGHT. And the LIGHT came to be.
        And God saw that the light was good. So God separated the light from the darkness.
        I nazwał Bóg światłość dniem, a ciemność nazwał nocą. I nastał wieczór, i nastał poranek – dzień pierwszy.

        John's Gospel
        In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word.
        It was with God in the beginning.
        Everything came into being through it, and without it nothing came into being that came into being.
        In him was LIFE, and life was the LIGHT of men.
        And the light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it.
        A man came forward, sent from God, whose name was John.
        This one came as a witness to testify to the light, that all might believe through him.
        He was not the light, but was to testify to the light.
        The true light that enlightens every man has come into the world.
        He was in the world and the world was made through him, but the world did not know him.
        To his property he came, but his own did not receive him.

        As you read this do you get the impression that the reference is to JESUS Christ in Genesis?

  7. Detektywie – w sprawie konceptu tzw Trójcy – czy uważasz że Pan Chrystus był, jest Bogiem Izraela czy odrębnym bytem?
    W ST Pan mówi o sobie jako Królu Izraela, w NT również Chrystus nazwany jest Królem Izraela – Ew, Jana 1 : (48) Rzecze mu Natanael: Skąd mnie znasz? Odpowiedział mu Isus i rzekł: Zanim cię zawołał Filip, widziałem cię, gdy byłeś pod drzewem figowym.
    (49) Natanael answered him, Master! You are the Son of God, You are the king of Israel.

    1. The Trinity is just a theological term. It is badly associated with the KK. Messianic Jews are for a triune God, so am I.

    2. hm... and I am still puzzled by the passage in Paul's letter to the Corinthians... According to these words, one should clearly separate the person of Jesus Christ from God the Father and so... ??

      “Wreszcie nastąpi koniec, gdy przekaże królowanie Bogu i Ojcu i gdy pokona wszelką Zwierzchność, Władzę i Moc [w. 24].
      For it is necessary that he should reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet [v. 25].
      As the last enemy, death will be defeated [v. 26].
      Wszystko bowiem rzucił [‘poddał’ BW] pod stopy Jego. Kiedy się mówi, że wszystko jest poddane, znaczy to, że z wyjątkiem Tego, który Mu wszystko poddał [w. 27].
      A gdy już wszystko zostanie Mu poddane, wtedy i sam Syn zostanie poddany Temu, który Synowi poddał wszystko, aby Bóg był wszystkim we wszystkich [w. 28]” 1Kor 15:24-28 BT.

      1. Or is it not to be taken literally, because the Lord in Christ is now the mediator and at the end of the day it will all be God's Work and He will be completely Exalted?

        1. Maybe so. But what should be taken literally and what should not? Maybe we should not grind so much and put aside for the time being the issues that we are not able to understand at the moment and in which there are still disputes? I try to do so but sometimes the subject comes back like a boomerang.

          1. That's right. In my opinion, there are things that the human mind in the body cannot comprehend. So I am storing various variants in unclear issues, the fullness of the Truth will be later...

        2. I agree with you completely 🙂 .

  8. “Ojciec, Syn i Duch posiadają te same atrybuty:

    (a) eternity:

    Father - Psalm 90:2, BW: "Before the mountains were formed, before you created the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are, O God!Son - Colossians 1:17, BT: "He is before all things and all things have existence in Him".Spirit - Hebrews 9:14, BW: "How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, cleanse our conscience from dead works, that we may serve the living God."

    (b) omnipotence:

    Father - Psalm 135:6, BG: "The Lord does whatever He wills, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and in all the deep".Son - Matthew 28:18, BG: "But Jesus, coming up, spoke to them, and said: All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me".Spirit - Romans 8:11, BG: "And if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwelleth in you, then he that raised up Jesus Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you." Only an omnipotent person can raise the dead to immortal life.

    (c) ubiquity:

    Ojciec – Jeremiasza 23:24, BW: „Czy zdoła się kto ukryć w kryjówkach, abym Ja go nie widział? – mówi Pan.Czy to nie Ja wypełniam niebo i ziemię? – mówi Pan”.Syn – Mateusza 18:20, BW: „Albowiem gdzie są dwaj lub trzej zgromadzeni w imię moje, tam jestem pośród nich Duch – Psalm 139:7, 8, CEV: „Dokąd mógłbym uciec przed twoim Duchem lub przed twoim spojrzeniem? Gdybym wspiął się na najwyższe niebiosa, ty byłbyś tam. Gdybym dokopał się do świata umarłych, ty również byłbyś tam”.”

    1. Tu jest niezły art z zestawieniem wersetów odnoszących się do Osoby Boga i Chrystusa Pana –

  9. Szczerze podziwiam i gratuluje Wam waszej ogromnej wiary 🙂 Ja ciągle jeszcze upadam i bardzo długo się podnoszę… Najbardziej brakuje mi tej bliskości z Bogiem, pewności, że przy mnie jest, że w ogóle jest.. Być może to skutek tego gdzie się obecnie znajduję, co się dzieje wokół mnie..

    1. I understand you :-). You are not alone in this. I also still have doubts from time to time (less and less often now, thank God), which torment me a lot, but I pray constantly for strengthening my faith and confirming me in it completely. I also congratulate those who no longer have to struggle with doubts.

  10. Very good article.We need to constantly watch and study what is happening in the world and pray to the Living God and the Holy Spirit will guide us

  11. Gdansk Bible 1 John 5:7 For there are three who testify in heaven: The Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are one. (8) And three are they which testify on earth: The Spirit, and the water, and the blood; and these three unto one are they.

  12. Adminie polecam książkę “RESZTKA IZRAELA POWRACA” Michael Schiffman
    Translation: Christopher Dubis. Messianic Jews are in favor of the Triune God. There is a chapter in this book about that. You can find the book here:

    1. Cytat z tej książki “Wiara w jednego Boga, istniejącego wiecznie w trzech Osobach, nie jest politeizmem; nie
      transcends the realm of Jewish thought and, most importantly, arises from the teaching of Scripture itself.
      Adopting this biblical belief does not subdue anyone's Jewishness, because Jewishness is
      heritage. What Messianic Jews believe is based on God's revelation of Himself in His
      Messiah. The traditional Jewish picture of God without the Messiah is incomplete. It is
      Mesjasz jest kluczem do zrozumienia Pisma; On jest najpełniejszym objawieniem Boga.”

      1. “Zarówno Nowy Testament, jak i wczesna literatura apokryficzna dowodzą, że można wyrażać
        truth in a form other than "creed," namely, through "testimonia," which was abandoned as
        They do not end with a confession of faith. Yet it is the testimonies that are biblical and represent
        truth in a non-Hellenistic way. They are biblical testimonies to the identity of Yeshua.
        Instead of saying that Yeshua is God, the testimonies in Scripture say, for example:
        „Na początku było Słowo, a Słowo było u Boga, a Bogiem było Słowo.(…) A
        The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld the glory."
        ("Shechinah" - Shekhinah, Hebrew. "indwelling": Divine Presence or
        God's immanence. The term is often used simply as a synonym for
        Boga. — [przyp. tłum.>]) (…) „jego chwałę, [Szechinę] jaką ma jedyny Syn od
        Father, full of grace and truth (John 1: 1-14)
        The conclusion of the above passage is that Yeshua is God, but instead of
        quoting this conclusion, the relevant passage of Scripture is quoted. The Scripture may be
        cited to teach the full humanity and full deity of Yeshua, the deity and
        the personal nature of the Holy Spirit; the separateness of the two persons and yet their unity with
        Father. The doctrine of trinitarianism is a doctrine that sums up testimonia, but it is
        Testimonies are what form its basis. Messianic Jews should affirm
        doktrynę o trójjedyności, ale tylko dlatego, że jest to wniosek, do którego prowadzą testimonia Pisma.”

    2. Thank you Eve for the link to this book. Admittedly, I have only just started reading it, but I can see that it is valuable. For starters, I really liked the designation of Scripture as Old and New Covenants. I have never liked the term Old and New Testament. The Testament is left by someone who died and Jesus Christ LIVES !!! Thank you !

  13. “Ktoś mógłby powiedzieć, że jeśli tylko ktoś wierzy w Jeszuę
    Messiah, then the doctrine is not particularly important. Scripture teaches: "For if by his mouth
    You will confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead,
    you shall be saved". (Rom. 10: 9). While this is true, the verse does not teach that it is enough to
    a person admits to certain views, and he will be saved. Rather, we find here
    A call to fully recognize who God is. If one recognizes some Messiah who is
    someone less than Scripture teaches, then he does not recognize the Messiah of the Bible. The affirmation of Yeshua, who
    nie jest Bogiem to nie to samo, co afirmacja Jeszui, który jest Bogiem, Stwórcą wszechrzeczy.”

  14. “Czy Trojca jest Biblijna 

    One objection to the Trinitarian concept of God is that triads of gods were popular in antiquity. This objection implies that God's truths are known only through the Bible, which is speculation. Don Richardson in his book Eternity in Their Hearts has shown that many of God's truths have been preserved in the beliefs of various pagan peoples. For example, Mesopotamian writings older than the Bible mention unclean foods, the longevity of the patriarchs, and the flood, among other things. Many of God's truths have been known since the beginning of time. And no wonder. Adam, who spoke with God face to face, or Enoch, who "walked with God" Genesis 5:24, knew more about God's nature than we do from the Scriptures, and they passed their knowledge on to Noah and his descendants. For example, the Chinese pictographic-ideographic (pictorial) writing, which came into being shortly after the Tower of Babel incident, contains in itself many truths that we know from the book of Genesis, including the story of creation, the deception and fall of Adam and Eve, and the Flood. I will write more about this in the book "Secrets of Ancient Civilizations: The Book of Beginnings" 

    The Chinese were monotheistic in their earliest generations.[1] They worshipped the same God as the later Hebrews, which may be why even His name in their language sounds similar to the Hebrew El Shaddai (ShangTi).[2] The ideogram, which in their scripture signified the Creator, consists of a sign for being from heaven and a sign for completeness, which consists of three identical lines, representing the three persons of God.[3] 

    In a similar way, many spiritual truths survived in Mesopotamian culture, albeit often in vestigial and distorted forms. For example, the Sumerian and Akkadian versions of the Flood contain many parallels to the Bible account, but in many places they are distorted. The same was true of the sacrifices that were supposed to point to the sacrifice of the Messiah-Lamb to take away the sins of the world. Cain changed their meaning by offering them as his own atonement for sin in Genesis 4:3-4, and the Gentiles followed his example. This was also the fate of the truth about the one and only God, known to Adam's descendants but later forgotten or distorted. The Sumerians and Akkadians, who were among the earliest civilizations after the Flood, believed in a Trinity composed of a father god named El, a creator of the earth named Ea, and Enlil, whose name includes the Sumerian lil, meaning "breath," "spirit," a close parallel to the biblical Trinity, which consists of the Father, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit.[4] 

    Poganskie triady byly znieksztalcona wersja prawdy o Bogu w trzech osobach. Potwierdzil to Aleksander Hislop, ktory w ksiazce Dwa Babilony przesledzil korzenie niebiblijnych praktyk chrzescijanskich, napisal o Trojcy w kontekscie poganskich triad: „Wszystkie istnialy od czasow starozytnych. Trojca byla uznawana powszechnie, mimo tego, ze zostala znieksztalcona pod wplywem balwochwalstwa. Pokazuje to, jak gleboko byla zakorzeniona ta pradawna doktryna, tak klarownie wyrazona w ksiedze Rodzaju”.[5] Poganskie triady byly jednym z wielu przejawow stopniowej degeneracji duchowych prawd znanych pierwszym ludziom, a pozniej znieksztalconych, podobnie jak koncept ofiary czy opis potopu. ”

    Dr. Alfred Palla 

    1. Thank you so much for citing this text 🙂 I'd like to thank you.

  15. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    I asked God to help me find the truth. Then I came across this blog.

    1. Praise God that already here on Earth we have the opportunity to get to know each other.
      Praise God for the grace of knowing.


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