Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Vaccinations

Pastor i zwolennik Trumpa: „nie ma wiarygodnego argumentu religijnego” przeciwko dźganiom na c-19″”.

Od początku plandemi wcale nie musiałem szukać wypowiedzi pastorów (to raczej oni ode mnie mogli się uczyć)  dotyczących

biblijności lub nie szczepień.

Mało tego, w miarę upływu czasu byłem zszokowany kolejnymi doniesieniami o podtrzymywaniu przez pasterzy retoryki systemu bestii, co …

You can't fill up in Slovenia without a vaccination certificate. The Slovenians don't even flinch.

The beast system works as much as society allows it to. They study not only the behavior of the given nations they have taken over, but also their mentality. Apparently, the Slovenians believe that the provisions of "their" government...


“W Słowenii zaostrzono ograniczenia epidemiologiczne. Kierowcy muszą być zaszczepieni …

The State of Rome imposes the most stringent restrictions in the world.

A country with two mafias (Sicilian and Vatican) imposes the most stringent plandemic restrictions in the world.



A country with a Catholic capital is becoming a hell to live in. It can only compete with Australia and Canada.


Currently, a sanitary pass is required to have


Pfizer is reaching out to infants and children under 5. It wants a juggernaut for them as early as November.

The entire biblical book of Proverbs is a call for wisdom. Unfortunately, the world does not want that wisdom.....


Pfizer's Covid vaccine could be introduced to U.S. six-month-old infants later this winter, according to plans drawn up by the pharmaceutical giant. As part of the move, which ...

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