Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Who is the viper tribe?

It makes me wonder so much about what is behind the tribe of vipers. Jesus clearly spoke of it. Genesis also tells us of two races on earth. The Bible does not ambiguously speak of the descendants of lucifer. Since Satan offered Jesus the kingdoms of the world, he clearly has his people here. Who are they, what kind of nation is this? What kind of nation rules the world. After all, tribe is an expression close to the word family.


Tribe - a group of related families descended from common ancestor A tribe is a group of people (as opposed to a tribe) living in one area and united by common social and economic ties. A tribe is aware of its close kinship, speaks the same dialect, and is united by adherence to the same religious cult. wikipedia


Updated: 18 October 2014 — 08:43


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  1. fallen angels and their descendants


  2. Odpowiedź mamy w Objawieniu….

    Rev 2:9 I know your tribulation and your poverty, but you are rich; and I know that those who claim to be Jews blaspheme you, but are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.


    1. No właśnie i to jest chyba kluczowy werset. Biblia podaje nam wszystko na tacy, tylko my to komplikujemy lub zostaliśmy zakomplikowani. Wciśnięto nam kłamstwo jakoby istnieli jacyś tam Illuminati, że to oni rządzą światem. Plemię zmijowe istnieje i istniało. To nie są żadni Illuminati, to są Lucyferianie podający się za Żydów. Nie są to także tzw Repitilianie jak to powiada David Icek. Dopiero jak teraz Heńku umieściłeś ten cytat raz jeszcze go przemyślałem. W I wieku jeszcze nie było Żydów, którzy Żydami nie są. No chyba, że byli to Edomici jak nw słynnym tekście “od Kaina Chazarii”. Tak czy owak nasz Król Jezus Chrystus ostrzegał nas w księdze, która miała dotyczyć czasów przyszłych, o przyszłych władcach świata. My dajemy się nabrać na illuminati, masonów jak te barany. Owszem masoni istnieją, ale jako odnoga hydry lucyferiańskiej. Kto wie czy nie podmieniono także w tłumaczeniach Biblii “izraelici NA żydzi”?..
      Ja też się dałem nabrać na bestię jako “islam”. Islam został stworzony przez syjo-watykan i jest pod jego kontrolą. Gdyby chcieli tylko, to wnet by zniszczyli Państwo Islamskie. Wystarczyłyby naloty USA, UK, Francji.
      What else did I point out this time in the above quotation from Revelation 2:9. The whole world lives in oppression of the pseudo Jews and is poor. Especially countries where Luciferians have inculcated idolatry: Poland, Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Slovakia, Croatia, Serbia.
      “Znam ucisk twój i ubóstwo, lecz tyś bogaty” – jesteśmy biedni, ale bogaci. Bogaci gdyż mamy potężnego Ojca. Potężniejszego od ojca pseudożydów. Bóg nam mówi “znam Twój ucisk”. Zna tak samo jak znał kilkaset lat niewoli Izraelitów w Egipcie”.
      Before I became interested in the Bible, I must admit that I did not know a single Jew who believed in God. I didn't because they have a different God.

      1. Poczytaj sobie o Brotherhood of Serpent ,, wezowi bracia”,o/k 10 tys. lat stara organizacia.Oraz co widzi Papierz z pozycij swojego fotela na audiencjach.

  3. It seems to me that it is not that those whom the Lord Jesus Christ called the brood of vipers are carnally, physically of some other satanic lineage. They already had it all figured out, all these lineages and so forth. They were Jews in the flesh, but they were a brood of vipers in that they considered themselves to be Jews, hypocrites, serving Satan with their deeds, seemingly righteous on the outside but like whited sepulchres on the inside.

    , "27 And will not he who by nature is uncircumcised, but fulfills the Law, judge you who, despite the letter and circumcision, are transgressors of the Law?
    28 For this is not he that is a Jew: which is visibly so; neither is this circumcision, which is visibly on the flesh,
    29 but he is a Jew who is one in secret, and has a circumcised heart in the spirit and not in the letter, whose praise is not of men but of God.
    3” rzymian

  4. Hello; about the two witnesses

    “Co do tajemnicy siedmiu gwiazd, które widziałeś w prawej dłoni mojej, i siedmiu złotych świeczników: siedem gwiazd, to aniołowie siedmiu zborów a siedem
    świeczników, to siedem zborów.”

    “I dam dwom moim świadkom moc, i będą, odziani w wory, prorokowali przez tysiąc dwieście sześćdziesiąt dni. Oni to są dwoma drzewami oliwnymi i dwoma
    candlesticks that stand before the Lord of the earth. And if anyone desires to do them harm, fire bursts out of their mouths and devours their enemies; so must perish anyone who would do them harm. They have power to shut up the heavens, that it should not rain in the days of their prophecy; and they have power over the waters, to turn them into blood
    And touch the earth with all manner of plagues as often as they will. And when they have borne their testimony, the beast coming up out of the abyss shall make war with them, and shall prevail, and shall slay them. And their corpses shall lie in the street of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom
    And Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified. And men of all peoples, and tribes, and tongues, and nations, shall look upon their dead bodies three days and a half,
    And they shall not allow their corpses to be laid in the grave. And the inhabitants of the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and send gifts unto one another: for these two prophets did afflict the inhabitants of the earth. But after the lapse of three days and a half the spirit of life from God arose in them, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell upon them that looked upon them. And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them: Get up here!
    And they ascended into heaven in a cloud, and their enemies watched them. And at that hour there was a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city collapsed,
    and seven thousand people died in the earthquake, and the rest were terrified
    i oddali cześć Bogu nieba.”

    “Anioł, który rozmawiał ze mną, powrócił i obudził mnie, jak budzi się kogoś ze snu,
    And he asked me; What do you see? And I answered; I see, behold, there is a candlestick all of gold, and on the top of it is a bowl. On it are seven lamps, and the lamps that are on top of it have seven wicks each. Two olive trees stand beside it, one
    z prawej strony czaszy, a drugie z jej lewej strony. Wtedy odezwałem się i rzekłem do anioła, który rozmawiał ze mną: Co to oznacza, mój panie? Anioł, który rozmawiał ze mną, tak odpowiedział: Czy nie wiesz, co to oznacza? Ja odpowiedziałem: Nie, mój panie! Wtedy on odpowiedział, mówiąc do mnie: Takie jest słowo Pana do Zorobabela: Nie dzięki mocy ani dzięki sile, lecz dzięki mojemu Duchowi to się stanie – mówi Pan Zastępów. Kim ty jesteś, wysoka góro? Wobec Zorobabela staniesz się równiną! On położy kamień na szczycie wśród okrzyków: Cudny, cudny!I doszło mnie Słowo Pana tej treści: Ręce Zorobabela położyły fundament pod ten przybytek i jego ręce wykończą go, i poznacie, że Pan Zastępów posłał mnie do was. Bo ci, którzy gardzili dniem małych początków, będą się jeszcze radowali, gdy zobaczą kamień szczytowy w ręku Zorobabela. Te siedem lamp – to oczy Pana; one to przepatrują całą ziemię. Wtedy odezwałem się
    And I asked him, What do the two olive trees on the right and left of the candlestick mean? And I spoke again, and asked him, What mean these two branches of olive trees, which with their two golden pipes send out oil into the golden lamps? Then he answered me, Do you not know what they mean?
    I odpowiedziałem: Nie, mój panie! A on odrzekł: To są dwaj pomazańcy, którzy stoją przed Panem całej ziemi.”

    God's Word, or the Old and New Testaments may be those witnesses, or God's Word and the Church, or the one hundred and forty thousand. One thousand two hundred and sixty days may not be days as we know them. Greetings.

    1. What you give is strictly Adventist theory (I am not saying on 100% that it is wrong, although I do not believe it). Alfred Palla believes in it and e.g. Bible Flock Box known from my channel. They believe in symbolic fulfillment of the apocalypse which was mentioned on Did you read it?

  5. Here is a thorough explanation from us a well-known Jew.

    It's hard to be more precise about the viper tribe, yet this thought occurred to me after writing the comments on this interview.

    The seed of the serpent is the offspring of the fallen angels, which includes Khazars, Zionist Jews, Edomites, and a huge portion of Muslims. They are direct descendants of the Nephilim (Goliath!?) who are characterized by a blatant hatred of God, of salvation, of Christendom, and an inhuman cruelty that signals a total lack of human conscience.

    Of course, at the head of this Beast are the fallen angels who are not yet allowed to reveal themselves. But it will happen soon and the whole world will marvel at the Beast.

    At least that's how I see it.

    The tribe of vipers is the Beast, and the Beast is the nation, or family of fallen angels.

    1. I think this is a good lead. Our problem is that THEY are inundating us with a mass of lying information and we need to fish the truth out of that thicket.
      This is a very good lead:

      I don't know how much truth there is to this, but I am convinced that there were fallen people on Earth after the Flood.

      The wars before the birth of Jesus were wars of the gods.

  6. The viper tribe are psychopaths, i.e., those who have been devoured by the reptile/lion (reptile brain, without the cooperation of the heart, driving mainly the left hemisphere). They are empowered by the Prussian education system and gratified by so-called capitalism, in which the highest capital is not human potential (treasure, light), torn apart in school. However, humans will devour lions and lions will become humans and the same will happen to the system.

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