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Aktualności z ITCSS – czyli Watykan drży

Comment by HK from


"I couldn't sleep yesterday because Kevin Annett of assured me that he would update the site on August 29 and even this morning it was still quiet about it.

As I wrote in a previous post, it's gotten very hot, but I just now noticed the update and Kevin on screen, which means that the kind of massed forces at the disposal of the Pope and the British Crown have so far done very little to help and Kevin looks all right.

Kevin explains that the authorities and the Vatican are doing everything possible to prevent anyone from outside from investigating the 800 bodies of newborns.

Irish Cardinal Sean Brady is actively involved in covering up these crimes. That is, new witnesses appear and a rape victim has emerged, ready to testify.

Kevin's arrest in Ireland and extradition to London was to charge him with defamation of the British crown and unlawful prosecution and conviction.

Fortunately, Kevin was warned.

Annett, on the other hand, reveals more details, along with the names of high-profile people caught up in the Ninth Circuit child sacrifice ring. Apparently the case is coming full circle and there is a witness, a woman, who wants to testify about two top businessmen, names were given but on the fly I didn't write down, and it is really starting to boil over in this case. It is of course about the sacrifice this time in Montreal, from a previous post!

I write live while listening to Kevin with one ear and write the most important content in Polish.

Kevin reveals how members of the Ninth District are working with the government in Canada. Corporations are demanding land and on that land live Canadian Indians who are intimidated that if they don't remove themselves from the land, they will lose their children who will be murdered in hideous ways. The Indians aware of the victims so far mostly give in and remove themselves, But even that does not stop their children being caught and murdered.

The names of two Canadian reserves are given. One of them is South Dakota.

In one town in the north of England over 1400 children were moved from one place to another, of course desperate parents tried to look for them and the police ARRESTED THEM FOR SEARCHING THEIR OWN CHILDREN.

Such things happen in cases where authorities work closely with members of the Nine Circle coltu

Even the mass media reported it in England and as a response ordinary people, independent of ITCCS.ORG started organizing themselves into Common Law Courts!

So the case is getting more and more coverage.

It would be good for Poles to look around a bit because I don't think Poland is free of this scourge and it would be good to keep an ear out for missing children issues.

Australia is of course also caught up in this and two special cells have been set up to investigate missing Aboriginal children and in Perth we have a huge child rape scandal in a Catholic orphanage and the authorities are not very forthcoming in doing a serious investigation and punishing the guilty.

The organization is also implicated in the removal of the British Cortona due to pure parasitism and plundering of the English and about 60% of the population in England would like to get rid of this German monarchy.

To top it all off, the queen is negotiating a new Anglican Church agreement with the Vatican, a crime that should axe her from the British throne.

Of course, the British crown seeks to catholicize England, which is treason under British law.

Kevin nie wspomina rzeczywistego problemu. Korona brytyjska faktycznie rządzi Anglią a ‘demokratycznie’ wybrany rząd otrzymuje rozkazy od królowej, która z kolei otrzymuje rozkazy wprost z Watykanu. Rothschildowie to finansowa moc Watykanu.

Apparently the Great Harlot is being systematically exposed and a fundamental change accompanies the current actions. Until now, the Vatican has been under an umbrella of untouchability because people like me have only used logical inferences from certain events and rarely are solid documents or even witnesses presented and in great numbers.

The Pope or other Catholics can ridicule me for my articles and deny to the hilt my or other people's conclusions based on observations or even documents available from the Vatican.

Kevin Annett's plot is not conjecture or conspiracy theories or trying to guess Bible prophecy.

This is a robust, legitimate, large-scale action exposing the real crimes of the Vatican, the governments and the British crown, crimes in which there is massive evidence in the form of dead victims' bodies and many eyewitnesses testifying under threat of loss of life.

Kevin calls for much greater participation by people desiring a better life without the threat of losing their children or even their lives.

Kevin looks very relaxed, even happy, in the video, which means there are many indications that God Himself is behind the action against these criminals. The evidence of His interference is multiplying with each passing day.

Ja opublikowałem nowy artykuł na temat – Tożsamość Królowej Niebios.

At the end of the article I have given Hugo's insertion of verses from Ezekiel which I think are very hopeful and perhaps a little of God's mystery is being unveiled. That mystery may be the protection of all Israel miraculously from the forces of Satan, despite idolatry and many other abominations committed by Christians.,29/porwanie-potencjalni-uczestnicy,1183-150.html

The end of the article gives much food for thought and God's action is consistent with the prophecy of the abduction of the Woman into the wilderness, away from the dragon for a period of 3.5 years.

These verses fit the Israelites' exodus from Egypt in a very interesting way!

Link – – film na pierwszej stronie po angielsku.

What's most interesting is that this could all happen in relatively close proximity!"



Updated: 31 August 2014 — 13:30


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  1. Kevin must have God's extraordinary protection or he is in some Zionist arrangement exposing the crimes of the Vatican-this is a prelude to the future judgment of the Great Whore (Revelation 17-18). It is wonderful to read about prophecies being fulfilled. Unfortunately, the public media won't show it and it's a pity because maybe many more people would come to their senses.

    1. “Kevin musi mieć nadzwyczajną ochronę Bożą lub jest w jakimś układzie syjonistycznym”

      – jeśli jest w syjonistycznym układzie, to media rządzone przez syjonistów powinny to nagłaśniać. I teraz wniosek jest taki: albo media są zarządzane przez Watykan, Jezuitów, albo syjoniści się boją Watykanu

  2. The Zionists are afraid of the Vatican and act like guerrillas hiding in the woods. However, they hate the Harlot and will fight her to the end (Revelation 17:16-18). The media will not publicize this because they are controlled by the Vatican, but God can make one or another journalist miraculously reveal the truth, of course not on a mass scale. Such independent journalism is also running a blog.

    1. So you consider Caesarism to be a beast after all?

    2. a propos niezależnego dziennikarstwa jak ten blog. Ubolewam, że jestem jedną z nielicznych osób niezależnych piszących na takie tematy. Wolnapolska – ludzie watykanu, antysemici. Kefir – pro David Icke, Monitor – pro pis.
      People, start blogs, infiorm your friends. How much harder it was for the first reformers who were burned at the stake for biblical truth.
      Przesyłajcie znajomym prawdziwe przyczyny biedy w Polsce – królowa niebios.
      Make the Reformation of the 21st Century!!!!

  3. I believe that Zionism is not a beast but the movement can include believers and non-believers who hate the Vatican but support the State of Israel. I suspect that one of the best biblical scholars D. Hunt was also a Zionist because he made great footage exposing the Vatican like the woman riding the beast, the fallacies of the charismatic movement, new age, spoke of the new world order and at the same time praised Israel to the skies- you can criticize this but to me he is one of the greatest biblical authorities and I am confident of his salvation. Your blog Peter is wonderful, so rather those who comment will advertise it. On the other hand, starting your own blog requires writing and computer talent. For me it is Christian and social journalism. I forward my blog to many different people and may all of them act in such a way that the truth will reach Polish homes.

  4. Sometimes Christians have trouble reconciling these two things as :
    If the state of Israel was created by rotschildren or satanists, how can it be God's will.
    Well, maybe. It's the same as in the days of Babylon. Nabukadnecar was a pagan and as we know from history he was one of those who built the most buildings and statues to foreign gods and yet God spoke of him as His servant just as He did with Cyrus. Today the Masons, to whom some Zionists also belong, thought they would establish the State of Israel and desecrate it, leading it to spiritual and physical ruin. If they had done this, and we know that they want to do it, they would be able to boast of having won with God.
    But they do not realize that they are actually doing God's will and in the end our Lord thwarts their plans.
    And just as Nabukadnezzar and Cyrus once served only to punish a part of Israel and then to liberate them, so today God has used unrighteous people to complete the punishment on Israel and then to save them and show His glory.

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