Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Jesuits rule the world. Mega interesting text. The big reveal

The Illuminati are the Jesuits. So far, based on some circumstantial evidence, we have said this. Now there is strong evidence. Templars=Illuminati=Jesuits.

I was interested in the matter by Henryk Kubik, who sent me a link. I found something else. Mateusz will try to translate this text and in the meantime I'm copying the text from the translator I found. Incredibly interesting and very much going beyond the usual knowledge about NWO and Freemasons that can be found on many blogs and websites.

In short: the Jesuits rule the world and pull all the strings: the Vatican, Zionism, Islam.


Warning!!! Text from translator in style: Kali have.


Pray for me, who rad.



Part I

Martin: Before we begin, I'd like to say a few words. The subject of the book is very broad and covers literally all aspects of global control by the Jesuits, dating back to 1540.

I would like to begin our conversation with a very important point of clarification so that our readers have something to hold on to when reading the historical narrative we are about to present. I would also like to add that the book is one of the most compelling, dynamic, truly educational historical documents I have ever read. I want to tell you that I am impressed!

These, literally, put all major global conflicts and political assassinations into the hands of the Jesuit order. The Jews, as with many other groups you can name, were unwitting pawns of this Jesuit agenda.

I'm going to start here and then we go to go back in time and work our way up. But I want you to start here because it gives you a basis to go back in time.

Today, who is the superior general of the Jesuits, the so-called "black pope" [black here refers to covert evil actions, not to race or color] who gives orders to the actual pope. Is it still Jean-Baptist Janssens?

Phelps: Janssens, the Frenchman. No, he died in 1964 Pedro Arrupe came to power. Then, after Arrupe died, in 1988, I believe the current Jesuit General is Count Hans Kolvenbach [see photo below.] I call him Count Hans Kolvenhoof.

Martin: Let's talk about this "General" position and, additionally, who is this man, Count Hans Kolvenbach? Who does he have to serve? What are his origins? Where does he come from?

Phelps: the current general is Dutch, his nationality is Dutch.

Martin: Where is he? Physically, where is he?

Phelps: He lives in Rome at the headquarters of the Jesuits, called the Church of Jesu . Yes, the Jesuit General is located in Rome at, what he just called, the headquarters of the Jesuits.

Martin: Jesu Church, is that near the Vatican?

Phelps: It's not far from the Vatican, to the right. It's in the same area. It's the headquarters from the Knights of Malta.

Martin: Is that part of the Vatican, the right part?

Phelps: Yes, I believe that is the case.

Martin: Where does Satan fit into this picture, and what is the ultimate goal of the Jesuits, the so-called Society of Jesus?

Phelps: the Jesuit general , and the other high Jesuit general , are witch doctors . They are Lucifer , and they worship what they call Lucifer . They don't believe in Satan. They believe in Lucifer.

Now, according to Alberto Rivera, he was invited - because he was a top Jesuit at the time in the late 1960s - he was invited to a " Black Mass " in Spain, where there were quite a few top Jesuit generals present. And he called it " Black Mass ". Well, when you are involved in " Black Mass ", you are involved in worshipping Lucifer , all dressed in black cloaks and so on.

Martin: I am fascinated by Count Hans Kolvenbach because no one in the world knows who this person is. I've never heard the name

Phelps: Let me just say that you can see his picture and his best Jesuits - just the second one and I get the book. The name of the book is called Jesuits: A Many Biography , Jean Lacoutre, and it's available, usually in bookstores. It was published in 1995.

Jean Lacoutre is a Frenchman. He was a communist , he is a communist. On the last page of the picture in it, that is right next to page 343, you see Peter Hans Kolvenbach. He is a Jesuit General, and he just looks like a very bad person.

There is a black man who is a high Jesuit, he is 29 Superior Jesuit with his cosmopolitan General Staff. One of the General Staff looks like Ben Kingsley from Schindler's List. There are six Whites and one Black man. And that's his General Staff.

Martin: What is the process for selecting a successor general?

Phelps: High Jesuits elect him, and he is elected to live - unless he becomes a "heretic."


Peter Hans Kolvenbach (front, center):

The twenty-ninth Superior General, his cosmopolitan general staff.

From the Jesuit book: Jean Lacouture's Multibiography

Martin: And the so-called "fast ones" represent what the Jesuit group?

Phelps: I would like to say that there are "vows", high 4th degree. When a Jesuit is professed he is under the Jesuit oath ; he is under the " The Blood Oath " that I have in my book .

Martin: Do we have permission to reprint this oath in our work?

Phelps: Of course, absolutely.

Martin: One of my questions, it has to do with oaths and this similarity to the Protocols of the Sages of Zion , and I wrote that question before I went back to the Protocols part of the book.

Phelps: The Jesuits obviously wrote the protocols because they carried out every protocol in that little manual. They implemented everything. And Alberto Rivera says-and he was a Jesuit-was very ambiguous, he didn't help at all by the Apostate, the Protestants and Baptists in this country; he helped, somewhat, by Jack Chick. Jack Chick published his story in six volumes entitled Alberto I, II, III, IV, V, and VI.

Alberto Rivera says that it was the Jews aligned with the Pope , who published the protocols . Well they feel that it is only because the Jesuits themselves , and they themselves , were the ones who were able to bring this to pass .

They are the ones in government. They are the ones making up the base of professional sports. The owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers is a Knight of Malta . The owner of the Detroit Lions is a Knight of Malta . All the owners of these top clubs in ball, for the most part, are Knights of Malta , getting people hooked on this boom in gaming and sports while you're busy creating tyranny. Yes, it was one of those things, in the protocols - that they create "entertainment".

Another once was Walt Disney, 33rd degree Mason - Disneyworld, Disneyland. Another one was Milton Hersey, with Hersey Park. They create all these amusements and games and entertainments to get people drunk with joy while you are busy overthrowing the Protestant form of government.

Martin: Where is the Las Vegas factor in all of this?

Phelps: Las Vegas, and, for the most part, is controlled by the Mafia . But all the big Mafia families are Catholic, and all are subordinate to the Pope or to a Cardinal in New York, who is Cardinal O'Connor - because the Commission, the Mafia Commission lives in New York. Frank Costello was a member of the Mob Commission and was intimate, personal friends with the Knight of Malta, Hollywood tycoon, Joe Kennedy. And that hasn't changed.

Yes, the High Knights are good, dear brothers of the High Mafia Dons - from Gambino, on Lucchese, in Columbos, all of them. And they control Hollywood, not the Jews. It's the Jews who are just front-people who are involved in Hollywood and working for the Mafia and for the Cardinal, just like in politics, that would be Arlen Spector. Arlen Spector was Spelly is a Jew [Cardinal Spellman in] [on the assassination of President Kennedy], and he never said a word about it.

Martin: Now, as you go through here, is there anything that you don't want me to print, please let me know because I'm literally going to print everything that you say in this conversation.

Phelps: It's okay with me because it needs to be said.

Martin: Let's go back to Count Hans Kolvenbach. I want to shine a light on this guy for just a little bit here. Let's talk about him. What does he do? Who is he? Let's talk about his position as "General." How is that control over the pope exercised? Does the pope know that he is a pawn?

Phelps: Okay, one question at a time. So, which question do I have to deal with?

Martin: Just shine the light right on the count.

Phelps: Jesuit General, in order.

Martin: Let's start there, and you can tell me anything you want to tell me about the place.

Phelps: the Jesuit General is a ruthless, complete and total dictator and autocrat of the Order. When he speaks, his Inspectors move. The Inspectors are his main subordinates. There are about 83 Jesuit Inspectors now.

As I understand it, Jesuit has divided the world into 83 regions. Okay? For each region, there is a Jesuit provincial. There are 10 Inspectors in the United States. There is one for Central America. There's one for Ireland. They share the world in those provinces.

So this is the old Babylonian provincial government, concentrated and ozorganized as under Nebuchadnezzar, and now the Jesuit General himself; so strictly a Roman form of government, where all the states or provinces are subordinate in this world to one ruler.

The Jesuit General exercises full and complete authority over the Order. He meets with his Inspectors. When you decide to start a war or agitation, the Jesuit General gets information from the provinces of that country, how best to influence people's attitudes, and then uses people's legitimate grievances to spur them to war- like the 1964 Civil Rights Movement.

It was all, initiated by the Jesuits, completely, because the end result was more consolidation of power in Washington with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which was written by [longtime University of Notre Dame president, the Rev.] Theodore Hesburgh.

The general rules of the Jesuit world by its Inspectors. And the provincials then, of course, exclude the lower Jesuits, and there are many Jesuits who are not "professed," so many of the lower Jesuits have no idea what's going on upstairs. They have no idea of the strength of their Order.

It's just like Freemasonry . The lower Masons have no idea that the high Shriner Masons work for the Jesuit General. believe that they are just doing the works and being good people. But the bottom line is that high level Freemasons are also subject to that because of the Jesuit General, Fredrick the Great, wrote the high degrees, the last 8 degrees, in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry , when they when Frederick protected them were suppressed by the Pope in 1773.

Yes, you have adjustments to the Jesuit order and the most powerful Mason they had in the craft, Frederick the Great, during their suppression. This is an irrefutable conclusion. And then when you see the Napoleonic Wars the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars carried out by Freemasonry, everything Napoleon and the Jacobins did, they totally benefited from the Jesuit Order.

It is to this end that Alexandre Dumas wrote his The Count of Monte Christo .

The count is Jesuit General.

Monte = Fixation Cristo = Christ.

The number of Christ's Mountain. Alexander Dumas spoke of getting revenge on the Jesuit General when the Jesuits were suppressed, and many of them were sent to the island, three hours sailing, West, off the coast of Portugal.

And so, when the Jesuits finally regained their power, they punished all the monarchs of Europe who had suppressed them by throwing them off their thrones, including the Knights of Malta of Malta, with the help of Napoleon.

And Alexander Dumas, who fought for the Italian patriots in 1848 to free Rome from the temporal power of the Pope, wrote many books and one of the books was to stage this, and that was The Count of Monte Christo.

So, when you read this book, keep in mind that it is really a satire on the Jesuit order about regaining power in France. The Count of Monte Christo has intelligence material that cannot be defeated. Well, the Jesuit order.

But the Count does not get what he really should have, or his last wish, and that is the love of a woman. He gains back all his political power; he gains back all that he lost; but he has no love of a woman. And this is the Jesuit Order. They don't have a woman. They don't have the love of a woman. Because to have a wife, to have a woman, means you have fidelity to your wife and family, and you cannot listen to the general. Therefore, they will never marry, and that is one of the great keys to success.

They can betray the nation and walk away. They can betray all the Irish Catholics out there on the Titanic, and walk away. They can betray us in Vietnam and walk away.

They can betray us every time we go to the hospital and get radiated and cut and drugged, and leave because it's "for the greater glory of God" - Ad Majorem Dei gloriam: the greater glory of God who sits in Rome.

Martin: What is the ULTIMATE purpose of the Jesuits?

Phelps: Their goal is the rule of the world , with the Pope on their take, with Solomon's rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. That is their ultimate goal.

Martin: And why is Solomon's rebuilt Temple so important?

Phelps: Because the Jesuits always wanted to. When Ignatius Loyola I started orders, one of the first things he did was he wanted to go to Jerusalem and set up the Jesuit headquarters there. So he went there, tried to do it and failed, came back, went to school, started studying etc. Latin Maybe it might be a good idea to just describe a little bit about Ignatius Loyola.

Martin: Yes.

Phelps: Okay, Ignatius Loyola was a Spanish soldier, and he was wounded in a battle between the French and the Spanish, and his leg was shattered. Well, the French general, because Loyola was very brave in the conflict, ordered his own doctors to attend Loyola. So he set his leg and sent him back home - which, of course, was a picture to Counsel Loyola in Spain, in the Basque region.

Loyola, through his series of wanting to get his leg back - it healed improperly, so he made a shelf where he could stretch his legs, with severe, horrible, horrible pain - and trying to stretch that leg to get it back into normal shape , endured horrible, horrible pain. It was rebroken again several times and still not healing properly, so he had to perpetually inert. He could no longer be a courtier among women, and as a result, he went into this depression, and he then had this vision of saints, etc, etc, and he wrote his retreat.

I will stay in the spiritual exercises, just for a while, but I will take it from there. Loyola then wanted to create an army, but when this happened with his retreats, these retreats would be the basic training for all his Jesuits. This is what they all go through. That's what everybody goes through the Jesuits today.

One of the maxims of retreat is that if my supervisor says " black is white and white is black ", then that's the way it is. That it is in his retreat. That is what is given in JFK when Kevin Costner tells his people, "Hey, people, we need to start thinking like the CIA . Black is white and white is black. "It was gratifying that the Jesuit priests produced this movie because they were quoting Ignatius Loyola in this movie from his retreat.

Yes, Loyola had an incredible will. He had a will of steel, and he set his mind to regain back what the papacy had lost to the Reformation. And so, he went to the pope, and the pope in 1540, and then he created into the Jesuit order. But this man is a soldier, he's a lawyer, and he put together a legion of soldiers and warriors to regain what Rome had lost, as well as establishing a World Government for the Pope, from Jerusalem. That was in 1540.

It began in 1536 with the Order He was arrested by the Inquisition and was released and went to the Pope; he threw himself at the Pope's feet. He would be completely at his service. The pope chartered him that the pope was Pius III. The pope chartered them, created them into the Jesuit order; they now had papal protection, and they began their terrible history of blood deeds. War after war after war after war after war, all are attributed to the Jesuit order in some way. Catholic nobility, with a lot of money, donated castles and schools and money to the Jesuit order.

Virtually everything they owned was given to them or stolen by them. Of course they stole all the fortunes of the Jews during World War II. They stole all their gold, all their assets and everything when they entered the country. What has just been spent is nothing compared to what has already been done.

In a book by Edmond Paris, printed by Ozark Publications, called Vatican v Europe, it goes into great detail about what they did. It is called - the last 30 years of the war it all stems from the Jesuits, their massacre of Serbs and Jews, etc. But Edmond Paris does not understand that the General Jesuit - and this is one of the most important points I want to make about Von Kolvenbach - the General Jesuit is in full control of the international intelligence community: it's CIA , FBI , KGB , Israeli Mossad , German BND , British SIS .

The Jesuit General is in full control of the entire intelligence apparatus-the FBI, every bureaucratic agency in this country, that's all; he's in full control of it.

So, when you want to find something about a person, they put in the PESEL number, and everything from every device intelligence throws-in and can he and his Inspectors describe everything about that person. Credit cards, what have you, everything attached to the Social Security number in Rome, which FDR put on us in 1933 with Spellman's help; at the time, I believe it was the Archbishop, or maybe it was Cardinal Hayes-but Rome was behind FDR on putting it in the office.

A couple of things that he did was implement social insecurity, income tax, and recognition, the bloody Jesuit government of the USSR of Joseph Stalin. So, with giving us a social security number, which is the number of Rome - that's why I refuse to use it - and that's why they want everybody using it for everything: driver's license, tax refund, credit card, everything you do, that number is you and that number is the number of Rome.

Martin: Let me just back-up here for a moment. What comes to mind is Louis Freeh, the head of the FBI.

Phelps: Roman Catholic, good altar boy. Probably a Knight of Columbus; I can't prove it. But someone with that kind of energy is supposed to be a Knight of Columbus.

And the Knights of Columbus implement the policies of the Jesuits. And Louis Freeh was one for the Waco atrocities and bombing crimes in Oklahoma City. And his top sniper was a Japanese Roman Catholic named Lon Horiuchi.

Yes, this is Catholics in Control, Knights in Control of the FBI, which has moved with the content of the killing. And these two men, Louis Freeh and Dol Horiuchi are personally responsible for Cardinal O'Connor of New York. And Cardinal O'Connor of New York is the most powerful Cardinal in the country. He's a military vicar. And that's why Bush kissed him Fanny on the intent of Bob Jones, because Cardinal O'Connor is the king of the American empire. And he rules his empire from this palace, St. Patrick's Cathedral, "the little Vatican."

Martin: And he's in touch, do you think with Kolvenbach?

Phelps: Of course. Sam O'Connor is not a Jesuit, and Jesuits are like the SS of the Catholic Church. They keep the orders.

And the ones closest to him who keep order are the Jesuits at Fordham University. Now one of them - the head of Fordham University, I believe is Irish, is also a member of the CFR [ Council on Foreign Relations ]. And I have to, that here in the 1993 CFR annual report these Jesuits at Fordham keep up appearances and rule on the cardinal in New York. And, of course, the powerful Jesuits at Fordham include Avery Dulles and John Foster Dulles, one of the authors of the book on the Second Vatican Council .

Martin: Now, let's go back. What does the Council of Trent find?

Phelps: The Council of Trent was Rome's response to the Protestant Reformation. Remember - the Reformation brought us all from the political freedom we know today. There is no such thing as national sovereignty without the Reformation. There is no such thing as private law without the Reformation. There is no such thing as the laws of nations, as we know them with today, from Montesquieu and others, without the Reformation.

So, when they came with their Reformation doctrine of salvation by grace through faith, and it was no need for the priesthood to go to heaven-all you needed was salvation in Christ and Romans 01:17: the just shall live by faith. After the Reformation came, it is completely stripped Rome of its spiritual power.

The priests did not want to, because the people were getting the word of God in the Bible, especially in Holland, England and Germany. And so, with these great awakenings breaking forth and the Reformation happening, the nations breaking away from the authority of the Pope. The Holy Roman Empire was a rupture. Charles V, the emperor, resigned and became a monk and gardener. Yes, the Lord was moving mightily in breaking the power of the Holy Roman Empire, started by Charles and the Pope.

Well, this was not good for Rome because they were losing a lot of money. The nations were not paying "Peter's pence" anymore, which we call "foreign aid" in this country today. And so the pope was very upset with his.

What will he do? These countries are a rupture with us; they are not under our temporal or spiritual power; and it is very important to remember that the Pope claims two powers - spiritual and temporal - and having broken his spiritual power, he then lost his temporal power. In other words, there is no longer the ability of the king of the country to rule the people because the king was broken, like Henry VIII.

Yes, Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Church and forms the Church of England; he was no longer subject to the Pope. This is happening in England, in Germany, in Holland, and other places.

As a result, the devil aroused Ignatius Loyola in his demonisms, his "spiritual exercises" and - because Loyola was a member of the Spanish alumbrados , which is what we call the Illuminati today and once to the Jesuit order to try to get back what was done by the Reformation - what the Lord did by Luther, Calvin and Knox. And, by the way, Luther, Calvin and Knox - none of these men died violent deaths. They all lived to old age and died peacefully, amidst the power of the machinations of the Jesuits.

The Council of Trent consists of 25 sessions. These 25 Sessions accurse and condemn all doctrines of the Reformation. It condemns anyone who does not believe that Jesus Christ is literal in the receiving [Holy Communion of Bread], and that His literal blood is in the wine. This is called transubstantiation. Anyone who does not believe that is cursed with a curse. Anyone who believes their salvation is outside the Catholic Church is cursed with a curse.

Anyone who believes in justification by grace through faith - anathema, accursed. Anyone who believes that the pope is not the vicar of Christ - cursed, anathema. You see, all these doctrines were put forward as a result of the reading of the Bible that the Reformation produced, and so the Jesuits cursed everything that the Reformers preached. This is all in the law called the Council of Trent.

In session 4, which is probably the most important session, the Jesuits condemned freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of conscience. Yes, no man has the right to choose his own religion; no man has the right to publish what he feels is the truth; and no man has the right to freedom of conscience.

These rights were secured by our Baptist/Calvinist ancestors in the First Amendment. The man who wrote that First Amendment was James Madison, who was a Baptist/Calvinist, and he told me that the Baptist/Calvinists in Virginia, Doc. John Leland." If you do not secure all these rights, Virginia will not ratify the Constitution" Virginia was a Baptist/Calvinist state.

Thus, we have the war between the Council of Trent and the doctrines of the Reformation, especially as presented by John Calvin in his Institutes of the Christian Religion. Calvin [1536] wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion, completed it when he was 27, and dedicated it to the King of France.

And because he hates the Jesuits so much, he was exiled from France and was in Geneva the day he died, when he became governor of Geneva. This is Calvin and his institutes of the Christian religion versus Loyola and his Council of Trent, if you want it sew-up in two major documents.

Martin: The Council of Trent was every year?

Phelps: From 1545-1563 eighteen years. And Trent is a town in Italy. Yes, this was a Council that was held in the town of Trent, Italy.

The Presbyterian Confession and Faith that was completed in 1648, after 30 years of war, is another extension of Calvin's Institutes, and what the Church of Scotland and Covenanters were passing when resisting the powers of Rome and England. This document is an important document, and it is not a new Confession, it is an old one from 1648, where the pope called the man of sin that the Roman Antichrist, and also denounced the anti-Christian tyranny.

And that it is their responsibility to use what they call "the sword of the spirit," which is the Word of God that we read in Ephesians chapter 6, and "the sword of defense only" - the gun, the sword .

Yes, we Calvinists believe that there is a time of peace and a time of war, and we will not refuse to go to the battlefield when necessary. It was Calvinists who gave us our political freedom in Cromwell's England. He was a Calvinist and an independent Baptist.

It was the Calvinists in Holland who gave the Dutch, their political freedom from William of Orange, and later his son, Prince Maurice, and later, in our great country when he was Washington, a Mason who did go into that Masonic lodge that during the last 30 years of his life - in his own words - who were Baptists and Calvinists.

He was baptized at First Baptist Church in New York City by one of his commanders, Pastor Gano, all surrounded by Calvinists.

It is because they did not surrender at Valley Forge; It is because when they are naked, when they walked in the snow, barefoot, that they survived, that because they were Bible believing Calvinists and refused to submit to the tyranny of King George, who was controlled by the Jesuits.

And that he is the soul of our country. If we lose that soul, we have lost everything. And these same Baptists, in the Second Amendment, asserted their right to bear arms, because they secured the right, "The sword of defense only." And the "sword of the spirit" is included in the First Amendment, about the right to the Bible never taken from them. The two swords of Calvinism are secured in the First and Second Amendments. Without those first two amendments, all others are nothing.

Martin: Well, I have for my question # 2. So let's go to 3 of the seventy. (Laughter)
How does signing into law the Emergency War Powers Act 1950 factor Shriner Freemason President Harry Truman into the Jesuit agenda?

Phelps: First of all, Harry Truman, which the Japanese call "Dirty Harry" - hearing this movie Dirty Harry came out, they thought it was a movie about Harry Truman, according to my Japanese friend Pastor Daniel Fuji, who has a deceased.

Harry Truman was inducted into office by the Jesuits, the Pensergast Democratic machine in the state of Missouri. Harry Truman takes over after Roosevelt's assassination because he was assassinated in Bernard Baruch's house. When he did, he then ended up going to war with a mystification called the dropping of nuclear bombs, deliberately to create this greater deception called the Cold War, which would enable the Vatican to overturn country after country after country, and replace the Leader with dictators, subservient to the Pope. This was the purpose of the Cold War.

And so when Harry Truman in 1950 signed the Emergency War Powers Act, the Cold War was in full force. They were building shelters, etc. So the nation was in a kind of frenzy.

When he signed that into law, it put the whole country under martial or military law, and then the flags in every courthouse, state and federal, began to be changed. And every flag and the flag of the United States is what is now trimmed in gold fringe. And when you see a flag trimmed in gold fringe, that means it's the flag of the Commander in Chief. Now, if it's a flag state, that means it's the Governor's flag as Commander in Chief. And whether it's the federal flag, the national flag or, more correctly, it's the Commander-in-Chief's Flag in Washington.

Thus, all courts are nothing more than courts of military governments. All continue summary procedures. Juries have the power of jury nullification. And they are simply enforcing the laws of Empire, what I call 14th Amendment America, which is a military style, King of England style country. The courts are nothing like the courts of the King's bench, as seen in Blackstone's comments.

And the banks, as you go into each bank, they all have flags trimmed in gold fringe. The England bank is what I would call, in Blackstone day, the king's bank. So, we have a king's bank and we have a king's bench. And it is run under military rule, according to Berkheimer's great work on military rule and martial law, published in 1914.

When Harry Truman did, it was the culmination of a grand plan to put us under the extraordinary War Powers Act and, actually, under the rule of war. "Daylight saving time" is what is called "War Time." This country only went to daylight saving time during World War II, and they called it, at that time, wartime. Yes, nothing changed. It never went back to not turning back our clocks. We are still on war time. The income tax is a war tax. They called the tax a victory in 1942.

So, the people pay the war tax, they are under war time, they are under the alarming war powers act, and the courts martial.

Martin: Regarding the assassination of President John Kennedy, which would take all this intelligence, you might say that the assassination was ordered by the Jesuits General, implemented by Pope Paul VI, and carried out by the "American Pope", Cardinal Francis Spellman - who in turn used the Knights of Malta, the Shriner Freemasons, the Knights of Columbus, and Mafia Dons, including the FBI and CIA, to carry out the order from Rome. Can you explain why you think the assassination theory in particular is an accurate representation of the facts?

Phelps: Sure. Okay, number one: the powers that be correctly described are [in the book], and proven over two centuries showing how it all came together. Now, why I'm going to be conservative and stick with Fletcher Prouty's reasons is that presented in his JFK, and also his second book called The Secret Team.

The reason Kennedy was assassinated was he wanted to end the Vietnam War, and he wanted to end CIA rule. That raises two questions: Does Rome want a war in Vietnam? And, does Rome not control the CIA? The answer is yes in both cases.

We know, on its face, that the Vietnam War was called the "Spelly War" - the war Cardinal Spellman advocated. He went up to the warfront many times and called American soldiers "soldiers of Christ." The man who was the commander of the American forces was a member of the Roman Catholic, CFR, possibly a Knight of Columbus, I don't know, but he was General William Westmoreland.

Yes, Westmoreland was Cardinal Spellman's agent to make sure the war was properly prosecuted. And another Westmoreland supervisor was Cardinal Spellman's boyfriend in Lyndon Baines Johnson. Lyndon Baines Johnson was a 33rd degree Mason. He was also part of the coup, with J. Edgar Hoover, another 33rd degree Freemason.

And Johnson went to Cardinal Spellman's death is at St. Patrick's Cathedral, and the image can be seen in Cooney's work American Pope. Yes, Johnson was completely at the beck and call of Cardinal Spellman by Carth DeLoachem, 3.-in-control of the FBI. According to Curt Gentry, in his Hoover: Men and Secrets, DeLoach had a bedside phone direct to Johnson & Johnson could call him at any time. DeLoach was a Knight of Malta , subject to Spellman.

Spellman wanted the war in Vietnam, then why? Spellman was controlled by the Jesuits at Fordham. Why did the Jesuit general want a war in Vietnam? The people of Vietnam, the Buddhists, were a paycheck. They did not want to convert to Catholicism. They did not need Rome.

There had been a Jesuit presence in Vietnam for centuries, so it was decided that about a million or so Buddhists would have to be "purged". They would later continue Pol Pot's purge of Cambodia, with, and purge being for Thailand still. It was a purge from Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam of all those Buddhists, as they purged the Buddhists from China with Mao Zedong, because Mao Zedong was totally controlled by the Jesuits. Yes, they wanted a war in Vietnam.

The other thing is that Rome is in control of the drug trade. The Vatican controls all of the drug trade-all of the heroin, all of the opium, all of the cocaine, everything that goes around, in Colombia.

Colombia has a concordat with the Pope. A concordat is a treaty with the Pope. Hitler had a concordat. Mussolini had a concordat. Franco had a concordat. They want to establish a concordat here, which was the reason Reagan officially recognized the sovereign Vatican City State in 1984 the greatest traitor we ever had was Ronald Reagan.

Yes, they had a concordat. Colombia has a concordat. Do you think drugs running out of Colombia, from a country that has a concordat with Rome, is not controlled by Rome? If Rome did not want drug trafficking from Colombia, they would end the concordat. The entire drug trade is run by high mafia families from among the country, Colombia, subject to the Jesuits General.

And the Jesuit General ran the opium trade, several centuries ago, from China. They ran the silk trade, the pearl trade. The movie Shogun is but a small scratch of the surface of the Jesuit "black ships" that trafficked in every one of that silk and pearls and gold and opals and everything they could pull out of the East, including opium.

The Vietnam War was the consolidation and control of this huge massive drug trade that flooded every American city with drugs, hit the CIA with their Air America, and then spread by the Trafficante family throughout the United States - the Santos Trafficante of Miami.

So we have mob and CIA cooperation in the drug trade. We have the Mafia and the CIA cooperating in the Kennedy assassination.

The first reason, the general Jesuit [at the time, Jean-Baptist Janssens] wanted Kennedy out of the way, was because he would be out until the end of the Vietnam War.

The second reason is that he wants to end the reign of the CIA because he was betrayed by the CIA in the person of McGeorge Bundy, by not giving cover to Cuban patriots to reclaim Cuba than a Catholic, Jesuit, grease-trained -ball bastard - was a bastard, his father was a Nazi - Fidel Castro.

Kennedy was betrayed by the CIA in the Bay of Pigs invasion, which sacrificed all the patriots on the shores of the Bay of Pigs there, so Castro had no real opposition. This was the same tactic used by the CIA and KGB at the top, in cooperation with Angleton's control of IT in the Hungarian Revolution, when the CIA fueled that revolution, and then betrayed all those patriots into the hands of the Soviet Army and KGB, which enraged some top CIA officials .

It's the same tactic: lift up the revolution and sacrifice the people who really want to resist. When that happened, when McGeorge Bundy stopped the air cover in the Bay of Pigs invasion, that ended that resistance to Castro and thrust him into power. And, of course, it was going to be through the Jesuits, because they trained him. So now Kennedy looks bad. He has egg on his face. What does he want to do? He signs a protocol, according to Fletcher Prouty, and takes all the power from the CIA, and gives it to the Joint Chiefs of Staff College.

The CIA was built by the Knights of Malta. One of the founders of the CIA was "Wild" Bill Donovan, an Irish Catholic who are most fanatical, and his brother was a Dominican priest, Vincent. Yes, it was founded by the CIA, it's high Catholic, the first head to consolidate Catholic or Vatican control it.

I am not against Catholic people; I am against the Roman hierarchy. American Catholics know nothing about what is going on. And if they did, there would be no march on St. Paul tomorrow morning. Just as I am against the hierarchy, showing that I am Kennedy was against the Vietnam War, and was going to get rid of the CIA .

Well the Jesuits brought in all their best Nazi SS soldiers to this CIA , because the Jesuits used the SS to kill Jews in Europe. When the Einsatzgruppen went into Russia, then with the Jesuits the SS and cleansed western Russia of all its Jews. That is why Stalin deliberately killed 40000 of his top officers.

That's why he excluded his best generals, purged them, because he wanted to make sure that the Red Army would lose from the top of the German army, because that's why he went to the SS and purged Russia of the Jews that Stalin so hated. And by the way, poetic justice is often Stalin's daughter because he married a Jew.

Now the CIA was assembling the SS . The CIA was now the arm - and the Intelligence arm - of the Vatican. The Knights of Malta were all over it. Casey was a Knight of Malta. Angleton was a knight of Malta. The Knights were all over the place. Angleton active to the "Vatican desk," and that is a desk in the CIA that has a direct connection to the Vatican.

Yes, Kennedy wanted to end this "intelligence community." That was his end.

So for anyone trying to end the CIA, and trying to end the Vietnam War, and because the Jesuit attacked Federal Reserve Bank printing the United States Notes, they got rid of it. They killed our only Roman Catholic president.

And it's another piece of poetic justice that Catholics - not Protestants like Harry Truman, FDR and others - it was Roman Catholics who really tried to resist the temporal power of the Pope in this country. And in many ways, although Kennedy was in fact, socialist and communist, at least he resisted the temporal power of the pope. And for that we should be grateful and remember his names.

But what did they do with his name? They hit him. They dragged him into the ground. Every time you see him on TV, it's a parade Before his womanizer, which I don't deny, but my God, can't we give him credit where credit is due? That's why they got rid of John F. Kennedy.

And then, of course, as soon as he's assassinated, John McCone, the head of the CIA , the next day goes to the White House and to back Kennedy's protocol of reversing the Vietnam War and making a full-scale, Carte Blanche war.

The CIA is hugely and heavily funded, because it was a CIA war. And there they tried all their new technology, their anti-gravity machines, their people trying to make like a "million dollar man." They tried with all their new technology in Vietnam. It was great experimental theater, and Kennedy knew it. He knew it, and he knew that the American people had no idea what was going on down there, and he still tried to stop it, before warning his father.

Because his father was the most powerful Knight of Malta in the Empire.

Martin: Any theories on why he took Junior out?

Phelps: Yes. According to Tom Kuncle, in his publication, John F. Kennedy, Jr. wants to find the father of the real killers, and he had the right to publish the findings. Yeah, they took it right away. They didn't want to let that happen.

Martin: Why has it not been undertaken?

Phelps: For I am immortal - until the Lord be done with me. I am a Calvinist and a Baptist, and we believe in the sovereignty of God. And as long as we act in His will, they cannot touch us, regardless of their power.

Martin: It's because you have this conversation.

Phelps: And that's why we have the conversation. Don't think for a second they are not threading this call. They know about it. The issue here is. We're talking about a providential, ruler, God, who desires to move, by means of second causes, men, just as the devil does.

The devil always uses the second cause, men. Yes, it is one group of men versus another group of men, and one way leads to evil, and true, almighty God leads to good.

The problem is with us, there are very few people who want to believe God anymore. No one believes that He can deliver more. It is only a handful of us who say, "Well, we will do His will; we will trust Him in His power. "

Hebrews and as He prepares to throw Nebuchadnezzar into the fiery furnace, our God is able to deliver us. We are going to tell the truth!

Martin: Let's see. I can throw out a lot of these questions. So many that it seems, in a way, irrelevant to our current times because there is so much going on right now. But good grief! I was just surprised to read in the book all the historical things that have happened as a result of these evil people. Ci dedicated the book to four Roman Catholics who, I'm sure, no one had ever heard of: Charles Chiniquy, Jeremiah Crowley, Emmett McLaughlin and Alberto Rivera. Why them?

Phelps: Because these Roman Catholic men were priests; they left the priesthood and told the truth about what was really going on. And all four of them, except one, I think Emmett McLaughlin, paid out of their lives. Chiniquy was the great exposer of the assassination of President Lincoln by the Jesuits when he wrote his work Fifty Years in the Church of Rome in 1886, when he proved that Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuits, and that it was taken by our government in time.

Jeremiah Crowley: that priest was a great Irishman who came here and seeing the corruption of the archdiocese of Chicago, which was so corrupt, he left it and put it up. And, of course, he later came to Christ and became a Bible believer that called himself a Protestant. Protestants no longer believe the Bible. Protestantism today is an empty shell, that's nothing. But then, in 1912, they believed the Bible.

Crowley then exposed a lot of things, and one of the things that he exposed that helped me in this was that he warned that the Jesuits, with their Knights of Columbus-which, he says, the Knights of Columbus, named after Columbus, who he tells us was a Spanish Jew and a pirate and a deflowerer of young girls-that Columbus was not a Christian.

He has a huge chapter in his book on Columbus. That the purpose of the Knights of Columbus was to fulfill Jesuitical policy, and part of that policy was to restore the temporal power of the pope, because remember the pope had lost it in 1870 and they wanted it back. And got it back with Mussolini in 1929.

Well, in this book that Crowley wrote in 1912, he says that Taft and Teddy Roosevelt were cow-towing to the Pope and the cardinals of New York. And he said that we will use our military to restore the temporal authority of the Pope throughout the world.

And that was absolutely correct. That is American foreign policy. And the Council of Trent is American foreign policy today. What's happening in Serbia and Bosnia. It's the Council of Trent - the Jesuits using American military aviation to bomb these orthodox people into little pieces. But, that there was a great contribution by Crowley.

Emmett McLaughlin subsequently wrote several books. He wrote The People's Padre; he wrote crime and immorality in the Catholic Church, showing that Catholic nations are more and more lawless criminals than Protestant nations, and he proved it by prison statistics.

Emmett McLaughlin also wrote another book The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln , where he again shows that Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuits. Yes, Emmett McLaughlin came out of the Catholic Church. To my knowledge, he was never born again. He was never saved, but he did tell the truth. He married a nun, and lived a virtuous and honorable life after his departure.

The last one was, of course, Alberto Rivera, who was largely hated by the Vatican because he was a very high Jesuit who went out and, in the late '60s, around 1969, exhibited the power of Rome in the ecumenical movement, that Rome controlled Kathryn Kuhlman; that Rome controlled Billy Graham; that Rome controlled, virtually, our government - Ronald Reagan.

Reagan, when he took the oath of office, facing the obelisk, meaning that this country would eventually have a concordat. So, Alberto Rivera converted to Christ, miraculously, and started a ministry called the Antichrist Information Center, out of Los Angeles.

They tried to kill him five times. The dentist jammed a needle between his teeth, trying to give him an infection in his brain. When he lost consciousness, about a year later, they cannot understand. Everyone prays for him. And this was discovered when he went to another dentist. He had it removed.

He was pushed in front of a subway train. They tried five times to kill the man, and he finally died, I believe, of cancer, in the hospital, about three years ago. But these four great, great, Catholic priests tried to expose the power of Rome and its attempts to destroy our sovereign, Protestant, Bible-believing nation. And so, to them I dedicate it.

Martin: What compelled you to write this book? What started it for you?

Phelps: I was always taught to be a patriot, and first and foremost a patriot - America first, America second and everyone else. Later, when I met the Lord, at the age of 17, I realized that the Bible teaches the same thing - that the Lord established the nations. The Lord has never established a world government; that is always the result of the devil.

So, being a patriot and a nationalist - believing in national sovereignty - I was enrolled in 17, went to the Air Force, was garrisoned in nuclear weapons for three years in Germany, came back and started going to Bible school.

When I went to Bible school, the King James edition came up, as far as it's archaic version. And what it used to be and never gave it a thought. Well, some were using the NIV, some NASB, and I thought:

"Well, maybe it's just a modern version of what I have here."

And I thought:

"Well, if they want to use it that's fine, but I'll use King James."

I believe that the basic Greek version for King James , on the Textus Receptus , was the Greek Reformation text.

That means 95% of the existing manuscripts that we have today. The Greek text that underlies all these other versions - is the Westcott and Hort Greek text, which they then uncovered really conspired to falsify the Textus Receptus in England, headed by Brooke Foss Westcott and Anthony Hort, who were Maryolitors, Mary-worshippers .

I later learned that he had invited Cardinal Newman to sit on the search committee. Well, Cardinal Newman was a traitor to the Anglican Church, with his track 90, which wrecked the Anglican Church. Then he left England and was then by Pius IX, Cardinal Newman.

So, here we have Cardinal Newman and EB Pusey, he was invited to sit on thisrevision committee, the end result is a text in Greek that was produced that was pro-Hieronymus Latin Vulgate. The Jerome Latin Vulgate is the basis for the Jesuit Reheims-Douay text that was introduced in 1582, which was attempted to rival William Tyndale's English text, which later became the Bible of 1611.

So now I see this horrible Jesuit hand in my Bible school, trying to deprive me of having the Word of God, the authorized 1611 version, in this current 1769 edition now I thought: "Well, here the Jesuits are, what else have they done? "And the next thing I led to Lincoln was an assassination attempt.

And I remember reading Burke McCarty is suppressed truth about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and crying in the back room when I was in college.

Martin: For me, one of the most significant parts of your book was the series of revelations about Lincoln. I was surprised to find that.

Phelps: This is what they did. Remember, Lincoln was not going to go with the 14th Amendment. He wanted those Southern states to re-enter the Union on an equal footing that he left, which would have left us a Federal Republic as Washington established it. The Jesuits wouldn't allow that. It would be turned into an Empire. States would be subordinate provinces to Washington. And the 14th Amendment would accomplish this with a reversal of citizenship. Lincoln was re-elected, and he was ready to end it, and that was because they killed him. Kennedy was ready to implement his stuff; they wouldn't let him be reelected.

Martin: This is a total aside. Do you ever come across the Jefferson Bible?

Phelps: Jefferson's biblical - and you may know - is Matthew, Mark and Luke. And Thomas Jefferson, being a deist, being the pagan that he was, cut out all the supernatural from those three gospels. Jefferson was a deist; he was associated with the French Freemasons who were involved in the French Revolution, and he was not here writing about our Protestant Constitution.

Yes, the Lord put him in the frame. Jefferson was only used to help with the Revolution - because the Lord does not use the godless for good things. But Jefferson copied a lot of the Declaration of Independence from the Mechlenburg Declaration, written by Calvinistic Presbyterians in North Carolina when it seceded, in case Mechlenburg County seceded from the Colony.

Martin: I haven't heard about that.

Phelps: Yes, you can find it in Presbyterian writings. You can find it from D. James Kennedy; he has something on it. Jefferson copied, at the end: "...And to this end we sacrifice our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."

That it was copied directly from the Mechlenburg Declaration. Jefferson was a plagiarist; he was a high Mason; and he was with here at the time our Constitution was written. And the reason the people did not elect Virginia to his office was because he was a man of the laws of the state. He wanted limited powers in Washington, and that was good.

And when Jefferson was elected, he unseated the lovely king-president John Adams on his own with his Alien and U. rebellion, because John Adams wanted to be king and Jefferson unseated him and Jefferson got two conditions for that.


My observations:


1 Now we know why priests wear black cassocks.

The Jesuits have cleverly manipulated the world community by shifting the blame onto the Jews and the Vatican and the "invisible" Illuminati. Hatred is being fomented against these two groups. This hatred is not without reason. System Jews (communist, Diaspora business) are money-grubbing people, usually atheists. Church people are deviants from the faith who have found a way to live under the guise of teaching about God.


In Further Parts, among others:


Rome controls the government of Israel. Controls the government of Israel through the Mossad

The Jesuits deliberately place calculating Jews in high positions to stir up hatred against this nation and create anti-Semitism. Zionists are communists

Zionism is a term coined by the Jesuits. Orthodox Jews hate Zionists.And I guess that explains why Korwin Mikke - a Jew, fights against socialism.

Marx was a 33rd degree Mason, a Zionist Jew, a follower of Lucifer. Marx's father, a Baptist preacher, wanted nothing to do with his own son.

The Zionists are run by the Vatican.

And this probably explains what I have suspected for about a year: portals like deliberately stir up hatred against Jews. There are supposed to be two losers: Jews and Christians. That is, mistakenly perceiving Orthodox Jews as Zionists and Christians as the Vatican. Clever.

Sadam Hussein was not Bush's enemy, the Freemason Brothers were.

All Arab nations are run by Freemasons.

American Catholics are not like Catholics in other countries: they think. They have their own opinion. They believe in freedom of conscience. They believe they have the right to express themselves.
Catholics in Poland don't really believe. Catholics in the usa think like protestants.

But, if those Catholics in New York, if those two million Catholics knew that Spellman was behind it (some kind of scandal), and O'Connor embraced it, we would have a revolution!

Because it is the Catholics, unfortunately, who only do nothing things. Protestants do nothing. They are a bunch of wimps, a few cowards. They do nothing.


Chicago is governed by the Archbishop of Chicago


The Vatican will be destroyed by the antichrist, whom they will kill early and he will come to life.


And the end of the last part. Think about it:

"Oh what I see coming. But what I believe is, I don't believe the doctrine of the coming Antichrist should be used as a fatalism - that we should: "Well it's coming, so we can't do anything about it. The bastards are coming at us on the outside. "

It is an excuse for cowardice. We must do our duty. We must resist the evil within ourselves and around us, and as long as we have breath. And part of resisting that evil is resisting the Jesuit order. It is the resistance of anti-Christian tyranny. It's the resistance of absolutism. It's the resistance of criminals who are in government.

We have civil responsibility, and that to be sure government for evil punishes and rewards good. And when it doesn't punish evil anymore, that's not the government. We do not know the relationship with it any more. We withdraw our allegiance, and assume our own sovereign authority.

And that's exactly what the Covenanters did to Scotland when they withdrew their allegiance from, what was it, King James II, or Charles II; they withdrew their allegiance and the English settled there and, eventually, many of those Covenanters died. But in the glorious revolution of 1688, they got their freedom.

The other thing is, all these people - they want to win right now. They want to do something and experience victory. We have no guarantee of that. Why not just tell it like it is, stand up to tyranny, and if they die in the process, then praise God - I mean, isn't Heaven a little better than this place? What is the big fear finding? All these people do not know the Lord as far as trusting Him in the midst of the storm. They are full of fear; they are full of terror; and they are all afraid of death.

So, hopefully, with the true preaching of the Gospel-and eventually there will be some preachers who appear who will encourage us to do this right, and not be afraid of death, and resist these powers of evil-I hope that will begin to change, and there will be people who call for secession, and states will begin to leave the Union, like Chechnya, and these others, and then the Lord will intervene on us.

If we honor Him, He honors us. If we fight for causes, He blesses us. And we need to stop looking at the odds. We have always been in the minority. We've always been outgunned. And that's the way God likes it, because then when we win, of course He did.

So what I see for the future, and I see that it's great that now the vacuum has to be filled. And it can be filled with people with God telling the truth, or it can be filled with Jesuits telling everybody give-up, define their weapons, and submits to this New World Order, under the Pope.

The question is, what are you, dear reader, going to do?"


Updated: 12 August 2014 — 09:49


Add a Comment
  1. hello 🙂 incredibly interesting material... can I ask for the original link (if the text was originally in English)? thank you in advance... regards!!! Lo

  2. Who translated this? Some idiot?

    1. 1) By calling someone an idiot you give a bad testimony of your faith, if you believe in Jesus at all.
      It says "from a translator". Translator is a translation program.

  3. Can you please link to the original source, because I can't read this babble from the translator.

  4. Good resource,,,,thanks Peter.

    1. and what is Voo about?

      1. I've looked through it and it looks to me like some kind of New-Age hypothesis about free energy and some kind of torus that burns the whole universe.

        1. That's what I thought, because I looked it up too, but quickly

  5. it is certain, with me the Jesuits do not rule,

  6. What happened to Henrik Kubik?

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