Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Vaccinations

David Bowie, the Omikron virus, and the game Omikron: The Nomad Soul.

Przesyłacie mi screeny opisu akcji gry “Omikron: The Nomad Soul”, a więc napiszę co nieco o tym.


First of all, the music, the soundtrack to this game was created by David Bowie himself. Of course of the rightful Masonic faith.


Po drugie okładka tej gry …

Niedzielski announces a game-changer. Omicron will close state borders.

The situation on the Polish border with Belarus appears to have been a prelude to a military action codenamed OMIKRON.


“Musi być podjęta decyzja dotycząca uszczelnienia granic; będziemy chcieli kwarantannować osoby z krajów w których potwierdzono przypadki zakażenia wariantem Omikron – przekazał


Suddenly-21 Kacper Gajda. He was 30 years old.


Current doctors are victims of Rockefellerian medicine.

It's a shame for so many people.


Kacper died on November 7 but had a funeral on the 27th. probably wrote about it only yesterday.






A syringe-shaped nativity scene was erected in Taiwan's capital city. Luciferianism is gaining strength.

An incredible profanity and blasphemy occurred in Taiwan's capital city of Taj Pej.



Above the syringe is a cross. Indeed it is an ordeal caused by Satan's men.


Zastępca Dyrektora Polskiego Biura w Tajpej  na Tajwanie  Bartosz Ryś przedstawia na tweecie szopkę …

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