Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

About Blog

I've been blogging since 2012.

Mam 46 lat i od nastolatka nurtowały mnie kwestie wiary jak i wszelkie polityczno-społeczne tematy.  Zajmowałem się także amatorsko dziennikarstwem. Około 15 lat temu wydawałem małą gazetkę regionalną opisującą problemy lokalne, a także prowadziłem portal kielecki.


Zawsze gdzieś poszukiwałem prawdy, pomimo błądzenia w gąszczu informacji i zwiedzenia tego świata przeciwnego Bogu Ostatecznie tę prawdę znalazłem w Biblii i w kontekście Pisma pisuję teksty na blogu, który odwiedziliście.


The blog is biblically aware in nature, and with the subtitle "Christians Without Religion," this means that those around the blog adhere more to biblical principles than religious doctrines. The word church itself is relatively young. I described the etymology of "church" here:


What is the Church? True meaning.

W myśl znaczenia słowa “eklezja” Jezusa , wszyscy pełniący wolę Ojca są moimi braćmi i siostrami:


I made a decision: I'm going into ecumenism.


I try to track truth in the context of God's Word.

"Only the truth will set us free."


That truth is Jesus.

Przez ostatnie dwa tysiące lat żyliśmy w kłamstwie. Wiele dobrych osób wierzyło w coś, co  kłamcy podawali  nam na tacy. Innej alternatywy nie było. Dziś, póki jest jeszcze względnie wolny internet, korzystajmy z tego, bo jak zapowiadał Bóg:


MT 10.26 "Therefore do not be afraid of them: for there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, nor anything secret that shall not be known."


W związku z tym, że Ziemia obecnie nie jest Królestwem Boga, ale jego przeciwnika,  pisuję o wszelkich sprawach dotyczących życia na Ziemi:  Watykanie, kościele Rzymskim, o odstępczych religiach, zagrożeniu duchowym, syjonizmie, Illuminati, ekumenizmie itp.

This is not strictly a religious blog and is only or exclusively about the Bible. Jest to blog, który pomaga zrozumieć wiele aspektów naszego życia: odżywiania, leczenia, finansów, polityki. Wszystko to, na co ma wpływ książę tego świata oferujący Jezusowi  WSZYSTKIE KROLESTWA NA ZIEMI.


My attitude toward religion:

Do roku 2012 byłem teoretycznie katolikiem lub katolikiem teoretycznym :-).

Not wanting to be hypocritical, because of my relationship to the Roman church I made an apostasy. It was only then that my faith made sense.
I am not and will not be in any religion anymore. Most Religions are perverted and controlled by Satan (Mormons, Judeans...). The Roman Church is a hotbed of demons and witchcraft, and its fruits are visible and undeniable. W niektórych odłamach protestantyzmu  pastorzy udzielają już homoseksualistom ślubów. Świadkowie Jehowy nie mogą się modlić do Jezusa Chrystusa.

This does not mean that all churches are satanic and believers worship Satan. It does mean that the higher up in the hierarchy and the larger the denomination, the more likely the religion is to submit to the Vatican.



As for Protestant churches, here again one must be careful in judging because each church is different and run by a different person. One should always look at the fruit of the pastor and elders.
Some call such a belief in God as I and readers present, primitive Christianity, or such congregations  Bible Christians like the apostles and early Christians. I define myself as a follower of Jesus Christ. I try to do what our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ commanded.

What is important to me is: The Bible, Jesus Christ, prayer, and actions. Reading the Bible alone accomplishes nothing, just as believing in Jesus alone accomplishes nothing. Jesus Christ said:

"Not everyone who says to Me: Lord, Lord!" will enter the kingdom of heaven.


As for actions, the parable of the sower presents it to us well.

I am waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ, because only he can save people of "good will". I don't know if it will be in our time, but it is enough for me to believe that one day there will be this better world without usury, Satan, exploitation, jealousy, vindictiveness, quarrels and wars and diseases.




Websites sometimes write the truth, but for their own purposes.


in preparation



Blog rules:

Comments of an offensive, personal, mocking nature will not be published and the author will be blocked. I don't have time for arguments. This is what forums are for.

If you find this blog uninteresting or negate the author, then please be honest with yourself and don't read what you don't like!!! 🙂 .
The blog is popular because of the truth. If you think I am writing an untruth, please write me an email showing me that untruth based on God's Word.
I try to write in simple language because Jesus Christ spoke to people in simple language. All complexities and intellectual gibberish "smell" of Satan.

By not providing your real email in your comment I will not be able to address the reason for not publishing your comment.





If you have any doubts about faith, please write to email:


admin @ detectiveprawdy .pl

No space

I will try to respond as diligently as possible.





Add a Comment
  1. Is your website?

      1. I found info that this person is Henry Kubik. Here is one interesting link What do you think of this person?

        1. hmm using the classification of interpersonal relationships, HK is sort of my friend.
          I could also say, "Judge not, lest ye be judged."
          To put it another way, I would say that there are no spiritual masters in this world. The only master is Jesus Christ.
          From another perspective looking at it, everyone has their weaknesses. Even HK.

          HK website I keep saying this has contributed a lot in opening people's eyes and helped them to be born again. As for the other issues, it is debatable and I think everyone should choose what is good for themselves.

          To make a long story short: I don't agree with everything on

          1. Right, but you can judge someone's behaviour and disagree with it. For me this gentleman is questionable, he undermines n.a. ap Paul, he hates KK. On his website you cannot be a self thinking person, have your own opinion. He uses 7 pseudonyms: Mr Bean, thewordwatcher, fakowski, Gosia, foxmail, Orion, fword. Manipulates, creates an idol cult. Isn't he a friend of yours? "I wrote about how I differ from H.K wanting to break away from the image as his friend supporting his theories. Too many people have provoked me probably unwillingly on the blog in comments by writing often about H.K."

  2. The straight street is fine, very good apologetics, and the forum I don't know, I just read it.

  3. Surely this site is not to the taste of many people and their "handlers".

  4. I have a similar story of my conversion and also don't belong to any churches, but I don't blame anyone if others belong. I just don't trust human organizations anymore. But I do trust the word of God. I also will not celebrate pagan holidays. And almost all of them are. I desire to turn away from sin. I also want the Holy Spirit to guide me through life. I pray for perseverance in my resolutions. That nothing can deceive us anymore.

    1. Agatko, I have the same feeling and I am glad to read your words-I warmly greet you-Lidia

    2. Like AGATA, I do not trust religious organizations, but I like that she wrote that she trusts GOD'S WORD AS THE MOST IMPORTANT.

  5. Grace to you and peace from God the Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
    I have a similar conversion story to the blog author and Agatha.
    I do not belong to any churches. Pretty much the original Christianity was Jews who believed in Our Lord Jesus, the Son of God, ( Yehoshuaah HaMashiach). I recommend
    Sermons available online, brothers : Paul Washer, Dave Hunt, Zac Poonen, Walter Veith ( 36 lectures from Revelation) and others.
    May God bless you

  6. Agathe ...especially for you, I also recommend to all...

    Agatha... much will be illuminated to you by the "True Gospel Message" Why this Gospel will break your heart into 1000 pieces and you will love the Lord deeply and He will complete the work He has begun in you.

    1. Ayla63 : Thank you,for adding the link to this video,I also used it,it moved me a lot.

  7. I guess running this blog is exhausting. You have to deal with all sorts of types. May God give you strength and bless you. May Jesus lead you into the light

  8. Peter how do you stand this barrage of events and comments both favorable and not?

    1. cool, normal.
      The same thing happened with ISON. An increase in readers, but when it turned out that nothing was happening people went back to life, as it is with misses stupid. If nothing happens tomorrow, the mass of people will return to the world forgetting completely about the disasters of the last months and the flood of refugees.

      As I mentioned in this text:

      I clearly wrote there not to set your mind on a kidnapping.

      and about 23.09 I wrote that it will most likely be related to the Pope's visit to the USA. That fact alone is unprecedented and historic.

  9. I thought I saw a chat room on the blog earlier? Has it been removed ?

  10. Peter, do any visitors from overseas read this church blog?

    1. Peter, you have nerves of steel. It takes nerve to talk to provocateurs. God be with you.

      1. Someone here seems to be jealous of the popularity....

        1. The Sword of the Spirit is a jealous man and a duplicitous one at that.
          He is one of those who constantly visits the blog and negates the author and waits for the so called hacks.
          In this post, he constructed a set of seemingly just such hooks.
          He is a hateful man who spouts biblical quotations like the Pharisees.
          I wouldn't have written this if it weren't for the fact that it constantly clings to me.
          Maybe I'll dedicate a specific post to his site about how it's possible to stray into your own glory.
          And he cares about his own glory incredibly. Underneath every YT video he spams to his blog. Type: "search on google -theme".
          I wonder why Szczytński is not mentioned in the Observer.
          You gave yourself the answer detmold.

          Well he can write where he wants.

          As for ulaprosta. Surely there are many dedicated people there. However, the statements in this thread indicate great pride. Not necessarily towards me: "So far We cannot treat the sword as a brotherbecause he preaches what he preaches about the Holy Spirit - forgive Sword's honesty." Well, yes there are equal and equal. I don't know if I should read the Word of God because I don't think I should in front of such an elite.

          Failure. Just enter this elite 33 degree forum.
          The attitude of this elite and their coldness toward the work of the Spirit not only fills me with resentment, but I am beginning to grow suspicious because it reminds me of the Lutheran caste on Facebook.

          However, since it is a problem for my readers to paste links to ulicaprosta, I will ban all material to this site and forum from now on

          What a man this sword-wielder is. He selects for himself ridiculous statements of readers and me, but he does not see my work, which incidentally he uses, he does not see the testimonies of people, prayers for the needy.
          The worst words come at him and I can barely contain myself.
          What's more, he knows my private situation and so he kicks my sword. The sword of the devil, not the sword of the spirit.

          1. The plus side of your blog is fairly free discussion sanctioned by the Bible. With God.

            1. And then there is the fact that it is so multi-faceted, not just strictly apolegetic. It makes it easier for a beginning disciple/disciple of Christ to reject the nonsense ( lies ) of this world and grow evangelical.

              1. This streprosta is quite an "elite". It's a good thing I've never been among such conceited people, because I'd still soak it up. And someone new to the scene would get discouraged. I strongly support the absolute banning of all links to ulicaprosta.

          2. Thank you Peter on behalf of myself and my sister brother for making it free to read and comment on your blog articles. God bless. Ps. I wish you more gospel power.

          3. These are the likes of Sword ...and other YTub pseudo-believers...the methods of operation fit them perfectly

  11. I went to the Streetsprost forum a few times and read what people were writing there until I came across this post by the sword of the spirit I was a little concerned about his statement especially since the people commenting here are Trinitarians. What did he mean by that? I don't know, but he kind of discouraged me from reading this blog until I had to stop and think.

  12. That's what happens when you put soap and sugar on a blog and interpret the Bible in any way you like.
    The sword of the spirit was concerned about the situation of the brothers and sisters commenting -and you're firing a furball.?
    Seriously though, we can only pray for this whole sword thing and thank God that we are going in the right direction.
    As they say with me Relax Take It easy.
    Stay warm little brother and God bless you

  13. The old comment system is back. I hope this is a good and well thought out decision, so that later small screeners do not moan.

    1. I for one am glad that the old system is back 🙂 .

      1. I liked the new look, but when this one came back you'll have to get used to it.

  14. Admin, you made me the gift of the year.
    Thank you for going back to the old formula.?

  15. Apologetics and showing the structure of the basis of the evil of this fallen world (global Babylon) and common prayers will suffice.

  16. Peter, why is there so much courage in you to preach such uncomfortable things to this fallen world?

    1. I sometimes asked myself this question. Piotr, you impress with your courage and determination in tracking down falsehoods and pointing out the truth. How many times have Kosik and I wondered how much fire you are under... It is a very thankless role. But how beautiful. I don't want to answer for you, of course, but I feel the answer to Detmold's question is the Holy Spirit...

      1. I agree with the previous speakers! Where did you get so much courage to show the abominations of the world. One can tell that you are such a devoted man to God 🙂 .

          1. When God chooses a man for a particular task He also gives him the appropriate "equipment." 🙂

          2. Exactly Magdalena 🙂 I think that without the admin this community would not be what it is 🙂

            1. Well rather then there would not be this community at all

          3. All in all, yes without the Holy Spirit 🙂 I'm learning 🙂

  17. From a tracker of irrelevant conspiracies to an authentic God's truth-teller. Godspeed Peter.

  18. Peter, aren't you offended at me?

    1. did you do something? 😀

  19. Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus, this Blog is very interesting. I will surely come here more often. I am an Evangelical of Augsburg Confession but after conversion from the Catholic Church. It took place in 1998. There have been many ups and downs in my spiritual growth even though I truly met Jesus at TE in Dziegielow in 2009. I have read the whole Bible and still while reading I discover God's plan and His work as well as what Satan does to deceive even the chosen ones. It is good to know the weapons of the enemy! Considering the activities of the Catholic Church and those who have been killed or martyred for preaching the Bible, e.g. John Wycliffe, William Tyndale and later John Hus and Martin Luther, I see that Satan's activities today are even stronger, so that he causes many Christians to seek their own truth about God and to leave the church. I experience this myself, but I do not turn away from my church, for God is the judge, He knows and sees our hearts. It is not for me to accuse pastors or priests because I am a sinner myself. Without a Christian community it will be difficult for us to live a Christian life. But God has a way of knowing for each of us. But let me get to the point. Recently I was wondering where the world is today? And I found the answer in the Revelation of St. John in chapters 12 and 13. Such an event as the casting down of Satan on the earth could not go unnoticed.... In 1908 the Tunguska catastrophe took place, the tremor of which was felt in all seismographs on earth. To this day no traces of the meteor have been found, and the testimony of few witnesses confirm as if two lights fought each other in the air and one fell to the ground and the other flew into space. It was accompanied by an unimaginable bang and millions of trees of Siberian taiga fell down in one moment. It was the descent of Satan on earth! I have no doubts because since that year the whole world began to accelerate rapidly, revolutions and wars like the world has never seen before broke out. And as soon as Satan was cast down he attacked the church and the faithful with Marxist theories, theories of evolution, but since he could not overcome he set out to fight the rest of the faithful to the Lord Jesus (World War I, the October Revolution in Russia 1917, the Komsomolets or indoctrination of children and young people by the Leninist authorities, Hiter and World War II, The Holocaust of the Jews (God's Chosen People), the execution of Christians by the NKVD (Katyn 1940), the rise of the communist and socialist countries) The vision of the 2 beasts is a false science and theories and media which through indoctrination on a global scale are destroying love in people and corrupting humanity by teaching false doctrines about the origin of the world and man and denying God and the Lord Jesus. Demons have taken control of music and sports and everything that can be manipulated to keep people from reading the Bible. The second beast is the false church which is in collusion with Satan and technology together with the world and politicians and Freemasonry so that people in their ignorance and fascination worship the devil. And then there are the raging elements... do not the demons have the power to uproot trees and cause great floods and earthquakes? Of course! It is the devil who rules the earth now, and we see all his wicked actions. There is the breaking up of families, betrayals in the name of money and power, quarrels and hatred in homes, the dividing of all, the mockery and ridicule of those who speak of the Lord Jesus and of love. These are the signs in the Lord Jesus that are happening at the same time and this is the answer that we are so close to the coming of Jesus and the final judgement that we should give up watching the news as much as possible and give up everything that can lead us away from God. But let's look at the Bible. In Matthew 5:43-48 it says: ....And I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you...... Trust in God! I am a witness of His love. The Lord Jesus delivered me from many dangers and death and led me through the stormy sea of life, addictions, madness, ups and downs, so that I would be strengthened in spirit and in faith. Jesus asked us this in John 15:17-18: "This I command you, that ye love one another. If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you. For love is the greatest gift, and without it you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I Cor. 13:1-13 Love is the key that opens the gate to the Kingdom of God. This love should be unclouded and flow like a crystal stream straight from our hearts. To God and to our neighbor. Amen

    1. interesting post.
      I will research the subject, but there are various hypotheses as to the casting down of Satan. Some say he was cast down just before Adam. Others say at the time of the end, during the Great Tribulation.
      The fact is the 20th century claimed millions of lives.
      It makes sense.


    3. Dear Evangelical. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther was not killed, but died a natural death just like Calvin. I suggest you educate yourself and not bring shame to the KEA in Poland.

  20. Job. 1:6
    6 And it came to pass some day, when the sons of God came to stand before the Lord, that Satan also came among them.
    Job. 1:7
    7 Then the Lord said to Satan: Whence goest thou? And Satan answered the Lord, and said: I have gone round about the earth, and have walked upon it.

    Among them, therefore, he did not accuse Job from the earth

    For 3:1
    1 Then the Lord showed me the high priest Joshua, who stood before the angel of the Lord, and at his right hand stood Satan accusing him.

    Satan stood...

    Rev. 2:13
    13 I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, that is, where Satan's seat is, and that thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, and in those days wherein Antipas my faithful witness is slain with you, where Satan dwelleth.
    Satan's capital where he had his headquarters in those days.... or is it still today?...the seat is the very name of the seat. Usually the capital is a place from which we have a good defensive point and it is the best starting point in all directions... and this is where Jesus used to be...

    Luke 10:18
    18 Then he said to them: I saw Satan as lightning falling from heaven.

    Then Satan had access to heaven

    Rev 12:7
    7 And there came a battle in the heavens: Michael and his angels were to fight against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels came forward to fight,

    Rev 12:8
    8. But he did not prevail, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven.

    And there was no more room for him

    One would have to delve with the Holy Spirit into the book of Daniel.
    I agree with Evangelik's thinking

  21. The content on this blog is strong, stimulating like a good, plain pour-over coffee. Unfortunately, the vast majority prefer satanic inventions...

  22. Outsiders, looking at us cursing each other from various heretics on various websites, think to themselves "who are these madmen? and laughing, they fall directly into the arms of the devil... Therefore, let us try to argue about spiritually important things in a REAL way, without megalomania or self-exaltation.

    1. Let us beware of differential Pharisaism. Difficult, but doable.

  23. Piotr, are you blogging for Poland or the world?

    1. ... For people 🙂 ...

      1. How nice that you unburdened Peter from the "program" of a billion in reason ☺

  24. The purpose of sites like this/Henryk Kubik/-II-, should be to lead to God, not to please anyone's being. Unfortunately, doctrinal/personal disputes ("my right is right") are often more important than Salvation itself...

  25. People don't like this site criticize it regardless.

  26. Peter, do you get a lot of "expressions of love and prosperity"?

  27. matiks348 (cookie monster)

    I'm considering the option of my own server and my own domain on my blog and the question is this because I know you have your own domain and on the server this blog. Is it a lot of work to keep the blog from spam before attacks to this updates own customization of the blog under yourself. I read a little about it and for me it is a better option than the one I have now because there are too many restrictions 🙂 .

    1. there is an anti-spam addon so there is no problem

  28. Peter, how many % comments do you reject because they make smoke/are below decency?

    1. I have to thank you Peter for the fact that your blog has an open character, although I feel sorry for your health spoiled by various wickedness 😉 . May Jesus Christ bless you. God bless.

  29. Peter, we have a lot of work to do in this country oppressed by the Babylonian Krk. Fighting this monopoly in truth requires a lot of sacrifices. It is often, unfortunately, a clash with our near and distant families... Brothers and sisters in Christ, hold on. God bless.

  30. Dear Peter. Are there any "strange" ( apart from technical ) disturbances in the functioning of this website? As if it was attacked by some evil spiritual entities? Ps. Thank you again for your forbearance towards my non-frasobic person 😉 . Godspeed.

  31. Our church of Christ's children has created a new quality on the fallow field of the Polish spiritual life, which has been emptied by the Catholic Church. May it continue, Piotr Zimbarder. Bless him, Jesus Christ. God bless.

  32. First, a metaphor.
    "After months of preparation and making a handy map of the region, I finally lived to see the long awaited day. The day of the beginning of the trip of my life. I set off on a long journey across the boundless plains and sand hills of the desert. I had only a few essentials with me, a compass and water containers attached to a couple of brave and persistent camels. I had a long journey ahead of me, from the starting town to the final town I had chosen. And in between, an ocean of sand, the endless horizon, the light of the sun, the glow of the moon and the beauty of the unmoving stars. We stood face to face with each other, just me and the infinite majesty of nature. At first the road seemed easy, the shade of the hat protected my body from overheating, the evening breeze wrapped around me giving me hope and optimism for the next day. Difficulties started to appear after some time, the scorching heat of the sun badly burned my skin, first blisters and discolorations appeared, the unchanging landscape made me look more and more often at the compass. Even the camels had lost their vigor. The cold of the night days became more and more difficult to endure and bear. The breaks and stops on the road became longer and longer because of my heat-burned feet. Water and food supplies were inexorably getting smaller and smaller. Would I be able to reach my destination despite the overwhelming fatigue, weariness and exhaustion. Would the brave camels not lie down permanently refusing to obey me. The situation was becoming more dramatic and dangerous with each passing day. Food had run out a few days earlier and there was only enough water to wipe faces and moisten lips cracked by extreme heat and fever. The camels were already staggering on their legs, walking more by the force of momentum than by their own muscles. I also lost my strength, I was dragging my feet more by willpower, because cramps and dehydration started. But I did not give up, wild ominous murmurs coming from the depths of the desert gave me the last strength and mobilized to fight. I will not give up, I thought, because I know that at the end of the road my effort and faith in victory will be rewarded. Unfortunately, lack of food, water and total fatigue were stronger, I wanted to sleep and I was about to give up, fall asleep and stay in this desert for eternity. Suddenly I heard birds singing with the last of my senses on the horizon. It is impossible, I thought. It must be just my tired senses deceiving me by showing me things that are not there. But no, after a while I saw those birds, I saw a fantastic little oasis with a lake of fresh water, hidden as if from the sun in the shade of a few palm trees. But I survived and won, I am a winner, I thought. I watered the animals as soon as possible, filled the bottles with water, washed away all the hardships of the journey and after a short nap checked the compass. I already knew that I would reach my destination, I already knew that I was the winner. I had won this battle, and I would remember it for the rest of my days.
    Each of us is such a lost traveler in a world plunged into evil. The only hope is in prayers to the savior Lord Jesus Christ, for strength, for faith, for perseverance, for help.
    I had to describe and illustrate all this to show that such an oasis with fresh water is for many of us - life travellers - blog:

    1. The commentary was a reflection that emerged in part from the fact-based film:

  33. By the way, I recommend to join shop or proven affiliate programs to make money.I admire the author for his civil courage.Especially in such difficult times we need the truth but also a prayer in which we give thanks for the health and food that we still have.In the EU began the war against Christians and the glorification of Islam, child marriage.I will return to your site.

    1. Thank you.
      I would definitely prefer to live from affiliate programs rather than donations, but:

      1. affiliate programs impose ads that would not fit the profile of this blog. Suppose Nestle advertises and I once wrote about Nestle's monopoly on water. I would lose credibility
      2) I tried with google ads, admittedly there was a bit less viewership, but kilkow would be as I calculated at about 100zł/month.
      3. don't know how long they will allow such blogs....
      I don't know how long I'll last because people are so ungrateful and they slander me from time to time.

      Anyway I'm thinking of a solution because the current one doesn't suit me.

      1. Karol Szulawiak

        "4. I don't know myself how long I'll last, because people are terribly ungrateful and also slander me from time to time."

        Think of those who are grateful 😉 Where can I find another site like this?

        1. I sign off on this with both hands and feet 😉
          There's no such thing, your blog needs to be around for as long as possible! 🙂
          What would we little ones do without him.

      2. As if my gratitude could translate into finances, you'd be living like an Arabian Sheikh 🙂 I'd like to see it.

        1. It's not that. It's just that there are some people who read hate

          1. Arthur S. (detmold)

            This site helps many of our confused neighbors (our own and strangers, e.g. that Christian from Germany who thanked you for your work) to find their way to God in the midst of the deluge of lies and untruths served by Babylon (the church, but not only). And not everyone wishes us well? Tough, their loss. May Jesus Christ bless you.

          2. As Bozena Dykiel used to say in the movie Emergency Exit: "Human meanness knows no bounds..."


          3. Karol Szulawiak

            Peter, the devil will attack from all sides. He wants you to delete your blog. Then he will achieve some small success. And maybe even greater, because how many people does this blog help? Remember the last convention...

            1. Well... I don't know, because this blog brings me more harm than joy.
              I write because I want to share my knowledge, but I am less and less motivated.

              I very much understand Jesus how he had to suffer when he did good and was hated, but I don't think I will ever know how much love he has for the people who crucified him, which is all of us.

              1. I assure you that there are those who struggle with the true forces of darkness every day and never lose hope.

  34. Ursula Gorczycka

    Jehovah's Witnesses pray only to Jehovah God, but Jesus is the mediator between us and God.

    1. Just today two young, very nice Jews visited me. It was already the third conversation with them about JESUS, who He is for us and whether we should pray to Him. The topic is very important but controversial for them, but I gave a concrete testimony and they said that they have to think about it and we will meet to continue it. They do not understand the role of the Mediator to the Father. It is worth talking to them if they are willing to learn. I showed them the superiority of the SON OF GOD over angels and all creatures and they agreed. I pointed out in John 1 that we are to have fellowship with the Father and the Son and that whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father. Stephen in the face of death prayed to JESUS, and Paul thanked JESUS FOR ENHANCING HIM, the Corinthians called on the name of JESUS EVERYWHERE. In Rev . 5 all creatures in heaven and on earth worshiped GOD the Father and the LAMB. Before at the salle I asked the Lord to touch them with His SPIRIT and they listened attentively. I would have them recognize JESUS as their savior and LORD. There were no unsavory disputes as sometimes happens. I have decided that this is the key issue regarding differences of opinion, and if I come to an agreement with them here, then it is worth further consideration together. MAY THE WORD SOWN INTO THEIR HEARTS BEAR FRUIT....

  35. This blog is a great job. The articles often draw attention to things that I had missed. I salute the author and wish you perseverance in your work!

  36. I don't know where to write this comment, so I'm writing it here. I hope I can. About these subscriptions: until the 16th of November I received notifications about new posts, since the next day, i.e. 17.11, I started receiving messages to my mail with only new comments. Because I don't always have access to the Internet I often used the option that messages about new posts would come directly to my email. This kept me up to date even if I didn't go online for a few days or more. Now it's a bit lost, I can miss a lot of important posts if I'm not online for a long time. I hope everything is clear so far because I've written a lot. My questions: Is it possible for me to have this option on my email (notification of new hangups)? Or did I do something wrong that it got deleted? Did you remove something yourself? If I can set it up myself then how do I do it (unfortunately but I don't know much IT and I'm very lost in this wordpress 🙁 )
    Warm greetings in the name of Jesus Christ

    1. Dinko, I've deleted my subscriptions

      1. I understand, thank you for your reply, I already know everything, but it's a pity because it made it easier for me to follow your blog, however it's your blog.

  37. Amen. If anyone nice understands, I am a non-partisan Christian. Or non-denominational.

  38. It's cool that there are people in the world who have spiritual needs, I hope each of them will enter the Kingdom of God.

    Good luck.

  39. I don't understand why one should pray to Jesus. Who did He Himself pray to when He was on earth? After all, he also said directly in the sermon on the mount to pray to our Father.

  40. Hello you dear brother, I read your blog often and I respect you very much for what you do. I have a great request to you to take a look at this site. I greet you warmly on behalf of our wonderful savior. Agata

    1. Hello 🙂 can you please summarize?

  41. witam, jaki jest Twoj email na ktory mozna napisac Ci informacje?

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