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Sycera, or beer in the Bible

I always thought that the Israelites only drank wine. Until today, when I read about the sicera in the Septuagint.


Sycera is a beer of biblical times. Its composition and potential amount of alcohol indicate that it was a beer.

Book of Numbers 6.1

"(1) The Lord spoke again to Moses in these words: (2) Speak thus to the Israelites: when any man or woman takes the vow of nazirite to consecrate himself to the Lord, (3) he must abstain from wine and syria, he must not use wine vinegar and syria vinegar or grape juice; he must not eat grapes either fresh or dried."

"Sycera (also called szekar) - a strong fermented drink made from fruits, especially dates, from certain cereals or honey.

The term dates back to biblical times, so it does not refer to high alcohol as we understand it today (e.g., vodka or spirits), but to high alcohol wines, or most likely beer. It is one of the drinks not to be consumed after the vow of nazirite." wikipedia

As you can see above sycera was made from grains just like beer. The main ingredient in beer is barley malt.


Thus, during the time of Moses, beer was already drunk. However, the history of this drink goes back even further:

"While up to 4000 B.C. we can only speculate, because there is no clear evidence of beer so far, later times provide documents that prove beer production in its original form. At that time, in Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers (today's Iraq), the culture of the Sumerians began to develop - people who were the first in history to create the nucleus of city-states. The Louvre in Paris preserves small Sumerian clay tablets, called "Monument bleu" and dated to around 4000 BC, on which figures are engraved preparing ancient beer from spelt."

Updated: 8 November 2014 — 17:28


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  1. I have a question, can someone tell me where in the ST it says that God has a Son?

    1. Matthew 3:17
      "And behold, there was a voice from heaven:
      This is my beloved Son, whom I am well pleased with."

    2. Psalm 110
      "The Lord said to my Lord:
      Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies as a footstool under your feet!"
      Psalm 2:7 "My son you are; today I have brought you forth."

    3. 5 For unto us a Child is born,
      A son has been given to us,
      power rested on His shoulders.
      He was called by name:

      The Awesome Counselor, the Powerful God,
      Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

      6 Great will be His reign
      in a room without borders
      on David's throne
      And over His kingdom,
      which He will establish and strengthen
      law and justice,
      henceforth and for ever.
      The jealous love of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this.

      Isaiah 9:5

      By the way, this is proof of the Savior's Divinity.

  2. Isaiah 44

    (6) Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: I am the first and I am the last, and apart from me there is no God.

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