Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


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  1. They are all severely obsessed. It makes me sick to think what these people have in their heads and hearts,

  2. Zauważyliście jak wciska nam się tą aktorkę Barbarę Kurdej – Szatan. Kto jej nadał to nazwisko?! Mądry w Bogu zmieniłby je.

  3. I, too, have heard of a massive attack on this actor, which stems from the fact that he has inflicted himself on the drug cartels in the US and not only there.
    I recommend the article:
    and especially the videos in it.
    Natomiast autorowi życzę głębszego rozeznania w tematyce, zanim zacznie przekazywać kalumnie na temat czyjejś osoby – bo to nic z chrześcijaństwem raczej nie ma wspólnego…pozdrawiam

    1. I just posted a video and here is such an attack because someone slandered the idol. The video is for reflection, but who plays with Morgan Freeman? Christians?

      I don't know of any Christian acting in famous movies. Sorry, but to star in a famous movie not only takes talent, but the approval of satanists.

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