To, że Zełenski stał się już bohaterem ponadnarodowym, nie mam żadnych wątpliwości, ale bezkrytyczne przyjęcie go jako wyzwoliciela Ukrainy kiedy dyryguje nim NATO, pokazuje nie tyle infantylność świata w tym mocną naiwność i brak poznania Boga przez Polaków, a dowodzi …
Category: Satan's system
System bestii biblijnej to system ludu oddanego szatanowi, który tworzy tutaj na ziemi subkulturę węża, szatana, Lucyfera, Remfana, Apolla itd.
Lavrov warns that World War III will be nuclear and devastating.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday that If a third world war were to break out, it would require the use of nuclear weapons and would be destructive, podała agencja informacyjna RIA. Ławrow powiedział, że Rosja, która w zeszłym tygodniu rozpoczęła specjalną operację …
Ukrainian bishops want to fix Russia by entrusting it to the so-called Mother of God.
I guess there is no greater curse than dedicating a country to the so-called Mother (not) of God.
We know well from history that the granting of the title of Queen of Poland was connected with the loss of Poland's power. Since then there have been ONLY disasters:
Jews are dancing with the flag of Ukraine. Why?
Now it is quite different to conquer nations.
An interesting reason to rejoice...
It was already clear in 2018 what was to come:
Na południu Ukrainy, niespełna 600 kilometrów od polskich granic, ma powstać nowe państwo żydowskie. Projekt «Niebiańska Jerozolima» …
Kaufland in service of the beast system. 666 reasons to avoid this market.
Probably soon every market will show its faith.
This time, my reader sent me photos that I put together.
Według mojej oceny kiedy będzie już znak bestii, ostatnia jego faza, zapewne tatuaż elektroniczny, wszyscy, którzy będą go mieć będą mieć przywileje…
The government of England has released a report confirming that full-blown stabbings now account for 9 out of every 10 deaths per celebrity.
Even quite a bit before the war, I wrote and said that the war was to, among other things, cover up murders with potions.
KhazarBook censors me, and so I had to change certain words.
The latest figures released by the UK's Health Security Agency confirm a dramatic increase in deaths among the triple stabbing population, ...
Infoholism warfare and the two faces of religionists.
Recently, during a voice conversation on Discord and in a chat room, some Brothers and Sisters admitted that they had given in to the mania of exploring information around the wars, which caused them to be distant from God and anxious.
You could feel the adrenaline, excitement and waves of emotions.
Jednak mając …
In Przemysl there are already citizen patrols guarding the Islamic refugees.
This is all consistent with A plan for 3 world wars.
Przemyśl, fans keep order on the street
— PrawyPopulista 🇵🇱🇺🇦 (@PrawaStronaa) March 1, 2022
Wypuścimy Nihilistów oraz ateistów oraz sprowokujemy niezwykły socjalny kataklizm, który w całym …
Paramedic: They come up pulling out beds, taking blankets
Why was it necessary to lie and build a wall on the border with Belarus with the money of the Poles....…
Putin "moves family members to Siberian 'underground city' in which to survive nuclear war"
According to a Russian professor Vladimir Putin hid his family members in an "underground city" in Siberia in recent days. Luksusowy, zaawansowany technologicznie bunkier znajduje się w górach Ałtaj i został zaprojektowany do ochrony na wypadek wojny nuklearnej, powiedział 61-letni politolog Valery …