Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The idolatrous and deviant Fronda suggests that those in debt pray to St. Tekla

In fact, it is not only idolatry. It is also a removal from Jesus and witchcraft and a mockery of the Polish people.



Litany of St. Tecla
Kyrie elejson. Christ elejson. Kyrie elejson.
Christ, hear us. Christ, hear us.
Father from heaven, God, have mercy on us.
Son, Redeemer of the world, God, have mercy on us.
Holy Spirit, God, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us,
Holy Mother of God,
Holy Virgin over Virgins,
Holy Tekla,
Pure Virgin, still in paganism of the holy Apostle Paul, spiritual daughter, and from him first converted to the faith of Christ,
A diligent listener to the word of God,
Faithfully ministering to the holy apostle Paul,
The holy apostle in prison feeding,
For the love of Christ, an earthly bridegroom despised,
From her pagan mother she dissuades from Christ by various means,
From your parents for the Catholic faith, briefly beaten,
From thy bridegroom Tamirides before the tyrant for the faith of Christ accused,
From idolatrous priests to forced sacrifices,
To live-burn from a tyrant doomed,
With the sign of the Holy Cross, the fire was extinguished by the rain that came down from heaven,
To the cruel lions she was thrown into a pit to devour,
Wild oxen to their legs tied for tearing,
You were freed from all torment by the power of God,
First martyr and maiden of the white sex,
Which noble one, Trypheme, and the whole house to Christ converted,
You were carried by holy angels to a high mountain in Selezia,
You served God faithfully on this mountain until your ninetieth year,
Who there from thy bridegroom Christ was often visited,
You have won many souls to Christ and brought them to Baptism,
Someone is the surest escape in various tribulations and desperate cases,
One who is the mother of all widows, orphans, and Christians entangled in debt,
Thou art seated near the throne of God as a helper,
One who has been singularly praised and honored by the Holy Fathers,
Who to all who have recourse to Thee, Thou givest infallible consolation and Divine rescue,
To whose tomb Christians from all parts of the world made pilgrimages,
Mirror and example of the ladies of the world,
The comfort and contentment of God the eternal father,
Only handmaid of the Son of God, your spouse,
The happiest dwelling and tabernacle of the Holy Spirit.
O holy Tecla virgin and martyr,
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, forgive us Lord.
Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, hear us Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us
Christ, hear us. Christ, hear us.
Kyrie elejson Christ elejson. Kyrie elejson.
Our Father, Hail Mary a, &c.
V. Pray for us, holy Tecla the first of the maiden martyrs.
R. That we may be made worthy participants in your merits
with God and His promises.

Let us pray:
O God, Thou didst choose Thy holy martyr Tekla to be Thy bride, an element of pagan darkness. Thou didst bestow upon her special graces and privileges for the help and consolation of Thy faithful. Grant us through her holy merits and efficacious cause, that in the darkness of our sins, enlightened by Thy grace, freed from every evil of soul and body, we may obtain the desired result of our petition. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you for ever and ever. Amen.

O holy Tekla! we beseech Thee humbly Now in advance, while we are in full health and mind, so that when the priest calls upon your name over our dying body, you will deign to come and rescue us, so that with our hearts and lips piously pronouncing the sweetest names, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, we may end our lives in divine grace, come Teklo holy with the most blessed. May the Holy Mother of God, our holy guardian angel, and our holy patronesses help us to ward off Satan, so that when we begin a happy eternity, we can speak joyfully: May God be praised forever, that we have found His grace and mercy.


Fronda minimum once a day I break the Laws of God the Father



What does the Bible say that Catholics don't read?


"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except only by me.. EW John

Updated: 22 November 2014 — 18:51


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  1. "From idolatrous priests to forced sacrifices,..."

  2. Deuteronomy 18 : (10) Let there not be found in your house one who leads his son or his daughter through the fire, nor a fortune-teller, nor a soothsayer, nor a sorcerer, nor a wizard,
    (11) Neither enchanter, nor caller of spirits, nor quack, nor summoner of the dead;
    (12) For it is an abomination to the Lord for anyone to do these things, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out before you.

  3. This is sick... And to think that man once walked like a moron and refused such filth....
    I am so terribly ashamed by now 🙁

  4. I too am ashamed that I used to pray to all the "intermediaries" and the least to Jesus....
    Sometimes I can't believe the great grace and happiness that every day I can meet Jesus and that he is so real in my life:) I greet you warmly

  5. Even when I was Catholic it puzzled me why there were fewer candles burning at the statue of "Jesus" than at the image of the Black Madonna???
    Even then it smacked to me of taking away the honor of the Son of God.
    The funny thing is that Christ can be attacked and Ishtar/Mary and JP2 cannot!
    But these are indeed already blinded people

  6. Heh, as a small child I prayed the WHOLE rosary, in the sense of all the mysteries, and the sorrowful, and the joyful, etc., I even had breaks in prayer (I drank something, ate something - after all, prayer is hard :P)...

    Or I was saying a litany to Mary, it was at the end "Queen of Poland, pray for us." - and I added "Queen of the world..." - because why not?

    It's a massacre, but if you were brought up in Catholicism, that's the way it is. The worst thing is that my family is still stuck in it, rosaries for the dead, Fatima devotions, pilgrimages to the main place of Isis worship in Poland - Jasna Góra...


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