The problem is that she said those words back in December 2021.
” Przy okazji premiery swojej nowej książki Weronika Marczuk mówi WP: – Ukraińcy prawdopodobnie będą również współtworzyć elitę tego kraju i współtworzyć to państwo, bo …
System bestii biblijnej to system ludu oddanego szatanowi, który tworzy tutaj na ziemi subkulturę węża, szatana, Lucyfera, Remfana, Apolla itd.
The problem is that she said those words back in December 2021.
” Przy okazji premiery swojej nowej książki Weronika Marczuk mówi WP: – Ukraińcy prawdopodobnie będą również współtworzyć elitę tego kraju i współtworzyć to państwo, bo …
Whatever they collude in rmf, tvp, Polsat, TVN, GW will be so....
According to a new report from The Sun , Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) - one of the world's most well-known architecture firms - has joint plans to create a utopian digital world .
An architecture firm plans to design a metaverse focusing on self-governance.
About a week ago I relayed to you that Ukrainian journalist calls for genocide of Russians by killing their children.
Today, there is a new facet to the Ukrainian mentality that is supposed to enrich our culture.
Namely shead of medical service of the Ukrainian army stated that the Ukrainian ...
Politics with politics. War is war, but there is also spiritual war.
The JeruslaemPost website discusses a brief history of post-Soviet Russia's relationship with the Orthodox Church:
“W ostatnich latach prezydent przyjął rosyjskie prawosławie jako kamień węgielny postsowieckiej tożsamości i relacji między Cerkwią. a przywództwo …
If someone is going to be hypocritical then we can safely say that they are "hypocritical like Facebook".
Actually like KhazarBook, only who cares...
It is in Lucifer's world that morality is relative.
Tak jest w kwestii Rosji. Ci niezbyt mądrzy hejterzy Rosji, wywieszający …
Probably a significant number of you have already learned the story of the so-called Heavenly Jerusalem of the descendants of the Khazars.
The usurper state of Israel has been under attack since its inception due to its notorious conflicts and displacement of Palestinians.
Below is the text I found on the internet:
The lie has been staggering.
On the night of Saturday and Sunday 19/20, the President of Ukraine announced the closure of 11 opposition parties in Ukraine.
It's as if there was no case, because total silence of western political and journalistic circles, NGOs defending "democratic values" prevailed ...
Only someone naive must have thought that Russia is the only NWO-free oasis. People send me videos of Yablonovsky, in which he ennobles Russia as if Putin were free from the papacy, from the NWO, from communism....
Siły rosyjskie przesiedliły mieszkańców Mariupola …
I thought the topic was so important that I would transcribe the video as per the title. Rumble over time may throw me off as well. Note that he has two triangles in his logo.
Kto ma władzę nad stacjami telewizyjnymi ten kreuje rzeczywistość, …