Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The whole truth about PIS and Kaczynski

PIS has created around itself a halo of godliness and patriotism. Is it really so?


Message from President Lech Kaczyński to the members of the Jewish Lodge B'nai B'rith
"Delivered by Minister Ewa Junczyk-Ziomecka

Warsaw, 9 September 2007

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Nearly 70 years ago, in 1938, the Polish section of B?nai B?rith was banned by decree of the President of Poland as a result of absurd fears, misunderstandings and misrepresentations. It is a symbolic gesture that today I stand before you as a representative of the President of the Republic of Poland to welcome you and your organization, which is beginning its activities in Poland for the second time.

The opening of the B?nai B?rith lodge in the Republic of Poland, after so many years of absence, is also particularly important for another reason. This organization, formed 164 years ago in a small New York café by 12 Jewish immigrants from Germany, has today become one of the most important organizations fighting racism, anti-Semitism, and xenophobia. Poland is grateful for the activities with which the Anti-Defamation League, founded by B?nai B?rith, in cooperation with the American Jewish Congress, supported our efforts to change the name of Auschwitz and opposed the use of the term "Polish concentration camps.

I am glad that, as was customary before the war, the members of B?nai B?rith are eminent Polish citizens: scientists, writers, people engaged in social activities. At a time when relations between Poland and Israel are among the best in Europe, we should strive to continually improve Polish-Jewish relations. This requires constant efforts and readiness to compromise. It is not easy, but I believe in your commitment, which will have a significant impact on the mutual understanding of Poles and Jews.

In this connection, I would like to refer to the statutes of your association, which refer to "a spirit of tolerance and harmony" and the perpetuation of "the memory of the Holocaust in society." I hope that part of the fulfillment of this program will be your help in combating false and harmful views that appear in the world, such as the opinion that Poland was responsible for the creation of the concentration camps. I also hope that, although the statutes of your organization do not provide for the "perpetuation of the memory of the lives and achievements of the Polish Jews," this unique story of over 800 years will be immortalized by you in the consciousness of Polish society and in the world.

Let me conclude by quoting the words of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, who in December 2006, while receiving representatives of B?nai B?rith, said: "Our troubled world needs the witness of people of good will, inspired by the conviction that all of us created in the image of God possess unimaginable dignity and worth. Jews and Christians are called to work together to heal the world by promoting spiritual and moral values based on our faith. We should be increasingly convinced to set an example of our fruitful cooperation."

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

Ewa Junczyk-Ziomecka
Undersecretary of State
Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland

The English version of the post can be found at:
The "Press Events" posted on the official website of the President of Poland did not include information about the meeting of Minister Ewa Junczyk-Ziomecka or the text of the message.
Translate. MR"

- - -
Source: Nasz Dziennik 25 September 2007



Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

Ewa Junczyk-Ziomecka
Undersecretary of State
Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland

The English version of the post can be found at:
The "Press Events" posted on the official website of the President of Poland did not include information about the meeting of Minister Ewa Junczyk-Ziomecka or the text of the message.
translation. MR

- - -
Source: Nasz Dziennik 25 September 2007




Jaroslaw Kaczynski on the birthday of Radio Isis/Ishtar (Maryja)



PIS is the same party as PO or SLD. Poles have no representatives either in the Sejm or in any party outside the Sejm. All parties are pro-Catholic and pro-Zionist. Note that Lech Kaczynski in the first video supports Israel and in the next video Jaroslaw K. is having fun at the party of Radio Maryja, an organization, a group of people who deny Israel. They have created a theater for the Poles and almost everyone is catching on.

Nobody in Poland represents the interests of Poland. My idealism and naivety tells me that the Jew Korwin Mikke is the only person who wants good for Poland. In this situation it is of little importance. He is not my idol. I am waiting for Jesus Christ.

Here it is talking about the scams of MEPs:


PiS deputies employ people on fictitious jobs. Among them are the president's make-up artists and party workers who don't know where their deputies' offices are located, "Newsweek" found.

October 2014. PiS is on the eve of an election marathon and is looking for savings. The head office in Nowogrodzka Street decides to liquidate dozens of jobs in the party and terminate a dozen or so civil law contracts. But employees cannot be got rid of just like that, because without them the party machine would stop working.

The President's associates invite PiS MEPs to Nowogrodzka, and the employees come together. An irresistible offer is made: people should be given positions as MPs' assistants, so that from now on they will be paid by the European Parliament.,artykuly,359041,1.html

You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" John 8:32


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  1. Henry attacked Paul hard again. He has been doing this more and more lately. And the question at the end of his article.
    "Whose words are most often quoted by Christians?"

    1. Why does Heniek fight with Paul almost every day? Answer for yourself. I don't want to talk down to our brother in the faith. If I did, the Evil One would enjoy it. I have my opinion, but I will not say it publicly.
      I do not read such texts, I trust God and the accuser is Satan.

      1. You wrote it well. Satan wants to divide us and after reading it I was surprised because in some things Henry writes sensibly, I visit his sites and many texts are good to read. He should not be judged because we are no better. We are all sinners. Maybe he will change his mind about Paul. It is good to listen to God's words. Faith in Jesus Christ is the most important thing and putting faith into action.

        1. It might have come out a little bit that she was badgering him. So I apologize.

          1. It is not right to judge people but wrong teachings as much as possible.

          2. Let us be temperate in our judgments, I too like Henry believe that Paul is not inspired. I prefer the words of Christ in the Gospels, they are simply enough for me, and I understand everything without quoting Paul. This dispute, should not divide us, and certainly in 2015. Whenever I discuss with a fellow atheist, and the conversation gets louder and louder, I pat him on the shoulder and say. "Calm down, we don't have anything to shout about and we will end up together in some concentration camp, I for the fact that I profess Christ, you because you won't accept Satan as god, as a model atheist" then we relax and suddenly we start to agree:) mostly we laugh. As you can see agreement is the most pleasant for everyone, and let's stick to that!!!

          3. You're a smart girl

          4. to Eve it was, of course 🙂 .

          5. Bushi
            I will be restrained towards Henry although I appreciate him for what he does but you know what doesn't suit me? That he closes himself to those in need, look at the Detective everyone writes what he wants if something is wrong moderates or removes, Henry closed himself and is stuck only in his circle.
            I understand him because he is afraid of littering the forum and from this side it is good.... but on the forum, let's say, there are righteous and reasonably prudent...... and isn't it the sick who need a doctor? If someone goes astray we should in mercy direct them, if someone maliciously trashes the forum. We can make moderators and somehow control the forum. Let us remember that our Lord Jesus Christ did not close himself to anyone, on the contrary he came to the sick and not to the healthy....., so shouldn't we, trying to imitate him, do the same? Ok but this is just a digression as I mentioned earlier I really appreciate what Henry is doing and maybe I should actually remove the beam from my eye so I can help Henry pull out the splinter:) Anyway we are all supposed to love each other and so let's do it:)

  2. A crib for the nouveau riche ynteligency of Poland. When I see e.g. lawyers reading selective newspaper with fondness, it makes me sick 😀 It's about former boss 😀

  3. Robert Nowak tried to be as objective as possible, he also spoke about the Jews - Poland's friends and he is no longer on Radio Maryja, I think he was traded for a multiplex for TV trwam, he was inconvenient. Thank you admin for your hard work on this blog, I appreciate it, I take a lot of it and I recommend it to others. Ps.on the 2nd video it is Jaroslaw ( Lech is dead after all).

    1. Thank you for your words of appreciation. Sometimes they come in handy because it's not easy for me either in my private life or on the blog when I have to deal with cynicism, rudeness, etc. Some people later apologize, but my nerves were jerked. Some people later apologize for this, but my nerves were shattered.
      Well I used to struggle in politics and out of impotence I ended up here. I wanted to change the world, and now I help people change :-).

      Thanks and regards. May Jesus Christ have you in his protection!

  4. Oh, this Paul, how much fuss has been made. Paul and his letters were known to me from church, as if the rest of the Bible was unimportant except for Paul and Luke. I started reading the NT from Paul, verse by verse, and I got quite confused. With time, reading further, Mark, Matthew, John, - I perceived Paul as a commander of the Roman legion, like war orders, in which he often contradicted himself. However, I was most surprised by the fact that the church, so deviant, idolatrous, deceptive, took such a liking to Paul, as if it were supporting its own. I admit, this is a problem for many. Why is it said--that the whole world will be deceived? The Catholic and Protestant churches are based on Paul. And the rest of the world believes in different idols, not knowing how many they have, e.g. India. But most importantly, it was said Love God and your neighbor and keep God's law.

    1. Yes, Christina, the CRC holds Paul on a pedestal, similar to Mary, And like most Christians it is more common to quote Paul than Christ or God the Father from the ST. This is the sad truth. The same is true in the church of the ratio of quoting Paul's letters to Christ's words, as the amount of Hail Mary's to Our Father in praying the rosary. If Christ said to feed only on God's words, why is Christian food mostly Paul's teachings?

      1. No shit, Margaret, what are you talking about?

        Is St. Paul the KRK holding up on a pedestal? Greater foolishness I have not heard. In all the time I have been Catholic, I have never heard a priest base anything on Paul. If there was any 'hierarchy' with regard to the CCK - it was - 1. Mary, 2. Jesus, 3. the trinity in general, the Holy Spirit, then the apostles who were with Jesus, because that's when you get up - to read the Gospels, as you know Paul wasn't around then - and that's when your mind gets stimulated. Paul's letters read in churches don't matter, because nobody listens to it. And nobody reads the Bible at home. Checkmate. I don't know where you got that Paul is at the center of the NCC....

        Protestantism is already more based on Paul, but they still left the lion's share of the teaching of the NCC....

        There ARE, I repeat, there are doctrinally correct churches, but SOME unbiblical teaching remains [e.g., a certain church, so-called 'restored' - says that after the resurrection, the 'Family of God' consisting of Father and Son will be joined by saved people, i.e., people will belong to 'Godhead'] - But they are Zionist anyway, i.e. they support Israel.

        So yes - the whole world will be deceived....

        Now just whether God would want to entertain such a 'complicated' task of having each believer pick and choose for himself what is the Word and what is not. And so the Bible itself and a sound understanding of it is difficult, because some leave pagan imprints....

  5. I have questions about the Kaczynski article.
    If they are so pro-Israel and are such a pest to Poland, why are they killing them?
    Shouldn't Jews protect their own?
    Is Yaroslav protected by the Jews?
    Compare the person of Jaroslaw with the person of Donald.
    Which one is protected and which one works against Poland?

    1. "If they are so pro-Israel and are such a pest to Poland, why are they killing them?"

      I've been thinking about this for a long time. That's why they kill them because THEY, as a party have grown up on patriotism. Those poor AK people believe them. As a former politician I have to say with all conviction that political capital is built on groups. PIS's groups are the Home Army men, the CRK.

      "Shouldn't the Jews protect their own?"
      Judaic Jews have one god. I don't think I need to write what kind.

      "Is Yaroslav protected by the Jews?"

      Jaroslaw is a puppet of the Jews. I have not seen in the last 10 years a more passive opposition than PIS. PO does what it wants with silent passivity of PIS.

      "Please compare the person of Jaroslaw with the person of Donald."

      politically no difference. Both maintain non-Christian socialism. Both subordinate themselves to concordat. Both were in favor of Poland joining the EU (Lech didn't even read the treaty).

      "Which one is protected and which one works against Poland?"
      Donald is protected. Jarek is simply afraid. He got a warning (Smolensk)from the services and he will not do anything else.

      PIS is the lackey of the Vatican and Israel at the same time. Tusk is everyone's lackey, but with emphasis on Germany.

      How can you not see all this. I think you should change your blog. There is only truth here. Lech in the video said he would support Poland Israel. The entire PIS voted to return property to the Jews:

      In this situation, tell me Waldek, who are you?

      1. @detective said:
        "How can you not see all this. I think you should change your blog. Here is just the truth. Lech in the video said he would support Poland Israel. The entire PIS voted to return property to the Jews:"

        "There is only truth here." - well, well - I'm curious - would you give your hand to cut off your hand for saying that your blog is only about the truth?
        I can see that we differ a lot on sundry issues, so this is my last post on your blog.
        I wish you luck in finding the real truth and not the truth from internet videos.
        Regards Waldek.

        1. The fact that Kaczyński spoke about supporting Israel is a photomontage? I did not post a video about PIS, but evidence with the participation of a PIS representative. The vote on the return of property is a fact.
          What about the EU accession? Is that a lie? What about the ailing Social Security? Is that a lie? What about high taxes? Is that a lie?
          If any Kaczor was Polish they would do what Orban did in Hungary or Iceland with the banks.

          PIS promotes Radio Maryja (Isis) and vice versa. Which side do you stand on?
          you can send me by e-mail a link to a website which presents the real truth according to you. I will gladly analyze it and if it is true I will place it among other recommended links.

          A definite NO to anti-Russianism!!! Russians are our Slavic brothers and Putin is the same puppet as Tusk. As Eve wrote wars are a relationship of state to state and not citizens to citizens!!!
          PIS to IZRAHELLA.

        2. there are so many differences between us. I do not support the party that worships the queen of heaven - PIS.

  6. I don't think that Lech Kaczynski was acting to the detriment of Poland like the other parties. He was the only president who didn't want to sign the Lisbon Treaty and the only one who didn't bring mandatory poisonous vaccines to Poland.

    1. but he signed the treaty. In Poland, politicians treat us like sheep. The nationalist party PIS, Kaczyński Lech, signs a treaty which causes a loss of freedom and everyone forgives him. Kwasniewski, who represents an atheistic party, signs a concordat which makes us dependent on the Vatican and every socialist forgives him.

      Kaczynski as a Catholic was a puppet. He did nothing good for Poland. Not even 1/100 of what Orban

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